The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1354 Outer space robot

Chapter 1354 Outer space robot

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said: "I have a very good alloy material here. It should be much stronger than this alloy in terms of strength. It should be suitable for our interstellar battleships. I specially brought it for you to see today." !” With that said, Li Xiaogang took out the materials about Blood Steel that he had sorted out a long time ago, and handed them to Shen Qihong.

From now on, the surprise and shock that Li Xiaogang gave to Shen Qihong made him dare not take every word Li Xiaogang said lightly.Hearing this, he hurriedly took over the information in Li Xiaogang's hand with some excitement.After flipping through it roughly, Shen Qihong couldn't help asking in surprise: "Can the performance of this 'blood steel' really reach this level? If so, it will be a major revolution in materials science! And our The Star Warship has finally found the most suitable construction materials!"

Seeing Shen Qihong's excited appearance, Li Xiaogang knew that blood steel could really be used on star warships, he felt relieved, and said with a smile: "Of course! When will you see me bragging? But the synthesis method of 'blood steel' is very It is complicated, but it is also beneficial. Most of the materials used in it are not lacking in our earth kings, and they exist in large quantities.In this way, it will save us from the headache of the shortage of earth resources in the future. Shen Qihong nodded and said: "That's true!"However, I have never heard of some of these materials before, and it seems that they are not products of our earth. "

Shen Qihong nodded, and said: "That's true! However, I have never heard of some materials in it before. It seems that they are not products of our earth."

Li Xiaogang laughed when he heard this, and said: "Brother Shen is indeed an expert, and his vision is really unique. What you said is absolutely right. Among them, some materials are indeed not products of the earth, but it doesn't matter. Blood steel There are not many places where they are used in China, and these mineral deposits are found on several major planets around us. We can completely meet our needs by mining from these planets." "Mining in outer space? Xiao Gang, you Isn’t the idea too bold? You know, we can only build a space station in space now. If we want to mine mineral resources on a complex planet, it may take more than a hundred years. .”

Seeing Shen Qihong's surprised appearance, Li Xiaogang was indifferent, and said quietly: "According to common sense, shouldn't the interstellar battleship we are building be a product of more than a hundred years? Have you worked it out? Brother Shen, have you forgotten the saying that people can go as far as they think about it! If we don’t even dare to think about it, then everything is impossible. But if we If you are willing to think about it, then the impossible will become possible." Shen Qihong smiled bitterly and said: "You are right, but the problem is that this idea is too crazy, I really can't imagine, what should fragile human beings do? Surviving in a high-risk alien environment even requires heavy physical labor such as mining."

Li Xiaogang said with a slight smile: "Of course human beings can't do it! Not to mention that they can't adapt to the complex environment on the planets. Even if they can adapt, will anyone really be willing to work in such a place?" Listen to Li Xiaogang What he said was more sensible than himself, and Shen Qihong couldn't help asking curiously: "According to what you said, do you actually have other plans?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Of course! Brother Shen, this era is improving day by day. People have tried various methods to replace heavy and dangerous labor. So far, only robots have achieved some results. However, due to the lagging behind in all aspects of earth science and technology, robot technology should have made a breakthrough. It is still at the most primitive stage.”

"Xiao Gang, don't you want to tell me that robots will be used to mine alien planets?" Shen Qihong looked at Li Xiaogang in surprise and said.Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "Why not? Robots are not afraid of danger, don't know fatigue, and don't need wages. It would be a waste to use them." "But you also said just now, the robot technology on the earth today It's still at the initial stage, where can you get a robot that can go to aliens to mine for you?" Shen Qihong asked in confusion.Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "By the way, has Liu Xuehai, an expert from the Academy of Sciences, arrived here?"

"Oh, you said Brother Liu, he arrived a few days ago. I assigned him a separate laboratory, you want to find him?" Shen Qihong asked hesitantly.Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "Of course! Don't forget, Liu Xuehai is a well-known robot expert in the country. Let's go to him to discuss it. Maybe he will have a good idea." Shen Qihong shook his head and said slowly : "It's true that Liu Xuehai is world-class, but he is not a god. According to my estimation, the chance of him being able to help you is pitifully small." Li Xiaogang was not at all moved by Shen Qihong's words, took his hand, and walked quickly Came to Liu Xuehai's laboratory.

In this well-equipped laboratory, Liu Xuehai led a group of students, busy in an orderly manner.Everyone was very motivated, and it was obvious that they were very satisfied with this new working environment.Li Xiaogang coughed lightly, attracting Liu Xuehai's attention.Liu Xuehai turned his head and saw Li Xiaogang, his face suddenly burst into a smile like a blooming flower, and said: "Mr. Li, it's you, hahaha..." While smiling, Liu Xuehai walked over quickly, holding his hand. Li Xiaogang shook his hand vigorously.

Li Xiaogang looked around for a week, and asked with a smile: "How is it, Brother Liu, are you satisfied with everything here?" There are all kinds of equipment that I dare not even imagine. What makes me even more excited is that there are super-class experts from almost every field gathered here. Everyone communicates with each other on weekdays, which makes me feel enlightened every day. Let me tell you, I have only been here for a few days, and many problems that I have been stuck in the past have been solved, and I have achieved a lot of results!"

Hearing Liu Xuehai's excited narration, Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said quietly: "That's good! Hehe..." Liu Xuehai led Li Xiaogang and Shen Qihong into his office.Like other experts, Liu Xuehai's office is almost empty.There are files full of data everywhere, and there are as many pieces of paper as snowflakes.Li Xiaogang originally intended to assign a life secretary to each of these experts, who specially took care of their offices, rooms and so on.But after thinking about it, I decided to forget it.The inspiration of these experts does not know when it will come. Once the inspiration comes, the whole person will be excited like a convulsion, no matter it is working at night or during the day.Not to mention, even the best secretaries can't keep up with them. In addition, if the secretary puts things away and they can't find them, it is likely that a great invention will pass away from mankind. Pass.This responsibility is great.

Seeing the mess in the room, Liu Xuehai looked at Li Xiaogang with some embarrassment and said, "I'm really sorry, it's a bit messy..." Li Xiaogang laughed haha ​​after hearing this, and said: "Only the mess can show that you are an inspired person." It’s okay, hehe..." Reluctantly took a place and sat down, Liu Xuehai looked at Li Xiaogang and said, "Tell me, what are you going to ask me to do?" Li Xiaogang has long been taught Liu Xuehai's straightforwardness After that, I laughed a few times, without beating around the bush, and said directly to the direct: "Brother Liu, I would like to ask you to change your research direction and start a new project!"

Liu Xuehai raised his eyebrows and asked in a vibrating voice, what subject? "Li Xiaogang took out a stack of materials about robots that had been sorted out from the Qiankun ring, handed them to Liu Xuehai, and said word by word: "What you are good at is brand-new robot research! "Liu Xuehai took the Cao material thoughtfully, and looked through it carefully. Like Shen Qihong, Liu Xuehai became more and more moved. In the end, Liu Xuehai seemed to be sucked into a black hole, completely trapped After reading the materials of Cao, he tirelessly flipped through them, chanting words for a while, and raised his eyebrows for a while to think quietly. He completely forgot about Li Xiaogang and Shen Qihong in front of him.

Li Xiaogang couldn't help looking at Shen Qihong, the meaning in his eyes was very helpless, as if he was asking, "Why are you scientists all the same?" Shen Qihong smiled understandingly.Slowly, Li Xiaogang found out that if he never woke up Liu Xuehai, maybe this day, Liu Xuehai would never talk to them again.Couldn't help but push Liu Xuehai to wake him up.Liu Xuehai first glanced at Li Xiaogang full of astonishment and doubts, then suddenly came back to his senses, with an embarrassing smile on his face, and said repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I was really lost and neglected just now. Please forgive me, both of you!"

Shen Qihong laughed and said: "Okay, Lao Li! We are all in the same business, understand, there is no need to apologize." Li Xiaogang also smiled and said: "Yes! I think we should walk away wisely now, no It is right to bother you again. However, I still have some very important things to say to you, so..." Liu Xuehai hurriedly said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. It's just the technology and description recorded in this document The concept is very subtle. I have never thought about it. It’s like facing a difficult problem. I couldn’t figure it out all night, but suddenly one day, when I found another angle, this problem was miraculous. This feeling is so amazing that I can't help being immersed in it. Mr. Li, please tell me who wrote these materials, he is definitely a genius among geniuses!"

Li Xiaogang laughed a few times, and said: "Well, I will tell you when the time is right. Let's discuss making robots right now?" After speaking, Li Xiaogang straightened his face and said to Liu Xuehai: "Liu Xuehai Brother, I know that you have very unique research on robots. I hope to use your wisdom and this information to create a batch of robots that can work in different planetary environments. Do you have any questions?"

Liu Xuehai frowned, and said slowly: "With the current level of technology, the possibility of creating a robot that can work on alien planets is zero. However, with this document as a reference, I am sure. It's just that there are still many problems in this material, and I can't understand it for a while, so I need time."

Li Xiaogang nodded heavily, and said: "Time is not a problem! The problem is that it must produce results. Brother Liu's robot project is related to many of my future plans. If the robot cannot be successfully produced, many of my plans will be affected. Even Destructive impact. Therefore, I will do my best for you, and please don't let me down!" Hearing Li Xiaogang's advice, Liu Xuehai straightened his face and said loudly: "Don't worry! I, Liu, will definitely do it wholeheartedly. Arrived!" Li Xiaogang nodded to Liu Xuehai, and said, "Well, I will leave this matter to Brother Liu. When I am not around, you can tell Brother Shen if you need anything." Liu Xuehai glanced at Shen Qihong, and said with a smile: "I understand that."

(End of this chapter)

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