The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1379 Jun 1!

Chapter 1379 A close call!
Mito Yuhiro's level of shame greatly exceeded Mikiko's tolerance, and Mikiko wished to die with him, and her body struggled violently.However, no matter how she struggled and how angry she was, she still couldn't get rid of the bodyguard's hands like iron pincers, she just wanted to cry without tears.Mito Xionghao rubbed his hands, and said with a sneer: "Okay, you listened to all my plans before you died, and you should die without regrets now. Hey! I really don't want to kill you, I am so I really like you. When you get to Huangquan Road and see your mother, don't forget to say hello to her for me."

Mikiko gritted her teeth and said, "Mito Hirohiro, don't be proud! You are so despicable, sinister, and vicious. One day, you will be punished. Even if I die, I will stare wide-eyed and watch you fall in the end." What kind of tragic end!" Mito Yuhao sneered, and said: "Mikiko, if you want to see it, you can see enough! But don't worry, my end will be better than you and your father! Hehe ..." After finishing speaking, he waved his hands at the two bodyguards and said, "Send them on their way! But, you have to be quick. Don't let them die too painfully. You should have pity for these two beautiful girls. .”

Mikiko couldn't help but let out a long sigh with her eyebrows raised, she never thought that she would end this short life in such a way.Before she died, Nako Aoi suddenly woke up, and let out heartbreaking wailing.Seeing Nako Aoi bursting into tears, Mikiko felt sorry for her.Among these many people, the most innocent, most wronged, and least worthy of death is undoubtedly her.The two bodyguards held Mikiko and Aoi Nako's necks at the same time. With the strength of the two and the weakness of the two women, as long as they exerted a little bit of strength, the two women would disappear.However, the so-called life and death are in the sky, if a person does not deserve to die, no matter how much danger it is, he will get through it safely.

Just when M Jizi sighed, closing his eyes and waiting to die, a clear voice suddenly floated between the sky and the earth: "Oh, this place is full of excitement! I just don't know, what kind of show is this? "The sound made Mei Ji Zifu's heart tremble violently, and he hurriedly turned his head to look in the direction from which the sound came.Seeing this, Mikiko couldn't believe her eyes. The person standing in front of him was none other than Li Xiaogang who she never dreamed would appear here and now.Li Xiaogang still wore his signature smile, with his hands behind his back, standing there quietly, as if he had merged with the sky and the earth, a kind of supernatural demeanor, which made Mikiko's heart flutter. It is difficult to calm down as if ten thousand deer are running.

"Li Xiaogang, is that you, is it really you!?" Mikiko saw Li Xiaogang at this time, as if seeing a savior, and couldn't help but shouted loudly.Cheng Yaojin came out halfway, causing Mito Yuhao's heart to instinctively surge with a warning sign. He narrowed his eyes and looked Li Xiaogang up and down a few times, and asked gloomyly: "My friend, who are you? It seems that you are not here. What's the matter, you'd better go away immediately!" Li Xiaogang smiled lightly, and said quietly: "I like watching theater the most, how can I be willing to go away from such a wonderful drama?" After finishing speaking, he directed Mito Xionghao sneered a few times, and asked faintly: "Are you Mito Xionghao?"

Mito Yurohiro frowned, and said in a low and threatening voice: "Since you know who I am, you should know that you can't control this matter. If you try to understand, just leave obediently, and I can treat you as if you never It hasn't appeared before." Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, ignored his words, but pointed to the corpses of the three Huaxia people on the ground with murderous eyes, and asked coldly: "I ask you, are these three Huaxia people Did you kill it?" Mito Yuhao shook his head and said, "I didn't kill it..." Before Mito Yurohiro finished speaking, Li Xiaogang waved his hands suddenly, and a gust of wind blew up between the sky and the earth, only a few Under the gust of wind, the black shadow fell to the ground like dumplings, and it was the ninjas who retreated earlier.I saw that these ninjas were all out of breath at this time, and they all turned into dead people.

Seeing this scene, Mito Yuhiro gasped, his expression changed drastically, and he subconsciously stepped back a few steps.Li Xiaogang said coldly: "I know they killed people, but you are the mastermind, right!?" All the murderers have been killed, so naturally the mastermind will not end well .Mito Yuhao's body trembled several times, his face was pale and he took a few steps back, looked at Li Xiaogang as if he had seen a ghost and asked: "You...what do you want to do?" Li Xiaogang said coldly He asked again and again, "I'm asking you, are these three Huaxia people killed by your envoy?" Yuho Mito opened his mouth, and stammered, "So what?"

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, with a few sharp lights like knives shot out of his eyes, and said gloomyly: "There is a saying in China that blood debts must be paid with blood! If you kill them, you will have to pay with your life." ! Give me your life!" Li Xiaogang roared suddenly, and Mito Xionghao almost fell to the ground without being frightened, his face instantly turned livid.Brows and eyes are full of boundless fear.Looking at the two bodyguards, he shouted loudly: "You two bastards, what are you waiting for? Why don't you come and protect me!?" The two bodyguards did their duty, so they hurriedly let go of Mikiko and Aoi Nako , and rushed to Mito Hideo's side together, protecting him behind him.

Mikiko regained her freedom and hurried to Aoi Nako's side, helping him to Li Xiaogang's side.After leaving the small hotel, Li Xiaogang covered the entire East City with his spiritual consciousness.Under Li Xiaogang's divine sense, even if Mikiko is hidden underground, he can still detect her, so it is not difficult for Li Xiaogang to find Mikiko.As early as in the villa, Li Xiaogang found Mikiko.However, Li Xiaogang was not in a hurry to rescue her, just because he hadn't figured out the whole conspiracy yet.It wasn't until Mito Yuhao triumphantly revealed all his plots in front of M Noriko that Li Xiaogang appeared.

When she came to Li Xiaogang's side, Mikiko was immediately surrounded by a sense of security. She looked at Li Xiaogang and asked, "Why did you come here?" Li Xiaogang smiled at her and asked without answering: "Are you not injured?" Mikiko shook her head and said, "It's fortunate that you felt it in time, otherwise, I'm afraid I can't even save my life now." Said, Mikiko looked at Mito full of resentment Xiong Hao gritted his teeth and said: "This villain planned all of this. He is despicable and shameless. He is not human at all! Li Xiaogang, you must teach him a good lesson for me!"

Li Xiaogang looked at Mito Xionghao coldly, and said gloomyly: "This person indiscriminately kills my Chinese compatriots. In my opinion, he is already a dead person at this time!" Trembling, he looked at Li Xiaogang, and asked with a trembling voice: "You... who are you? Why do you want to meddle in this matter?" Li Xiaogang snorted heavily, and said, "Who am I? I'm from Huaxia You slaughtered my Chinese compatriots, if I don’t bring you to justice, how can I deal with the dead souls? Mito Yuhiro, your conspiracy has been completely shattered! From now on, you will pay for everything you have done The worst price!"

Mito Xionghao frowned, and shouted at the two bodyguards: "What are you two waiting for? Why don't you rush up and kill him!?" Mito Xionghao gave the order, and the two bodyguards immediately barked their teeth at Li Xiaogang. rushed over.

Seeing the fierceness of the two bodyguards, Nako Aoi let out an exclamation in fear.But Mikiko didn't seem to miss the good show, watching how Li Xiaogang received the two bodyguards without blinking, while comforting Aoi Nako, she said softly: "Nako, don't be afraid? Li Xiaogang It's amazing, these two bodyguards are not his opponents at all!"

After hearing Mikiko's words, Aoi Nako dared to look up.Seeing this, Fang's heart was shocked.It was as if Li Xiaogang didn't see the two vicious bodyguards rushing towards him, his body stood upright, motionless.

Just when Nako Aoi's heart was about to jump out of her throat with nervousness, Li Xiaogang didn't move his upper body, his right leg lifted up like lightning, and split his legs in an instant, the two bodyguards seemed to be Being kicked at the same time, the general body paused first, and then flew backwards far away like a baseball being knocked into the air.Li Xiaogang is now a demigod, how amazing is his strength?These two kicks did not directly kick the two bodyguards and exploded in the air, which was already cheap for them.However, it was still difficult for the mortal bodies of the two bodyguards to bear the strength of Li Xiaogang's two legs. After landing, each twitched for a while, and then completely fell silent.

All this happened so fast, almost to the point where the two bodyguards were exhausted, but Mito Yurohiro hadn't reacted yet, as if someone had tapped his acupoints, he stood there dumbfounded, unable to move. "Yeah! Li Xiaogang, you're awesome! I love you!" Seeing Li Xiaogang lift his leg and finish off the two bodyguards, Mikiko was jumping and cheering uncontrollably.Li Xiaogang shook his head with a smile, cast his eyes on the dumbfounded Mito Yuhiro, and said quietly: "Hey, now is not the time for daydreaming, wake me up!" Li Xiaogang's loud shout woke Mito Yuhiro come over.Mito Yuhao stared blankly at Li Xiaogang, the fear in his eyes grew wildly like weeds, and soon occupied his whole heart.From time to time, he looked left and right, as if he wanted to find a way to escape.

Li Xiaogang looked at him and snorted coldly, and said slowly: "Want to escape? Unless you can escape from the Milky Way, you will never escape from my palm!" Yuhao Mito shuddered, dumbfounded Looking at Li Xiaogang, he murmured: "I... I have no grievances with you in the past, and I have no grievances in the near future. Why do you want to fight against me? In this way, you let me go, and I will give you a large sum of money to guarantee your life. You don’t have to worry about eating and drinking in Hulu!” Yuhao Mito was at the end of his rope, and tried to bribe Li Xiaogang with money.Little do they know that Li Xiaogang is the richest man in the world, his entire net worth is like a drop in the ocean in front of Li Xiaogang, and Li Xiaogang probably won't even take a look at him.Feeling funny in his heart, Li Xiaogang couldn't help laughing out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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