The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1375 Fax sent on behalf

Chapter 1375 Fax sent on behalf

Yukio Yamamoto nodded, and shouted loudly toward the door: "Come here!" A man who looked like a bodyguard hurried in.Yukio Yamamoto said to him: "Go, call Mito Yuhiro here, let him come right away!" The man frowned strangely, and said, "When I came in, Mr. Mito was not Did you just leave?" "Just left Wei?" Yukio Yamamoto and Deren Mizuhara were taken aback at the same time, rushed to the window and looked out.I saw Yuhao Mito got into the car in a hurry, started the car quickly and drove away.Yukio Yamamoto's heart sank immediately, and he yelled, "Kaiwei, bring Mito Yuhiro back to me!" After the bodyguard was stunned for a moment, he rushed out in a hurry.

Seeing Yukio Mito run away without a trace, Yukio Yamamoto's face changed drastically, and he asked in disbelief, "How could this be? What happened? Yukio Mito, why did he run away?" Deren Mizuhara snorted coldly, and said quietly: "Looking at it now, no matter what happened, there must be something wrong with Yuhiro Mito! He said that Chang Xuefei had a guilty conscience, and I think he is the one who has a guilty conscience." Yes!" Yukio Yamamoto looked at Mizuhara Deren in surprise and asked, "You mean, Mito Yuhiro will betray me? This is impossible. Mito Yukio has been with me for so long and has always been loyal. Geng Geng, said he would betray, I would never believe it!" Mizuhara Deren sighed, and said: "Yamamoto-kun, you know people and face but don't know the heart. If Mito Xionghao has a clear conscience, why would he run away?"

"This..." Yukio Yamamoto's expression changed again and again, until finally he didn't know what was wrong.He trusts Mito Yuhiro too much, and outsiders only know that he regards Mito Yuhiro as his right-hand man. Who knows, in Yamamoto Yukio's mind, Mito Yukio is equivalent to his biological brother.How can Yukio Yamamoto not be surprised that the person he has always trusted and valued betrayed him?Seeing Yukio Yamamoto's dazed look, Deren Mizuhara couldn't help urging him: "Mr. Yamamoto, there is no time to delay now. Think about it quickly, what did you ask Yukio Mito to do for you? Maybe we can find the answer!"

Yukio Yamamoto frowned and took a breath when he heard this: "Oops! I once asked Mito Yuhiro to send a letter to His Excellency Huaxia Quanxi. Do you think he will play tricks on this letter?" When Mizuhara Deren heard it, he hurriedly said: "Don't be dazed, why don't you check it quickly?" "Well, I'll call the leader of Huaxia right now!" After speaking, he hurriedly called the secretary and ordered him to connect Chief's phone.

"Since Chang Xuefei arrived in the island country, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no more news. The leader was also very anxious. Hearing that it was Yukio Yamamoto himself calling, he hurriedly ordered his secretary to answer his office. Once the call was connected, The leader asked straightforwardly: "Your Excellency Yamamoto, Xue Fei should be taken good care of by you, right? "Yukio Yamamoto's head got bigger when he heard it. The leader's tone seemed to be very kind, but in fact it was a hidden murderous intention. The implication is that if Yukio Yamamoto didn't embarrass Chang Xuefei, he didn't let Chang Xuefei If you are wronged, then you are good at everything. But if Chang Xuefei is wronged, it is a different matter. From the leader's smooth tone, he heard a knife, and Yukio Yamamoto couldn't help shivering. Thinking of Mito Xiong Haozhen is sending people to chase and kill Chang Xuefei, but Chang Xuefei's life and death are uncertain, and Yukio Yamamoto's heart is as cold as if he fell into an ice cellar.

He didn't expect Mito Xionghao to betray him like this, and sent him to the eighteenth level of hell in one go.He knew very well in his heart that if the leader knew what Chang Xuefei was going through in the island country, what Yukio Yamamoto would have to bear was simply beyond what he could bear. As a result, their entire Yamamoto family might face catastrophe. disaster.Thinking of this, big drops of cold sweat could not help but ooze from Yukio Yamamoto's forehead.He hurriedly said: "Of course, that's for sure! Miss Chang Xuefei is a distinguished guest invited by me personally, so I naturally dare not neglect."

The leader chuckled a few times, and said: "That's good! Xuefei is also my granddaughter, and I love her very much. I don't want her to suffer any grievances, so please, Your Excellency Yamamoto, understand my feelings Help me take good care of Xuefei." Yukio Yamamoto said repeatedly while wiping the cold sweat from his forehead: "Of course, I will take good care of Miss Xuefei!" , I wonder if you have found your daughter Mikiko?" Yukio Yamamoto shook his head.Sighing, he said: "Thanks to your concern, the leader, the little girl has not disappeared yet." The leader comforted: "Your Excellency Yamamoto, don't worry too much. Ms. Mikiko has her own fortune, so nothing will happen." Yukio Yamamoto smiled, and said, "Borrow the good words from Your Excellency." After a pause, Yukio Yamamoto said: "Your Excellency, in fact, I called today not because of Mikiko, but because I have a I want to ask your Excellency the leader about something."

The leader said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency, please tell me." Yukio Yamamoto said cautiously: "Mr. Chief, did Yuhiro Mito send you a notice in my name a few days ago?" The leader smiled Said: "Oh, is that very interesting announcement? I was very impressed..." The leader's words made Yukio Yamamoto's heart tremble, and a bad premonition faintly rose in his heart, and he settled down , Said: "Your Excellency is like this, can you fax me a copy of that notice?" The leader asked in surprise: "Why is this?"

Yukio Yamamoto said bitterly: "Your Excellency, don't ask, there may be a big problem on my side. I will give you a detailed explanation of the specific situation in the future. Also, Your Excellency, I don't know what was written in the notice that Mito Yuhao sent to you, but if there is anything on it that offends you, I would like to apologize to you here first." The leader frowned more and more as he listened, and finally , couldn't help asking: "Mr. Yamamoto, what happened?" Yukio Yamamoto sighed a few times, and said: "I don't know exactly what's going on now, but I will soon The truth will be found out, and I will give you an explanation at that time!"

Not long after Yukio Yamamoto put down the phone, a fax was sent.Yukio Yamamoto hurriedly took the fax from the secretary and read it carefully.Seeing this, Yukio Yamamoto felt as if he had been electrocuted, his whole body trembled violently, and the blood on his face faded at an extremely fast speed, turning pale.Seeing Yukio Yamamoto's strange expression, Naruhito Mizuhara's heart also rose, and he asked hurriedly, "Yamamoto-kun, what happened?"

Yukio Yamamoto let out a roar suddenly, "Damn Yuhiro Mito, I'm going to kill you!" Naruhito Mizuhara frowned more tightly, and hurriedly took the fax from Yukio Yamamoto , looked at it carefully, and couldn't help but gasped, looked at Yukio Yamamoto, and said in a nasty way: "This...this is not a notice, it is clearly a conquest document! Yamamoto-kun, this not Could it be your instruction?" Yukio Yamamoto looked at Mizuhara Deren dumbfoundingly and said, "Mizuhara-kun, do you think I look crazy? Unless my brain is flooded and I go crazy, how could I? Send out such a thing? This is all done by Mito Yuhao.

How unreasonable!Why did he hurt me like this? !This is simply driving me to death.Fortunately, the leader of Huaxia is very generous, otherwise, just based on this letter, the leader of Huaxia will be at odds with me and insist on driving me off the stage!
Deren Mizuhara put away the fax slowly, and murmured: "Now the matter is very clear, Yuhiro Mito deliberately set up a trap to frame you." Yukio Yamamoto sat on the sofa exhaustedly, He muttered: "Why? Why did Mito Hirohito do this? I, Yukio Yamamoto, asked myself that I was not mean to him, but why did he hurt me so much?" Mizuhara Deren pondered for a moment, and said faintly: " Yamamoto-kun, have you ever thought that Mito Yuhiro may have taken refuge in Tojo Shino." Yamamoto Yukio raised his eyebrows, looked at Mizuhara Deren in surprise, and asked nah: "Mizuhara-kun ,What did you say?"

Mizuhara Deren let out a long sigh, and said slowly: "I was confused by this whole thing at first, but now I have a vague grasp of something. Yamamoto-kun, do you know that the man who was chasing and killing Chang Xuefei Among the people, there are not only Mito Yuhiro, but also Shenze Musashi and Inoue Kaoru. These two stinky boys are both eagle dogs of Tojo Shino." Mizuhara Naruhito's words made Yamamoto Yukio's heart beat violently, Full of surprise, he said: "Could it is true that Yuho Mito was bought by Tojo Shino, and they co-directed all of this?"

Mizuhara Deren nodded heavily, and said: "Think about it carefully, in fact, the whole thing makes sense. Yuhao Mito betrayed you, and made a big fuss with Mikiko's disappearance. On the one hand, he provoked you and The relationship between the leaders of Huaxia, let the leaders of China vent their anger on you, and finally come out to deal with you, and then Tojo Shino will cooperate inside and outside, and then you will be troubled internally and externally, and it will be difficult not to touch!" Hearing Mizuhara Deren's words, Yamamoto Yukio Sweat dripped down from the shock, he clenched his teeth, and said with a deep expression: "What a vicious conspiracy, it's really despicable!"

Mizuhara Deren nodded and said slowly: "The trick of Tojo Shino and Mito Yuhiro is indeed vicious. Fortunately, Chang Xuefei's two bodyguards are not idle people. He still survived under the joint pursuit of the gangsters. If these three people really have troubles, Yamamoto-kun, you may not be able to tell even if you are full of mouths!" Yukio Yamamoto nodded heavily, and asked anxiously Said: "Mr. Suwon, are Chang Xuefei and the others all right now?" Mizuhara Deren nodded and said, "Except for one of them suffering a slight injury, Chang Xuefei and the other are fine. I have A large number of police and troops have been deployed to protect them, and nothing will happen."

(End of this chapter)

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