The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1353 You Are Amazing

Chapter 1353 You Are Amazing
"Ha! I didn't expect that there would be such a young and handsome master in our dragon team. Hehe, Xuefei, you will definitely not feel bored along the way!" The leader sized up Lin Tian and Sun Xiang, and couldn't help but look Chang Xuefei said jokingly. "Report to the leader! Lin Tian (Sun Xiang), a member of the Dragon Team, is reporting to you!" Lin Tian and Sun Xiang saluted the leader at the same time, shouting loudly in an uplifting and forceful voice.Young people should have the spirit of a young man. Seeing these two people, the leader's eyes were full of approval.Smiling and nodding to the two, he said: "Yes, very good! I entrust Xuefei to you. This trip to Tokyo, you must not only ensure Xuefei's safety, but also prevent her from being wronged in the slightest. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood! Please rest assured, leader, and promise to complete the task!" Lin Tian and Sun Xiang responded loudly at the same time, and turned their attention to Chang Xuefei.Chang Xuefei was young and beautiful, so she naturally had an incomparable attraction to Lin Tian and Sun Xiang, two bachelors, and an unfathomable light flashed across their eyes almost at the same time. "Ms. Chang, hello, we are the bodyguards ordered to escort you to the island country Tokyo!"

Lin Tian had always been more sociable than Sun Xiang, so he greeted Chang Xuefei first.Chang Xuefei knew that this was the leader's good intentions, so she greeted Lin Tian and Sun Xiang politely and shook hands with them respectively.The leader looked at his watch and said, "Okay, it's getting late, you guys are on your way now! Xuefei, please remember what I said, don't let yourself be wronged!" Chang Xuefei told the leader heavily. He nodded, and then, surrounded by Lin Tian and Sun Xiang, he boarded the special plane.

Looking at the silver-white plane piercing the sky, Lin Chaoran frowned, and asked with some worry: "Boss, what do you think will be the result of Xue Fei's trip to the island country?" The leader shook his head , said solemnly: "I'm not a god who can pinch and count, how can I guess the result of Xuefei's trip? But one thing is for sure, it is best to eliminate all misunderstandings, if not, the island country Dare to make a move against me, Zhonghua, I will make him regret it for the rest of his life!"

At the same time that Chang Xuefei boarded the plane to the island country, Li Xiaogang also arrived at the aerospace research center located deep in the Taklimakan Desert.At this time, Taklamakan is naturally not considered a desert, but because it has been called for a long time, everyone is used to it, so it has not changed for a long time.As soon as Li Xiao landed on the ground, he saw from a distance that several people with the appearance of sky thorns were escorting a foreigner to the base.Li Xiaogang couldn't help being curious for a moment, and leaned forward.Although Li Xiaogang sees the beginning but never ends, he rarely appears here, but there is a latest photo of Li Xiaogang in the mind of every thorn here, and he is very familiar with him.As soon as they saw Li Xiaogang, they immediately stopped and saluted him.

Li Xiaogang nodded, and then looked at the foreigner.The foreigner looked very embarrassed at this time, his clothes were ragged, and many places were slippery. At first glance, he looked like a beggar. Obviously, he had been wandering around in the wild for many days. "Who is he?" Li Xiaogang frowned and asked curiously.

"Report sir! He is a spy we just captured!" A sky thorn replied very loudly.spy? "Li Xiaogang couldn't help being taken aback. Although he had long thought that countries would not let go of exploring the secrets here, Li Xiaogang still didn't expect that they would send spies in so soon.

"Yes! When we captured him, he was secretly sending information to his country." Another sky thorn said in a deep voice.Li Xiaogang nodded solemnly, and asked again: "Over the past few days, how many spies have you captured in total?" A thorn in the sky replied: "A total of 150 and eight, including more than 70 countries! These spies, I They have all been handed over to the judiciary, and the judiciary will deal with them in a unified way!" "150 and eight?" Hearing this number, Li Xiaogang couldn't help being startled, sticking out his tongue, he didn't expect that the spies who came here would be like this as much.

Although the Sky Spikes are one of the few combat troops in the world with strong combat and defense capabilities, they are human after all, and as long as they are human, they will inevitably make mistakes and be negligent.In the face of increasingly crazy spy wars in various countries, there will always be highly skilled spies mixed in.At that time, many advanced scientific and technological materials will definitely face the danger of being leaked. It is not a good idea to rely solely on the sky thorns. Now China and other countries in the world are in a very intense stage of confrontation on desert governance. If at this time, If the information about desert control technology is leaked, the consequences will be unimaginable, and it may directly threaten Li Xiaogang's plan for the era of aviation. After all, without sufficient funds, he can't do anything.

Li Xiaogang pondered for a while, then waved his hands to several sky thorns, and said, "Okay! You can take them down." After speaking, he walked towards the Aerospace Science and Technology Center. While thinking in his heart, what method should be used to completely block the spies outside the gate? The scientific research center is as lively as ever, and there is a busy atmosphere everywhere. Standing in it, even if you are lazy people will be full of enthusiasm.In his busy schedule, Shen Qihong turned his head and saw Li Xiaogang, hurried over to him and said, "Xiao Gang, it's good that you're back, we have something to show you!" 'Heavily guarded and guarded spacious room, nothing was placed in the room, except for a starship warship model about the size of a helicopter.

This model is very delicate and completely outlines the structure of the star warship.Including combat area, storage area, living area, command area and even training area and leisure area, it can be said that it is a small militarized base with all kinds of facilities.It is really not easy for Shen Qihong and the others to come up with such a model in such a short period of time.Shen Qihong looked at Li Xiaogang very proudly and said: "Xiao Gang, how is it, does it make sense?" After seeing the model, Li Xiaogang was very satisfied. In Nuwa Yuanshen's memory, that The interstellar warships created by ancient civilizations are exactly like this.Shen Qihong and the others only rely on some fragmentary information provided by themselves, and they have created a shape that is very close to the reality, which can definitely be regarded as remarkable.

Li Xiaogang nodded again and again, and said in a vibrating voice: "Brother Shen, you are amazing! It is a miracle to be able to achieve this step in such a short period of time!" Shen Qihong said with a chuckle: "Isn't this thanks to you? The information you provided is very detailed, and it is no different from the textbooks we used in the labor class when we were young. In fact, there is no technical content in the textbook. However, this is just a model, and there are still many technical problems that need to be tackled. Xiaogang, I have to Just to remind you, if the study of this interstellar warship goes well, it may come out soon. But if it doesn’t go well, the timing may not be certain.”

Li Xiaogang smiled at Shen Qihong, and said: "Brother Shen, you don't need to remind me of this, I know it well. Many of the technologies used on this interstellar warship are simply impossible to achieve with current earth technology. It will take time for sure." This is why, I told you from the very beginning, I don’t make any demands on the time, I only ask you to think about all kinds of problems that you may encounter in the universe. After all, once the star warship flies into space, it will be It is connected with tens of thousands of lives, so it must not be sloppy!" Shen Qihong said with a chuckle: "You can understand us, that is the best." After finishing speaking, Shen Qihong turned his attention to the battleship model again, faintly He said: "There are still many unsatisfactory things about this warship, Xiao Gang, take a closer look and give us some pointers."

Li Xiaogang smiled modestly and said: "I don't dare to give advice. However, I just have a few small suggestions..." Li Xiaogang put the model of this interstellar warship on it, which is different from the warships of ancient civilizations. Point out one by one, and according to the practices of ancient civilizations, put forward solutions one by one.What Li Xiaogang is doing now is just a comparison question, to find out the difference between the two, but in Shen Qihong's eyes, it is a big deal.When Li Xiaogang came up with a rationalization proposal, Shen Qihong couldn't help being shocked, feeling a sense of relief.I hurriedly asked someone to find paper and pens, and listened carefully to what Li Xiaogang had to say, while writing non-stop on the paper.

By the time Li Xiaogang finished making suggestions, Shen Qihong had already written several papers densely.Looking at the paper full of words and data in his hand, Shen Qihong looked at Li Xiaogang with an almost adoring gaze, unable to utter a word for a long time.Seeing Shen Qihong's surprised appearance, Li Xiaogang couldn't help smiling, and said quietly: "Brother Shen, if I have something wrong, you can just say it, why are you looking at me like this?" Shen Qihong shook his head like a rattle and said : "Xiao Gang, you are amazing! Now I really wonder what kind of material your head is made of. Many of the opinions you have raised are questions that have always puzzled us and left us baffled. .

After listening to your explanation today, I really feel a sense of clarity.Xiaogang, don’t you only have a bachelor’s degree?Where do you get all these rich insights and brilliant insights?It's incredible! "

Hearing that Shen Qihong boasted that he was almost like a flower, Li Xiaogang's face turned red.Where did you get it?Naturally, it was stolen from Nuwa's memory.After all, it wasn't his own, which made Li Xiaogang a little embarrassed to accept Shen Qihong's praise.After coughing, Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "If you think these opinions I put forward are helpful to your research, then my work is not in vain." "Useful, really useful! With these improvements, we The interstellar battleship will become more perfect. Hahaha..." Shen Qihong said with a smile.

Li Xiaogang nodded and asked, "Brother Shen, I'm here today to ask, what do you think about the materials used to build interstellar warships?" Shen Qihong frowned and said, "This is what I've been thinking about all this time It is a difficult problem. The materials used in the manufacture of spacecraft in various countries are all titanium alloys. This alloy has high hardness, can resist various radiations, and adapts to extremely cold and extremely hot environments. It is currently the most suitable for building space vehicles. The material of the device. However, whether this material is strong enough to withstand the long-distance travel in the vast universe, I am not very confident. But with the current technology, we must first find an alloy with better strength. It is not an easy task to replace Chin Metal..."

(End of this chapter)

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