The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1357 The Containment of Ninjas

Chapter 1357 The Containment of Ninjas
Mito Xionghao chuckled a few times, and said lightly: "You don't need to be nervous, I will naturally take you to see Mr. Yamamoto. Mr. Yamamoto likes quiet, especially this rural scenery, which is his favorite. As early as a few days ago Years ago, Mr. Yamamoto moved to live in this country. Anyway, the transportation and communication conditions are so developed today, Mr. Yamamoto doesn’t have to be in the city to work, does he?” Seeing Mito Yuhiro’s calm expression, what he said It is also reasonable, although Lin Tian and Sun Xiang still had some guilt in their hearts, they still endured it.

The car drove for another quarter of an hour, and finally came to a beautiful villa.After the car stopped, Mito Yuhao jumped out of the car first, followed by Lin Tian and Sun Xiang. Under the protection of the two, Chang Xuefei finally stepped out of the car.Yuhao Mito pointed to the villa in front of him, and said with a smile: "Please, please, Mr. Yamamoto is waiting for you inside. Ruichang Xuefei nodded, and just about to move, Lin Tianmeng grabbed her and closed her eyes tightly. After listening for a long time, he quietly said: "No, there is a problem. " Mito Xionghao's face changed inadvertently, and he said with a smile: "What's the problem that makes you so nervous? "

Lin Tianyi pointed to the courtyard wall of the villa, and said in a deep voice: "Don't think that I don't know when the door is closed. There are many people ambushing in this villa, and none of them are ordinary people." Mito Xionghao laughed, while Clapping his hands, he said in admiration: "It's really admirable hearing, you can hear it all. Yes, there are people in ambush in this villa, but don't worry, it's not targeting you. You also know that Mr. Yamamoto is in The island nation is a hot, high-status person, and it is inevitable that there will be an enemy or two, and these hidden masters are there to protect the safety of Mr. Yamamoto."

Chang Xuefei believed what Mito Yuhao said, and said to Lin Tian: "Lin Tian, ​​don't be suspicious. Mr. Yamamoto invited me to help find Mikiko, and he didn't mean to harm us. Don't be so nervous. "Lin Tian smiled wryly, and said: "Miss Chang, people's hearts are so deep! You really want to help them, but they may not accept your help sincerely. Before coming, the leader entrusted you personally For our two brothers, we can't be sloppy." Chang Xuefei said with a smile: "I understand this. However, I believe that Mr. Yamamoto has always been a reasonable person, and he will not do anything to me , let's go in now!" After speaking, he ignored Lin Tian's persuasion, and under the leadership of Mito Yuhao, he walked into the villa slowly. Seeing this, Lin Tian and Sun Xiang looked at each other, and only I can move up and follow up.

Chang Xuefei thought that Yukio Yamamoto would not harm her, which was right, but she didn't know that the person who was going to deal with her was Mito Yuhiro.The three of them, under the leadership of Mito Yuhao, just walked into the villa, and the huge iron gate of the villa was closed with a bang.Just when Lin Tian and Sun Xiang realized that something was wrong, they heard a gust of wind, and more than a dozen guys dressed in black tights and ninja costumes appeared in front of the three of them out of nowhere, holding the three of them together. surrounded.

"Mito Xionghao, you... what do you mean?" Looking at the enemy in front of her, Chang Xuefei looked at Mito Xionghao in surprise and asked softly. "Hmph! I already knew he was not a good guy! I should have controlled him from the beginning!" Seeing Mito Xionghao who had already fled away from them, Lin Tiantian's teeth were itchy, and he gnashed his teeth in a low voice. road.Standing behind the ninjas, Mito Yuhao's face was full of pride, and he said with a cold smile: "If you are so smart, you won't fall into the trap I set by myself! Hehe..."

Faced with such a dangerous situation, Chang Xuefei calmed down instead, and quietly asked: "Did Mr. Yamamoto tell you to do this?" Yuho Mito said coldly: "Of course! If it wasn't Mr. Yamamoto's Order, I dare not do such a thing even if I have the guts, don't I? Hmph, you killed Mikiko, do you think Mr. Yamamoto would let you go so easily? It's a dream!" Chang Xuefei I couldn't help shouting angrily: "I've already said, I didn't kill Mikiko!" Yuhao Mito curled his lips and said, "So what if it's not you? Who cares about this? Take a bad breath, and everything else doesn't matter."

"You... what do you want to do to us?" Chang Xuefei looked at Mito Yuhao and asked bitterly.Mito Xionghao said lightly: "It's not that good, I just want to wrong you and temporarily deprive you of your freedom." Lin Tian raised his eyebrows and said faintly: "Mito Xionghao, you are too courageous! Often The lady was sent by our leader to the island country. If something happened to her in the island country, what do you think our leader will do? Yukio Yamamoto is very powerful in the island country, but in China, he is not even a fart. Come on. Our Chinese army of millions can crush your small barbarian country to the ground in an instant, do you believe it or not?"

Mito Xionghao sneered, and said quietly: "Enough. Who are you scaring? Do you think I am a child? You Huaxia has always advocated peace and never used force lightly. For her little girl, your leader will order Going to war with our island country? I don’t even believe it if you kill me! In addition, we will give a perfect explanation for what happened to Miss Chang. At that time, even if Huaxia wants to use force against us, it will have to be famous!”

Hearing what Mito Yuhao said, Lin Tian frowned tightly, and said coldly: "It seems that you plan this action, it is not a day or two..." Mito Yuhao laughed: "Then Of course! We, Mr. Yamamoto, have always been known in the international political arena for making decisions before making moves. This is not the first time you have heard of it, right?"

Lin Tian shouted in a deep voice: "Yuki Yamamoto, do you know, he is playing with fire!" Yuho Mito snorted coldly and said, "Don't be so exaggerated! We, Mr. Yamamoto, have planned everything a long time ago. Don't play with fire!" After finishing speaking, Mito Yuhao looked at Chang Xuefei full of regret and said, "Mikiko is Mr. Yamamoto's only daughter, she is his heart and soul, you really shouldn't kill her." Chang Xuefei roared furiously: "How many times do I need to tell you, I didn't kill Mikiko!" Yuhao Mito said with a sneer: "I also want to believe your words, but it's a pity that Mr. Yamamoto believed it. ,I have no way!"

"Yukio Yamamoto, this stubborn bastard!" Lin Tian opened his mouth to curse unbearably, Mito Yuhiro looked at him coldly, and said quietly: "Sir, I advise you to be careful when you speak, we Mr. Yamamoto It's not easy to provoke!" After finishing speaking, he gestured an offensive gesture at the dozen or so ninjas, and the dozen or so ninjas immediately started to move, Lin Tian frowned, looked at Sun Xiang and shouted: "Protect Miss Chang and rush!" Get out!" After speaking, he took the lead to greet a ninja who rushed to him.The ninja's cultivation seems to be remarkable in front of ordinary people, but it is obviously not enough in front of Lin Tian. He only heard Lin Tian's mouth utter an angry shout, and the ninja was sent flying with a single palm.

Such a strong attack surprised Yuhiro Mito, who was watching from a distance, and took a deep breath in his heart.Fortunately, he arranged in advance to be a ninja here, not an ordinary thug.Otherwise, according to Lin Tian's posture, how many people are not enough for him to fight!After Lin Tian launched the attack first, he fell into the siege of ninjas.The ninja's attack power is not very good, but their hiding skills are top-notch, and Lin Tian is a little annoyed by the flickering.And at the same time as Lin Tian shot, Sun Xiang also moved, holding Chang Xuefei's hand while rushing towards the gate of the villa.All the ninjas he encountered along the way were knocked down by his superb leg skills.

Seeing that his ninjas were plopping and plopping one by one, while Lin Tian and Sun Xiang were intact, not even touching the corners of their clothes, Mito Xionghao was jumping and jumping angrily, like It's a crazy monkey. "Use ninja darts! It doesn't matter whether you live or die!" Yuhao Mito shouted, making the situation of Lin Tian, ​​Sun Xiang and Chang Xuefei extremely dangerous.Several ninjas retreated at the same time, opening the distance from Lin Tian and Sun Xiang. Afterwards, the sharp sound of breaking wind continued to resound from the hands of these ninjas, and black afterimages glowed with the cold light of death. Lasing towards the three people.

"Damn it!" Lin Tian roared angrily, his body started at full speed, while avoiding the ninja darts, he rushed towards the ninjas.Because Sun Xiang had to take care of Chang Xuefei, he couldn't act rashly. He could only take off his clothes and tie them into a stick to resist the ninja darts from all directions.

Seeing that Lin Tian and Sun Xiang were very difficult to deal with, Mito Xionghao felt ruthless in his heart, and shouted in a deep voice: "Attack that woman!" Accompanied by Mito Xionghao's deep shout, dozens of bear darts suddenly attacked Chang Xuefei.Facing the ninja darts pressing down like a mountain in front of her, Chang Xuefei was frightened for a long time, let alone dodging, it was very difficult for her to even move. "Damn bastard!" Sun Xiang was taken aback when he saw this, and hurriedly pulled Chang Xuefei behind him, and at the same time frantically waved the "clothes stick" in his hand to beat the ninja darts fiercely. flew out.

Although all the ninja darts were sent flying, Sun Xiang showed great difficulty.It is naturally much more difficult to prevent himself from being shot by a dart and at the same time protect Chang Xuefei.Seeing Sun Xiang rushing left and right to block as if exhausted, these ninjas threw most of their ninja darts at Chang Xuefei even more insidiously.While resisting, Sun Xiang couldn't help shouting angrily: "Lin Tian, ​​hurry up the fuck, I can't stand it anymore!" Lin Tian was startled by Sun Xiang's shout, and subconsciously Looking back, seeing Sun Xiang's staggering and awkward figure, he couldn't help but feel his heart tighten, and hastened to speed up his figure.

However, ninjas have always been known for their weirdness, how could they be so easily approached?Whenever Lin Tian was about to approach them, they would scatter and dodge like flies, leaving Lin Tian empty-handed.Just when Lin Tian was feeling annoyed, Sun Xiang's cry of pain came from behind his ears. Lin Tian hurriedly looked back, and saw a sharp and terrifying ninja dart sticking out of Sun Xiang's arm, The blood flowers flowed out like a fountain, which made Lin Tian feel shocking.Feeling anxious, he hastily gave up on chasing the ninja, turned around and rushed back.

(End of this chapter)

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