The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1377 Complete Break

Chapter 1377 Complete Break

Mito Yuhao grabbed Hattori Aoyama's collar fiercely, and said angrily: "Don't talk about your conscience! You don't even know what Yukio Yamamoto did to me, and you have no right to say that about me!" See Seeing Mito Xionghao's vicious look, Hattori Aoyama narrowed his eyes suddenly, grabbed Mito Xionghao's wrist, and twisted his arm behind his back violently, Mito Xionghao let out a pain call.And just as Hattori Aoyama grabbed Mito Yuhiro, the silent pistol in the man's hand also fired, and one of the two bodyguards who came with Hattori Aoyama fell to the ground.

Hattori Aoyama didn't expect the men in black to shoot as soon as they said they would shoot, without mercy, he couldn't help being shocked, glared at the men in black indignantly, and shouted in a deep voice: "Who are you!? " Mito Xionghao laughed and said: "You have seen it too, they are all ruthless killers. If you don't let me go, your other brother will die too!"

Hattori Aoyama gritted his teeth and shouted: "Bastard! If they are dead, you can't survive!" Mito Yuhiro said lightly: "Okay! I will exchange my life for the lives of the three of you, no matter what counts! You If you want to kill me, do it!"

"You!..." Hattori Aoyama was forced to be helpless by Mito Yuhao, with blue veins popping out of his neck, staring at Mito Yuhiro's eyes, sparks of anger flickered, as if he wanted to burn Mito Yuhiro alive deathly.It's a pity that eyes can't kill people, let alone burn them to death. Even though Hattori Aoyama's eyeballs are about to pop out of their sockets, Mito Yuhiro still has an evil look on his face, which makes people see and hate A grin with itchy teeth. "What are you? Why don't you let me go quickly!?" Yuho Mito struggled and shouted.

Hattori Aoyama turned his head to look at the other bodyguard, and saw that bodyguard's eyes were full of fear and chaos. He sighed in his heart, let go of Mito Xionghao, and shouted at him in a low voice: "Mito Xionghao , you don’t need to be complacent. You betrayed Mr. Yamamoto, Mr. Yamamoto will not let you go.” Yuhiro Mito sneered a few times, and said faintly: “He won’t let me go? Ha! What a coincidence, I won’t either. Let him go! However, now I have to think about how to deal with you!" Said Yuhao Mito, pretending to be contemplative.

Hattori Aoyama has been with Yukio Yamamoto for so long, and he has never suffered such a loss. The hatred in his heart is like a raging fire that has become a prairie fire.However, when Hattori Aoyama was furious, Mito Yuhao grabbed a pistol from a man in black and shot three shots at Hattori Aoyama's chest. Realizing what was going on, he fell to the ground with a bang.Looking at Hattori Aoyama's missing eyes, Mito Yuro said coldly: "Since I broke up with Yukio Yamamoto, I don't have to worry about other things! Hattori Aoyama, I will sacrifice your death to the flag Alright!" After finishing speaking, he looked at the last bodyguard who was trembling with fear, shook his head, and waved his hands, only to hear a crisp sound, and there were several hideous blood holes on the bodyguard's chest .Leaving the man in black here to clean up the scene, Mito Yuhao rushed to Tojo Shino's mansion without stopping.

As soon as Mito Yuhao saw Tojo Shino, he was kicked to the ground by Tojo Shino.Mito Yuhao resisted the severe pain in his chest that seemed to explode, and stood up from the ground with difficulty, his heart was full of hatred.Thinking of the time when I followed Yukio Yamamoto, Yukio Yamamoto treated him like a guest of honor, respecting him everywhere, not to mention beating him, not even scolding him loudly.Thinking that even if he defeated Yukio Yamamoto in the future, he would have to live a difficult life under the power of the tyrant Tojo Shino, and he couldn't help feeling desolate and depressed.

"Bagar! You bastard, I was hurt by you this time!" Tojo Shino was like a raging lion, roaring at Mito Yuhiro repeatedly.Mito Yuhao accompanied him carefully and said: "Your Excellency Tojo, don't worry..." "Don't worry!? Do you know that Mizuhara Deren has also been involved in this matter. You should know his ability, If he joins forces with Yukio Yamamoto, even I will have to surrender obediently!" Yuhiro Mito said with a wry smile: "Your Excellency Tojo, don't worry about your safety! It is true that Naruhito Mizuhara and Yukio Yamamoto They are all very scary, but no matter how scary they are, can they beat the Chinese leader? As long as we operate properly, we may be able to kill Suwon Naruhito together! At that time, in the political arena of the island country, no one will be able to hinder you Well, not only is this not a bad thing for us, it is just an opportunity and a good thing! What do you think?"

Mito Yuhao's words calmed Tojo Shino's anger a little, and he stared at him and asked, "What can you do?" Mito Yuhao narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Mikiko is still here In our hands, she is now our trump card to reverse the unfavorable situation..." Yukio Yamamoto interrupted his words impatiently, and shouted in a deep voice: "Stop talking nonsense, what should you do, just tell me!" Mito Yuhiro gritted his teeth, made a throat-cutting motion, and said: "Kill! Kill Mikiko, blame the Chinese people, make Yamamoto Yukio completely crazy, and completely turn against the Chinese people. At the same time, we also I can use this to draw the Chinese leaders into this matter, and use their swords to get rid of Yukio Yamamoto!"

Tojo Shino was stunned for a moment, looked at Mito Yuhiro with some surprise, and said quietly: "If we kill Mikiko now, there will be no room for things to turn around..." Mito Yuhiro said in a vibrating voice : "Tojo-kun, when is this? There is no room for turning around. If we don't take the courageous wrong action to let Yamamoto Yukio and Mizuhara Naruhito unite, our ending will be doomed !" Tojo Shino took a deep breath, a few cold lights flashed in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, let's do this! If you don't take big risks, you won't get big profits. This time, I will go all out!" Mito Xiong Hao nodded heavily, and said, "If that's the case, then I'll do it now!"

"Wait a minute!" Tojo Shino called Mito Yuhiro.Yuhiro Mito frowned and said: "Tojo-kun, time is running out now, we have no more time to waste!" Tojo Shino frowned with a sneer, and said lightly: "Although time is urgent, it is not too late. Come on, I have something to ask you."

Mito Yuhiro didn't know, so he turned his head to look at Tojo Shino, and said: "Tojo-kun, please tell me." Tojo Shino nodded lightly, and asked quietly: "I listen to my subordinates, you killed Yamamoto Yuu Hattori Aoyama, Norio’s personal bodyguard, isn’t that right?” Yuhiro Mito didn’t know why Tojo Shino suddenly brought up this matter, he was a little unsure, he thought about it a few times, laughed a few times, and said, “That’s right. ! Actually, I did this to show you, Tojo-kun, my sincerity of submission. Hehe..."

The corner of Tojo Shino's mouth twitched, showing a cold smile, let out a roar, and suddenly stretched out his hand and strangled Mito Yuhiro's neck tightly.Yuhiro Mito was caught off guard, and immediately coughed loudly due to the pain of suffocation. While coughing, he asked in horror, "Tojo-kun, what are you doing?" Tojo Shino's eyes were cold Looking at him, he said gloomyly: "Mito Yuhao, you shouldn't play tricks on me!" Mito Yuhao hurriedly retorted: "Your Excellency Tojo, I... I don't!" With a bit of force, Mito Yuhiro couldn't help sticking out his tongue, and his face quickly changed from blood red to purple.

Tojo Shino said coldly: "It's pure nonsense to show your loyalty to me! Hattori Aoyama is Yukio Yamamoto's personal bodyguard and is deeply trusted by him. Over the years, I don't know how many lives Yukio Yamamoto has saved , In Yukio Yamamoto's heart, he has long been regarded as a brother. If you kill him, Yukio Yamamoto must hate me to the bone. From then on, there is no turning back between us. I can only be with Yukio Yamamoto. Fight to the end. Mito Xionghao, you think you are smart, but don't treat other people as fools!" After finishing speaking, Mito Xionghao pushed forward violently, Mito Xionghao couldn't stand still He fell to the ground and coughed loudly.

Yuhao Mito really had such an idea in his heart. He thought that what he did was perfect, but he still let Tojo Shino see it. Only then did he deeply realize that Tojo Shino can achieve today's achievements. Just because of Hideki Tojo's shelter, his own scheming is also the key to his success.Tojo Shino looked at Mito Yuhao and said gloomyly: "Since you have chosen to follow me, you must give me all your attention. If you play this kind of cleverness in front of me again in the future, I will be like a dog." I'll kill you! I really don't know what Yukio Yamamoto thinks, it's a joke for him to raise you wolf as a brother!"

Yuhiro Mito swallowed hard, if he said he didn't hate him, it would be an absolute lie!But this path was chosen by himself after all, even if he had monstrous hatred, he could only swallow it in his stomach with bitterness.Looking at Tojo Shino with a fierce face, Mito Yuhiro couldn't say a word.Tojo Shino snorted heavily and said coldly: "What are you looking at me for? Unconvinced, you want to hit me!? Why don't you hurry up and do something?" Mito Yuhiro got up from the ground with some difficulty, without saying a word turned around and walked out.Looking at his back, Tojo Shino snorted coldly, and said quietly: "A dog is a dog! When the matter is over, I will kill you together!"

Mikiko has been imprisoned for several days in a certain villa on the outskirts of the eastern city of the island country.Can't eat well and sleep well, which makes the beautiful woman lose weight day by day, and she is extremely haggard.Fortunately, she is no longer alone, and has a companion.This companion is Aoi Nako who was later captured by Shen Zenono.Nako Aoi was the real unlucky one, she just talked to Lin Tian a few words before being caught here in a daze.Seeing those vicious bodyguards who seemed to be eating people, Nako Aoi was so frightened that she didn't know what to do.Fortunately, M Jizi was stronger than her, and comforted her from time to time, which made her survive.The two girls who were originally strangers developed a deep relationship in a short period of time because of the same bad luck.It can be regarded as a little extra compensation given by God to these two people.

(End of this chapter)

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