Chapter 1378
When it was time to eat, several bodyguards brought exquisite and tempting sushi for the two of them.In the past few days, the confinement has been confinement, but Mito Xionghao did not treat the two badly in terms of food, and all the food they ate were rare delicacies.However, looking at the sashimi as thin as cicada's wings, and the glutinous rice meat nine sons overflowing with stupidity, Aoi Nako has no appetite at all.When I thought that I might die soon, I couldn't feel hungry anymore.Compared with her, Mikiko seems much freer and freer, eating whatever she can and never treating herself badly.After eating a piece of delicious sashimi that made people tremble, Mikiko looked at the frowning Nako Aoi and asked, "Nako, why don't you eat such a good food?"

Aoi Nako said bitterly: "Mikiko, do you know that we are likely to die in one minute, how can you eat it?" Mikiko chuckled a few times and said, "Since you know the next You will die in a second, why not seize the time and enjoy the last second before death? It is better to die with a smile than with tears, right?" Hearing Mikiko's words, Aoi Nako was full of helplessness Shaking her head, she said dumbfoundedly: "Mei Jizi, I really convinced you, how can you be so open-minded?" Mei Jizi giggled and said: "It's not open-minded, but I firmly believe that we are not open-minded at all. I won't die! My dad must be sending people around to rescue me now, and they will always find this place."

"Your father? By the way, what does your father do? Seeing how much you admire him, he must be a very remarkable person?" Aoi Nako looked at Mikiko curiously and asked.Mikiko curled her lips, and said lightly, "That's right!" Then she changed the subject.Bringing the sashimi and sushi to Aoi Nako, Mikiko said seriously: "Nako, you must eat. If you don't eat, you won't have enough energy. At that time, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat." By the time someone comes to rescue us, you will have starved to death first, so what should you do?"

Under M Noriko's persuasion, Aoi Nako pulled herself together and picked up a piece of sashimi.Just as they were about to stuff it into their mouths, their room door was suddenly kicked open rudely.Aoi Nako was frightened, and the chopsticks and sashimi fell to the ground together, hiding behind Mikiko like a frightened deer, every inch of her body couldn't help trembling.While comforting Aoi Nako, Mikiko looked at the person who kicked in the door.Seeing the person coming, Mikiko's eyes burst into anger, and she wished that the person in the future would be burned alive.He shouted in a deep voice: "What are you doing here again? :."

There were a few traces of cruel and ferocious smiles on Yuhao Mito's face, and he said sullenly: "I'm afraid you'll be bullied here, so I'll come and see you. Hehe..." Mikiko took a sip of beer at him , Full of anger, he said: "If you are really so kind, let me go!" Mito Yuhiro shook his head lightly, and said quietly: "You are now one of my hands. Zhang Ace, if I let you go, wouldn't I be looking for my own death? Your father gently hooked his fingers, and my little life would be gone!" Mikiko snorted, gritted her teeth and said: " So you know how powerful my father is! You are so brave that you even dare to touch me!"

Yuhiro Mito sneered, and said quietly: "A man needs to have some courage!" As he spoke, he glanced at Nako Aoi behind Mikiko, and couldn't help giving a little bit of curiosity, and asked: "Who is she?" Mikiko narrowed her eyes and said coldly, "You guys obviously captured her, so don't you know who she is?" Mito Yuhiro really didn't know Aoi Nako's background.Frowning, he called Tojo Shino.Knowing Nako Aoi's identity, Yuhiro Mito couldn't help sighing a long time, looking at Nako Aoi's flower-like face, he said repeatedly, "It's a pity, what a pity! Such a beautiful woman like a flower and a jade My son is so short-lived, is this the so-called jealous beauty?"

Mito Yuhiro's words chilled Mikiko's heart, she held Aoi Nako tightly behind her, looked at Mito Yuhao in horror and shouted softly: "What do you want to do!? As long as I'm here , I don’t allow you to touch a single hair of Nako!” Mito Yuhao couldn’t help laughing wildly after hearing this, and said repeatedly: “My eldest lady, wake up! Where do you think you are? The Yamamoto family? Put away your ladylike style! It won’t work here!” After speaking, he snapped his fingers, and two bodyguards walked in immediately.Mito Yuhao pointed at Aoi Nako, and said coldly, "Grab her!" The two bodyguards immediately rushed over like tigers.

Mikiko tried hard to protect Aoi Nako, but how strong a girl can be, she was gently pulled by a bodyguard, and fell heavily to the ground.When she stood up regardless of the pain, Nako Aoi was tightly strangled by a bodyguard, and she was pulled in front of Mito Yuhiro.Aoi Nako was terrified, her face was pale without the slightest trace of blood, and her eyes were a little empty, which made people feel distressed.Mikiko yelled at Mito Yuhiro hoarsely, "Mito Yuhiro, let go of Aoi Nako immediately, otherwise I will never let you go!" Mito Yuhao sneered and said lightly: "You can't protect yourself, and you still have time to care about other people's lives. You are really great!" Mito Yuhiro snapped his fingers again, and another bodyguard twisted Mikiko's arm behind his back.

Seeing the cruelty and ferocity on Mito Yurohiro's face, Mikiko realized just how terrifying Mito Yurohiro was, her heart rose to her throat, she looked at Mito Yurohiro in astonishment and asked: " You... what do you want to do?" Mito Yuhao shook his head, looked at Mikiko and said, "Mikiko, don't hate me! It's your father who forced me to get to where I am today. Hell, if you want to blame, blame your father!" Mikiko looked at Mito Yuhiro in disbelief, and shouted loudly: "Mito Yuhiro, you have the guts to kill me!?" Mito Yuhiro said indifferently. Said: "Mei Jizi, you don't know, I have liked you very much since I was a child, you are very much like your mother. In my heart, I can't bear to kill you, but if I don't kill you, your father will Kill me, so we can't live together anymore!"

Mito Yuhao's words made Mikiko's heart sink to the bottom of the valley, and she realized that it was really the last moment for her today.He stared at Mito Yuhiro, unable to say a word.Yuhao Mito waved his hand, and said quietly: "Don't look at me with such eyes. Although you are going to die, you will not die alone. With her by your side, I can be your companion on the road! Mikiko's crescent eyebrows twitched suddenly, and she roared angrily, "Bastard! Are you even going to kill Nako? This matter has nothing to do with her, she is innocent, and you can't kill innocent people indiscriminately!" Toxiong Hao glanced at Aoi Nako, and said slowly: "She may be innocent, but she knows too much. Letting her live in this world is like leaving us a death talisman. Even if I If you can tolerate her, no one else can tolerate her. Let her go on the road with you!" After speaking, he waved his hand and ordered: "Take them out!"

The two bodyguards picked up the two women without saying a word, and strode out, followed by Yuhao Mito.

Under the leadership of Mito Yuhao, the five came to a hidden place in the woods.Here, several ninjas were already waiting there, and at their feet lay the bodies of three Huaxia people.Seeing Mito Xionghao and the others coming, the ninjas retreated in a hurry.Looking at the corpses of the Chinese people underground, Mikiko looked at Mito Yuhiro full of doubts.Yuhiro Mito smiled, pointed at the corpse, and said, "These three are all Chinese agents with available information. It took us a lot of effort to catch them."

Mikiko asked even more puzzled: "What kind of tricks do you want to play?" Yuhao Mito laughed and said: "Let's put it this way: Actually, these three Chinese people are the murderers who killed you. To save you, it's a pity that I came a step late. When I arrived, these three Chinese people had already killed you. Seeing you lying in a pool of blood, I was so angry that I couldn't control it for a while, and then He ordered people to kill all the three Huaxia people, and avenged you! However, no one was left alive. What a pity!" " want to use our death to frame the Huaxia people? You Why did you do that?" Mikiko asked in bewilderment.

A secretive smile appeared on the corner of Mito Yurohiro's mouth, and he said coldly, "This is because I want your father to hate Chinese people!" "Why?" Mikiko asked with her mouth open.Mito Xionghao laughed a few times, and said quietly: "Only if your father hates the Chinese people, he will find a way to be an enemy of the Chinese people. Only when he is an enemy of the Chinese people will he anger the Chinese people. And once you anger the Chinese people Man, hehe—you can imagine what will happen to your father. In a word, I want to kill your father with the help of a Chinese knife!"

At this point, Mikiko finally knew the whole conspiracy of Mito Yuhiro, and her heart trembled violently. Mikiko looked at Mito Yuhiro in astonishment, and gritted her teeth and said, " are so deliberate to deal with me! Dad! You bastard!" Mito Yuhao sneered a few times, and said quietly: "You never imagined that the foundation accumulated by your father who worked hard for most of his life would be completely destroyed by my little tricks. Right? Hahaha... I really want to see what kind of expression Yukio Yamamoto will have when he knows the truth after his ruined reputation."

The insidiousness of Mito Yuhao made Mikiko's heart feel cold for a while, and at the same time, she felt a monstrous hatred. She looked at Mito Yuhiro's eyes and wanted to spit fire, and said through gritted teeth: "You Stop dreaming! My father will not be fooled by you!" Mito Yuhao laughed wildly, and said faintly: "If it is someone else, maybe not, but your father will definitely! Think about it, he will not be fooled by you! Love, it has already reached the point where he can go crazy for you. I can guarantee that when Yukio Yamamoto sees your body, he will go crazy with anger and completely lose his mind! At that time, he His wisdom and rationality will be completely covered by hysterical madness and anger. I really want to see how much destructive power Yukio Yamamoto will erupt when he is completely insane. However, the greater the destructive power he erupts, The sooner he dies! Hehe, it's such a good show, but it's a pity that you will never see it again."

(End of this chapter)

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