The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1388 The Magical Purple Mask

Chapter 1388 The Magical Purple Mask
Under the shroud of purple light, Mikiko's heart was calm, but Yukio Yamamoto and Naruhito Mizuhara, who didn't know why, were a little flustered.You know, what was shot at them was not peanuts, but real bullets that could kill them at any time, how could they not feel nervous?Seeing their tense and almost suffocating expressions, Mikiko patted Yukio Yamamoto and Deren Mizuhara on the shoulders with a smile, and said with a smile: "Daddy, Uncle Mizuhara, don't worry. The purple light is not a bullet." Don't even think about smashing the shells.

Yamamoto and Suwon still couldn't believe it, but soon, they had to believe it.After the bullets fired by the ninjas hit the purple light, it seemed like a fish had rushed into the fishing net, and immediately changed from moving to still, as if being dragged by something, quietly floating in the air, Neither advancing nor falling, the scene was indescribably weird.As the ninjas fired more and more bullets, more and more bullets were absorbed by the purple light, and they became denser and denser, until finally they almost formed a wall of bullets piled up.Under the purple light, Huang Qianqian's warhead shone with a palpitating cold light. It was a sight that people would never forget.

Tojo Shino stared at all this dumbfounded. He really couldn't believe his eyes. All of this was completely beyond his cognition. Even the best scientists in the world would be speechless after seeing it. Yan because it is divine power that does all of this, real divine power!All the ninjas shot all the bullets in their guns and had to stop, staring blankly at everything in front of them.Li Xiaogang's purple mask, because it has absorbed a large number of warheads, seems to be covered with a yellow-orange armor, which looks so dazzling.The purple and yellow rays of light set off each other, interweaving a grotesque and dreamy visual effect.It's like watching a sci-fi blockbuster.

Li Xiaogang's body had already floated into the air at some point, like a god, looking down on everything in the world.Looking at the stunned Tojo Shino and his ninja.There were cold lights in Li Xiaogang's eyes, and he said gloomyly: "Your things, you should take them back!" After finishing speaking, Li Xiaogang pushed out his hands violently, and those warheads piled up into a wall seemed to have gained a new life Usually, they are reinfused with power, but this time, the power contained in them is stronger and bigger!In a chilling sound of piercing through the air, tens of thousands of bullets rushed towards the dazed ninjas like dense raindrops.

Faced with such a density and speed of attack, even if these ninjas are agile and have eight legs, they have nowhere to escape, nowhere to hide.After a burst of earth-shattering screams, hundreds of ninjas turned to ashes, and returned to calmness completely, like falling sacks, after falling to the ground one by one, they never got up again .In the blink of an eye, hundreds of ninjas disappeared, as if they never existed.

Seeing that Li Xiaogang had settled so many ninjas with every gesture, Lin Tian and Sun Xiang couldn't help but looked at each other and let out a long breath of foul air.Normally, they only thought that they were perverted enough, but they didn't expect that they were nothing compared to Li Xiaogang.When Tojo Shino saw the dense bullets shooting at him like a swarm of bees, he thought he was dead.

But after the last ninja also fell down, the pain Tojo Shino expected never fell on him.When he touched his whole body, he was surprised to find that he was not injured at all.Tojo Shino couldn't help but looked behind him in astonishment.At first he thought that what he saw just now were all hallucinations, but when he found the ninja who had died all over the place, Tojo Shino realized that he was able to survive by luck, probably because he didn't want him to die.

Dongjo Shino, who was still high-spirited before, as if everything was in his hands, is now downcast, and his heart has sunk to the bottom.From the beginning to the end, he was right in only one thing, that is, he was not wrong, Li Xiaogang is a devil!If it weren't for the devil, how could such an inhuman thing be done?Tojo Shino didn't dare to look at Li Xiaogang, he was afraid that just one look from Li Xiaogang would knock him out of his wits.Since childhood, Tojo Shino has never been really afraid of a person, nor has he experienced real fear.Now he doesn't have to feel sorry, because he has experienced it all at this time.

The fear and fear of Li Xiaogang made him tremble involuntarily, as if he was standing naked on the Arctic ice sheet.While Tojo Shino felt fear and fear, Yukio Yamamoto, Deren Mizuhara and others experienced the joy of entering heaven from hell.The crisis was completely eliminated by Li Xiaogang's incredible means.Yukio Yamamoto looked at Shino Tojo who was stunned, and suddenly felt that he was so pitiful.I think that Hideyoshi Tojo died in the hands of a Chinese, and now his grandson Tojo Shino has been defeated by a Chinese.If it is not said that the Huaxia people are the nemesis of the Tojo family, then the Tojo family is really unlucky.

"Do you know why I didn't kill you?" Li Xiaogang pursed his lips and asked lightly, looking at the four fields in Dongtiao.Tojo Shino shook his head blankly.Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, narrowed his eyes, and said gloomyly: "Because I think letting you die like this is really too cheap for you. People like you should die with the infamy of the world, and never stand up again." With that said, Li Xiaogang handed the criminal evidence of Tojo Shino to Yukio Yamamoto, and said, "Mr. Yamamoto, I will leave these materials to you. I hope you will make good use of them and give them to the people of the island countries and us Chinese people as well." Confess!" Yukio Yamamoto held the thick evidence in his hands, as if he was touching a mountain.It is unknown how many people's blood was stained on this criminal evidence.Yukio Yamamoto felt a sense of responsibility and mission like never before, nodded heavily at Li Xiaogang, and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Li, I, Yukio Yamamoto, will definitely not let you down!"

After finishing speaking, Yukio Yamamoto cast his eyes on Tojo Shino again, snorted coldly, and said, "Tojo Shino, with your evidence of your crimes in hand, I see how you can argue for yourself! Too many people are begging for you, I will cut off your head!" Yukio Yamamoto's words were forceful, and he did not give Tojo Shino the slightest sympathy.

Tojo Shino felt his head explode with a buzzing sound, and then sat down on the ground blankly.Stealing chickens won't lose rice, and Tojo Shino lost more thoroughly this time, even his own life was involved.

After Mizuhara Deren ordered people to detain Tojo Shino, the disappearance of Mikiko officially came to an end.Looking at Li Xiaogang, Yukio Yamamoto and Naruhito Mizuhara, who stood upright like swords and looked like sky, there was an indescribable feeling in their hearts.If it hadn't been for Li Xiaogang's extraordinary measures to turn the tide this time, it would be hard to say what would happen now.For such a great person as Li Xiaogang, the two of them naturally highly appreciated it in their hearts.But the problem is that Li Xiaogang is a Chinese. In their view, if Li Xiaogang is an islander, it will undoubtedly be more perfect.

"Ah!" Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief and their tense moods relaxed, they suddenly heard a sharp and piercing scream, and everyone looked in the direction where the scream came from. , I saw the owner of the small hotel fell to the ground like a wooden stake.The hotel owner, who just woke up from a coma, walked out of the small hotel in a vague way. When he first saw the dead bodies all over the floor, he fainted again from fright.Lin Tian and Sun Xiang couldn't help but looked at each other, and there were smiles at the corners of each other's mouths.

Lin Tian turned to Yukio Yamamoto, and said with a smile: "Mr. Yamamoto, I have something to ask for your help, please agree." Perhaps because of Li Xiaogang's relationship, Yukio Yamamoto also treated Lin Tian With extra enthusiasm, he hurriedly said: "If you have anything to say, just say it! You are all distinguished guests of our island country. If I can do it, I will never refuse!" Lin Tian nodded and said: "We are going to the island country this time. Come on, thanks to the innkeeper's assistance, we promised him that after the incident, we would give him a sum of money to let him spend the rest of his life in luxury. So...

Before Lin Tian finished speaking, Yukio Yamamoto interrupted him contentedly, and said with a smile: "It's a trivial matter, leave it to me, I guarantee that he will be satisfied!" Lin Tian nodded, Just as he was about to say something to thank him, he suddenly heard a shout full of surprise in his ear, "It's you? It's really you!" Lin Tianman looked back in astonishment, and after seeing Nako Aoi , just in a daze, he remembered who she was, and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Lin Tian's question made Nako Aoi somewhat unsure of where to start, and she lowered her head in silence. "Oh! So you are the Chinese person that Naiko said." Mikiko suddenly jumped up excitedly, and walked to Lin Tian's side in a few steps, staring at his eyes and shouting softly: "Hey, you Do you know how badly you hurt Nako?"

Mikiko's question made Lin Tian feel a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er. He looked at Aoi Nako in confusion, and murmured, "I hurt her? How could I hurt her?" Lin Tian didn't understand. , but looking at Aoi Nako's appearance, she was about to cry, she was completely wronged and bullied, which made Lin Tian feel that what Mikiko said must not be groundless, which made Lin Tian even more concerned confuse.

(End of this chapter)

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