The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1356: Bad Attitude

Chapter 1356: Bad Attitude
Mito Xionghao's expression was not good, and the men in black behind him were even more murderous.Let Chang Xuefei see it in her eyes and be shocked in her heart.Perhaps feeling the uneasiness from Chang Xuefei, Lin Tian leaned into her ear and said softly: "Don't be afraid, with us here, they can't touch you!" Chang Xuefei swallowed, and tapped gently. nodded.

Taking a long breath, calming down his uneasy mood, he stepped up to Mito Yuhiro.Mito Yuhao neither stepped forward to greet him nor spoke, but just watched Chang Xuefei approaching him step by step coldly, until Chang Xuefei stood still in front of him, then frowned and squinted his eyes to look up and down Glancing at Chang Xuefei, he said coldly, "You are Chang Xuefei?"

Although Chang Xuefei is neither a political figure nor a distinguished guest, she flew all the way from China this time to help Yukio Yamamoto find his biological daughter. It should be, no matter what, like Mito Yuhao, the attitude of receiving and extraditing prisoners is a bit too much.Fortunately, Chang Xuefei has a good self-cultivation. Although she was angry in her heart, she didn't show it on the surface. She just chuckled lightly and said lightly, "I am! You should be Mr. Yukio Yamamoto's assistant, Mr. Yukio Mito, right? "

Mito Xionghao snorted, and said: "It's me! Mr. Yamamoto is getting impatient waiting for you, let's hurry up and get on the road!" After finishing speaking, he waved his hand behind him and shouted: "Take her in the car!" Mito Xionghao As soon as the words fell to the ground, several big men behind him immediately rushed up, and one of them was very rude to grab Chang Xuefei's wrist.Mito Yuhao's bad attitude is fine, but these guys actually wanted to be rough on Chang Xuefei, which Lin Tian and Sun Xiang couldn't tolerate.I saw Lin Tian's eyebrows frowned, and his right hand swept out like lightning, only to hear a crisp sound of "pa", the guy who wanted to pull Chang Xuefei immediately screamed, clenched his wrist, and was in great pain squatted on the ground.The other guy beside him immediately threw a punch when he saw this, and went straight to the back of Lin Tian's head.

However, when his fist was only a dozen centimeters away from the back of Lin Tian's head, a palm suddenly protruded from the slanting stab, wrapping his fist firmly.The guy struggled a few times, but didn't move.It was as if his hand was welded to Sun Xiang's. "Huh!" Sun Xiang let out a cold snort, and pulled his hand forward violently. The guy's body immediately leaned towards Sun Xiang uncontrollably. Lifting up like a whip, he gasped fiercely on the man's lower abdomen, and there was another scream, and in just a blink of an eye, two of the men brought by Mito Xionghao were settled, which made Mito To Xionghao was also very surprised, and couldn't help but look at Lin Tianshe and Sun Xiang in astonishment.However, Lin Tian and Sun Xiang seemed to be okay, they didn't pay attention to Mito Yuhao's eyes on them, and just stood quietly on the left and right sides of Chang Xuefei, as if they were the second generals.

Mito Xionghao frowned and looked at his subordinates, but saw that the rest of them flinched one after another, with a little fear in their eyes, seeming to cower, Mito Xionghao secretly cursed a waste in his heart!Casting his eyes on Chang Xuefei, he said coldly: "Miss Mu Xuefei, what do you mean? We came to pick you up with good intentions, but even though your subordinates hurt my people, it's a bit unreasonable. "Chang Xuefei is okay for doing research, but she doesn't know much about human relationships.Faced with Yuhao Mito's obvious villain who filed a lawsuit first, Chang Xuefei just felt angry in her heart, but didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, Lin Tian and Sun Xiang were beside her at this time.When Lin Tian heard this, he immediately sneered, and said, "Our Miss Chang always likes to be clean, especially I don't like to come into contact with strange men I know. Your man doesn't know how to behave, I just teach him a lesson for you. I hope they will pay more attention in the future, if they make similar mistakes in the future, their fate will be even worse, and it may even tarnish your island country's international reputation!"

After hearing Lin Tian's words, Mito Yuhao couldn't help but look at him a few more times.Seeing Lin Tiansheng's dignified appearance, with a hint of restraint in his eyes, Mito Xionghao's heart skipped a beat, and then he realized that Chang Xuefei also came prepared when he came to the island country this time.Mito Xionghao has worked in the political circles of the island country for so many years, and his ability to adapt to the situation is naturally perfect. After hearing Lin Tian's words, Mito Xionghao immediately turned his anger into a smile, and said repeatedly: "So that's the case, I'm really sorry! It's because we didn't think carefully beforehand, please forgive me, Miss Chang."

Chang Xuefei frowned lightly, and said lightly: "If you forgive me or not, there is no need to mention it. Isn't Mr. Yamamoto impatient with waiting? Let's hurry up." Hearing Chang Xuefei's words, Mito Yuhao He nodded hurriedly, and said repeatedly: "Yes, yes! Miss Chang, please!" After speaking, she directed Chang Xuefei to a car in the middle.

When Lin Tian and Sun Xiang were going to get into the car as a matter of course, Mito Xionghao stopped them and said to them, "I'm sorry, the bodyguards please sit in the back one!" After hearing what Mito Xionghao said, Lin Tian frowned immediately.He said coldly: "Since we are Miss Chang's bodyguards, we naturally have to ride in the same car with her, otherwise what kind of bodyguards are we?" After finishing speaking, he ignored Mito Yuhiro's obstruction and went straight into the car.Yuho Mito had no choice but to stand behind them and give them a hard look.

After Yuhao Mito got into the car with dissatisfaction, the team officially started.Facing the prosperity outside the window, Chang Xuefei didn't even have the slightest interest in appreciating it.My mind is filled with the missing Mikiko.

When they were in Antarctica, the two shared weal and woe, waited together until Li Xiaogang, faced wolves and death together, and had already formed a relationship that was not sisters, but was better than sisters.When Chang Xuefei first heard the news of Mikiko's disappearance, she felt as if she had received a blow to the head. She still couldn't forget the astonishment and shock at that time.Eyes full of anxiety, she searched among the noisy crowd outside the car, hoping to miraculously see Mikiko's active and beautiful figure, but unfortunately, the cruel reality completely shattered her wish.

"Mr. Mito, up to now, there is no news about Mikiko?" Chang Xuefei finally couldn't help herself, and asked Mito Yuhao who was sitting opposite her.Mito Yuhao raised his eyebrows, snorted coldly, and said quietly: "Aren't we waiting for Miss Chang Xuefei to provide us with information?" "Me?" Chang Xuefei couldn't help but murmured: " What news can I have? I just learned that Mikiko was missing, so I flew directly to Tokyo..." Yuhao Mito said coldly: "But the facts show that you are the last person who got along with Miss Mikiko .If you don't even know where Mikiko is, how should we find out?"

"I personally sent Mikiko on the plane to Tokyo, she should be in Tokyo now." Chang Xuefei explained to Mito Yuhao anxiously.Yuhao Mito ignored what Chang Xuefei said at all, snorted coldly, and said quietly: "Who can prove your one-sided statement for you? Will you believe it? I even suspect that you have misunderstood our Miki. Miss Zi was killed for a good reason!" "What!? You are talking nonsense! Mikiko and I are best friends, how could I kill her?" Chang Xuefei turned to Mito Xionghao with a little emotion shouted.Yuhao Mito waved his hand coldly, and said lightly: "Don't tell me these words, even if I believe it, it's useless. You have to find a way to convince Mr. Yamamoto to believe you!"

"Mr. Yamamoto suspected that I killed Mikiko?" Chang Xuefei was extremely surprised, and asked nah.Mito Yuhiro said in a low voice: "To tell you the truth, it's not bad at all! You should know how deep our feelings for Miss Mikiko are from Yukio Yamamoto. If he proves that you killed Mikiko , let me tell you that even if you are full of gods and Buddhas, you will never be able to protect you!" "I..." Chang Xuefei never dreamed that things would become like this, she was completely covered, her face was extremely pale, and she was nervous It was a little difficult to speak.

Lin Tian snorted coldly when he saw this, and said to Chang Xuefei: "Miss Chang, you don't need to be afraid! We don't do anything wrong, and we are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night. Yukio Yamamoto said that Mikiko was killed by you, then You have to show evidence, there is no evidence, even if you killed Mikiko, Yukio Yamamoto will never touch you. Now our China is no longer the old China that was slaughtered in the past. If you want to ride on us Shit on his head, he has to weigh his own weight first!" Lin Tian's words were sonorous and powerful, and he stared at Mito Xionghao like a knife, making Mito Xionghao unconsciously feel a little guilty.He also paid more attention to Lin Tian and Sun Xiang.

The car moved forward all the way, turning around and taking a very strange route. Sun Xiang, who had been silent all the time, never forgot to observe the surrounding terrain and memorize the route he passed.Seeing the car gradually leaving the urban area and coming to the remote suburbs, Sun Xiang immediately frowned, and said slowly: "It's really strange! Yukio Yamamoto is a big name in the island country's political circles, how could he live in Such a remote place?" After hearing Sun Xiang's words, Lin Tian and Chang Xuefei hurriedly looked out of the car, and sure enough, the place the car passed was no longer a noisy crowd, but a large area, golden and waiting for the harvest. Rice, obviously, has reached the countryside, the countryside.Lin Tian's face also became serious, he looked at Mito Yurohiro, and asked coldly: "What do you mean? Where are you taking us?"

(End of this chapter)

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