The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1382 The old past

Chapter 1382 The old past
Everyone was still worrying about how to find Mikiko before, but at this time Mikiko came back as if falling from the sky, which made Mizuhara Naruhito a little bit unable to turn around for a while, staring blankly at Matsukihara Bing, and asked: "Matsuki, is what you said true? Are you lying?" Matsukihara soldier smiled wryly and said, "Commander Suwon, do you think Matsuki is an idiot or a fool? Some things can be used as a joke. Is this okay? Mikiko is really back, if you don’t believe me, go out and have a look.”

Naruhito Mizuhara nodded, feeling that Matsukihara Bing did not dare to make fun of Yukio Yamamoto in this matter, and hurried out.Chang Xuefei looked at Lin Tian and Sun Xiang, and said, "Mikiko is back, shall we go out and have a look too?" Upon hearing the news of Mikiko's safe return, Yukio Yamamoto was almost so excited The son didn't jump out of his throat, but rushed out like flying all the way.He kept chanting Mikiko's name.Mikiko was waiting anxiously, when she saw Yukio Yamamoto running towards her, she hurriedly called out "Dad!" and quickly walked up to her with open arms.Under the gaze of everyone, the father and daughter who had been separated for a long time finally hugged each other tightly.

Holding Mikiko's warm and soft body, Yukio Yamamoto felt that his heart, which had been empty for the past few days, was filled instantly.As if he had found his lost treasure, Yukio Yamamoto was [-] times more excited than when he was elected as the leader of the hall.Can't help holding Mikiko and grabbing the circle.Mikiko hugged Yukio Yamamoto's neck tightly and snuggled into her father's arms. A strong sense of security made Mikiko intoxicated.The fright I had experienced in the past few days in the words of Yuhao Mito disappeared in an instant.Seeing Langyue through the dark clouds, Mikiko's heart suddenly opened up, full of joy, and while spinning, she let out bursts of crisp and melodious laughter.Such a sincere father and daughter were able to reunite after the catastrophe, which drew loud applause from the scene.

After finally calming down from the ecstasy of the reunion, Yukio Yamamoto hurriedly looked up and down Mikiko, and when he confirmed that Mikiko was indeed not injured, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked anxiously: " Baby girl, you haven’t suffered any grievances, have you?” Seeing Yukio Yamamoto’s tense forehead sweating, Mikiko felt the dignified father’s love from it, and the warmth in her heart was like the sunshine of spring, flowing Tears shook his head and said, "It's okay, I'm okay! Dad, it's all because I'm so unbehaved, you're worrying about me!"

Yukio Yamamoto held Mikiko tightly in his arms, shook his head and said, "Silly boy, what are you talking about? How could Dad blame you? You can come back safely, Dad is more important than anything else." Happy." "Mikiko!"

Chang Xuefei came over and saw Mikiko couldn't help shouting loudly.Mikiko turned her head in surprise and saw that it was Chang Xuefei, a trace of surprise first appeared on her face, but it didn't take long for this surprise to be covered up by the tide of excitement. "Xuefei!? It's really you!" Mikiko shouted like crazy, and then jumped towards Chang Xuefei.Chang Xuefei opened her arms and was almost knocked to the ground by Mikiko. She took a few steps back and stopped holding Mikiko.

After experiencing the separation between life and death, the relationship between the two women became more and more stagnant and deep.The two women hugged each other tightly, expressing their longing and concern for each other with their hugs. After a long, long time, they let go.Meijizi looked at Chang Xuefei and asked excitedly: "Xuefei, why are you here?" Chang Xuefei couldn't help scratching Meikiko's nose lightly, and said with a smile: "Why? It's not for you? Your disappearance has caused chaos in the world, and everyone has no peace, but you have the nerve to ask." Mei Jizi stuck out her tongue playfully and used her face to force Chang Xuefei's face After a while, she said excitedly: "Xuefei, do you know? I saw Li Xiaogang. If Li Xiaogang hadn't appeared in time, I might have become a corpse now. I never dreamed that Li Xiaogang would Appeared and saved me, tell me, is this God’s will? Is it what you Chinese people call fate?”

Chang Xuefei frowned, not knowing how to reply.But Yukio Yamamoto couldn't help but asked curiously: "Mikiko, who is Li Xiaogang you are talking about?" Mikiko replied with a smile: "Li Xiaogang, he is a very A great Chinese man. Dad, he is my savior. After the matter is over, I will bring him to see you. I can assure you that you will like him!"

Just when Yukio Yamamoto was curious about Li Xiaogang and was about to ask, Mizuhara Deren interrupted: "Mikiko, don't you want to say hello to me when you see me here?" Mikiko was funny He glanced at Mizuhara Deren, and said with a small mouth: "You are so embarrassed to say, do you know that I almost died, and I didn't see you to save me, I am very disappointed in you! Mikiko's words made Mizuhara Naruhito so embarrassed that he couldn't help but let out a few wry smiles.Yukio Yamamoto frowned and said, "Mikiko, why are you talking to your Uncle Mizuhara? You don't know, during the few days you disappeared, no one was more anxious than your Uncle Mizuhara. Turned over. He'll be hurt if you say that!"

Mikiko suddenly burst out laughing, leaned in front of Deren Mizuhara, stroked his stubble and said with a smile on his face: "Hey, I was just joking with Uncle Mizuhara just now. Of course I know Uncle Mizuhara loves me." He kissed Mizuhara Deren's face as a reward...

Naruhito Mizuhara was tortured by Mikiko's eccentric spirit, leaving only crying and laughing. It looked a bit funny, and even Yukio Yamamoto couldn't help but have a strange smile on his face when he saw it.After the joke was over, Mikiko turned her face straight and said to Yukio Yamamoto: "Dad, guess who I brought back for you?" Yukio Yamamoto smiled wryly and said, "Your dad and I It's not a fairy, how can I guess it. Is it your friend?" Mei Jizi sneered, curled her lips and said: "You still said you couldn't guess, but you guessed right, not only my friend, he is also your friend. My friend!" After speaking, he shouted coldly: "Come out!" Accompanied by Mikiko's coquettish shout, Mito Yuhiro walked out with his head downcast and frowning.

Seeing Mito Yuhiro, Yamamoto Yukio was shocked at first, and then anger occupied his entire heart in an instant.Without further ado, Yukio Yamamoto rushed forward in a few steps, and kicked Mito Yuhiro to the ground with a fierce kick.Mito Yuhiro couldn't help but let out a cry of pain, and curled up into a ball in pain.Yukio Yamamoto couldn't bear the anger in his heart. He stepped forward and kicked and panted Mito Yuhao without a face. stop.Looking at Yukio Mito, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, who was exhaling more and breathing less, Yukio Yamamoto asked in a thunderous voice: "You bastard, what do you think I, Yukio Yamamoto, can do to you? You betrayed me!"

Mito Yuhao lay on his back on the ground, panting hard for a while, after the pain in his body eased a lot, he got up from the ground with difficulty.Looking at Yukio Yamamoto whose face was almost deformed due to anger, Mito Hirohiro calmed down surprisingly.Looking at Yukio Yamamoto with calm eyes, he said lightly: "Yamamoto, you should not die, even God is on your side. This time, I admit defeat! But I want you to know, in order to deal with Even if you are smashed to pieces, I will never regret it!" Hearing what Mito Yukio said, Yukio Yamamoto was very surprised.From Mito Xionghao's words, he heard the hatred in his heart, which made him very confused. He really couldn't think of why Mito Xionghao hated him so much.

Seeing the confusion hidden in Yukio Yamamoto's eyebrows, Mito Yuhiro let out a sneer, gritted his teeth and said: "You probably still can't understand why I hate you so much? Of course you I won’t understand, because you never know how deep the relationship between me and Meizi is. I once vowed to make her live happier than any other woman in the world. But you snatched her away and beat her. You broke everything, and let Meizi live in boundless pain. You built your happiness on Meizi’s pain, and you pretended to love him. Seeing Meizi wash her face with tears all day long, I will I can't wait to tear you to pieces!"

Yukio Mito's words made Yukio Yamamoto's heart feel like a bolt from the blue sky, and he was completely stunned.Mito Yuhao is right, he did snatch Yukio Yamamoto's wife and Mikiko's mother.

He was still young at the time, and he really loved the beautiful and innocent Miko too much.In order to take her as his own, Yukio Yamamoto took advantage of his own power, and it can be said that he used unscrupulous means to finally turn Miko into his woman.At that time, he naively thought that as long as he could keep Miko by his side, he would definitely be able to exchange his sincerity for Miko's love.But in the end he was wrong. Since she married him, Miko had been depressed and depressed all day long, and finally passed away due to depression shortly after giving birth to Mikiko.

Mikiko's death once caused Yukio Yamamoto to suffer so much that he regretted it so much that he would regret it. Over the years, every time Yukio Yamamoto thought of Mikiko's mother, Yukio Yamamoto would regret it all night long.Because of the guilt towards Mikiko, Yukio Yamamoto loves Mikiko so much. Subconsciously, he has regarded Mikiko as the continuation of Mikiko, and wants to redeem his guilt for Mikiko in her.After listening to Mito Yuhiro's words, Yamamoto Yukio understood more and more that the reason why he couldn't get back Miko's love back then was because Miko had already had another man in her heart, but now it seems that, This man is Mito Yuhiro.

(End of this chapter)

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