The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1355 Formation

Chapter 1355 Formation
Seeing that Liu Xuehai put all his thoughts on the materials, and seemed a little absent-minded towards Li Xiaogang and Shen Qihong, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but smiled wryly, glanced at Shen Qihong, and said, "Brother Shen, let's go..." Li Xiaogang hadn't said anything yet. After that, Liu Xuehai stood up abruptly, and said repeatedly: "Are you going? Okay, I'll send you off!" After speaking, he greeted people outside.Li Xiaogang couldn't help laughing after seeing it, and said: "Don't bother, we can go out by ourselves!" After speaking, he shook his head and walked out of Liu Xuehai's office.

Walking on the road, Shen Qihong said with some displeasure: "This Liu Xuehai is really outrageous. If you get what you want, you should drive him away immediately. Even if you want to kill a donkey, he will have to wait until you get rid of the grind, right?" Shen Qihong complained, Li Xiaogang smiled, and said: "Come on, Brother Shen! You and Brother Liu are as black as crows in the world. When you chase people, you are unambiguous!" Shen Qihong was embarrassed when he heard it. , nana said: "Me? Is there?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Actually, I think this is what makes you scientists cute. You are engaged in the most complicated mental work in the world, but your way of doing things The style is the simplest, which is really a strange phenomenon.”

Shen Qihong laughed a few times in embarrassment, Li Xiaogang turned his head and looked around, what caught his eye was a stretch of emerald green beyond the horizon.Li Xiaogang's heart jumped, and he said, "Brother Shen, come with me." Shen Qihong nodded, and said with a smile, "Okay, it's a great honor!" Very pleased.What could be more proud than turning such an extinct desert into a paradise on earth, a journey of life?The two walked all the way, and soon they climbed up a high slope.It was originally a mobile sand dune.After being greened and covered with green clothes, it stopped, forming a vibrant hillside.

Climbing up the hillside, what Li Xiaogang sees is rows of neatly built classrooms, uniform green tones, revealing the heroic spirit and orderliness of a soldier.Helicopters continuously transported all kinds of equipment and resources.There was a busy scene in the entire barracks.Shen Qihong pointed to the barracks curiously and said, "Xiao Gang, is there going to be a barracks here? It has been busy since very early on. Looking at the scale, this barracks can hold at least a few hundred thousand people. I don't understand. Why are there so many troops stationed in this deep inland area?"

"What to do?" Li Xiaogang glanced at Shen Qihong when he heard the words, and said quietly: "One day you will know. But on the day you know, I promise, you will be surprised and shut your mouth!" Shen Qihong smiled wryly. He let out a sigh and said: "Xiao Gang, although I am a few years older than you, I found that my knowledge is much smaller than yours. You always have so many unexpected and amazing ideas, What is even more admirable is that you can always make those incredible ideas come true. Being with you, I think one day I will have a heart attack!"

Li Xiaogang chuckled lightly, and asked faintly: "Why, wouldn't it be good to stay with me?" Shen Qihong said with a hahaha: "Okay, why not! Being with you is always full of surprises." .Life is always full of unknowns, which makes me feel much younger.” Seeing Shen Qihong’s excited face, Li Xiaogang was also very happy to bring happiness to others, which itself is a joyful thing.Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said to Shen Qihong: "Brother Shen, go, I will show you something very interesting, I guarantee you will like it!" "What is it?" Shen Qihong's curiosity was immediately aroused , looked at Li Xiaogang with wide eyes and asked.Li Xiaogang made a mysterious appearance, and said: "What is it, you don't need to ask, anyway, just follow me!" After speaking, he brought Shen Qihong to a remote place.

Under Shen Qihong's curious gaze, Li Xiaogang then pulled out a few handfuls of grass, found a flat place, and inserted the grass into the soil in a specific order.After about a few minutes, a strange pattern that Shen Qihong has never seen before appeared in front of his eyes. This pattern, like gossip but not all gossip, seems to have rules but makes people unable to explore. In short, only one pattern can be used. Words to describe, that is 'weird,!Although Shen Qihong had a lot of knowledge in his mind, but after reading it for a long time, he still couldn't see any meaning from it.Can't help but ask curiously: "What is this?"

Li Xiaogang smiled mysteriously a few times, and said quietly: "Don't ask so many questions, you might as well stand in and try first." Seeing the somewhat weird smile on Li Xiaogang's face, Shen Qihong frowned, cautiously One foot first stepped into the pattern made of green grass.After waiting for a long time, I didn't feel any changes. I couldn't help looking at Li Xiaogang in a daze, and asked in a murmur, "It's nothing." Take it in."

Shen Qihong nodded, and stepped the other foot into the upper peak of the strange pattern.When both of Shen Qihong's feet were retracted, Shen Qihong's eyes suddenly went dark, the originally clear sky suddenly disappeared, and the surroundings were replaced by a thick darkness like ink. This sudden change made Shen Qihong unable to catch up. I couldn't help but exclaimed aloud.However, even though his mouth was so big that it couldn't get any bigger, he couldn't hear the slightest sound from himself.

He seemed to be thrown into a silent and lightless world in an instant. Fear was like weeds that grew wildly, spreading wildly in his heart. Just as Shen Qihong's mind was about to be tortured to the point of collapse by this great change and the endless darkness Suddenly, in the darkness, a big golden hand stretched out and pulled him out violently.Shen Qihong was startled at first, then his eyes suddenly lit up, blue sky, sunshine, green grass and green trees appeared in front of his eyes again.Shen Qihong fell limply on the ground with some loss of strength, his body was completely pale, and deep fear was still hidden in his eyes.It took a long time to come back to my senses, looked at Li Xiaogang, and asked anxiously, "What happened just now?"

Li Xiaogang laughed a few times, and said quietly: "Didn't you experience it yourself, why are you asking me?"

Shen Qihong squeezed his cheeks vigorously, and said in surprise: "All of this is actually true! is this possible?" Shen Qihong looked at the person not far away with shock in his eyes. The grass pattern murmured: "I just stood in, but it seems to be thrown into another world where there is no light, no sound, only boundless darkness. It's scary! It's like hell! "

Li Xiaogang nodded, and said with a smile: "This is the wonder of formations! With knives that can be seen everywhere, such as grass and stones, you can create a magic formation that confuses people's eyes. This cannot but be said to be the creation of our ancestors. Great wisdom." "This... This is the legendary formation? I thought it only existed in martial arts."

Shen Qihong said in surprise and astonishment.Li Xiaogang smiled a few times, and said faintly: "Usually people think that the plots described in martial arts are too exaggerated, but they don't know that what is described in martial arts is far inferior to the real power of these formations."

"What? Then you mean that the formation described in martial arts is not an exaggeration, but an underestimate of the true power of the formation?" Shen Qihong couldn't restrain the shock in his heart, and looked at Li Xiaogang in horror and said.

Li Xiaogang nodded, and said quietly: "That's right! The darkness you experienced just now is the lowest level. Have you ever thought about what kind of scene it would be if a few lightning bolts were added to this darkness?" "Flash A flash of lightning!?" Shen Qihong felt a little startled by Li Xiaogang's words, and looked at him in astonishment.

There was a sneer at the corner of Li Xiaogang's mouth, and he said quietly: "Our place has become the most eye-catching place in the world now, and there are countless spies sent by various countries. In order to ensure the safety of you scientists and the results of your research, I have to think of a way, right?" Shen Qihong looked a little excited and said: "Are you going to use this formation to deal with them?" Li Xiaogang sneered and said: "Of course! Do you think I will be polite to them? Thieves, if you don't teach them a lesson, they won't restrain themselves!"

"But what are you going to do? The radius here is tens of kilometers, so how big is the formation? I'm afraid it's not enough to just use grass?" Shen Qihong asked with some concern.Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Green grass alone is not enough. I will design a map in the next few days. Then let people plant trees according to the lines and directions of the map. At that time, I will put a map in and out. The road map in it is handed over to you. Brother Shen, this road map is the key to get in and out of here, you must keep it safe!" Seeing Li Xiaogang's serious face, Shen Qihong nodded hastily and said: "Xiao Gang , don’t worry! As long as I’m here, this road map won’t be lost.”

Li Xiaogang nodded with a smile, and said slowly: "Of course I believe in you, otherwise I wouldn't hand over the road map to you." After finishing speaking, Li Xiaogang looked around with resentful eyes, and said in a deep and dignified tone: "Use Before long, this place will become the core of our entire country, and even the entire world. This place carries the hope of our nation's take-off, and it is really too important to allow any mistakes!"

At this time, Li Xiaogang's eyes suddenly became stern, making Shen Qihong's heart stagnate involuntarily. In his eyes, Li Xiaogang's figure seemed to have undergone a certain change, merging with the heaven and earth. Landed on the runway, under the protection of Lin Tian and Sun Xiang!Next, Chang Xuefei slowly got off the plane.Mito Yuhao waited there quietly with a few big men in suits and leather shoes.Seeing Chang Xuefei get off the plane, Mito Yuhao came up to meet her.Seeing Mito Yuhao, Chang Xuefei's heart skipped a beat.Mito Xionghao's face was ugly, as if someone raped his wife and then posted his wife's nude photos on the Internet.If he had a gun in his hand now, no one would suspect that he would shoot and kill.

(End of this chapter)

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