The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1381 Mikiko escapes danger

Chapter 1381 Mikiko escapes danger

Yukio Yamamoto said with a bitter face: "It is not I who want to chase you down, but Mito Yuhiro and Tojo Shino. They just use my name to frame me and stir up hatred between me and the Chinese leader That's all." Chang Xuefei frowned, and said, "That's strange, isn't Mito Yuho one of yours? How could he get entangled with Tojo Shino?" Yukio Yamamoto smiled wryly and said : "So, all of this was caused by me alone. Yuhao Mito betrayed me, and he directed all of this in order to hit me. In other words, it was because of me that the three of you fell into such a situation. Danger!"

Lin Tian waved his hand, and said, "Mr. Yamamoto, you don't have to be like this. The grievance has its head, and the debt has its owner. Since all of this was caused by Mito Yuhao, it has nothing to do with you. You are the same as us, and you are the victims." Fortunately, the matter is now clarified, and the misunderstanding has been cleared up. All that remains is to hunt down the real culprit." Yukio Yamamoto nodded heavily, and said, "You are right. That bastard Yuhiro Mito It would be a great pity for the three of you and me if he did not make him pay for such a crime, Uncle Bu, "Since all of this was directed by Mito Yuho , the letter you wrote to our leader was not your intention, either? Chang Xuefei asked with frowned eyebrows. Yukio Yamamoto said hurriedly: "That's natural!"Speaking of this matter, I still need Miss Chang to help you explain it in front of the leader of your country, and hope he will not misunderstand.In addition, after the matter is resolved, I will also go to Huaxia in person to express my apology to the senior officials of your country. "

It can be seen that everything Yukio Yamamoto said came from the heart and was very sincere.Chang Xuefei, Lin Tian and Sun Xiang looked at each other, completely clearing up the misunderstanding of Yukio Yamamoto.

"These are trivial matters. What I'm most worried about is Mikiko's safety. How is Mikiko doing now?" Chang Xuefei shook her head and asked anxiously.When mentioning Mikiko, Yukio Yamamoto's face suddenly showed bitterness, he sighed a long time, and said: "There is still no news about Mikiko. However, I suspect that Mikiko's disappearance may be related to Shui To Xionghao is related. As long as Mito Xionghao is caught, Mikiko's whereabouts may be found. Now Commander Mizuhara is doing his best to search, and I believe there will be news soon."

Chang Xuefei sighed faintly, and said slowly: "Everything else is easy to say, I just hope that Mikiko is safe and sound, this is better than anything else!" Yukio Yamamoto nodded with great sadness. Nodding, he murmured: "Yes, why don't I think so? As long as Mikiko can come back safely, I don't care what happens!" After a pause, Yukio Yamamoto said: "Miss Chang, after you return to China , Be sure to make it clear to the leader of your country that I don't want to cast a shadow over the relationship between China and Japan because of Mito Hirohiro's conspiracy, do you understand?"

Chang Xuefei smiled and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Yamamoto, I'm not a fool, I know what to do?" Yukio Yamamoto nodded gratefully, and said repeatedly: "That's good, that's it Okay..." Before Yukio Yamamoto finished speaking, Commander Mizuhara walked in from outside with a serious face.Judging from his face, he knew that things were not going well, and Yukio Yamamoto's heart suddenly lifted, and he looked at Mizuhara Deren with nervous eyes.

Naruhito Mizuhara looked around for a week, seeing that the atmosphere between the three of Chang Xuefei and Yukio Yamamoto was quite harmonious, knowing that Yukio Yamamoto should have cleared up the misunderstanding between him and Chang Xuefei, he felt a little Comforted.

Mizuhara-kun, how is the matter going, has that bastard Yuhiro Mito been caught? Yukio Yamamoto asked anxiously. Chang Xuefei, Lin Tian and Sun Xiang were also very anxious, waiting for the answer. After a long silence, Mizuhara Naruhito shook his head, and said faintly: "Mito Xionghao left you After his mansion, his whereabouts are unknown.I'm afraid he's gone into hiding.With Mito Yurohiro's shrewdness, if he really hides, it may be very difficult to find him. "

"Difficulties must be found! Even if the entire island country is turned upside down, he must be found!" Yukio Yamamoto gritted his teeth. "But what if he escaped from the island country and went to Kokuchuci?" Mizuhara Naruhito asked, leaving Yukio Yamamoto at a loss for words.Yes, the world is so big, Mito Yuhiro can spend the rest of his life freely in any corner of the world with a little disguise.

Seeing Yukio Yamamoto's face getting more and more ugly, Deren Mizuhara continued: "Although it is not difficult to escape from the island country with Mito Yuhiro's network, I still ordered all exit ports to conduct strict investigations. Hopefully, God will be on our side this time. Also, Yamamoto-kun, I have some bad news for you.”

Yukio Yamamoto's heart tightened, he looked at Deren Mizuhara in horror, and asked anxiously: "What bad news? It can't be Mikiko... She has been killed, right?" Seeing Yuki Yamamoto Yukio Mito shook his head and said, "Although we haven't found Mikiko yet, there are various signs that Mikiko is still alive." Yukio Yamamoto Then he took a long breath of relief and asked, "Then tell me." Mizuhara Deren nodded and said, "Our people found Hattori Aoyama's body and were shot three times in the chest. Killed by distance!"

"What? Hattori...was he killed?" Yukio Yamamoto's body shook wildly, and he couldn't help but took a few steps back, looking at Mizuhara Deren in disbelief and asking.Mizuhara Deren nodded, and said: "He should have been killed in an ambush while chasing Mito Yuhiro! Beside his body, many footprints were found, which should have been left by the murderers. "How could this be? What did I, Yukio Yamamoto, do wrong that I want to punish me like this?" Yukio Yamamoto covered his head with both hands in pain, and murmured in an extremely low and hoarse voice. .The whereabouts of his most beloved only daughter is still unknown, life and death are uncertain, two subordinates who have followed for many years, one betrayed, the other was beaten to death, these successive heavy blows, even Yukio Yamamoto, who has always been strong Feeling a little tired.

Seeing the pain on Yukio Yamamoto's face, Deren Mizuhara comforted him with empathy: "Yamamoto, in the political arena, things like this are inevitable, you must hold on. Now you have obtained Miss Chang's The misunderstanding of understanding has also been eliminated, and the biggest threat is no longer, should we fight back?" Yukio Yamamoto gritted his teeth fiercely, raised his head with a cold face, and said loudly: "Fight back! Of course we must fight back Otherwise, they will still think of Yukio Yamamoto as a bully!" Seeing Yukio Yamamoto recovering, Deren Mizuhara breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Then what should we do? Is it necessary? Get in touch with Tojo Shino first. If Mito Yuhiro hasn’t escaped from the island country yet, he has no choice but to seek refuge with Tojo Shino. The two of us put some pressure on him to hand him over!”

Yukio Yamamoto shook his head, and said with a serious face: "No! I know Tojo Shino, he is very vicious. If we push him too fast, he will definitely kill Mikiko. We You can’t take risks like this!” Mizuhara Deren asked with a frown, “Are you sure that Mikiko is in the hands of Tojo Shino?” Yukio Yamamoto snorted coldly, and said faintly: “It’s like a bald head It is clear at a glance! If Mikiko is not in the hands of Shino Tojo, my name, Yukio Yamamoto, will be written upside down from now on!"

"Then how can we get Tojo Shino to hand over Mito Yuhiro obediently without hurting Mikiko?" Mizuhara Deren asked a little worried.Yukio Yamamoto couldn't help showing a sad face, and said bitterly: "If I had a way, I would have done it long ago! As long as Mikiko is in the hands of Tojo Shino, we can't take it rashly for a day. Action. Mizuhara-kun, you have many elite soldiers and generals under your command, can you organize a team to carry out a secret search. It is impossible for Tojo Shino to hide Mikiko too far away, I think Mikiko must be there right now Somewhere in Dongcheng, if Mikiko can be found and rescued in time, our situation will be much more proactive."

Mizuhara Deren smiled bitterly, and said: "The idea is good, but the problem is that Dongcheng is so big, it is not easy to find someone who has been carefully hidden? It may take a long time for us to find..." Yukio Yamamoto called Cut him off, and said: "Even so, it's better than us doing nothing!" Mizuhara Deren nodded heavily, stood up and said, "Okay! I'll arrange the manpower right away!" Mizuhara Just as Deren was about to walk out of the small hotel, Matsukihara Bing rushed in, almost bumping into Mizuhara Deren.Mizuhara Deren said a little annoyed: "Matsuki, why are you in such a panic?"

Hei Matsukihara opened his mouth wide, laughed a few times, turned his head to look at Yukio Yamamoto, and shouted excitedly: "Mr. Yamamoto, good news! Ms. Mikiko is waiting outside to see you? "Yukio Yamamoto was stunned for a moment, then jumped up from the sofa as if he had been stabbed in the buttocks by a needle, jumped up to Matsukihara Bing in a few steps, and hugged him, almost He roared and asked: "Matsuki-kun, what... what did you say? Say it again!" Matsukihara said with a smile: "Miss Mikiko has returned safely, and is waiting to see you there!" "Mikiko, Mikiko!" Yukio Yamamoto yelled several times excitedly, jumped out of the small hotel like a rabbit, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.Lin Tian and Sun Xiang couldn't help being surprised by his agility and speed.

(End of this chapter)

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