Chapter 1349

After a long while, when Li Xiaogang slowly put down Chang Lao's hand, the leader breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "How is it? Is there any help?" Li Xiaogang nodded lightly and said, "It's not difficult! ""My grandfather really doesn't have to die!?" Chang Xuefei almost jumped up from the ground after hearing Li Xiaogang's words.Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said faintly: "At least it is not a problem for Mr. Chang to live another 20 years in a healthy and healthy way. After listening to Li Xiaogang's words, Chang Xuefei smiled happily, a little uncontrollable. Li Xiaogang kissed him fiercely, making Li Xiaogang look very embarrassed, while Long Linger and Song Shuang snickered from the sidelines.

"Boss, are you kidding me? Chang Lao is clearly exhausted, and I'm afraid he only has one day to live, but he said that Chang Lao can live another 20 years. This... this sounds like a myth!" Chang Lao The attending doctor, who couldn't believe his ears, murmured to the leader.The leader laughed a few times and said, "Myth? Yes, the guy standing in front of you is a master who is good at creating myths, hehe..."

As he said that, the leader looked at Li Xiaogang and said with a smile: "Xiaogang, I know your habit. Before casting the spell, you don't like to have other people present. Let's go out now. From now on, I will entrust Mr. Chang to you." Alas!" Li Xiaogang nodded, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will return you a healthy Chang Lao in a short time!"

The leader gave a grace, nodded, and said to Chang Xuefei: "Xuefei, I think we should wait outside." Chang Xuefei shook her head and said, "No, I want to stay with grandpa and watch with my own eyes. His recovery!"

The leader frowned, and said: "Xue Fei is obedient, if you hinder Xiao Gang and cause Chang Lao to be unable to recover, what should you do? Alright! Believe me, Xiao Gang will not break his promise! "

Chang Xuefei stared at Li Xiaogang Zhang Gonghuang with eyes wide open. She nodded with a confident smile and promised, "Don't worry! I will definitely bring your grandfather back from death!" With Li Xiaogang With this smile and these words, Chang Xuefei's heart was settled.Nodding heavily, he followed the leader and left the ward.Several doctors looked at each other in blank dismay, seeing a hint of doubt and disbelief in each other's eyes.After the leader called several times, they walked out of the ward together. "Xiao Gang, come on, I'm optimistic about you!" Long Ling'er held Li Xiaogang's cheek, kissed him vigorously, and walked out with a series of crisp laughter.Compared to Long Ling'er, Song Shuang was much more reserved, she just hugged Li Xiaogang, gave him a look full of trust, and then ran out.

Li Xiaogang and Chang Lao, who was still unconscious, were left in the ward.Looking at Chang's haggard face, Li Xiaogang couldn't help feeling an unconcealable admiration in his heart. At this time, the person lying on the hospital bed seemed to be an old man who was dying, but in Li Xiaogang's eyes, It is an extremely solid cornerstone of this country. It is not afraid of any wind and rain, and has experienced countless hardships. down.Time changes, Feng Shui is ruthless.Even the most solid cornerstone will fall one day.

Looking at Chang Lao, Li Xiaogang seemed to be gazing at a spirit.This is a spirit that people cannot help but be moved by.The only content that builds this spirit is dedication, selfless dedication, and dedication with great love.Li Xiaogang had seen this kind of spirit in Lin Chaoran and the leader, and now he saw it in Chang Lao. Li Xiaogang had a faint feeling that he should do something. Faintly, Li Xiaogang took out a fist-sized amethyst from the Qiankun ring.The light emitted by the amethyst is still so dazzling, exuding a brilliant splendor in the ward.Chang Lao, who was weak, seemed to feel the powerful energy from the amethyst, and trembled slightly with his tightly closed eyes.Seeing this, Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times.With a raised eyebrow, the palm holding the amethyst suddenly flashed several purple brilliance, wrapping the amethyst tightly, it is the divine power of Nuwa in Li Xiaogang's body.

Although the energy of amethyst is strong, it is much weaker in front of Li Xiaogang's Nuwa divine power.After a period of confrontation, the amethyst slowly turned into a pile of purple powder under the influence of Li Xiaogang's Nuwa divine power.

Li Xiaogang raised his hand violently, and the amethyst powder immediately penetrated into Chang Lao's body with streaks of purple flashes from the seven orifices on Chang Lao's face.After a moment of silence, Chang Lao's whole body suddenly shot out several streaks of purple light from the inside out.The purple light wrapped Chang Lao's body like a cocoon.Under the influence of Li Xiaogang's Nuwa's divine power, the powerful vitality contained in the amethyst powder is gradually transforming Chang Lao's decayed body, injecting more powerful vitality into it.

As the purple light weakened little by little, Li Xiaogang knew that Chang Lao was wantonly absorbing the vitality contained in the purple light.After about a while, Chang Lao's complexion began to change significantly, which was completely different from his previous paleness and oldness.The energy of the amethyst is too huge, Li Xiaogang dare not let Chang Lao continue to absorb it unscrupulously.After all, Chang Lao is an old man who is dying. There is a limit to the strength that the body can bear. If it exceeds this limit, it will be counterproductive and accelerate Chang Lao's death.Feeling that Chang Lao has almost absorbed it, Li Xiaogang's palm suddenly sucked hard at Chang Lao, and he forcibly pulled out the seven amethyst energies that Chang Lao had not completely absorbed.As soon as Li Xiaogang got the energy of the amethyst, Chang Lao on the hospital bed coughed violently, and then slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Chang Lao looked around in confusion, and murmured: "Where is this?" Li Xiaogang looked at Chang Lao with a smile, and said with a chuckle: "Chang Lao, are you awake?" Chang Lao turned his head to look at Li Xiaogang, recognized him at a glance, and asked in amazement: "Xiao Gang, why are you here?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "What about you, why are you here? You don’t remember anything?” Chang Lao stroked his forehead, shook his head and said, “It’s true, my mind seems to have just been washed, and there are some things that I really can’t remember for a while. "

Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "It's okay, if you can't remember it, just think about it slowly, there will always be a time when you remember it. But I can tell you something, this is a hospital, and you have been lying here for more than a month." "What's wrong with me? Why did I lie in the hospital for so long? This will delay my research!" Mr. Chang yelled anxiously after hearing Li Xiaogang's words.Li Xiaogang couldn't help shaking his head, secretly praising Chang Lao in his heart, as others said, life is endless and struggle is endless.Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "The body is the capital of the revolution. Only with a good body can we do research better." "But there is nothing wrong with my body. Now I feel that I am full of blood. Strength, just like a young man in his 30s and [-]s, there is no need to waste time in the hospital."

Perhaps the energy of the amethyst is too great. While injecting vitality into Chang Lao's organs, it also affected Chang Lao's brain, causing a short-term loss of part of his memory.But this is not a big problem, the lost memory will always be found again, it is just a matter of time.Pressing Chang Lao on the hospital bed, Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Don't be brave when you are old. After reading your medical record for the past month, you will know what's going on. But the leader, Xue Fei and the others are here We are anxiously waiting for your news outside the ward, if you want to do research, at least you have to meet them first, and let them rest assured."

"Why, Xue Fei came back from Antarctica? How is the situation in Antarctica? Has it been resolved satisfactorily?" Chang Lao asked anxiously.Li Xiaogang smiled and replied: "Don't worry, old man, the Antarctic crisis has passed, and now everything is back to normal, you can relax." "Oh, that's good!" Chang Lao really felt relieved With a sigh of relief, it is clear that during the period of his serious illness, the problem of Antarctica has always been something he couldn't let go of. "By the way, didn't you just say that the leader is still outside the door? Let him in quickly!" Chang Lao calmed down for a moment, then suddenly shouted excitedly.

Li Xiaogang shook his head and opened the door.As soon as Li Xiaogang opened the door, the people who were waiting outside the door for news immediately stretched their necks towards the ward instinctively. "Come in and take a look, Mr. Chang is waiting for you!"

Li Xiaogang said something to the crowd with a smile, and retreated to the side. "Grandpa!" Chang Xuefei let out an exclamation upon hearing this, and rushed in.Although Chang Xuefei, because of her trust in Li Xiaogang, had long expected that her grandpa would undergo changes that would stun her.But when she saw Chang Lao sitting on the hospital bed with a rosy face and a bright smile on his hale and hearty face, she still couldn't help being shocked on the spot and dared not move forward.

Chang Lao looked at Chang Xuefei, and said with a chuckle: "Why, you went to Antarctica, and you don't know grandpa?" Hearing Chang Lao's familiar voice, Chang Xuefei dared to be sure, and let out a surprise Shouting, he threw himself into Chang Lao's arms and refused to let go.Chang Lao couldn't help coughing a few times, and said with a smile: "Smelly girl, you are planning to tear apart my old bones, aren't you?" Hearing Chang Lao's complaint, Chang Xuefei reluctantly let go often old.Looking at him carefully, his eyes are full of cherishment and excitement, as if he is looking at a rare treasure that has been lost and recovered.

(End of this chapter)

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