The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1387 The Crazy Tojo

Chapter 1387 The Crazy Tojo

Seeing Tojo Shino's face getting worse and worse, Yamamoto Yukio and Mizuhara Naruhito's hearts shook at the same time, and they both keenly realized that the thing in Li Xiaogang's hands was exactly what they dreamed of, and completely brought down Tojo Shino. killer feature.

For so many years, Tojo Shino has been trying to bring down Yukio Yamamoto all the time, but Yukio Yamamoto is not a good stubble, and he has been thinking about dealing with Tojo Shino.In the political circles of the island country, there have long been rumors that Tojo Shino has a lot of underground financial resources.Yukio Yamamoto has also repeatedly sent elites to spy, hoping to catch the evidence of Tojo Shino, but it is a pity that Tojo Shino's defenses are too strict, and the results are almost the same every time. The elites he sent out did not come from the sea. Fishing it out means digging it out from the sewer, or disappearing mysteriously, leaving no bones left.It can be said that Yukio Yamamoto paid a very heavy price for this thing in Li Xiaogang's hands. How can he not be excited when he sees it now?
I saw Yukio Yamamoto looking at Li Xiaogang with trembling lips, and said in a trembling voice: "Mr. Li, can you show me that share?" "No!" Before Li Xiaogang could speak, Tojo Shino fell Shouted out loud with excitement.Li Xiaogang looked at Dongtiao Siye with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said quietly: "I didn't hear what you said clearly." Dongtiao Siye's face was livid, he gritted his teeth and looked at Li Xiaogang, saying every word "Who the hell are you? Could it be that you are a devil?" Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, and said faintly: "When people don't attack me, I'm just an ordinary person. But if people attack me, I'm a devil! Tojo Shino, your plans are all on the heads of us Chinese people, you really deserve to die!"

Tojo Shino's face was covered with fine beads of sweat, and he swallowed his saliva with great difficulty, and said slowly: "Okay, I admit it this time. As long as you don't publish these materials to the public, I will I can promise you any conditions." "Tojo Shino, are you crazy? I think you are really desperate to annihilate your criminal evidence in front of us!" Yukio Yamamoto sneered, full of anger. Said sarcastically. "You're right! I'm crazy! I'm dead anyway, why don't I give it a go!" After speaking, he took out a walkie-talkie from his pocket and roared into the microphone, "Action!"

As soon as Tojo Shino's words fell, there was only the roar of cars rushing here from all directions at the same time. In the blink of an eye, the whole scene was surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside.Looking around, all the ninjas who got out of the car were dressed in black.There are hundreds of people.Looking at these ninjas who came suddenly, Naruhito Mizuhara and Yukio Yamamoto were taken aback, and Yukio Yamamoto roared and said, "Tojo, I really didn't expect you to raise so many ninjas. what you up to?"

Dongtiao Siye wiped the sweat off his face, and said with a gloomy Wei: "I didn't want to take this step, but now, I have no other choice." Then he turned his head to look at Li Xiaogang, gritted his teeth Said: "You forced me to do this, you have to take full responsibility!" Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said lightly: "Of course! I am always responsible for my work, and I will be even more responsible for this matter." Be responsible to the end!" "Hahaha... that's really great! Then you should be responsible for their deaths!" Tojo Shino roared murderously.

Tojo Shino's words surprised Yamamoto Yukio and Mizuhara Deren, Mizuhara Naruhito roared angrily: "Tojo Shino, what do you want to do!?" Tojo Shino said gloomily: "Mizuhara Deren, I am so I tried my best to win you over, but you are like a stone in the toilet, smelly and hard, you just refuse to be used by me. Until now, I will give you one last chance, as long as you are willing to join me, I can spare you You will not die." Mizuhara Deren frowned, and asked coldly: "So, if I don't promise you, you will kill me today?"

Tojo Shino said: "There is nothing to do! If I don't kill you, will you let me go? Now you can see the situation clearly. As long as I give an order, no one here can continue to live." Suwon Deren said in a cold voice: "If you kill us, how can you justify yourself?" Tojo Shino sneered and said: "The tree fell and the monkeys scattered! You are all dead, and the little ones under your hands can only rely on me For the sake of it, I don’t need to excuse myself, they will take the initiative to help me get rid of the crime. Besides, it’s too easy for me to get rid of the crime. Isn’t there a Chinese person here who is willing to take responsibility, hehe…”

Realizing that the situation was not good, Mizuhara Deren hurriedly took out his phone and wanted to find reinforcements.Seeing this, Tojo Shino sneered and said: "It's a waste of effort. I've had someone block the satellite signal here. It's impossible to make your call. And within a radius of ten miles, all the access passages are blocked. My people control it, and you can't fly out even with your wings!" After a pause, Tojo Shino said to Mizuhara Naruhito: "Mizuhara-kun, I still have the same purpose for you, as long as you surrender, everything is negotiable. As for Yukio Yamamoto, today is his death day, even if he knelt down for me, it would be useless!"

"Hmph! Don't think how great you are. It's not certain who will die in the end!" Seeing Tojo Shino's arrogant appearance, Mikiko curled her lips and said a little contemptuously.Tojo Shino turned his head to look at her, and said coldly: "There really is such a kind of father, there is such a kind of daughter. Today I let you father and daughter die together, which is considered as the best of humanity." Suwon Deren shouted in a deep voice: "Tojo Shino, do you know how crazy your behavior is now? This is a coup! You have to pay the price in blood!"

Tojo Shino snorted coldly, and said quietly: "I prefer to call this a revolution. This will be a day that will be recorded in the history of the island country, and people all over the world will pay attention to today! I, Tojo Shino, will be the one who overthrows the old order. , the great heroes who created the new order, and you will be buried in the dust of history as sinners. Hahaha..." Tojo Shino's laughter made Mizuhara Naruhito and Yamamoto Yukio's teeth itch, Mizuhara Deren angrily scolded unbearably: "Shut up! Tojo Shino, you jealous villain, do you think you can deceive the world? Dreaming! The world is not as stupid as you imagined, even if you succeeded today, One day, your conspiracy will be revealed and you will be punished ten times more cruelly!"

Tojo Shino curled his lips and said coldly: "As a loser, I have the right to complain before accepting the punishment of failure. I can understand, hehe..." "Loser? Hehe - often when you think others are When you are a loser, the real loser is just yourself." Li Xiaogang snorted coldly and interjected.

When Li Xiaogang interrupted, Tojo Shino immediately poured all his anger on Li Xiaogang, pulled out a small-caliber pistol from his waist, pointed at Li Xiaogang's eyebrows, and said in a cold voice with gritted teeth: "You This bastard! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have taken such a big risk!" After cursing, the angry look on Tojo Shino's face suddenly dissipated, and was replaced by a somewhat sinister smile, he sneered a few times, and his voice dropped He said lowly: "However, I also want to thank you! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have eliminated my biggest political enemy so early, ushering in another glorious moment for my Tojo family!"

Li Xiaogang sneered, and said lightly: "The moment of glory? I think it is the moment of extinction!"

"Yes, it's time to perish! But you are the one who perishes!" As soon as Tojo Shino's voice fell, he yanked the trigger several times with his fingers, only to hear a series of gunshots rang out fiercely, one after another. The bullets flew out from the muzzle of the gun, shooting towards Li Xiaogang's forehead, heart and other vital points of his body one after another! "Li Xiaogang Xiaochuang" Mikiko and Chang Xuefei couldn't help shouting loudly at the same time.In the shouts of the two women, bullets passed through Li Xiaogang's body, which made everyone's hearts sink. However, soon everyone discovered a strange phenomenon. When the bullet passed through Li Xiaogang's body, There was not even a trace of blood.After the bullet passed through, Li Xiaogang's figure suddenly faded little by little until finally completely disappeared into the air.

Such a strange scene made Tojo Shino's smirk froze on his face, his eyes looked at the place where Li Xiaogang disappeared with disbelief, and blinked again and again.Just when everyone was puzzled, Li Xiaogang's voice suddenly rang out from behind Tojo Shino, "Idiot! You can't even hit this one, it really embarrasses your grandfather!" With this voice, Li Xiaogang's figure Behind Tojo Shino slowly appeared.Tojo Shino turned around abruptly in great surprise, and looked at Li Xiaogang in amazement, almost unable to believe his eyes.

With his thinking, he naturally couldn't understand how Li Xiaogang dodged the bullet in an instant and came behind him.

Li Xiaogang ignored the surprise on Tojo Shino's face, snorted coldly, and said darkly: "Since you have finished playing, it's my turn!" As he spoke, he pressed his hands fiercely, and a majestic breath Immediately spread between heaven and earth.Tojo Shino realized something was wrong almost instinctively, and let out a hysterical roar, "Fire! Fire me!"

With the roar of Tojo Shino, the light and heavy weapons in the hands of hundreds of ninjas spurted tongues of fire at the same time. In the blink of an eye, thousands of bullets shot at Li Xiaogang, Mizuhara Naruhito, Yamamoto Yukio, Mikiko, Chang Xue Fei, Lin Tian, ​​Sun Xiang and the others overwhelmingly overwhelmed them.Dongtiao Siye is really completely insane, and he is really planning to kill them all, leaving no one alive. However, Li Xiaogang is here, how can his plot succeed?Hearing Li Xiaogang's roar, his body spun violently, one after another of Nvwa's divine power intertwined, forming a large purple net visible to the naked eye, covering Yukio Yamamoto, the police, and soldiers in it.When he was in Antarctica, Li Xiaogang used a trick to let Chang Xuefei escape from the avalanche.At this time, it is more than enough to face these human-made bullets.

(End of this chapter)

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