The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1376 Crazy Mito

Chapter 1376 Crazy Mito

After listening to Mizuhara Deren's words, Yamamoto Yukio looked at him gratefully, and said sincerely: "Mizuhara-kun is thanks to you this time, otherwise I..." Mizuhara Deren waved his hand at him, and said with a smile: "Yamamoto-kun, do you still need to talk about this between me? The most urgent thing is to quickly think about how to deal with this mess. Also, now that we know that Mito Yuhiro is the ghost, the disappearance of Mikiko may There is another strange thing." Mizuhara Deren's words reminded Yamamoto Yukio, and Yamamoto Yukio's pupils dilated and said urgently: "Yes! How did I forget Mikiko! Now it seems that Mikiko Ji Zi's disappearance has nothing to do with Chang Xuefei..."

"Not bad!" Deren Mizuhara took a look and said, "Mikiko's disappearance is just a link in the poisonous plan of Mito Yuhao and Tojo Shino. They just want to use Mikiko's disappearance as a blow to you, and one link after another will let you Getting deeper and deeper."

"Then you mean that Mikiko is likely to be in the hands of Yuhiro Mito now?" Yukio Yamamoto said with his eyes rounded because of anger, his fists clenched tightly, and his teeth gritted.Mizuhara Deren chuckled a few times, and said quietly: "Yamamoto-kun, if you care about it, you will be chaotic. With your wisdom, can't you guess this?"

Yukio Yamamoto shook his head full of annoyance, and said in a deep voice: "Mito Yuhiro is the person I trust the most, and I treat him like a brother. I never dreamed that he would frame me like this. Mizuhara-kun, I am now My heart is completely confused, my mind is blank, and I have no idea at all. You should tell me, what should I do next?" Looking at the haggard Yukio Yamamoto, Deren Mizuhara could understand what he said. mood.Mikiko's disappearance had hit him hard enough, and now the person he trusted the most was trying to frame him in the most insidious way, and no one could bear it if it happened to anyone.

Mizuhara Deren pondered for a while, and said slowly: "There are two things to do at the moment. Find Mito Yuhiro immediately, and find out Mikiko's whereabouts from his mouth. Now, Mito Yuhiro's conspiracy has been revealed, and his identity Exposure, I am afraid that he will jump the wall in a hurry and do something that is not good for Mikiko. Second, find Chang Xuefei immediately and explain the whole thing to them, and clear up their misunderstanding. If Chang Xuefei sends her to the island country Tell Huaxia everything that happened, then our situation will be passive!" Yukio Yamamoto said repeatedly: "Yes, yes, this is indeed a top priority! Mizuhara-kun, I think we should split up and act. I'll go... "

"You go to Chang Xuefei and the others, and I'll go to Mito Yuhiro!" Before Yukio Yamamoto finished speaking, Deren Mizuhara rushed to say.Yukio Yamamoto couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and Mizuhara Deren explained: "Mito Xionghao and Tojo Shino are targeting you, and Chang Xuefei was invited by you personally, so naturally you have to come forward to explain. As for Mito Xionghao , I have brothers and sisters, so it’s easy to find.” Yukio Yamamoto nodded and said, “Okay! Let’s set off right away. Mizuhara-kun, you must notify me after you catch Mito Yuho! Yin Bai, why did he betray me when I treated him so well!"

Mizuhara Deren laughed a few times, and said quietly: "Don't worry, I understand! Mito Yuhiro will be handled by you personally!" Yamamoto Yukio looked at Mizuhara Deren, his heart was full of gratitude, and he held tightly Holding his hand, he said faintly: "Mizuhara-kun, I, Yukio Yamamoto, will never forget your great kindness to me!" Mizuhara Deren waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't tell me this! I will help you , One is because of the friendship between you and me for many years, and the other is for this country! I don’t want the country we have fought for all our lives to collapse because of the conspiracy of a few villains, it’s not worth it.”

Yukio Yamamoto nodded in understanding, and said in a deep voice: "I understand what Mizuhara-kun said. Mikiko Mizuhara-kun, I will entrust it to you!" Naruhito Mizuhara nodded and said, "Don't worry! As long as Mikiko Kiko is still alive, I will hand him over to you unscathed!" Ichimito Yuhiro happened to overhear the conversation between Yamamoto Yukio and Mizuhara Naruhito outside Yukio Yamamoto's office. After listening to the conversation between the two, Mizuto Toxiong Hao felt as if he had been thrown into an ice cellar, his whole body was completely cold, knowing that the matter was about to be revealed, he didn't dare to delay at all, and immediately ran away from Yukio Yamamoto's mansion.

In the island country, Yukio Yamamoto is almost like a god. Offending him means that even simple survival in the island country will become difficult.To say that Mito Yuhiro is not afraid is pure nonsense.As soon as he left Yukio Yamamoto's mansion, Mito Yuhiro immediately drove straight to Tojo Shino's mansion.

It didn't take long for Mito Yuhao to drive when he heard a low and ear-splitting roar of the engine behind him.Mito Yuhao looked back with some surprise in his heart, and saw a sports car chasing after him like a wild horse out of the group. In the blink of an eye, it approached his distance. From the rearview mirror, Mito Yuhao saw at a glance that the driver in the sports car was Yukio Yamamoto's personal bodyguard, his heart suddenly rose to his throat, as if he was going crazy, he slammed on the gas pedal, wishing to put all the gas All added like.

It's a pity that Mito Yukio's car is good, but his driving skills are so-so. Although he tried his best, not only failed to get rid of Yukio Yamamoto's bodyguard, but the distance between the two was getting bigger and bigger. It's getting closer.Yukio Mito knew in his heart that if he couldn't escape this time and was taken back, it would be strange if Yukio Yamamoto figured out what he didn't skin.The deep fear lingered in Mito Yurohiro's heart and made him extremely difficult to breathe.Before he knew it, his whole body was drenched in cold sweat.

Just when Mito Yuhao was almost desperate, his car phone rang suddenly.Mito Yuhiro looked at the keyboard, feeling very grateful, and hastily pressed the answer button. Tojo Shino's deep voice sounded from the microphone: "Mito Yuhiro, where are you now? Why is the phone turned off?" Mito Yuhiro As soon as he realized that the matter was about to be revealed, he turned off his mobile phone with a guilty conscience, and shouted anxiously: "Your Excellency Tojo, don't ask so many questions and save me!" "What happened to you?" Shino Tojo The voice seemed a little tense.After all, he and Mito Yuhao are now ants on the same rope, one is rich, and the other is damaged, and Tojo Shino dare not neglect at all.

Mito Yuhao hurriedly reported his location, and said loudly: "Tojo-kun, I am being hunted down, please send someone to rescue me!" Tojo Shino urged: "Okay! Hold on for a while, I'll send someone right away!" After speaking with Tojo Shino, Mito Yuro felt much more relieved.He no longer deliberately speeded up to get rid of the pursuers, and even slowed down for safety.As soon as he slowed down, the car behind quickly caught up and was forced to stop on the side of the road.Yukio Mito didn't get out of the car, but just rolled down the window, and three men got out of the sports car. The leader was a burly man with a scar on his face. This man was Yukio Yamamoto For more than ten years, I don’t know how many times Yukio Yamamoto’s life has been saved, and how many times he has avoided bullets. Like Yuhiro Mito, he is one of the few people Yukio Yamamoto trusts most. It's called Hattori Aoyama.

Seeing Hattori Aoyama approaching, Mito Xionghao asked with a normal face: "Hatbu, what do you mean?" Hattori Aoyama gave him a cold look, and said lightly: "It's not interesting, according to Mr. Yamamoto's order , please go back and see him!" Mito Yuhao frowned, and shouted: "Hatori Aoyama, are you drunk? I just came out from Mr. Yamamoto, and I have to deal with a very important matter under his order. You What order from Mr. Yamamoto did you get?"

Hattori Aoyama couldn't help being stunned for a moment, he got the order from Yukio Yamamoto's housekeeper, he really didn't know what happened between Yukio Mito and Yukio Yamamoto.Frowning, he opened his mouth and said: "Well, Mito Yuhao waved his hands impatiently and said: "What about this and that, let me tell you, if you delay my work for Mr. Yamamoto because of you, you If you can't eat it, you will walk around! Hattori Aoyama calmed down and said in a deep voice: "Is it Mr. Yamamoto's order? I'll just call and ask."And it won't take you long! After finishing speaking, Hattori Aoyama took out the phone from his pocket. Yuho Mito chuckled a few times, and said, "That's a good idea, but the phone must be able to get through!" "

"What do you mean?" Hattori Aoyama held the phone in his hand and looked at Mito Yuhiro in astonishment, not understanding what he meant.And just when he was feeling puzzled, there was a light 'poof' sound, Hattori Aoyama's hand shook violently, and the phone in his hand was instantly shattered by the bullet.Hattori Aoyama was taken aback, and hurriedly looked in the direction of the bullets, only to see that at some point, several big men in black were surrounding them with cold faces holding silent pistols.Hattori Aoyama looked at Mito Yuhiro in surprise, and asked with a gloomy expression: "Mito Yuhiro, what do you mean?"

Yuhao Mito walked out of the car leisurely, adjusted his suit, and said lightly: "It's not interesting, but I don't want to go back with you." Hattori Aoyama frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Xionghao Mito , you betrayed Mr. Yamamoto?" Mito Xionghao said quietly: "It doesn't matter whether you betray or not, a good bird chooses a tree to live in. I, Mito Xionghao, have served Yukio Yamamoto all my life. Now I have served enough and don't want to be with him anymore. Just play, it's that simple!" Hattori Aoyama snorted angrily, looked at Mito Yuhiro with disdain and said, "Mito Yuhiro, you despicable villain! Have you forgotten how Mr. Yamamoto treated you? You actually want to betray him, your conscience is eaten by dogs!"

(End of this chapter)

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