The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1384 Two Video Tapes

Chapter 1384 Two Video Tapes

"Bastard! What do you know? You are just like your grandfather, self-serving, blindly arrogant, and you know you want to dominate the world! Do you know that the situation is completely different now. Huaxia has become stronger beyond doubt, it is no longer It is the poor and weak country that was decades ago. On the contrary, the situation of our island country is worrying. The last tsunami brought us huge losses, and now the economy continues to be depressed. We can only rely on the cooperation with the leaders of China. Only then can you hope to struggle out of this quagmire. You have always wanted to conquer China, but you have never seen that the current island country does not have that power at all! If the island country falls into the hands of you people, it will be the end of the island country start!"

Tojo Shino waved his hand full of anger and interrupted Yukio Yamamoto, and shouted loudly: "Shut up! You are greedy for life and afraid of death, and you don't even have the courage to fight. You are not worthy to be the leader of our island country." After a pause, Dong Tiao Shino continued: "I didn't come here to talk to you today, I'm asking you now, why did you hang out with these murderers?" Yukio Yamamoto frowned, and said coldly: " Well, you have learned how the wicked should sue first! Let me ask you first, why did you kidnap my daughter?" Tojo Shino glanced at Mikiko, curled his lips, and said faintly: "Yukio Yamamoto, you I am a person with a certain status and status in the political arena of the island country. Before you speak, you'd better think carefully. It's best not to talk nonsense without evidence!"

"Tojo Shino, stop sophistry!" Mizuhara Deren walked over, looked at Tojo Shino and said coldly. "Now Mito Xionghao has been captured by us, he will testify against you in court, you can't blame him!" Tojo Shino heard this, sneered with disapproval, and said faintly: "Mito Xionghao? Did he testify against me? Hahaha... It’s so ridiculous! Everyone knows that Yukio Mito is Yukio Yamamoto’s confidant. It was ordered by Yukio Yamamoto. Do you think the people of the island country will believe me?"

Tojo Shino's words are somewhat reasonable. If it were in court, Tojo Shino insisted that Yukio Mito was ordered by Yukio Yamamoto to sacrifice himself to attack Tojo Shino. It is estimated that there are many people in the island country Will believe what he says.After all, the friendship between Yukio Yamamoto and Yuhiro Mito has long been known by islanders.

Even in the minds of many people in the island country, Yukio Yamamoto and Yuhiro Mito were compared to Marx and Engels and admired.In such a big atmosphere, Mito Yuhao's testimony is indeed pitifully ineffective.At that time, Tojo Shino is using money to buy some media, and he can turn himself into a politician who is persecuted by Yukio Yamamoto, and maybe he can bite Yukio Yamamoto in turn.

Both Yukio Yamamoto and Naruhito Mizuhara are veterans who are about to become elite in the political arena of the island country. From the few words of Tojo Shino, they guessed what he meant, and their hearts tightened, and they sighed secretly. Tojo Shino really has a way of playing tricks.It seems that it will take a lot of work to completely bring him down.

Mizuhara Deren coughed, and said coldly: "Tojo Shino, you said Mito Yuhiro was framing you, well, let me ask you, what happened to these ninjas who died here? Don't tell Me, they are not raised by you." Tojo Shino said coldly: "It's true that they work for me, but so what? I have always been good at martial arts, and I raise some ninjas to compete with myself. Can you?" Mizuhara Deren said in a deep voice: "It's no problem to discuss with you. But you shouldn't instruct them to hunt down these three Chinese special envoys. This is clearly a deliberate attempt to destroy the friendly diplomatic relations between China and Japan. Based on this One point, and I can condemn you!"

"What kind of Chinese special envoy, why don't I know? I only know that they are three murderers, and my ninjas came to hunt them down on my order. Even if they are Chinese special envoys, killing someone in the island country is the same. Sanctioned by the law!" Tojo Shino pouted and said disapprovingly.Facing Tojo Shino's unreasonable and nonsensical words, Mizuhara Naruhito's lungs were about to explode, and he snorted coldly and said: "Even if they kill people and want to arrest them, there are so many policemen in the island country, it seems that there is no need to use you The ninja you raised, right?"

Tojo Shino said indifferently: "I need to spend a lot of money to raise these ninjas. Do you think I am willing to send them out at will? It's a pity that the current island police are really useless, and I have no choice but to stop!"

Tojo Shino said this very harshly. Mizuhara Naruhito is the commander of the island country's security, and all the police are his subordinates.Tojo Shino said that the police are trash, which is no different from calling him a trash.With the development of things to this point today, it is obvious that Tojo Shino is going all out, and he does not hesitate to turn his face against Mizuhara Deren, whom he has always tried his best to win over.Mizuhara Deren's self-cultivation is naturally not mentioned, Tojo Shino's words did not stir up much trouble on his face, Mizuhara Deren still said calmly: "Even if our police are really all trash, I'm afraid it won't be our turn." It's up to you to intervene. Also, why do you say that Mr. Lin and the others are murderers?"

Tojo Shino said coldly: "Kororu Inoue and Shen Zenano have clearly obtained the evidence, and it is clear that you are unwilling to release the evidence to the public in order to protect them. As one of the leaders of this country, I must not sit idly by. So I already got that video tape." After speaking, Tojo Shino took out a small CD from his pocket and shook it in front of everyone, it was the disk that Naruhito Mizuhara took from Shen Zeno The plate that was confiscated.

It seems that while Mizuhara Naruhito was busy chasing Mito Yuhiro, Tojo Shino did a lot of work, so he dared to come to the door openly.

This video tape is really tricky for Lin Tian. If it is publicized in court, Lin Tian will definitely not be able to escape the guilt.Mizuhara Deren and Yamamoto Yukio frowned, looking a little helpless.In front of Kaoru Inoue and Shino Shino, Naruhito Mizuhara could still rely on his own identity and status to overwhelm them, but in front of Tojo Shino, it was completely useless.Mizuhara Deren didn't even have the intention to try it.

Seeing that Mizuhara Deren and Yamamoto Yukio fell into silence, Tojo Shino sneered, and said faintly: "You two, if there is no difference, I will arrest them now." Mizuhara Deren snorted coldly With a sound, he said in a low voice: "Even if you want to arrest people, I should come, and it's not your turn." Tojo Shino sneered, and said quietly: "Okay! Then please do it, I will do it." Watch here." Mizuhara Deren frowned tightly, turned to look at Lin Tian, ​​and said bitterly: "Mr. Lin, this..."

Lin Tian snorted, and said faintly: "There is an old saying in China, which is called "Don't do bad things, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door." Since I, Lin Tian, ​​are innocent, I am not afraid wherever I go. Mr. Shuiyuan, you don't have to worry about it." If you have any concerns, please do it." "Heh heh hahahahahaha...have backbone! Commander Mizuhara, since the criminal has been punished, please do it." Tojo Shino sneered a few times while looking at Mizuhara Naruhito, and said faintly.Mizuhara Deren frowned and said coldly: "Mr. Lin is just assisting the police in the investigation, not a criminal." After finishing speaking, Mizuhara Deren was about to order Lin Tian to be arrested, when a burst of clear laughter slowly broke out came.With this laughter, Lin Tian's heart suddenly vibrated, and his frowning brows relaxed, and he hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound, only to see Li Xiaogang leisurely appearing in everyone's field of vision.

"Brother Gang!" Seeing Li Xiaogang, Chang Xuefei couldn't help shouting in surprise, and immediately drew the attention of Tojo Shino and others to Li Xiaogang.Helplessly, Li Xiaogang was too unfamiliar to them. Tojo Shino, Shen Zenono and Inoue Kaoru watched for a long time but did not recognize who Li Xiaogang was. The three looked at each other in confusion. "Who are you?" Kaoru Inoue glared at Li Xiaogang with some displeasure, and said angrily.Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said lightly: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I came here to clarify the matter of Lin Tian's murder."

"Brother Gang, have you found new evidence?" Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Lin Tian was overjoyed and couldn't help shouting in surprise.Li Xiaogang looked at him and said with a smile: "Of course! You are my brother, how can I watch you suffer innocent injustice?" After listening to the conversation between Lin Tian and Li Xiaogang, Deren Mizuhara and Yukio Yamamoto Only then did he realize that the two knew each other.Mikiko approached Yukio Yamamoto and said softly, "Dad, he is the Li Xiaogang I told you just now. He is the one who rescued me from Yukio Mito. If you have the chance, you must be good." Thanks to him." After listening to Mikiko's words, Yukio Yamamoto sized up Li Xiaogang with interest, and felt that Li Xiaogang was handsome and extraordinary, and his interest in Li Xiaogang was also tight in his heart. Then it increased a lot.

"Another Chinese man! You must be their accomplice, right? I didn't expect you to have the courage to surrender yourself. Hehe..." Seeing that Li Xiaogang has a close relationship with Lin Tian and others, Inoue Kaoru immediately put on Li Xiaogang's criminal mask. Companion hat.His little trick is not worth mentioning in front of Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang looked up to the sky and let out a maniacal laugh, looked at Kaoru Inoue and said in a deep voice: "In China, there has always been a story about the villain suing first, but I didn't expect it to exist in the island country as well. Your name is Kaoru Inoue, right?" Li Xiaogang's laughter made people laugh. Kaoru Inoue felt uneasy for no reason, looked at Li Xiaogang with both eyes, and said faintly: "I am Kaoru Inoue, how is it?"

Li Xiaogang's face changed suddenly, and he said in a deep voice: "Very good! Who did you say was the murderer just now?" Kaoru Inoue straightened his neck, and said coldly: "Who is the murderer, this video tape records it very clearly. Li Xiaogang shook his head, and said quietly: "What a coincidence, you have a video tape in your hand, and I have a video tape in my hand. However, the video tape in my hand seems to record more details than yours. Let’s put it this way, your videotape may only be the first episode, but mine is the complete episode. Do you want to see the wonderful content that your videotape didn’t record?”

Li Xiaogang's words set off a turmoil in the hearts of Kaoru Inoue and Shen Zenonan at the same time.The two looked at each other full of horror, and saw the deep surprise in each other's eyes in each other's eyes.Naturally, the two of them knew the content behind the video tape the most. Once it was announced, the two of them would die without a place to bury them.You know, in an island country, murder is a very serious crime.Moreover, the political figures in the island country have always been unlikable, especially the prisoners in prisons. hang inside.

(End of this chapter)

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