The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1361 Lin Tian Delivers the Birth

Chapter 1361 Lin Tian Delivers the Birth
Just when the taxi driver was about to be strangled to death by Lin Tian, ​​Lin Tian let him go.Although this island country driver is very hateful, he will not die if he pays the crime. At the same time, Lin Tian is not a murderer, and he will not kill the other party just because of a few words from the other party.But even so, the island driver suffered a lot. When Lin Tian left, the island driver had already rolled his eyes and fell into a semi-comatose state.

"Follow me! Remember, don't startle the snake!" Seeing Lin Tian get out of the taxi and walk straight to the hospital, Long Zenan gave a low voice order, and Kaoru Inoue hurriedly straightened his collar and followed Behind Lin Tian, ​​he walked into the hospital.Every hospital in the world is the same, frowning patients, hurried and slightly arrogant doctors, and pungent strange smells seem to be the three essential elements that make up a hospital.

After entering the hospital, Lin Tian looked around and followed a doctor into the toilet.Not long after, Lin Tian, ​​who was wearing a brand new white coat and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, came out of the toilet generously.The hospital is too big and there are too many doctors. It is not surprising that there are a few strange faces.

According to the signs of the hospital, Lin Tian easily found the prescription of the hospital.However, just as Lin Tian was about to walk in, suddenly, an urgent cry for help sounded from behind him, and before Lin Tian could react, his arm was tightly grasped by a big hand stop.Lin Tian's heart was shocked, and he instinctively prepared to bend his elbow! , At this time, there was another urgent cry with a hint of crying, and it rang in his ears, "Doctor! Please, save my wife, she is going to die, please!"

Lin Tian stopped the elbow that was almost thrown out, and turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.I saw a plump and handsome middle-aged man with an extraordinary bearing and heavy clothes looking at him pleadingly. "Doctor! Help!" The middle-aged man shouted again, tears rolling in his eyes.Lin Tian frowned, turned his head and looked behind him, and saw a pale but still beautiful pregnant woman supported by two men, her face was full of pain, obviously about to give birth .

Now Lin Tian panicked, he looked good in a white coat, but he was not a doctor after all.Let him kill people, but let him deliver babies, this is really difficult for a strong man.Just when Lin Tian didn't know what to do, the middle-aged man said again: "Doctor, what are you waiting for! Hurry up and save my wife and my child!" After repeated urging by the middle-aged man, Lin Tian frowned, and had no choice but to bite the bullet and call out to the nurse who happened to pass by to get a stretcher, and pushed the middle-aged wife to an operating room.

The middle-aged man was driven out of the operating room, leaving only Lin Tian and two nurses in the operating room, as well as the pregnant woman who kept moaning on the hospital bed.At this time, Lin Tian's head was about to explode, and he never thought that he would encounter such a thing.The two nurses looked straight at Lin Tian, ​​apparently waiting for his instructions.Lin Tian frowned, and shouted in a deep voice: "Look at me, why don't you deliver her? You can only watch on weekdays, but you don't have the opportunity to practice. Today I will give you this opportunity! I decide this pregnant woman, it's up to you Come and save for her, I will guide Miao at the side."

"Doctor, I... can we really do it?" Lin Tian's words immediately elicited an extremely bright smile on the faces of the two women.One of the girls with a very pretty face, eyes full of surprises, looked at Lin Tian with sparkling eyes and said.Lin Tian nodded heavily, and pretended to say: "I said you can do it! But, don't let me down." "Well! We will definitely work hard!" Lin Tian answered affirmatively, The two nurses slapped each other's palms excitedly, and then began to deliver the baby.

Seeing the performance of the two nurses, Lin Tian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, his luck is not too bad, otherwise, he really doesn't know what to do today.Lin Tian originally planned to leave while the two nurses were delivering the baby, but in the corridor outside the operating room, the middle-aged man and his two subordinates were like ants on a hot pot, pacing back and forth restlessly, unless he knew the invisibility technique , otherwise he can't get away.In addition, the two baby nurses refused to let him go, and kept asking him if it was like this and if it was like that.What does Lin Tian know?He could only say yes vaguely every time, as to whether it was true or not, he couldn't care so much.Just as Lin Tian was praying for the two nurses to move quickly and get the baby out early so that he could get away, a crisp baby cry suddenly sounded.This cry was like the sound of heaven, and Lin Tian's heart was about to fly out with joy.However, God seems to want to make things difficult for him. Just when he was overjoyed, the last thing he wanted to see happened...

One of the nurses suddenly yelled like a corpse, "Oh no, the pregnant woman is bleeding profusely!" "What!? Oh my god, what should I do?!" The other nurse also uttered an exclamation, Then the two looked at Lin Tian at the same time.Lin Tian wanted to bang his head against the wall at this moment.After arriving in the island country, it can be said that everything went wrong for him, which made him even less fond of the island country.His face sank, and he shouted: "What are you looking at me for? It's not me who is bleeding heavily, and I still can't find a way to stop her bleeding? Sudden situations like this are very common in clinical practice. You must learn to be calm and adapt to the situation! "

After being scolded by Lin Tian, ​​the two nurses finally calmed down and hurriedly used all the methods they knew to stop learning.However, after using the last method they knew, the bleeding of the pregnant woman was not relieved, but intensified.Seeing the blood flowing out of Bobo, a large piece of hemostatic cotton was quickly dyed red, the two nurses who could keep calm finally couldn't hold back, and one of them couldn't help crying, As if chanting a curse, he muttered: "What should we do? What should we do?" Although Lin Tian didn't intervene, everything that was happening was in his eyes.Seeing that the situation of the pregnant woman is really urgent, Lin Tian's heart couldn't help but pick up.The good-looking nurse, after repeated attempts but all failed, finally had no choice but to cast her eyes on Lin Tian for help, and said anxiously: "The doctor's patient has lost a lot of blood. If the bleeding doesn't stop If you do, your life may be in danger, and it's time for you to act." Seeing her bright and eager eyes, Lin Tian felt as if he had just eaten Huanglian.Of course he wanted to stop the bleeding of the poor pregnant woman, but he was powerless.

Just as Lin Tianji's forehead was sweating, the pretty nurse's voice suddenly became louder and said loudly: "Doctor, I know that you are giving us a chance and hope that we can grow up sooner. We really I am very grateful. But now all of this is beyond our ability. Please don't hesitate any longer, and act quickly!" Lin Tian gritted his teeth and said in his heart: "Grandma, until now, we can only It’s a dead horse that treats a living horse as a doctor!” After speaking, he came to the pregnant woman with his lips tightly pressed, and said in a deep voice, “Untie the patient’s bra!”

"What?" The two nurses didn't understand what Lin Tian meant, and looked at him in astonishment.They have been nurses for so long, and this is the first time they have heard that the patient's bra needs to be removed to stop the patient's bleeding.Lin Tian glared at the two of them with some impatience, and shouted: "What are you still doing in a daze? Do you want the patient to die?" Under Lin Tian's repeated reprimands, the pretty nurse bit her lip, and The pregnant woman's blouse was unbuttoned, followed by her bra.As soon as the bra was undone, two huge bras immediately popped out, and the snow-white ones dangled non-stop in front of Lin Tian.Lin Tian has been busy performing tasks, and has no chance to touch women at all. At this moment, this pair of meatballs dangling in front of his eyes made him a little dizzy.Biting the tip of his tongue hastily, with the help of the pain, he restored the clarity of the Lingtai.

Just when the two nurses were wondering what Lin Tian wanted to do, one of Lin Tian's hands suddenly pressed the lower end of the pregnant woman's right breast.The huge ones all fell into Lin Tian's hands, and under Lin Tian's backlog, they changed their shape. "Hey, what are you doing!?" In the eyes of the two nurses, Lin Tian's action was clearly sexual assault on a pregnant woman. The pretty nurse did not expect Lin Tian to do such a thing in front of her. What happened, I felt very angry in my heart, and stared at Lin Tian with a pair of big eyes, which were full of anger.

Lin Tian ignored her, but calmly condensed the true energy in his body in his palm, and then penetrated into the pregnant woman's body through the palm.True Qi circulates in the human body, which can promote the smooth flow of human blood, and at the same time allow the blood to coagulate, preventing the deterioration of the injury.Martial arts practitioners, when they are injured, adjust their breath and luck in order to use internal force to coagulate the blood, thereby promoting the healing of the wound.This is also the reason why the more profound the skill is, the faster the injury will heal.Naturally, these two nurses couldn't get such wonderful internal strength.

Seeing that Lin Tian didn't seem to hear what he said, his palm was still pressed on the pregnant woman's face, and he was very annoyed.He couldn't help but waved his palm and slapped Lin Tian's face.Just when her palm was about to hit Lin Tian, ​​Lin Tian shrank his head back violently, grabbed the nurse's wrist with his right hand like lightning, frowned, and shouted in a deep voice: "What are you doing?" The pretty nurse said angrily, "What are you doing? Naturally, you're the only one to hit you! It's an insult to wear such a sacred white coat on someone who is not as good as a beast like you!"

Lin Tian said dumbfoundedly: "Please figure it out before you scold others? What a hooligan, I'm stopping the bleeding for her!" "Stop the bleeding? Do you think I'm a fool? Who in the world uses such a method to stop the bleeding?" The pretty nurse said in a cold voice with disdain.Lin Tian curled his lips and said calmly: "That's because you are ignorant!" The pretty nurse was dissatisfied and wanted to refute again, but suddenly another nurse shouted in surprise: " Aoi Nako, look, her bleeding has stopped!"

(End of this chapter)

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