The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1386 Tojo's Evidence

Chapter 1386 Tojo's Evidence

"Brother Gang, you... aren't you, are you?" Lin Tian wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looked at Li Xiaogang full of fear, and said nah: "This is related to my life and death, you How dare I confront Kaoru Inoue with an AV video tape of Wu Tengzhu. If they don’t believe me and insist on watching the content of the video tape, wouldn’t I be dead?” In fact, Li Xiaogang had no choice but to do so.After saving Mikiko, Li Xiaogang went to the scene to help Lin Tian find evidence.He also hoped that there would be more than one camera in front of the hospital, but in the end there was really only that one camera.Li Xiaogang visited a large number of people at the scene, trying to find a witness who happened to witness the truth, Lin Tianzhaoxue, but the result also disappointed him.In desperation, Li Xiaogang happened to meet a peddler who was selling pirated CDs in private, and he had an idea, so he came up with this idea, determined to become a living horse doctor, and put all his eggs in one basket.

Seeing Lin Tianman's unbelievable expression, Li Xiaogang smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and said quietly: "Lin Tian, ​​remember my words, this villain will always have a guilty conscience. As long as you are righteous, he will never surrender. Yes." After finishing speaking, Li Xiaogang turned his head to look at Tojo Shino and said coldly: "I'm right, Your Excellency Tojo Shino?" Tojo Shino frowned, snorted heavily, and looked at Li Xiaogang He said coldly: "Even if you won this time, it doesn't mean you can win the second time. No matter who you are, from now on, my goal is to settle you, let you know, and I, Tojo Shino Right, what price do you have to pay!"

Seeing Tojo Shino's ruthless expression, Li Xiaogang said coldly: "It seems that you must seek revenge from me?" Tojo Shino gritted his teeth and said, "Do you think I will let you go so easily?" You? It’s not just you, Yukio Yamamoto, you don’t even want to have a good life, I, Tojo Shino, will never die with you!” Yukio Yamamoto and Naruhito Mizuhara frowned at the same time, Tojo If Shino really wants to retaliate wildly, they may not be afraid of him, but it will definitely be quite troublesome.It's okay for them to be in trouble. Tojo Shino's irrational revenge may endanger the entire island country.At that time, there will be an unknown number of victims of Tojo Four Fields' retaliation.

Whether it is Yukio Yamamoto or Naruhito Mizuhara, they all know in their hearts that Tojo Shino is like a nuclear bomb that does not know when it will be detonated for the island country. If the government occupies an important position, the political arena of the island country will not be peaceful for a day, and they will not be able to sleep peacefully for a day.But Tojo Shino's status is lofty and his family's power is huge. If he wants to uproot him and get rid of this hidden danger, how easy is it?Thinking of the many conspiracies and tricks they will face in the future, Naruhito Mizuhara and Yamamoto couldn't help sighing.

But just when the two were sighing, Li Xiaogang frowned, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he shot straight at Dongtiao Siye, and said in a low and somewhat cold voice: "Anyone who knows me knows that I am People are most afraid of trouble. In order not to cause trouble in the future, I have no choice but to get rid of you completely now.

As soon as Li Xiaogang's words came out of his mouth, Tojo Shino's heart went cold, he was startled, looked at Li Xiaogang full of horror, and asked nah: "What do you want to do? Could it be that you want to kill me in public? "The coldness in Li Xiaogang's eyes, the murderous aura leaked out, went straight into Tojo Shino's heart, making Tojo Shino's heart thump thumping wildly.

Li Xiaogang let out a cold snort, and rushed towards Tojo Shino like a ghost.Tojo Shino didn't have time to react, and his neck fell into Li Xiaogang's hands.Li Xiaogang exerted a little force, and Tojo Shino's neck creaked.The pain of suffocation instantly enveloped Tojo Shino's whole body.Tojo Shino had never tried to get so close to death.He didn't doubt at all that Li Xiaogang would break his neck, a great fear hit his heart, and he struggled vigorously.But in front of Li Xiaogang, his struggle was so pale and ridiculous, like a mayfly shaking a tree, it had no effect on Li Xiaogang.Instead, it caused Li Xiaogang's hand to tighten more and more, making Tojo Shino's neck become thinner and thinner.

Seeing that Li Xiaogang seemed to be coming for real, Naruhito Mizuhara and Yukio Yamamoto couldn't help being shocked.

Tojo Shino has a very high status in the political arena of the island country. If he was killed by Li Xiaogang in this way, the subsequent impact would probably be earth-shaking. It is estimated that even Yamamoto and Mizuhara Naruhito would be difficult to eliminate. this effect.Yukio Yamamoto said hurriedly: "Mr. Li, please calm down!" "Mr. Li, please be merciful!" Mizuhara Deren couldn't help shouting from the side.

Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, and said faintly: "Leaving a bastard like this in the world can only harm one party. Why don't you let me kill him directly, and save him from harming others!" Ji Fu couldn't laugh or cry, and said anxiously: "Mr. Li, Tojo Shino has a very deep background, if you kill him like this, you will get into big trouble!" Seeing Tojo Shino's face turn pale continuously , In the end, I was already a little dying, and I was so anxious that I broke out in cold sweat.Li Xiaogang sneered, and said: "Tojo Shino is a great figure in your island country, but in my eyes, he is not as good as a dog. If I kill him, I will kill him. His background is so deep, I can't help it!"

Li Xiaogang's tone was so crazy that Yukio Yamamoto and Naruhito Mizuhara felt uneasy, and they couldn't figure out what kind of person Li Xiaogang was in China, and he could have such an aura.However, no matter who Li Xiaogang was or how much power he had, the death of Tojo Shino would be a big disaster for the island country.At that time, Li Xiaogang can pat his ass and leave, but they still have to clean up the mess left behind.Yukio Yamamoto and Deren Suhara were so anxious that they were about to cry.

But just when the two were anxious and didn't know what to do, Li Xiaogang suddenly let go of his hand.Tojo Shino, who was able to escape, immediately collapsed on the ground, and opened his mouth to breathe regardless. With the influx of oxygen, Tojo Shino's pale complexion finally returned to blush. Only then did Yamamoto Yukio and Mizuhara Naruhito Each of them breathed a long sigh of relief, but their hearts were still uneasy, they couldn't figure out what Li Xiaogang was going to do next.

After taking a breath, Tojo Shino looked up at Li Xiaogang.Although there is boundless anger in his eyes, but at the same time there is also a lot of fear.He wandered around before the life and death test just now, which obviously made him have lingering fears about Li Xiaogang.Looking at him, Li Xiaogang sneered a few times, and said lightly: "I could have killed you directly, but Mr. Yamamoto is right. If you die like this, it is indeed not a good thing for the two countries. So, I decided to , let you accept the trial of the people of the island country, and you will be sanctioned by the laws of your island country!"

Tojo Shino stood up from the ground with some difficulty, looked at Li Xiaogang and snorted and said: "Indeed, I admit that you can kill me without any effort, but it is very difficult for you to use the law to punish me. Zheng wants to sue me, you have to have evidence, do you have it?" Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and a thick stack of documents appeared in his hand like a conjurer.Swaying in front of Tojo Shino, he said quietly: "Tojo Shino, how about it, do these materials look familiar to you?" Seeing these materials, Tojo Shino's eyes were about to pop out, full of He looked at Li Xiaogang in disbelief, and asked in disbelief, "How could it be? This... how come these materials are here with you?"

"It's not here, where should they be?" Li Xiaogang asked darkly with a smile. "They should be in..." Tojo Shino was in a moment of impatience, and almost slipped his mouth, but then woke up in time and quickly shut his mouth.Li Xiaogang looked at him and sneered a few times, and then he said: "It should be in the safe in your secret room, right?" Li Xiaogang's words made Tojo Shino couldn't help Li Ming's mouth, his eyes and eyebrows were filled with deep horror.It was as if the secret that he had hidden in his heart for many years was revealed mercilessly by someone.

Seeing Tojo Shino's pale face and stunned expression, Li Xiaogang continued, "Do you think sending two old men who are almost immobile can help you guard these criminal evidence? Your thinking is really naive!" The old man in Li Xiaogang's mouth is not really too old to walk.On the contrary, they can not only walk, but also fly.In order to ensure that these life-threatening crimes would not fall into the hands of others, Tojo Shino paid a lot of money to invite these two super experts.Each of the two has extraordinary martial arts, and enjoys a high reputation in the island country's martial arts circle.Tojo Shino resorted to threats and lures, and used all means, both hard and soft, to get the two of them to agree to guard the criminal evidence for him.

Tojo Shino thought that he could sit back and relax in this way, but it's a pity that God wants to let him perish, even if he invites Mantian gods and Buddhas, he can't protect him.These two super masters are invincible in the eyes of others, but when it comes to Li Xiaogang, they are as fragile as a child.Before they could see who the person was, Li Xiaogang made them pass out.If it weren't for the fact that it was not easy for them to live such an old age, Li Xiaogang would have sent them to meet their Amaterasu directly.

Li Xiaogang ignored Tojo Shino's expression of being about to swallow his tongue in surprise, and while flipping through the evidence, he said in a loud voice: "Tojo Shino, you are really an all-rounder. Murder, arson, drug trafficking, guns, almost all kinds of crimes Oh my god, there is even a record of you forcing a good woman into a beautiful woman, you really don't deserve to wear this human skin." Li Xiaogang didn't say a word at this time, and Tojo Shino couldn't help shaking his heart. Tojo Shino swayed a few times as if he couldn't stand still, and almost sat down on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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