The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1348 Save Chang Lao!

Chapter 1348 Save Chang Lao!
Tojo Shino became a little impatient, and said coldly: "What do you mean, make it clear! I'm too lazy to guess with you!".Yukio Mito stopped talking nonsense, and said gloomyly: "Take Yukio Yamamoto down completely, so that we no longer have to be afraid that Yukio Yamamoto will come to retaliate against us!" Shino couldn't help being startled, stared at him dumbfounded, and asked nah: "You... what did you say? Bring down Yukio Yamamoto? Are you kidding me? Yukio Yamamoto was in the island country How deep is the foundation? To bring him down is nothing but a dream!" "Hehe, the deeper one is buried, the faster it rots! Tojo-kun, as the grandson of His Excellency Tojo Hideyoshi, you don't even think about this. Don't you have the courage and courage?" Yuhao Mito looked at Shino Tojo and said with a sinister smile.

Tojo Shino said indifferently: "This has nothing to do with courage or courage. In my opinion, this idea is bold, but at the same time it is also stupid. Doing things that you know is impossible, there are other things besides self-destruction. Does it make sense?"

Mito Yuhiro said sternly: "Tojo-kun, there is nothing really impossible in this world. Don't forget, I have worked with Yukio Yamamoto for more than ten years, and I am very familiar with him, even if It's him who is frowning, and I can guess why he is worried. As long as you trust me, I will definitely bring down Yukio Yamamoto and show you!"

Seeing Yuhao Mito's confident look, he couldn't help asking curiously: "What's your plan? Tell me!" Yuhao Mito laughed a few times, faintly Said: "Tojo-kun, it's better not to leak this secret at this time. Hehe..." Tojo Shino frowned dissatisfiedly, and said in a cold voice: "Damn, are you teasing me?" Mito Yuhao hurriedly said: "Tojo-kun, please don't get angry. It's not that I'm trying to trick you, but everything is in progress. The less people know, the more hope of success. Compared with defeating Yukio Yamamoto , I don’t think Tojo-kun will give in to this little curiosity, will you?”

Tojo Shino frowned, and said in a deep voice: "In that case, I won't ask any more. But there is something I want to make clear to you. Your plan succeeded, and Yukio Yamamoto fell, everyone is happy, and You will naturally rise to the top and enjoy all the glory and wealth. But then again, if you fail, hehe, don’t think that I will come forward to wipe your ass for you! You have to carry everything by yourself! You have to dare to reveal a word about us, Not only Yukio Yamamoto can't forgive you, I won't let you!"

Mito Yuhiro heard it in his ears, and couldn't help cursing a few words in his heart. This Tojo Shino is just like his grandfather Tojo Hidekichi, he is not a good thing! "Hehe, Tojo-kun, don't worry! I'm not a three-year-old child, and I understand some things without you talking!" Yuho Mito said to Shino Tojo with a flattering smile.Tojo Shino sneered, and said, "You're a smart kid!" He took out a check from his pocket, handed it to Mito Yuhiro, and said, "I heard that your cruise ship had to pay due to lack of fuel. Docked at the pier, promise, you can take this gas money!" With a smile all over his face, Mito Yuhiro took the valuable check from Tojo Shino, and directed at Mikiko In the secret room where he was, he blinked with a sinister smile and said, "Then can I..."

"No!" Before Mito Yuhiro could finish speaking, Tojo Shino interrupted his words loudly, his voice was very firm, and he didn't even realize it at all.Mito Yuhiro couldn't help but said bitterly: "Tojo-kun, I assure you, I will bring down Yukio Yamamoto, why are you so afraid of him?" Tojo Shino sneered, and said slowly: "Hasn't Yukio Yamamoto been brought down yet? When you really bring him down one day, you can enjoy this woman as you like, and I will never stop her!" Mito Yuhiro had no choice but to suppress the depression in his heart, let out a long sigh, bid farewell to Shino Tojo, and went to prepare for the downfall of Yukio Yamamoto.

In Huaxia Capital, in Grandpa Chang Xuefei's office, Chang Xuefei cried like a tearful person.Before leaving the capital to go to Antarctica, Grandpa was still sane, able to talk and laugh, and didn't even forget to warn Chang Xuefei of many things to pay attention to in Antarctica.However, after only a few days, when Chang Xuefei collapsed into the ward again, what she saw was an old face with a withered expression, obviously not long in the world.Chang Lao's eyes were tightly closed, with an oxygen mask on his mouth, even though Chang Xuefei shouted and broke his throat, Chang Lao never opened his eyes and looked at her.

While crying, Chang Xuefei grabbed a doctor and asked eagerly about her grandfather's condition, but the answers she got from the doctor were cold and pierced into her heart like a knife. , much colder than the terrible snowstorm in Antarctica. "You nonsense! Before I left, didn't you tell me that my grandpa could last at least a year, but I only left for a few days, and you told me that grandpa is no longer good, you lied to me! You must be Lie to me!" Seeing Chang Xuefei who was extremely emotional, the doctors were helpless.

One of the doctors in charge said full of distress: "Miss Chang, please calm down! Mr. Chang is a national treasure of our country and has made a great contribution to the country. We also want to do everything we can to make the Mr. Chang looks at this world a few more times, but we are only doctors after all, not gods. We really cannot fight against the aging and death of human beings. Miss Chang, please be considerate of our intentions."

Chang Xuefei wiped away tears, and said reluctantly: "I understand you, who will understand me? I am only this grandpa. If grandpa dies, I will never have a grandpa again!" After speaking, the tears were uncontrollable again out of the eyes.Having just experienced the dangers of Antarctica, Li Xiaogang's refusal, and now being told that her grandfather who depends on her for life is about to leave her, this triple blow, one is stronger than the other, how can a weak girl like Chang Xuefei bear it?She was finally pushed to the brink of collapse at this time.Looking at Chang Xuefei, who was crying and heartbroken, the doctors couldn't think about it, so they could only stay silent. "Xue Fei, what's wrong with you? I heard your cries from far away!" At this moment, the leader's generous and gentle voice came in from outside the door.Everyone looked back, it was the leader who came, and behind him were Li Xiaogang, Long Linger and Song Shuang.Seeing Li Xiaogang, Chang Xuefei frowned slightly, and cast a very resentful look at him, then turned to meet the leader, Long Linger and Song Shuang.Chang Xuefei couldn't restrain the grief in her heart, she threw herself into the leader's arms, and said in tears, "Grandpa leader, what should I do? The doctor said my grandfather is going to die, I won't let him die!"

Chang Xuefei threw herself into the leader's arms and cried out in pain. The cry made the leader feel sad too. She patted Chang Xuefei's back lightly and murmured: "Silly girl, grandpa also wants to Help you. But Grandpa, the leader, is still useful in managing people, but King Yan Luo will not buy my old man's account. You are begging the wrong person this time." Chang Xuefei said relentlessly: "I No matter, Grandpa leader, no matter what kind of things you encounter, you will have a solution, and this time is no exception. I beg you, just think of a way to save my grandpa."

"Xue Fei, don't be like this. Even if you want the leader to find a way, you have to let him go first. You are crying like this, and the leader only cares about you, how can you think of a way? Be obedient, hurry up Let go." Long Ling'er empathized and pulled Chang Xuefei from the leader's arms into her own, and comforted her softly. "Sister Ling'er! I'm afraid, I'm so afraid that I'll lose my grandfather! I was raised by my grandfather since I was a child. If I don't have my grandfather, I will really teach Yonger how to live on." Long Linger hugged Chang Xue tightly Fei's waist said faintly: "My sister knows, my sister knows everything. Don't worry, since you don't want to watch grandpa die, you won't even think about it if the god of death comes in person!"

Long Ling'er's words were powerful, and immediately attracted Chang Xuefei's attention to her. Chang Xuefei looked up at Long Ling'er excitedly, and murmured: "Sister Linger, you... ...You have a solution?" Long Ling'er giggled a few times, pouted her lips in Li Xiaogang's direction, and said faintly: "I don't have it, but he has it! Hehe..." Chang Xuefei was in Long Linger's direction. Under the guidance of Li Xiaogang, he cast his eyes on Li Xiaogang, his heart was shocked, and he immediately understood what Chang Xuefei meant, rushed to Li Xiaogang, grabbed his hands without any scruples, shook his hands vigorously and said : "Li Xiaogang, please save my grandfather, as long as you can save my grandfather, I will do whatever you want!"

Li Xiaogang smiled lightly, without saying a word, turned around and came to Chang Lao's hospital bed, mentioned his withered wrist like old bark, and began to make a detailed diagnosis.After some diagnosis, Li Xiaogang found out that what the doctors said was right, Chang Lao had really reached the point where his fuel was exhausted.Several major organs of the body tend to fail, especially the heart, whose vitality becomes weaker every minute.If there is no rescue, I am afraid that he will not be able to see the solar energy tomorrow morning, and it is still unknown.When Li Xiaogang was diagnosing Chang Lao, the hospital was quiet, and everyone held their breath, for fear that their breathing would be a bit rough and delay Chang Lao's illness.

Lin Chaoran, the leader, Long Ling'er and the others knew about Li Xiaogang's details, so they pinned all their hopes on him. Therefore, they were overly nervous at this time.And the few doctors present are all elites of various departments, not to mention domestically, even internationally, they are outstanding and have made extraordinary achievements. Such people often have more confidence in themselves.Seeing Li Xiaogang's attempt to save an old man who was about to fall into the ground and no longer had vitality, these doctors felt a little disapproving.However, because Li Xiaogang was brought by the leader himself, although these doctors didn't think so, they were not sure that Li Xiaogang would not be able to save Chang Lao.After all, medicine is a very mysterious field, and unexpected miracles often happen, so these doctors are also very nervous at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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