The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1383 The old past

Chapter 1383 The old past
Looking at Yukio Mito's face gradually distorted due to extreme resentment, the anger in Yukio Yamamoto's heart completely disappeared.What qualifications does he have to hate Mito Xionghao?After all, he was the one who made the mistake first.If it weren't for his slashing to win love, Mito Yuhao and Miko might be living happily together now, living a sweet life that even gods envy.With a long sigh, Yukio Yamamoto said slowly: "Speaking of which, I caused all of this. If you want to deal with me, I have nothing to say. But you shouldn't hurt my daughter. Firstly, she is innocent, and secondly, she is also Miko’s child. If you hurt her, you are hurting Miko.” Yuhiro Mito glanced at Mikiko, and said through gritted teeth, “No! She has nothing to do with Miko. , she is just your evil seed of Yukio Yamamoto! Only through her can I hit you hard, I don't care, I don't care if she lives or dies at all!" "You are crazy! You are completely crazy, no matter how much you love Miko, it's not the reason for you to act recklessly. Yuhao Mito, you and I have been with me for so long, you should know what kind of impact your actions have on this country. You almost destroyed this country because of the hatred in your heart , you are a sinner of the island nation!"

Mito Yuhao said with a smirk: "No! You are the sinner of the island nation! If you hadn't seized love with a sword, I wouldn't be so crazy! Yukio Yamamoto, I will forever place you in the shame of the island nation's history Zhushang, you will not be able to get rid of the curse of people for several lifetimes, I will let you live in hell forever!" "Enough!" Mikiko slapped Yuhiro Mito fiercely on the face A slap in the face.He roared extremely angrily: "Shut up, I won't allow you to slander my father like this!" Mito Xionghao sneered, and said in a sinister manner: "Slander? You can ask your father yourself, I said Among the words, which one word ruined him? Hey, you see your father is well-dressed, but who would have thought that he is a well-dressed beast! I hate that I am incapable, otherwise, I will see him cut to pieces!

"Bastard! Shut up!" Mikiko slammed Nagato Yuhiro's lower abdomen with a fist. Mito Yuhiro screamed, his body bent down in pain, and there were retching sounds in his throat.Mikiko seemed to be still angry, and wanted to fight again, but Yukio Yamamoto stopped her with a heavy drink, "Mikiko, stop!" Mikiko looked at Yukio Yamamoto angrily. She yelled softly: "Dad, what's wrong with you? Why don't you just refuse to argue for yourself?" Yukio Yamamoto's expression was uglier than crying, and he said, "Mikiko, what he said is true Yes, I have nothing to say."

Yukio Yamamoto's words made Mikiko freeze on the spot as if struck by lightning, staring blankly at Yukio Yamamoto, almost unable to believe her ears.He asked anxiously: "Dad, what are you talking about?" Chang Xuefei and the others also looked at each other in blank dismay. Who would have thought that such a shocking conspiracy would involve a bizarre past affair.Yukio Yamamoto said slowly: "Your mother's heart is indeed not with me, I just obtained her body with my own power. Not being able to make your mother happy has always been the biggest regret in my life. But Mikiko , you have to believe, I really love your mother!"

"Then he is..." Mikiko asked, pointing at Mito Yuhiro.Yukio Yamamoto said: "He may be the only man your mother loves in this life, and she will never forget it until she dies." Yukio Yamamoto's words made Mikiko's body tremble involuntarily, and she murmured: "So, everything this bastard said in the villa is true? Dad! How could you do such a thing?" Mikiko couldn't help but looked at Yukio Yamamoto with a strange look.Since childhood, Mikiko has always regarded Yukio Yamamoto as her idol.In the eyes of M Noriko, Yukio Yamamoto is extremely wise and wise, and there is a kind of respectable charm all over his body.But Mikiko never expected that Yukio Yamamoto, who was almost perfect in her eyes, would have such a dark past.

Yukio Yamamoto also seemed very remorseful, looking at Mikiko with full of apology, he said quietly: "I'm sorry Mikiko, dad let you down." Jifu, looking at the silver hairs on his head, what else can Mikiko say?With a long sigh, he turned his head to look at Yuhiro Mito, and said, "Even if you did this out of revenge, how can you explain what you did to me in the villa? You beast, you You want to force me, you are shameless!"

Mikiko's words were like throwing a grenade in Yukio Yamamoto's heart. Yukio Yamamoto suddenly raised his head, looked at Yuhiro Mito with bloodshot eyes, and said word by word: "Miki Is what Mitoko said true?" Maybe it was a guilty conscience, Mikiko's questioning, Yukio Yamamoto's sharp eyes like a knife made Mito Yuhiro, who was still plausible and righteous just now, panicked, his eyes dodged and he didn't know Where to look.

"Bastard!" Yukio Yamamoto let out a roar suddenly, resounding like thunder through the sky.A lunge rushed forward, grabbed Mito Xionghao's collar fiercely, and slammed him to the ground, roaring like a mad tiger: "Beast! How can you do such a thing? How about it, Mikiko was also raised by you, he has been called uncle for 20 years, how did you do it!?"

Yukio Mito closed his eyes tightly, letting his sleeping body Yukio pinch his neck, silently enduring the almost suffocating pain, without saying a word.Only at the corners of the eyes on both sides, two lines of tears flowed down.At this moment, a trace of regret also appeared in Mito Yurohiro's heart.At the beginning of human beings, nature is good!Who in this world wants to be a bad person from birth?For so many years, hatred has been tormenting Mito Xionghao to suppress his nature a little bit.When all this happened and the hatred was released, Mito Xionghao's nature gradually recovered. However, it is a pity that everything has become a fact at this time, and he can only cry for nothing.

Seeing that Yukio Yamamoto was about to strangle Mito Yuhiro to death, Mizuhara Deren hurriedly pulled him away, and said repeatedly: "Yamamoto-kun, it's almost there. He has learned enough lessons, and Mikiko also If he has not suffered any substantial harm, let him go for the time being and let the law judge him." Yukio Yamamoto let go of Mito Yuhiro angrily, and shouted angrily: "Mito Yuhiro, originally I still felt that I I owe you. But now I realize that it was a wise decision for me to snatch Meizi to my side and not let her live with you. You are too dark in your heart. Meizi lives with someone like you. Happiness is impossible!"

Mito Yuhiro didn't speak, but there was a bleak smile on the corner of his mouth.Mizuhara Deren shook his head and ordered someone to take him down.After Yuhiro Mito was taken down, Yukio Yamamoto looked at Mikiko pleadingly.After Mikiko's expression changed for a while, she suddenly exhaled a long breath, walked up to Yukio Yamamoto, and hugged him with open arms.Mikiko's actions undoubtedly showed that she had forgiven Mito Yuro, which made Mito Yuhao feel relieved, and hurriedly hugged Mikiko tightly, and said repeatedly: "Baby girl, are you willing to forgive Daddy?" That's great. Do you know how important you are to Dad? Without you, Dad's life is meaningless..." Mikiko sighed and said, "No matter what, let him pass the past. In the future, our father and daughter will still depend on each other for life. You love me, I know." Seeing the father and daughter tightly hugging each other, everyone felt very comforted for the father and daughter.

Yukio Mito was caught, Mikiko returned safely, and Yukio Yamamoto breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the dark clouds above his head were about to be completely dispelled, he said with great enthusiasm: "Okay! The enemy's We've done all our friends' tricks, now it's our turn to come on stage! Mizuhara-kun, I think it's time to visit Tojo Shino."

Mizuhara Deren rubbed his fists, and said with a sneer: "Hmph, I've been waiting impatiently for a long time. Tojo Shino has been playing all the time, so it's our turn to play this time! Yamamoto-kun, Let's start now, lest Tojo Shino run away." Yukio Yamamoto snorted coldly: "Don't worry, he can't run away!"

"Run? Are you talking about me? Why did I, Tojo Shino, run away?" Just as Yukio Yamamoto's snort fell, a gloomy voice sounded from the side. Everyone looked back and spoke in the right tone. It is Tojo Shino.

Behind him are Shen Zenono and Inoue Kaoru.Obviously, Tojo Shino used his power to release the two.

Seeing Tojo Shino, Yukio Yamamoto and Naruhito Mizuhara frowned at the same time, and an imperceptible cold light flashed in Yukio Yamamoto's eyes.Looking at Tojo Siye, he said in a low and cold voice: "Tojo Shino, I think you are young and ignorant. Over the years, you have been giving way to you everywhere! But you are so good, you have become worse and tried to kill me several times. Could it be you Do you think I, Yukio Yamamoto, is easy to bully?"

Tojo Shino raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "Yukio Yamamoto, you understand that everything between me and you is a difference of political opinion, and I have no intention of targeting you personally. Even if there is, then It's also for this country! I can't just watch this great country and nation become a vassal of the Chinese in your hands!"

(End of this chapter)

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