The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1359 The Road to Escape

Chapter 1359 The Road to Escape
With the rise of Li Xiaogang in China, China's comprehensive national strength and influence in the world are growing.Now a certain potential consensus has been formed in the international community: as long as it is related to the Huaxia Draft Award, it means countless opportunities for development.Now even country M is changing its attitude towards China, but Mito Yuhiro is trying to use China to achieve his ulterior motives. Just thinking about it makes Tojo Shino feel a little terrified.In this feeling of extreme anxiety, Tojo Shino received a call from Mito Yuhiro.

Now even country M is changing its attitude towards China, but Mito Yuhiro is trying to use China to come.Just thinking about his ulterior purpose makes Tojo Shino feel a little terrified.In this feeling of extreme anxiety, Tojo Shino received a call from Mito Yuhiro.

Hearing that it was Mito Yuhiro, Tojo Shino hurriedly asked: "How is it going? Is the plan going smoothly?" Mito Yuhiro pondered for a moment, then quietly said, "Basically smooth..." "Basically smooth? What do you mean? It's basically going well, what's wrong with it!" Hearing Mito Yuhiro's emphasis, Tojo Shino knew something was wrong, and realized that the uneasiness in his heart was gradually being fulfilled, Tojo Shino's heart couldn't help but raised his throat, With a voice like thunder, he asked loudly.Mito Yuhao coughed dryly, and said: "It's like this, Chang Xuefei has come to the island country, but I didn't expect that she brought two very terrifying masters by her side. My ninja was caught off guard and most of them were killed by him. At this moment, the three of them are fleeing towards the urban area..."

"Trash! There are so many of you, you can't even handle three of you. What are you doing!? Mito Yuhiro, let me tell you, you screwed up this time, your whole family will never want to live!" Tojo Shino roared angrily.Mito Yuhiro frowned helplessly, and said in a deep voice: "Tojo-kun, now is not the time to get angry. I want you to send your people immediately to intercept them everywhere, and they must be caught! If these three people are Seeing Yukio Yamamoto at this time, our plan will be completely over! Tojo-kun, time is running out, please order immediately!"

Tojo Shino said angrily: "Didn't we already agree at the beginning? My people will never get involved in this operation..." Before Tojo Shino finished speaking, Mito Yuhao couldn't help but said with a wry smile : "Tojo-kun, when is this, how can you care about your people, my people? If the plan fails, not only I will be finished, but you will also die!" Tojo Shino heard, Angrily, he slapped the table and shouted angrily: "Mito Yuhao, are you threatening me!?" At this point, Mito Xionghao has also gone all out, and said coldly: "Tojo Shino, you want to get big benefits! , you have to take a big risk! Who doesn’t want to sit back and enjoy the benefits of others? But there will be no pies in the sky! If you don’t send someone, the plan will be exposed, and I will escape to a foreign country at worst. My life is getting better. Anyway, I have followed Yukio Yamamoto over the years and saved a lot of money, which is enough for me to spend the rest of my life in luxury. As for you, hey, think about those subordinates who followed you to fight to the death, think about it Your grandfather, can you just leave?"

Tojo Shino gritted his teeth, and his deep voice seemed to come from Jiuyou Hell. He gritted his teeth and shouted: "Mito Xionghao, you bastard, I will definitely kill you!" Mito Xionghao snorted coldly He sighed and said: "Before you kill me, you should send someone to catch Chang Xuefei and his bodyguards first. There is not much time, and they have almost fled to the city. One of them was poisoned by a poisoned bodyguard. They need to There are a lot of antibiotics, you should have people pay close attention to the major hospitals and stores that sell antibiotics, you should be able to catch their tracks! I advise you to act quickly!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone heavily.

Although Tojo Shino was so angry that he vomited blood, but he also understood that he had already boarded this pirate ship of Mito Yuhiro at this time, and he might not be able to get off.He could only punch the table bitterly, and issued a series of orders...

After rushing out of the villa, Lin Tian stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom and rushed all the way, wishing he could put wings on the car and fly into the city.However, the suburb where the villa is located is remote. When he came, Mito Yuhao ordered people to go around a lot of circles, which made Lin Tian unable to find the direction to enter the city. He looked at the fork in front of him that extended to three directions. Horibi stopped.Seeing the car stopped, Chang Xuefei couldn't help asking eagerly: "Why stop? Hurry up! Sun Xiang's injury is serious!" Lin Tian turned to look at Sun Xiang, and found that Sun Xiang's lips were Some of them turned purple, and they were even more anxious.He asked anxiously: "Xuefei, do you still remember which way we came from?"

Chang Xuefei was taken aback, and looked out the window, only to see that the scenery of the three roads was similar, so she couldn't help shaking her head in confusion.Lin Tian clicked his tongue anxiously, and said, "What should I do? If I go the wrong way, the time will be greatly delayed, and Sun Xiang... Hey! What's wrong, there is no one around , or you can still ask!" Lin Tian scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, sweating.Chang Xuefei raised her eyebrows and said: "Lin Tian, ​​if you don't know the way, it's a waste of time to stay here. Why don't we take a gamble and choose one at random, and there is still a third of hope!"

"Choose one randomly?" Lin Tian looked at Chang Xuefei in astonishment.In Longzu, all plans must be detailed and perfect, step by step.Lin Tian has been a dragon warrior for so many years, and he has never done anything indiscriminately.

However, although he felt that this was very absurd, at the moment, it seemed that he had no other choice other than this. "Okay! Then take a gamble! Xue Fei, which of these three roads do you choose?" Lin Tian asked in a deep voice. "I'll choose the middle one!" Chang Xuefei said loudly, pointing to the middle one of the three roads after pondering for a while.

"Okay! Let's take the one on the left!" Lin Tian followed suit.Chang Xuefei couldn't help but ask, "What do you mean?"

Lin Tian smiled and said: "In our dragon group, there is an unwritten rule, that is, never trust women! Since you have chosen the middle one, then the middle one is absolutely unacceptable. The rest I can only choose one of these two!" After hearing Lin Tian's words, a hint of anger flashed across Chang Xuefei's brows, and she couldn't help but snorted and said, "It's unreasonable, what kind of bullshit rule is this? I think You Dragon Team doesn’t have any good things!” Lin Tian laughed a few times, started the car, and was about to drive to the road on the left.However, at this moment, a faint voice sounded among them, "Xue Fei is... yes, take the middle road..."

Hearing this voice, the two were startled, and hurriedly looked at Sun Xiang, only to see that Sun Xiang opened his eyes and then closed them again.Chang Xuefei said anxiously: "Sun Xiang, wake up, wake up." Lin Tian shook his head at Chang Xuefei and said, "Don't disturb him. Let him rest for a while! Let's take the middle road!" Chang Xuefei Turning his head and giving him a blank look, he said quietly: "Didn't it mean that women can't be trusted? Then why do you still take the middle path?" Lin Tian curled his lips and said quietly: "A blind cat can also meet a dead mouse , so this woman will occasionally be right.

Besides, I don't listen to you, I listen to Sun Xiang.This guy Sun Xiang is a living GPS, there is no route in this world that is so complicated that he can't tell it apart. After finishing speaking, Lin Tian started the car, chose the middle road, and drove away all the way.

The car was on the road, running at a fast speed, and finally came to the bustling city. Chang Xuefei and Lin Tian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw the lights of the city.Chang Xuefei said anxiously: "Lin Tian, ​​we must send Sun Xiang to the hospital immediately!" Lin Tian shook his head and said, "No way! I think the other party must have set up a tight siege around the hospital. Once we show up, the result will be terrible." It is expected. Let's find a small hotel and settle down first." "But Sun Xiang's injury..." Chang Xuefei said anxiously.Lin Tian said: "Don't worry, Sun Xiang has experienced greater danger than this, I believe he will be able to survive it." After speaking, Lin Tian turned the car into a remote street.

At the end of the street they found a hotel that looked a little run down.As soon as Lin Tian's car parked, a somewhat drunk island man came out of the hotel. While sipping wine, he said to them, "The three of you want to stay in a hotel?" Lin Tian said impatiently: "Nonsense! What are you doing here if you don't stay in the store? Quickly lead the way!" The drunk man nodded in a hurry, and was about to bring the three of them in when he suddenly noticed Sun Xiang hanging limply on Lin Tian's neck , asked: "Your friend..." Lin Tian glanced at Sun Xiang, and said calmly: "My friend is drunk, it's fine."

"Hahaha...that's how it is. Actually, I also like to drink two glasses when I'm free. I just drank it before you came here." The man chattered. "What kind of wine does your friend drink? Beer is my favorite. I can drink more than a dozen bottles at a time with dried squid. By the way, do you know what dried squid is..." The man seemed to be talking endlessly , Lin Tian's eyes immediately turned cold.Lin Tian's eyes turned cold, the man immediately shivered subconsciously, the conversation stopped abruptly, and he looked at Lin Tian in astonishment.Lin Tian said in a cold voice: "I don't like chatting very much! My friend is here and wants to rest. Take us to the room immediately!"

The man was timid, so he hurriedly said, and asked seriously: "How many rooms do you want?" "One room is enough!" Lin Tian replied in a deep voice. "One room? The three of you?" The man looked at the three of them with some surprise, and then he showed a warm smile on his face. Looking at Chang Xuefei, who was as handsome as a flower, a trace of envy flashed in her eyes from time to time.Anyone can guess what he is thinking at this moment.Chang Xuefei's face was immediately filled with embarrassment, and she ruthlessly rolled her eyes at the boss.

Lin Tian was snickering in his heart, which made Chang Xuefei even more upset. Even Lin Tian didn't let go of the boss's smirk, and led the three of them to a fairly clean guest room.Living in this kind of small hotel, as long as you give money, you don't need to show any proof, which is very convenient.After driving the boss out of the room, Chang Xuefei looked at Lin Tian very dissatisfied, and said softly, "Why didn't you explain it just now, the boss misunderstood us..." As she spoke, Chang Xuefei blushed Half the sky, so tempting.While admiring her beauty, Lin Tian smiled wryly and said, "Explain? How do you want me to explain? This kind of thing has always been described more and more darkly."

(End of this chapter)

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