The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1360 Dispute with the driver

Chapter 1360 Dispute with the driver
Chang Xuefei also knew that what Lin Tian said was the truth, but she still said a little bit reluctantly: "Then you should at least open two rooms!" Lin Tian said quietly: "I only have one person, if not, then you should gather together Together, how do you protect the two of you separately? If you know how to clone yourself, teach me!"

Chang Xuefei was choked by Lin Tian's few words, rolled his eyes at him, curled his lips and said, "I don't care about you! Let's see how Sun Xiang's injury is." Lin Tian frowned, faintly Said: "Do you think I really have the leisure to quarrel with you? I have seen Sun Xiang's injury just now, and the poison on the dart is very strong." "Then... then what should I do?" Chang Xuefei heard, Some Liushen asked anxiously to Lin Tian.Lin Tian glanced at him and said, "Don't worry, go get me a basin of hot water, and I'll help Sun Xiang clean his wound first!"

Upon hearing this, Chang Xuefei hurried out to find hot water.Lin Tian tore open Sun Xiang's sleeve, exposing the hideous wound.Where the ninja dart was shot, the skin was jet black, which looked very terrifying.

Lin Tian frowned, took out a small knife from his pocket, sterilized the front end of the knife with a lighter, and then gently cut open Sun Xiang's wound, a stream of thick black and smelly blood gushed out immediately.Perhaps because he felt the pain, Sun Xiang frowned slightly, and let out a faint moan.Noticing this, Lin Tian couldn't help feeling relieved, as long as Sun Xiang still has consciousness, everything will be easy to handle!
The poisonous blood was almost released, and Chang Xuefei also brought hot water.Lin Tian carefully cleaned Sun Xiang's wound with hot water, and said to Chang Xuefei: "It's been too long, and the poison has penetrated into his body. We must find a large amount of antibiotics to keep Sun Xiang alive." Antibiotics? Where can we find antibiotics?" Chang Xuefei asked with a frown.Lin Tian pondered for a moment, then said faintly: "Xue Fei, Sun Xiang will leave it to you when I'm not around. Remember, don't open the door if anyone knocks on it. If I come back, I will jump in directly from the window .do you understand?"

Chang Xuefei looked at Lin Tian full of astonishment and nervousness, and asked, "You...where are you going?" Chang Xuefei is a woman after all, and there will always be times when she is weak.After experiencing so many changes, Chang Xuefei can be said to be exhausted.Fortunately, there is Lin Tian by her side to accompany her. If there is no Lin Tian, ​​she really doesn't know what to do.At this time, Chang Xuefei was like a child in a strange place, Lin Tian was the only person he was familiar with and close to, so naturally he was unwilling to let him go...

Understanding Chang Xuefei's feelings at this time, Lin Tian looked at her with some pity, and said softly: "Don't be afraid, I will be back soon!" With Lin Tian's encouragement, Chang Xuefei finally calmed down , nodded heavily, and said: "Okay! But you have to come back early. Also, must be careful!" Lin Tianchong showed a bright smile to Chang Xuefei, and then, like the wind, floated out out the window, into the night.After Lin Tian left, Chang Xuefei hurriedly closed the windows and doors tightly.Carefully guarding Sun Xiang's side, praying in his heart that Lin Tian would come back soon.

This is Lin Tian's first visit to Dongcheng, an island country, and he is very unfamiliar with Dongcheng.Walking out of the small hotel, looking around, seeing the tall buildings one after another, Lin Tian only felt that he was as small as a drop of water in the ocean, a grain of millet in the world.In desperation, Lin Tian just stopped a taxi and asked him to take him to the nearest hospital.Drugs like antibiotics are impossible to have in general pharmacies.Arriving at the brightly lit hospital, Lin Tian was about to get out of the car, but was stopped by the driver. It turned out that he forgot to pay the money.Lin Tian really wanted to give money, but the problem was that he had no money.Coming to the island country with Chang Xuefei this time was a sudden task, and he didn't have time to prepare, let alone exchange yen.Even the limited renminbi that he had on his body was left over from eating ramen before he came to the island country.

After searching all the pockets on his body, Lin Tian didn't find another dime.Lin Tian handed the few yuan in his hand to the driver, and said with a guilty smile: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I forgot to bring the money when I went out, hehe..." The driver of the island country glanced at Lin Tian, ​​and from Lin Tian's hand Li took the few yuan, looked at it first, and then threw it out of the car casually. Cao said in a somewhat blunt Chinese dialect: "RMB can only be used to wipe your butt, not to take a car!" Lin Tian Hearing this, I felt as if someone had lit a fire in my heart, and I was immediately angry. I stared, looked at the island taxi driver angrily, and asked gloomyly: "What did you say?Kind of you say it again! "

The driver of the island country knew at a glance that he was poisoned by the right-wing forces of the island country. Facing Lin Tian's eyes that seemed to be eating people, he said without hesitation: "You Chinese people have corrupt morals. You still take the car without money. We island people look at you I'm sorry, if I knew you were from Huaxia, I wouldn't let you ride in my car! Now it's all right, after I go back, I have to wash the car!" Lin Tian gasped like a cow in his nose, Gritting his teeth, he said, "Fuck you! I was upset today, but I didn't expect you, a dead island dog, to provoke me!" After finishing speaking, he grabbed the island driver by the neck.

Lin Tian's hands are so strong that he can crush a tiger's neck alive.How can the island driver survive?A face turned into a sauce-sweet color in an instant.Driven by instinct, the Daoguo driver's hands kept patting Lin Tian's hands, but Lin Tian's hands seemed to be welded to his neck, no matter how hard he tried, Lin Tian's hands still kept slapping The tightening.Realizing that death was approaching, the driver of the island country was full of fear and horror.

Although he couldn't make a sound because Lin Tian strangled his throat, it was not difficult to find from his mouth opening and closing that he was begging for mercy.As soon as he arrived in the island country, he was besieged by a group of inexplicable ninjas, and Sun Xiang couldn't afford to be poisoned. Lin Tian's heart was filled with anger.Now being humiliated again by his little island driver, Lin Tian's lungs are about to explode.Ignoring the other party's begging for mercy at all, he gritted his teeth and said: "You island dog, even the uncle dares to bite! If the uncle doesn't kill you today, you island dogs will not understand that you can't afford to provoke the Chinese people." of!"

Hearing that Lin Tian was going to kill him, the Daoguo driver struggled more violently, but the more he struggled, the harder Lin Tian used his hands, and the more miserable the Daoguo driver was in, finally , the island driver rolled his eyes a little unbearably.Just as the life of the island driver was hanging by a thread, a few pairs of eyes were staring at them in a corner not far from them.Only one of the gloomy voices sounded: "Shen Zejun, that taxi seems to be a Chinese!"

The Shen Zejun mentioned by this population, whose full name is Shen Zenan, is the well-deserved right-hand man of Tojo Shino.Shen Zenono and Tojo Shino grew up together, and they have very similar family backgrounds.Shen Zeno Nanao's grandfather was Tojo Hideyoshi's senior staff member.Together, the two planned many conspiracies to invade China and caused great harm to the people of China.After World War II, Shen Zeno's grandfather and Hideyoshi Tojo were tried at the Far East International Military Tribunal.Because of his lesser crime than Tojo Yingji, he escaped the punishment of death.However, his old age was not good, and he was often awakened from nightmares.Rather than saying that he lived a few more years, it is better to say that he suffered a few more years of crimes.

Because they grew up together and have a similar family background, Shino Tojo and Shino have almost the same political ideas.Both of them had an inexplicable hatred for Huaxia in their hearts.This made the two of them come together as a matter of course. In the powerful country hall led by Tojo Hideyoshi, Shen Zenono is one of the few dozens of leaders.This time, he was sent by Dongtiao Siye to track down the whereabouts of Chang Xuefei and the three of them. Long Zenainan was lucky, and ran into Lin Tian who was out looking for medicine right here.The person who spoke to him just now was Kaoru Inoue, another small leader of Qiangguotang.

Inoue is also a very powerful family in the island country, united with several other big families, this prevents the Yamamoto family from dominating the island country.Tojo Shino enlisted these people, and it seemed that Qianguotang had the capital to challenge Yukio Yamamoto at the beginning of its establishment. The success of Si Ye's subordinates is not only due to the power of their family, but also has an inseparable relationship with their own abilities.In other words, both of them have strong abilities. For example, the reason why Shen Zenonan appeared in this hospital at this time was also after his careful analysis.First of all, within a radius of ten miles, this is the only hospital with relatively complete equipment that can treat all kinds of poisonous injuries.Secondly, the transportation here is convenient. If they find the whereabouts of Lin Tian and others in other hospitals, they can rush there very conveniently and quickly.Shen Zenonan's analysis paid off, and he really met Lin Tian here.

"Shen Zejun, no matter how I look at it, I think that Huaxia person is suspicious, let's do it!" Kaoru Inoue said anxiously.Shen Zenonan shook his head, and said quietly: "No! You are not allowed to act without certainty. If you startle the snakes by mowing the grass, it will be difficult to find them again." Kaoru Inoue nodded to the taxi through the telescope. Looking at the car, he gasped in surprise, and said, "Strange, he is robbing the taxi driver?" After a while, he said, "It looks like he must have had an argument with the taxi driver."

"Shen Zejun, it just so happens that we can use this excuse to check and find out if he is the person we are waiting for, what do you think?" Kaoru Inoue suggested.Shen Zenonan thought for a while, nodded and said, "It's possible! But you have to remember that you are not allowed to act rashly until the identity of the other party is confirmed!" Kaoru Inoue grinned and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry!" After speaking, while rubbing his fists, he led the person out of the hiding corner.However, just as he was about to walk towards the taxi, Shen Zenonan called him back with a yell.Kaoru Inoue asked full of confusion: "Shen Zejun, what happened?" Shen Zenonan pouted at the taxi, Kaoru Inoue looked back in some surprise, only then did he see that Lin Tian was getting out of the car.

(End of this chapter)

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