The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1350 Chang Lao's Heirloom

Chapter 1350 Chang Lao's Heirloom

Chang Lao smiled kindly and asked, "Why are you looking at me like this, as if I've come back from the dead." Chang Xuefei hugged Chang Lao vigorously, and whispered, "Grandpa, do you know, It's great to have you by my side!" Chang Lao laughed when he heard this, and while patting Chang Xuefei's back, he said: "Silly girl, Grandpa will always be by your side." "Then, It's a deal! Don't scare us like this time!" Chang Xuefei puffed her cheeks, looked at Chang Lao, and said crisply.Chang Lao frowned, and murmured: "It seems that I am really sick this time, but it's strange, why don't I remember? Besides, look at me, how do I look sick? ?” Saying that, regardless of Chang Xuefei’s obstruction, she suddenly jumped from the hospital bed to the ground, almost making Chang Xuefei’s heart jump out of fright, and hurriedly held him down, and said anxiously: “Grandpa, you’re crazy !"

"It doesn't matter! Now Chang Lao's body is comparable to that of a young man in his 30s, so it doesn't matter if he just lies down and jumps." Li Xiaogang explained with a smile on the side.Hearing what Li Xiaogang said, Chang Xuefei breathed a sigh of relief. "Hahaha...Chang Lao, don't think about it if you can't remember it. As long as you can continue to live well, it will be the luck of our entire country!" The leader walked over with a smile and held Chang Lao tightly. hand, said aloud.

Chang Lao looked at the leader gratefully, and said in a low voice: "I am ashamed to bother the leader to worry about my broken body!" The leader shook his head and said, "Chang Lao, it is wrong for you to say that. Your contribution to the country, let me see what you count?"

"Boss, I suspect that this is probably a flashback..." A few doctors finally came in, and seeing Chang Lao as if he was fine, sitting there, chatting, showing his attitude, all of them were shocked mouth, thinking that he had seen a supernatural event, Chang Lao's attending doctor couldn't help it, and said amazingly.Before he finished speaking, the leader shouted angrily: "Shut up! What are you talking about!?" "But leader, this... this is clearly impossible..."

The leader squinted at him and said, "What's impossible? Isn't Mr. Chang sitting in front of you now? It's because your medical skills are not good, and you are still here to confuse the public. It's abominable! There is no It's your own business, you can go to your own business!" The leader waved to several doctors impatiently.What happened to Chang Lao, in the eyes of these doctors, is absolutely a miracle among miracles. As doctors, they are eager to understand what happened to Chang Lao, but when faced with the leader who looked unkind, , several doctors could only sigh, and retreated out.

"Grandpa, it's all because of Li Xiaogang that you recovered this time and became so healthy. You have to thank him well!" Chang Xuefei pointed to Li Xiaogang and said to Chang Lao.Chang Lao brought up Chang Xuefei since he was a child, doesn't he understand what she thinks?Hearing Chang Xuefei's words, he immediately understood, put on a look of embarrassment, and said slowly: "Yes, the ancients said, if you receive a drop of water, you should repay it with a spring! Let alone a life-saving favor Yes. But I have studied academics all my life, so it can be said that I have nothing, so what should I give to thank you?"

Li Xiaogang hurriedly said: "Old Chang, you are too polite. It should be my honor to help you. How dare you talk about remuneration indiscriminately. You should stop embarrassing me." Chang Lao said with a smile : "How can this be called poor? You saved my life, and I thank you. That is only right and proper. Although I am old, I have always told myself that this kind of person will never be a fool. Therefore, you, I must thank you! How about this, I will give you the most cherished thing in my life!" Li Xiaogang became even more anxious when he heard this, and said: "Old Chang, the thing you have cherished all your life must be I can't afford to keep a treasure that is rare in the world, so don't make it difficult for me."

Chang Lao laughed and said: "Your words are not bad, this treasure of mine is indeed unparalleled in the world..."

Chang Lao was about to tell what this treasure is, but Li Xiaogang jumped up as if his tail had been stepped on, and said anxiously: "Oops! I actually forgot about that!" After speaking, he stopped Long Ling'er and Song Shuang shouted, "Follow me! Hurry up!" Then they smiled apologetically at the leader and Chang Lao, and said faintly: "Boss, Chang Lao, I'm sorry, I suddenly remembered something very important If there is nothing to do, I will leave now!" Before the leader and Chang Lao recovered from the sudden situation, Li Xiaogang had already pulled Long Linger and Song Shuang and disappeared without a trace. .

"Damn it!" Seeing Li Xiaogang slipping faster than a rabbit, Chang Xuefei couldn't help stomping her feet behind him, and shouted coquettishly.Chang Lao shook his head helplessly, smiled wryly, and said slowly, "Baby granddaughter, it seems that you still have a long way to go." Chang Xuefei muttered, clenching her teeth He said: "Even if it is longer than the Long March, I will go!" Hearing Chang Xuefei's words, the leader nodded and smiled approvingly: "Okay! If you have this spirit, Li Xiaogang Even if he is a piece of fine steel, in the end, sooner or later, you will turn him into soft fingers haha..."

Li Xiaogang pulled Song Shuang and Long Ling'er, ran a long distance in one breath, and then stopped.Song Shuang didn't understand what was going on, and panting heavily, he asked, "Xiao Gang, what's going on? Chang always wanted to give you a family heirloom, but it wasn't Letting you die, you don't have to accept it at worst, why are you running so fast?" Li Xiaogang couldn't help laughing bitterly when he heard Song Shuang's words, but Long Ling'er was on the side, covered his mouth and laughed softly, and said faintly: "My silly sister! Don't you look at what Chang Lao's family heirloom is, don't look at our husband who is sometimes bold, but sometimes he is very timid! Hehe..."

Li Xiaogang curled his lips and said, "It's not because of you that I'm timid. If I hadn't been concerned about you, I would have..." "How about it, tell me!" Long Ling'er stared at her big watery eyes Looking at Li Xiaogang flickeringly, he began to question with a smile, Li Xiaogang was bitter for a while, turned his head to one side, and ignored Long Linger. "Sister Ling'er, what's going on, I've been confused by you!" Song Shuang was confused as if she had fallen into a fog, and finally couldn't help asking loudly .

Long Ling'er giggled and said, "My silly Shuang'er, haven't you always wanted to know who Chang Xuefei is? Now let me tell you, Chang Xuefei is the family treasure that Chang said, now you understand Bar?"

Long Ling'er's words made Song Shuang's mouth wide open in shock, and murmured: "Then you mean, Chang Lao actually wants to marry Chang Xuefei, his granddaughter, to Xiao Gang?" Long Ling'er giggled She nodded with a smile and said, "Well, now you understand why Li Xiaogang jumped faster than a rabbit, right? Shuang'er, you don't know. Not long ago, Chang Xuefei went to our house to chase us Xiaogang. Yes, and lived with us under the same roof for a long time.

However, Shuang'er, Gao Yuanyuan, Hu Rong, and I all think that this girl is pretty good, and we can consider absorbing her into the organization, but we haven't had time to ask for your opinion. "

"What are you asking for? I don't agree! Ling'er, don't mention this matter again!" Before Song Shuang could speak, Li Xiaogang couldn't help expressing his attitude first. That expression was full of seriousness, which made Long Linger's I couldn't help but thumped in my heart, stuck out my tongue, and muttered with dissatisfaction: "If you don't agree, you don't agree. Why are you so fierce? If people do this, you are not the one who takes advantage in the end?" Li Xiaogang frowned and said : "Ling'er, this is not a matter of taking advantage or not. It is related to the happiness of many people. It is not careless, do you understand?" Long Ling'er nodded and said: "Okay, I understand, in the future I will Is it okay not to mention it again?"

"But Miss Linger, if we do this, will Chang Xuefei be very sad?" Although the kind Song Shuang is not familiar with Chang Xuefei, she still can't help but worry about her at this moment.Long Ling'er curled her lips angrily, and said: "Even if she is sad, the one who hurt her is him, not us!" While speaking, Long Ling'er gave Li Xiaogang an angry look, making Li Xiaogang dumbfounded shook his head. "Shuang'er, you don't need to worry about this matter. Chang Xuefei is a smart and beautiful girl. I believe that in a short time, there will be a real Prince Charming to give him happiness!"

Long Ling'er snorted softly, and said slowly: "It's easy to say, but I'm afraid that Luo Hua has intentions, and the flowing water is ruthless!" Li Xiaogang frowned unhappily, stared at Long Ling'er, and said angrily: "You What's the matter with this woman? Don't you want to marry your husband?" After hearing Li Xiaogang's complaint, Long Ling'er and Song Shuang couldn't help but burst out laughing, especially It was Long Ling'er, who was trembling with laughter, gave him a charming look and said: "Yes! You are so powerful, if I don't find some more helpers, how can I suffer from you?"

Hearing Long Ling'er's whisper, and looking at her shy face with pink cheeks and red cheeks, Li Xiaogang's heart suddenly rose with uncontrollable desire, and he looked around in a blink of an eye, only to see a pretend show not far from them. It's not a bad hotel, without further ado, he rushed in with the two girls.

By the time the two women reacted to where they were, Li Xiaogang had already stripped them of their last clothes.After a long shot and a short shot, the three of them stopped in satisfaction after the smoke filled the air.Long Ling'er, who had just come back from her climax, was still a little confused, stroking Li Xiaogang's healthy and smooth skin like marble, Long Ling'er said with a somewhat intoxicated expression: "My dear, I love you so much, if Without you, I really don’t know if I can continue to live in this world.” Li Xiaogang frowned slightly, and said thoughtfully: “Yes, why not me. If not Without you, I think my life will never be over, I will not let you leave me, even in the face of aging and death, I will never let go easily!"

(End of this chapter)

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