The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1351 Dispute Renewed

Chapter 1351 Dispute Renewed
Long Ling'er didn't know what Li Xiaogang was thinking at this time was how to make them have the same life span as him, and the same life span as heaven and earth. She just thought that he was expressing his deep affection for the two, and she was really happy in her heart. The one on the right hugged Li Xiaogang even tighter.The three were immersed in this graceful and evocative joy, and all they felt was the taste of happiness.After a long while, Xiao Li asked quietly just now: "Shuang'er, will you go back to Province S with us this time?" Song Shuang pouted, and said slowly: "Of course I would. But in the network security department , and I have unfinished work, and the country still needs the 'Death Rose'. Besides, now that even Sister Gao Yuanyuan has become a well-known female diplomat in Country M, I can't let myself be idle. Sigh So, I still want to stay here. Xiao Gang, will you understand me?"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Of course I will! I'm just worried that you will be lonely here alone, and you will be too tired from work..." Song Shuang shook his head and said: "No way! As long as I think of you, I will I won't feel lonely. The work here is a bit tiring, but I feel very fulfilled!" Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "That's good! As long as you like it!" After speaking, he looked at Long Ling'er and asked: " Linger, what about you? What are your plans after going back this time?"

Long Ling'er gave him a blank stare, and said: "If you want to talk about being tired, I should really be called tired! Li Li and Li Haoran have already set off for Europe to set up a branch office. After returning, the company's affairs have to be settled On my own. The acquisition of the Otama Group still has many details to be perfected in the later stage. In addition, more importantly, we have also acquired many orders while acquiring the Otama Group. After returning, I want to Immediately organize Zhizun Hongyan to start mass production. At that time, we will have two brands of Longquan Fine Wine and Zhizun Hongyan. I am afraid that my busy days are still to come!" Hearing Long Linger's words, Li Xiaogang was full of pity Hugged her tightly, and said lovingly: "Honey, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I have too many things to do, and I can't help you with anything!"

Long Ling'er glared at him tenderly, curled her lips and said: "You know this, I am enough! However, you don't need to feel guilty, we can achieve what we are today, thanks to having you behind us As long as we think of having you as a big backer behind us, we will be open-minded and dare to do it! So, although you did not personally participate in the work, you have always played an immeasurable role!" Li Xiaogang smiled happily: " So I'm not a waste, haha..."

Long Ling'er rolled his eyes at him, and said quietly: "Come on! If you are considered trash, wouldn't the world be full of trash that day? By the way, we were all mentioned just now, now tell me what are your plans?" Li Xiaogang pondered for a while, and said slowly: "My current main energy is still on my plan for the big aviation era. Besides, isn't Rong'er going to switch to car production? It must be very difficult at the beginning. You need to help him more. Therefore, Longquan Group is still involved with other groups, I may not be able to help Laocha for the time being, and you have to solve the problem by yourself." Long Ling'er said with a smile: "You don't need Cao Xin Yes. After so many ups and downs, several big Longzihao groups, including Longquan Group, have matured. It will only get better and better in the future." Li Xiaogang smiled and nodded: "The best ! However, when you need me, you are welcome. After all, we are a family! Hahaha..."

Speaking of the family, Long Ling'er's small mouth pouted again, and said full of resentment: "You always talk about the family, when do you plan to marry us?" Li Xiaogang is not He didn't think about it, but there were many obstacles that gave him a headache.The first is the issue of the legal system.Nowadays, most countries of all mankind advocate monogamy, and Huaxia is no exception.Monogamy represents moral progress. If Li Xiaogang married Long Linger and the others at the same time, it would undoubtedly violate the law, and it would also be a moral regression.Li Xiaogang may not care about the law, but he can't think about the moral responsibility he has to bear in doing so, and what impact it will have on society.

When Li Xiaogang obtained the divine power of Nüwa, he automatically took on the important task of maintaining this society and the progress of this world. This is obviously against the trend of history. How can he take the lead in doing it?In addition, and more importantly, Li Xiaogang has not solved the problem of Long Ling'er and the others' longevity.With Li Xiaogang's Nuwa divine power and the power of Amethyst, Long Ling'er and the others may be able to live a few years, or even decades, longer than ordinary people.But the problem is, even if they live the longest among all human beings, compared to Li Xiaogang's life that is as permanent as the universe, it is really a moment in a day, which is meaningless at all.At that time, Long Ling'er and the others closed their eyes and went to the Paradise, but what should Li Xiaogang do?Guarding their graves alone, immersed in endless pain?Just thinking about it makes Li Xiaogang tremble involuntarily.

But what Long Ling'er said is also quite right, they are not young anymore, especially a few girls, they will become old girls soon.For their sake, Li Xiaogang must put marriage on the agenda.Li Xiaogang sighed a long time, looked at the two girls full of guilt, and said quietly: "I'm sorry, I have ignored your feelings for so long. Why don't I want to give you a title, but this is It's harder than anyone imagined. There are too many problems between us to solve, and these problems can't be solved in one cluster. Ling'er, Shuang'er, I need time, can you understand? "

Of course, Long Ling'er and Song Shuang can understand that, in the eyes of the two women, although being anonymous is not a trivial matter, it is not a big event either.As long as Li Xiaogang can always be by their side and love them, this is better than any status.Long Ling'er was just saying it casually when he got to this point.Unexpectedly, it made Li Xiaogang feel so guilty, Long Ling'er hurriedly said, "Honey, don't you think I'm blaming you? We did this all out of our own will, and it has nothing to do with you. I'm sorry, it was all my fault just now, I shouldn't talk nonsense..."

Li Xiaogang hugged her in his arms, and together with Song Shuang, said in a grateful voice: "I, Li Xiaogang, how can I get your sincerity! Enough is enough, I am really satisfied!" After this conversation, Li Xiaogang's heart became much brighter, but at the same time, he also made up his mind to find out the secret of making Long Ling'er and the others as immortal as himself in the shortest possible time.Even if he broke the balance of the universe because of his selfishness for a while, Li Xiaogang couldn't take care of that much anymore.

After another lingering lingering death, the three left the hotel, Song Shuang was sent back to the Ministry of National Security by Li Xiaogang, and Long Linger was sent by Li Xiaogang to the flight to S Province.Leaving Li Xiaogang alone, he said goodbye to Gao Liguo, Lin Chaoran and the leader first, and then flew towards the depths of the Taklamakan.He wants to send the information about the hand of "Blood Steel" to Shen Qihong as soon as possible, so as to copy the application of "Blood Steel" and the manufacture of star warships as soon as possible, and help Hu Rong develop the latest car.

Li Xiaogang himself said goodbye to Gao Liguo and his wife, Lin Chaoran and the leader, and then flew towards the depths of the Taklamakan.He wants to send the information about the hand of "Blood Steel" to Shen Qihong as soon as possible, so as to copy the application of "Blood Steel" and the manufacture of star warships as soon as possible, and help Hu Rong develop the latest car.

And not long after Li Xiaogang went to Taklamakan, Chang Xuefei was involved in a lot of trouble.The base camp received a solemn protest letter signed by Yukio Yamamoto from the island country.In this document, Yukio Yamamoto strongly demanded that China hand over Chang Xuefei in a very strong tone.Since the tsunami in the island country, the diplomatic relations between China and the island country have entered a very peaceful and friendly stage.It is the first time that such a typo is severe, no less than an ultimatum-like document.Therefore, the leaders attached great importance to this letter of protest.Considering the issue of equal status, the leader asked Lin Chaoran to call Yukio Yamamoto and wanted to ask about it in detail.

And when Lin Chaoran called Yukio Yamamoto, the person talking to him was Mito Yukio.Yukio Mito had expected this a long time ago, so he made careful arrangements in advance, so that he naturally received the call that should have been answered by Yukio Yamamoto.On the phone, Mito Yuhiro re-described the whole incident as Yukio Yamamoto's assistant. In his words, his attitude was very firm, exactly the same as the protest letter.Not only in island countries, but even in the international arena, everyone is aware of the relationship between Yukio Mito and Yukio Yamamoto.Yukio Mito's attitude can fully represent Yukio Yamamoto's attitude.Mito Yuhao took advantage of this to promote the development of the entire conspiracy, and at the same time gained the trust of the Chinese government.At this moment, the leader and Lin Chaoran realized the seriousness of the matter.

Of course, the leaders felt serious all the time, not because they were afraid of what the island country would really do to China.I think back then, when the island nation invaded China, we used millet and rifles to beat them to the point of crying, let alone now.But the problem is that in today's entire world, the pursuit of peace and development is the biggest keynote.As one of the largest economies in the world, the island country is also a neighboring country of China, and has a considerable influence on China's development.And Yukio Yamamoto, as the leader of the island country, his attitude directly affects the implementation direction of the island country's national policy, and even affects the relationship between China and Japan. If he really goes crazy, then the situation is really hard to say up.

In the base camp, in the chief's office, the quartz clock is ticking, turning its circle without worry.It was already past one o'clock in the morning, and the lights were still on in the office.Under the light, the smoke filled the air, and in the thick smoke, the faces of the leader and Lin Chaoran flickered.Lin Chaoran, who hadn't touched a cigarette for a long time, couldn't help pulling out one from the cigarette case beside him this time, and lit it for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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