The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1374 Which is the truth!

Chapter 1374 Which is the truth!
Although Chang Xuefei said it simply, but from her eyebrows, Li Xiaogang could see that they must have experienced many difficulties and obstacles in the process of getting here.A gleam of coolness flashed in Li Xiaogang's eyes, and he pondered and said: "I know Yukio Yamamoto. He is fairly upright, but why did he do such a thing? Is he the same as Ke Zhengang back then? Did you become confused because you doted on your daughter too much?" Lin Tian shook his head and said: "At the beginning, we also thought that Yukio Yamamoto was in a hurry because of Mikiko's disappearance and lost his mind. But later, with the development of the situation, things became more and more complicated. Among the people who chased and killed us, there were not only people from Yukio Yamamoto, but also people from Shino Tojo. And Yukio Yamamoto and Tojo Shino is a deadly enemy, and this is an open secret in the whole world. It is too strange that they would join forces to hunt down us and we have no enmity with Tojo Shino."

Lin Tian's words also made Li Xiaogang feel puzzled for a while, if it is said that Yukio Yamamoto would chase and kill Chang Xuefei desperately for the sake of Mikiko, it barely makes sense.But why did Tojo Shino join the ranks of chasing and killing them.It stands to reason that Tojo Shino is against Yukio Yamamoto, even if they don't do everything possible to protect Chang Xuefei, they will not help Yamamoto in turn.Could it be that Tojo Shino intends to show favor to Yukio Yamamoto?But this is too inconsistent with Tojo Shino's personality.This man is like his grandfather, once he decides something, even ten cows can't pull it back.

After thinking for a long time, Li Xiaogang couldn't figure it out, and said with a wry smile: "This matter sounds complicated enough now. But these are not the top priority now. The top priority is to find Mikiko. As long as Mikiko After the son is found, Yukio Yamamoto's anger may calm down, and at that time, the problem will be completely resolved." Sun Xiang said in a deep voice, "That's right. But the island country is so big, it takes a lot to find It's not easy for a little Mikiko? What's more, I don't know whether she is dead or alive at this moment..." Before Sun Xiang could finish speaking, Lin Tian nudged him with an elbow, interrupting his words , smiled and said: "For you and me, of course it is difficult. But now that Brother Gang is personally involved, no matter how difficult things are, they will be accomplished immediately, hehe..."

Li Xiaogang couldn't help but smiled at him, and said: "Lin Tian, ​​when did you learn to flatter?" Lin Tiansha said seriously: "I don't call it flattering, I'm telling the truth, ha ha..." Li Xiaogang shook Shaking her head, she said in a concentrated voice: "The matter of finding Mikiko is on my shoulders. You can wait here with peace of mind. With me here, no one will do anything to you." After hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Chang Xuefei three times People's spirits were greatly lifted, and the heart that had been raised all the time finally fell to the ground this time.Lin Tian looked at Li Xiaogang, and said falteringly: "Brother Gang, I'm afraid I have something to trouble you..."

Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Looking at your ugly face, I know it's not a good thing. Tell me, what's the matter?" Lin Tian smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Gang, you don't know. I became a murderer in a daze!" Then, Lin Tian told Li Xiaogang about the videotape, and said: "Brother Gang, I can't help myself now, and I can only rely on you to help me clean up this wrong. You must Help me!" Li Xiaogang frowned and asked, "Can you guarantee that you did not kill that driver?"

Lin Tian vowed and said loudly: "Brother Gang, I can swear that if that driver dies in the hands of Lin Tian, ​​I will die a terrible death!" Li Xiaogang frowned and said: "In this way, someone must be deliberately framing you , It’s okay, I will help you find the evidence.” After speaking, Li Xiaogang’s figure disappeared into the air strangely.Looking at Li Xiaogang's ability to come and go without a trace, Lin Tian and Sun Xiang's envious eyes almost popped out.Looking at the place where Li Xiaogang disappeared, he couldn't say a word for a long time.Chang Xuefei looked at the two of them, and said with a relaxed smile: "What, you two are dumbfounded, right? I remember who told the fairy tale just now?" Chang Xuefei's words made Lin Tian feel embarrassed, She laughed a few times, and said faintly: "Xuefei, don't make fun of me anymore. I have short hair and short knowledge, okay?" Chang Xuefei smiled triumphantly in the room After tidying up a small clean place, he lay down comfortably, and said comfortably: "After tossing around for so long, I haven't even slept properly. I need to take a good rest." Lin Tian He and Sun Xiang were on guard alternately, but when Li Xiaogang came, they didn't alternate, and each of them found a place to sleep.

Just when Chang Xuefei and the three were sleeping soundly, Naruhito Mizuhara appeared at Yukio Yamamoto's mansion with a serious face.In view of Mizuhara Naruhito's power in the island country, although Yukio Yamamoto was in a bad mood, he still greeted him with a smiling face, and welcomed Mizuhara Naruhito into the house.As soon as he came to the living room and sat down, Deren Mizuhara asked: "Yamamoto-kun, haven't you found Mikiko yet?" Yukio Yamamoto shook his head bitterly, and said in a deep tone: "I almost put the All the sent people have been sent out, and now I am afraid that the entire island country has been searched by me, but there is still no news about Mikiko. My heart seems to be fried on a frying pan."

Seeing that Yukio Yamamoto's anxious hair turned gray a lot, and his eyebrows were full of deep worries, Naruhito Mizuhara couldn't help but sighed, and said: "Mikiko is smart and cute, not like Fuku Those who are thin will always find her." Yukio Yamamoto nodded, and said: "I am grateful for Mr. Mizuhara's auspicious words!" After a pause, Yukio Yamamoto asked: "Mr. Mizuhara, your official business I've always been busy, I heard that your wife just gave birth, why do you have time to come to me? Could it be something?" Mizuhara Deren frowned, and said in a deep voice: "There is really something I want to ask Yamamoto-kun. , Yukio Niyamamoto nodded, and said: "Mizuhara-kun, feel free to ask. "Mizuhara Deren no longer hesitated, and asked directly: "Yamamoto-kun, Miss Chang Xuefei was invited by you to come to the island country, right?" "Yukio Yamamoto replied without thinking: "Yes.According to intelligence, it was Chang Xuefei who was with Mikiko in the end.I thought I would get clues about Mikiko from her, so I specially invited her from Huaxia. After hearing this, Suyuan Deren asked, "Since you specially invited me here, you should treat him as a guest."But why did Yamamoto-kun do such a thing? "

Yukio Yamamoto was taken aback by what Mizuhara Naruhito said, and asked in confusion, "What kind of thing?" Mizuhara Naruhito frowned and asked, "Could it be that Yamamoto-kun is pretending to be confused with me? Naturally, it is about ordering Chang Xuefei to be hunted down." "What? Hunted down?" Yukio Yamamoto jumped up from the chair in shock, looking into Mizuhara Naruhito's eyes, the eyeballs were about to pop out.

Mizuhara Deren continued: "Yamamoto-kun, this is your fault. Even if you suspect that Chang Xuefei killed Mikiko, you should always have enough evidence before you take action? There is no evidence, It doesn't make sense to kill people casually, and it doesn't make sense to put them anywhere. Also, who is Chang Xuefei? She is a popular person in front of the leader of China. She flew to the island country this time, but the leader of China sent her off. If you What happened to her, how do you explain to the leader of China, the leader of China? At that time, if you can’t explain it, the leader of China will definitely spread his anger to our island country. Now China is flourishing and its status in the world is getting higher and higher. It is no longer something that our island country can provoke at will. Have you ever thought about how terrible consequences you will bring to our island country and the people of the island country? Not to mention, the disappearance of Mikiko is not necessarily related to Chang Xuefei. It's related, even if it's really related to Chang Xuefei, can you put our entire island nation at risk for your daughter?"

Mizuhara Deren didn't allow Yukio Yamamoto to refute and opened his mouth to say a lot, and Yukio Yamamoto was dumbfounded and stunned. "Wait, Suwon-kun, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand at all? I ordered Chang Xuefei to be hunted down? How could this happen? I was hoping to find out more about Mikiko from her mouth News, why did you order her to be killed? Besides, the friendship between the two of us is not short, don’t you understand me? Am I the kind of person who can do such a bastard?” Yukio Yamamoto’s face With incomparable surprise on his face, he asked repeatedly, dumbfounded.

Seeing Yukio Yamamoto's expression, Deren Mizuhara didn't seem to be lying, and couldn't help asking in surprise: "Don't you really know about this whole thing?" As I said, because of a guilty conscience, Chang Xuefei immediately turned her face when she heard that I was looking for her, and the person who killed us fled. I was very angry when I heard the news, but I didn't order to chase her. Kill them, but just send people trying to catch them."

"That's what Yuhao Mito told you? But when I met Chang Xuefei, their version was just the opposite. She told me that as soon as they got off the plane, Xionghao Mito took them to the suburbs, and then wanted to To kill them. They escaped after a bloody battle. Who should we trust?" Mizuhara Naruhito asked Yamamoto Yukio, frowning.Yukio Yamamoto said in a deep voice: "I believe in Mito Yuhiro. He has been with me for more than ten years and has always been loyal to me. I have no reason not to believe him, but I believe in a stranger."

Mizuhara Deren nodded, and said slowly: "What you said makes sense. But think about it, if Chang Xuefei had a guilty conscience, why did she come to the island country in the first place? She can't justify it. As long as If she stays in China for a day, you have nothing to do with her, she has no need to take risks in the island country." Yukio Yamamoto frowned, and murmured: "This..." Deren Mizuhara said in a deep voice: "Forget about this and that, Mito Yuhiro obviously has a problem. You call someone to call him over immediately, and we will ask him face to face, and everything will be clear!"

(End of this chapter)

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