The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1358 Lin Tian's Anger

Chapter 1358 Lin Tian's Anger
Blocked a ninja dart for Sun Xiang that was about to hit his eyebrows, Lin Tianman looked at Sun Xiang nervously and asked, "How is it? Is the injury serious?" Sun Xiang clenched his teeth and pulled the ninja dart from his arm. It was pulled out, and a stream of black blood came out from the tail of the dart.Lin Tian saw it, was shocked in his heart, and couldn't help shouting angrily: "There is poison on the dart!" At this time, Sun Xiang's face quickly turned pale, and his body swayed as if he was out of strength.Suppressing the wave after wave of dizziness, Sun Xiang said in a trembling voice: "Quick, find a way to get out... Protecting Miss Chang is important!"

Lin Tian turned his head and took a look. Chang Xuefei, who was already frightened and pale, pushed her violently, stuffed Sun Xiang's arm into her hand, and said loudly: "Hold him, I will take him with you." You rush out!" Chang Xuefei, who was restless, didn't understand Lin Tian's intentions at first, she didn't exert any strength in her hands, and Sun Xiang's heavier and heavier body almost brought her to the ground.It was Lin Tian who quickly helped them up.At such a critical juncture, Lin Tian couldn't take care of so much anymore, and yelled at Chang Xuefei with black hair and black face: "Idiot! Pull yourself up, do you want to die here?" Lin Tian's words were like a blow to the head, making people After Chang Xuefei shuddered a few times, she slowly came back to her senses.

After all, Chang Xuefei is also a person who has faced the challenge of the super tsunami and the test of Antarctic ice and snow, at least she will not lose the chain at critical moments.Lin Tian's words made Chang Xuefei's heart suddenly feel courageous, and she didn't know where the strength came from. She suddenly helped up the drowsy Sun Xiang, followed closely behind Lin Tian, ​​and strode towards the outside of the villa. go.At this time, Lin Tian's heart seemed to be ignited with explosives, and his anger was like a volcanic eruption, unstoppable.As soon as he thought that Sun Xiang was hit by a poison dart and his life was in danger, Lin Tian couldn't help but see layers of murderous intentions in his heart.

From the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of an island ninja, holding an extremely sharp island katana, and slashed at him from behind. Lin Tian was furious, and let out a low growl, his body whirled like a ghost He got out of his knife like a knife, and then stretched out his wrist, quickly and accurately grasping the ninja's wrist.With a sudden force, there was a crackling sound, and the ninja's wrist was crushed by Lin Tian.The samurai sword fell from his hand silently, Lin Tian grabbed it with his left hand and held the samurai sword in his hand.Before the ninja recovered from the pain of his wrist being crushed, his eyes were enveloped by a dazzling and cold knife light.There was only a hissing sound, and the side of the ninja's head rolled down from his neck like a ball.After a short period of silence, a thick column of blood suddenly spurted out from his neck cavity, spraying up to a height of five or six meters.

Such a bloody scene made Chang Xuefei shout out in shock.And those ninjas were all horrified, their feet and hands froze in unison.Although they were all covered in black scarves and couldn't see their expressions, they could still see what they were feeling in their hearts from their frightened eyes.Mito Yuhiro's expression is even more ugly now.Lin Tian's knife that cut off the ninja's head seemed to be on his neck, so he couldn't help but feel cold along his neck, subconsciously touched his neck, and shivered involuntarily.

As soon as Lin Tian killed Liwei, his whole body was like a god of killing. He held a bright blood-dripping samurai sword and looked down upon the ninjas around him. His whole body was like a sword drawn out of its sheath. , but dare not wrap the shore.Lin Tian waved his knife and pointed around, and shouted in a shocking voice: "Miss Chang, let's go, let's see who dares to stop!" After speaking, he took a step forward.Chang Xuefei swallowed hard, forced herself to calm down, supported Sun Xiang who was gradually unconscious, followed Lin Tian, ​​and moved towards the door.

Seeing that Lin Tian and Chang Xuefei were about to go out in a big way, Mito Yuhao's teeth were itchy, and he couldn't help but scolded: "What are you waiting for? Stop them, Wei can't catch them, you guys I have to cut everything!" Mito Yuhiro's words had an effect.A ninja swung a knife at Lin Tian again, Lin Tian narrowed his eyes, gritted his teeth and said coldly: "You bastards, if you don't let you know something, you don't know how the word death is written. !” After speaking, Lin Tian’s feet suddenly moved.Bringing up a series of weird afterimages, they greeted the ninja in a dazzling manner.The ninja held his samurai sword high, but he didn't know where to cut it.It's just that there are Lin Tian's shadows everywhere in front of him at this time, which is not what he can distinguish clearly.

Just as he was hesitating to find a ninja because he couldn't distinguish clearly, and his forehead was sweating, his death time came.All the Lin Tian in front of him seemed to be attracted by something, they gathered together from all directions in an instant, revealing Lin Tian's real body, but at this time, Lin Tian was already less than an arm's length away from him, The ninja was frightened and let out a roar, and the knife in his hand slashed down quickly. His reaction was fairly quick, but it was too late.When the knife in his hand started to chop down, the knife in Lin Tian's hand had already cut through his waist.A burst of blood spurted wildly, and the poor ninja was cut in half by Lin Tian, ​​and the intestines and organs were mixed with blood and flowed all over the ground.Chang Xuefei only felt her stomach churning, but realized that now was not the time for her to vomit, and relying on her firm unanimity, Chang Xuefei insisted on swallowing the contents of her stomach back.

After killing the No.2 ninja, Lin Tian didn't stop there. With a shake of his body, he rushed into the ninja pile with a bunch of afterimages.The tragic death of this ninja brought great horror to other ninjas.Fear grew in their hearts, seriously affecting their performance.At the beginning, they were as agile as foxes, unfathomable.But now, their movements are sloppy, as if there are countless sandbags tied to their bodies.

The result is naturally predictable.Lin Tian, ​​whose heart had been completely chilled, showed no mercy in his heart, and the knife in his hand was even more icy cold and full of murderous aura.When he rushed into the crowd, he was like a wolf rushing into a flock of sheep, and the killing followed.

I just heard the sound of Pu Chi Pu Chi sounding like chopping melons and vegetables.Lin Tian's knife is like the scythe of the god of death, constantly bringing out slices of gorgeous blood flowers, harvesting fresh life.The sound of thumping and falling to the ground was endless, and several ninjas were either beheaded by Lin Tian, ​​or cut off by Lin Tian.The bloody scene literally decorated this exquisite villa into a living hell on earth.Lin Tian's ruthlessness shocked everyone, and Mito Yuhao couldn't help his legs trembling, and he wanted to run away.As the killing progressed, the remaining ninjas finally understood what a terrible enemy they were facing at this moment, and they all screamed and dodged aside.No one dared to even look at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian was already red-eyed at this time, and he would kill anyone he saw.These ninjas who are chasing are like bereaved dogs, and they have the meaning of killing them all and never giving up.Before seeing the ninja retreat, Mito Yuhao dared to howl a few words, but now, he is as honest as a pug, huddled in the corner desperately, begging his Amaterasu, don't let Lin Tian see him .With that kind of ruthless appearance, who can connect with him who is usually arrogant and arrogant?It is no exaggeration to say that Mito Yuhao was really frightened at this time.Deep down in my heart, I couldn't help but add the word 'terrible' to the Chinese characters.

"Lin Tian, ​​don't kill him, Sun Xiang, Sun Xiang, he's about to die!" Just as Lin Tian was yelling, Chang Xuefei's crying voice came from overheard.Lin Tianru woke up from the shock, gave those ninjas who were fleeing in all directions a hard look, turned around and ran back.Seeing Sun Xiang leaning on Chang Xuefei's shoulder, with black blood gushing from the corner of his mouth, Lin Tian's heart suddenly rose to his throat.Not caring anymore, she hurriedly asked Chang Xuefei to put Sun Xiang on his back, holding the blood-stained knife, kicked open the iron gate of the villa, and walked out quickly.Outside the iron gate, the car that brought them here was still there, Lin Tian stuffed Sun Xiang and Chang Xuefei into the car, and then, directed at Mito Yuho, who was watching all this in a daze, made a gesture of killing , and then started the car and drove away.

Lin Tian and Chang Xuefei walked away so swaggeringly, Mito Yuhao couldn't help but sink in his heart.Especially the killing gesture that Lin Tian made towards him before leaving made his heart flutter for a while, and he couldn't calm down.Looking back, what he saw was full of mutilated corpses, coupled with the pungent bloody smell, made Mito Xionghao's heart sink to the bottom of the valley.Looking at those ninjas who had been terrified, Mito Xionghao didn't even have the strength to scold them.He just yelled angrily, and said, "Idiot! Still not chasing after him!?"

Mito Xionghao's words seemed to no longer have the effect of the past. He yelled twice in succession, but none of the ninjas ignored his orders.There are ninjas who are not afraid of death, but they are very few.Lin Tian's crazy killing just now left an indelible seed of fear in their hearts.They can leave here safely now, and they will not be awakened by nightmares in their lives in the future, they are already thankful, which fool would chase after them?What is the difference between that and chasing death, and courting death?Seeing that the ninjas were motionless, Mito Yuhiro could only let out a long sigh helplessly, and dialed Tojo Shino's phone number.

Tojo Shino was anxiously waiting for news from Mito Yuhiro at home.Tojo Shino is a very scheming person. He was able to become the head of Qianguotang, not only because he is the grandson of Tojo Hideyoshi, but also his scheming and city government played a big role.It's not that he doesn't want to pretend to be Yukio Yamamoto, but he understands that Yukio Yamamoto's power in the island country can be said to be unmatched, and if he rashly touches him, the person who will be crushed to pieces will probably be himself.After agreeing to Mito Yuhiro's plan, Tojo Shino's heart was never calm again.On the one hand, he hoped that Mito Yuhiro's plan would succeed, but on the other hand, his intuition told him that he was playing with fire, and it was an unwise move.And when Tojo Shino faintly discovered that Mito Yuhiro wanted to use the Chinese to achieve his goal of bringing down Yukio Yamamoto, this feeling became even stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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