The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1373 Li Xiaogang Arrives

Chapter 1373 Li Xiaogang Arrives

Mizuhara Deren glanced at him indifferently, and said: "You don't have to worry about reporting to Tojo Shino, I will talk to him personally." With a wink, Matsukihara Bing waved his hand, and several policemen took Shen Zenanao and Inoue Kaoru down.Looking at the backs of the two of them, Deren Mizuhara snorted coldly, and said with curled lips: "Two stinky brats, come with me, be more tender!" Siye contacted. And this tape in your hand is really not good for Mr. Lin and the others." Matsukihara Bing said.

Mizuhara Deren frowned, suddenly turned his head to look at Matsukihara Bing, and asked in a deep voice: "Matsuki, tell me the truth, do you think Mr. Lin and the others will kill people?" Matsukihara Bing was silent for a while, slowly He said: "I don't believe it, but this belt..." Mizuhara Deren let out a long breath, and said slowly: "Go ask Mr. Lin first." After finishing speaking, he turned and returned to the small hotel.Seeing Deren Mizuhara go back and forth, Lin Tian looked at him in surprise and asked, "Mr. Mizuhara, shouldn't you be looking for Yukio Yamamoto now?"

Mizuhara Deren said: "Yukio Yamamoto can't fly without wings, so you can look for it at any time. But now I have something I want to ask Mr. Lin personally." Lin Tian looked at him in surprise and asked :"What's up?"

Mizuhara Deren pondered for a moment before slowly asking: "Mr. Lin, please tell the truth. Did you have a dispute with an island taxi driver in front of a hospital?" Lin Tian thought After thinking about it, he nodded anxiously and said, "That's right! It's the case, what's the matter?" Mizuhara Deren's face sank, and he said with a wry smile: "Mr. Lin, how much dispute did you have? Let you kill him in a fit of anger?"

"Murder!? Mr. Mizuhara, what are you talking about? I'm not a murderer, how could I kill someone because of a little dispute?" Lin Tian was startled by Mizuhara Deren's words, and he said in surprise .Mizuhara Deren's face was covered with a wry smile, and he murmured: "But the problem is that the driver who had a dispute with you is indeed dead, and there is a video tape to prove it. Mr. Lin, this matter is really serious to you. It's too unfavorable." Lin Tian said a little excitedly: "Impossible! How could such a thing happen? I don't believe it!" Mizuhara Deren shook his head, and found a still usable video recorder from the hotel owner's room .Looking at the picture on the video tape, Lin Tian was stunned, with disbelief written in his eyes, as if he had seen a ghost.He muttered in his mouth: "This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible. I have always been measured in my actions. I can guarantee that I just pinched him unconscious at that time, and he will definitely not die."

Sun Xiang frowned, and asked in a concentrated voice: "Could it be that this guy is too weak, you thought you just knocked him out, but in the end..." Lin Tian frowned, and said in a deep voice: " How could it be? When I got off the car, although he fell into a coma, he was breathing strongly, and he was definitely alive. But why did he die suddenly?" After finishing speaking, Lin Tian's eyes shot at the disk like lightning. The video tape, said in a low voice: "I suspect that this video tape has been tampered with!" Mizuhara Deren said: "Don't worry about this, if the Zhou Zhou video tape is really tampered with, no matter how clever the other party is, Our technicians can also find vulnerabilities in it."

Lin Tian clenched his fists tightly, his eyes filled with boiling anger, and said suddenly: "If you let me catch the person who framed me, it would be strange if I didn't peel off his skin!" Mizuhara Deren said: "Mr. Lin, it is obvious that someone has taken great pains to deal with you. But don't worry, I, Mizuhara Deren, always believe that black is black and white is white. It is not so easy to frame you in front of me, Mizuhara Deren! I will definitely return your innocence." Lin Tian nodded, and said: "Mr. Mizuhara will worry too much." Mizuhara Deren put away the video tape, thought for a while and said: "You guys stay here first, I will first Go see Yukio Yamamoto and figure out the whole thing before we talk about it." Lin Tian nodded and watched Suyuan Deren leave the small hotel.

After Mizuhara Deren left, Lin Tian frowned immediately, and said in a low voice: "No, we can no longer be passively beaten like this, we must fight back." Sun Xiang smiled wryly, and said: "How to fight back? Deren Mizuhara said it was to protect us, but in fact, he put us under house arrest in disguise. There are police and troops everywhere outside, and I’m afraid not even a fly can fly out.” Lin Tian looked out through the window, and there were camphors everywhere. It is really difficult for the figure in the building to leave quietly from here, Lin Tian's expression also became serious, and said faintly: "Even if you can't get out, even if you can talk to the leader and them It's good to get in touch..."

Before Lin Tian finished speaking, Chang Xuefei's heart suddenly moved, and she slowly took out the Fire Dragon Ball that she kept close to her body from her bosom.Fire Dragon Ball still exudes its unique light and charm, as if it can penetrate into the depths of people's hearts.Staring at the Fire Dragon Ball, Chang Xuefei said faintly: "I have a way to contact Li Xiaogang..." As soon as Chang Xuefei said that, both Lin Tian and Sun Xiang couldn't help being surprised, especially Lin Tian. Almost jumped up from the ground, asked repeatedly: "Xuefei, what are you talking about? Can you contact Brother Gang? How?"

Chang Xuefei shook the fire dragon ball in her hand, smiled, and said lightly: "Rely on it!" "Rely on it?" Lin Tian looked at Chang Xuefei blankly with a face full of confusion and confusion asked.Chang Xuefei smiled slightly, and said affectionately: "This Fire Dragon Ball was given to me by Li Xiaogang. He told me that if I was in danger and needed his help, as long as I yelled three times at the Fire Dragon Ball His name, he will appear by my side..." When she said these words, Chang Xuefei's face and brows were full of affection like honey.However, Lin Tian, ​​who was listening on the sidelines, said dumbfoundedly: "Xue Fei, you are so old, and you still like fairy tales so much?"

Chang Xuefei looked at Lin Tian, ​​smiled, and said faintly: "Do you think this is a fairy tale? Ha ha! Then just wait, I will surprise you." After finishing speaking, Chang Xuefei was facing Fire Dragon Ball, Imagining the appearance of Li Xiaogang in his mind, he solemnly shouted "Li Xiaogang!" Seeing Chang Xuefei's seriousness, as if he was performing a sacred ceremony, Lin Tian couldn't help laughing from the side, and said: "Xue Fei, sometimes you are so cute!" Chang Xuefei ignored him, and called out to Fire Dragon Ball, "Li Xiaogang!" Lin Tian was about to speak, but Sun Xiang gagged his mouth and pointed at him Shaking his head, he made a solemn mouth movement.

Lin Tian couldn't help but frowned slightly, and turned to look at Chang Xuefei. At this time, Chang Xuefei had already yelled the last cry. Chang Xuefei almost used all the strength in her body to shout loudly. Straight through the roof into the sky.Although Lin Tian didn't believe everything Chang Xuefei said in his heart, he couldn't help feeling a little nervous in his heart at this moment.He kept looking around at the legacy patrol.While Lin Tian and Sun Xiang were looking around in surprise, Chang Xuefei's mind suddenly lifted, and she shouted excitedly, "He's coming!" "What!?" Lin Tian and Sun Xiang couldn't help but scream at the same time With a sound.Before the screams of the two fell to the ground, there was an extra hand on each of their shoulders. The two of them looked back as if they were shocked by electricity. When they looked at each other, they were completely stunned as if they had seen a ghost. .

Standing behind the two of them at this moment, the one who put their shoulders on their shoulders was none other than Li Xiaogang with his signature smile.Lin Tian and Sun Xiang rubbed their eyes vigorously, and when they saw Li Xiaogang still standing there, they couldn't help exclaiming "Brother Gang!" I have dealt with Li Xiaogang before, and I can say that I am deeply impressed by him.And Li Xiaogang also has the ability of photographic memory, recognized the two people, looked at the two people who were full of surprise, and said with a smile: "Two brothers, long time no see, you have a good time."

"Brother Gang, it's really you!?" Lin Tian was so surprised that he couldn't help but grabbed Li Xiaogang's hand.Although Li Xiaogang's hand was really in his, he still had a dreamlike feeling and said again and again.Li Xiaogang smiled, but said nothing. "You're finally here, and you didn't disappoint me!" Seeing Li Xiaogang's arrival, Chang Xuefei's heart miraculously calmed down, and she walked up to Li Xiaogang, looked at him affectionately, and said faintly .

When Chang Xuefei called Li Xiaogang, Li Xiaogang was at the space center in Taklamakan, and Shen Qihong was studying the production of "Blood Steel". When he received Chang Xuefei's call unexpectedly, he was shocked, and Shen Qihong threw him down. Teleportation came here.Seeing that Chang Xuefei was safe and sound, Li Xiaogang couldn't help feeling relieved. Although he was determined not to accept Chang Xuefei, it didn't prevent him from caring about her.Li Xiaogang nodded lightly, glanced at the military police waiting outside the window, couldn't help but smiled wryly, looked at Chang Xuefei, and asked, "Xuefei, what trouble have you caused this time?" She curled her lips and said quietly: "It's really wronged. I didn't provoke this trouble, but I provoked it on my own initiative."

"I can testify to Xuefei on this point!" Lin Tian said in a deep voice: "Speaking of this family matter, Xuefei is both wronged and unlucky." After listening to Lin Tian's words, Li Xiaogang looked a little dignified, and looked at Chang Xuefei asked: "Xuefei, what's going on? How did you come to the island country, and why were you surrounded by so many soldiers and police?" Li Xiaogang asked the question, but Chang Xuefei didn't answer. He sighed a long time first, and said quietly: "Brother Gang, do you remember that we sent Mikiko on the plane to the island country together?"

Li Xiaogang replied: "Of course I remember, I still remember that Mikiko was very reluctant, and we were almost forced to board the plane by us in the end." Chang Xuefei smiled bitterly and said, "You remember very clearly, it's not bad at all. But even you probably didn’t expect that Mikiko got on the plane, but didn’t reach the island country, but disappeared inexplicably.” “Missing? What’s going on? Xue Fei, please tell me slowly!”

Li Xiaogang's heart couldn't help but raised, he looked at Chang Xuefei solemnly and said.Chang Xuefei nodded, and said slowly: "I was shocked when I first heard the news. But this is just the beginning of trouble. Mikiko is the only daughter of Yukio Yamamoto, a political leader in the island country. I am deeply in love with him. Mikiko's disappearance for no reason has greatly stimulated Yukio Yamamoto. In the midst of anger, he even blamed me for Mikiko's disappearance. He wrote an error letter to the leader A very stern letter, asking me to personally go to the island country and explain the matter clearly. Of course, the leader will not be afraid of Yukio Yamamoto, but just to prevent the situation from expanding, he ordered Lin Tian and Sun Xiang to escort me to the The capital. But I didn’t expect that we would be held hostage as soon as we got off the plane, and after several bloody battles, we finally got here.”

(End of this chapter)

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