The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1389 Changes!

Chapter 1389 Changes!

Mikiko snorted heavily, and said, "Why are you pretending to be confused? Do you know that just because you said a few words to Nako, people from Tojo Shino watched and arrested you. Tojo People from Shino asked Nako who you are several times, but Nako never revealed a word. Do you know how much she has been wronged because of this Nako?” In the villa, she and Mikiko were imprisoned for so long, and their relationship has long Unusual, Aoi Nako told Mikiko everything.In words, Aoi Nako unconsciously showed a slight affection for Lin Tian. As her friend, Mikiko naturally kept everything in her heart.At this time, I met Lin Tian, ​​and seeing that Lin Tianchang was indeed strong and capable, he was the legendary Prince Charming, and he immediately wanted to match him.

How could Lin Tian have thought that he had brought such a big trouble to Aoi Nako just by chatting with Aoi Nako.I also feel guilty in my heart.Turning to look at Aoi Nako, she said softly, "I'm really sorry, miss... I didn't know that people in Tojo Shino would be so crazy! But it is indeed my responsibility, and I apologize to you." Aoi Nako felt heartbroken for a while In the courtyard, she lowered her head more and more, and said in a voice like a mosquito: "No, it's's okay..." "It's okay!" Aoi Nako's words made Mikiko almost jump up and stared at her. Lin Tian said loudly, "Do you know that you were almost killed by them, so it doesn't matter?"

Aoi Nako looked at Mikiko with some embarrassment, almost pleading in her eyes and said: "Mikiko, you...don't say any more." Mikiko shook her head and said, "Why don't you say I want to say it!" After finishing speaking, he looked at He Tian even more excitedly, and said, "Hey, now our Naiko almost died because of you, what do you think should I do?" What a difficult character, Lin Tian, ​​who has always been very active, was at a loss and froze there!Mikiko giggled when she saw this, and said, "Since you don't know, then I'll be the one to decide. I think you're quite pleasing to the eye, and you don't feel wronged by our family's Nako. Why don't you marry Nako? !

"Ah!?" "Mikiko, you..." As soon as Mikiko finished speaking, Lin Tian and Aoi Nako shouted in surprise at the same time.Looking at the two, Mikiko smiled more and more happily, curled her lips, and said with a smile: "I really can't tell, you two have a tacit understanding, giggling..." After finishing speaking, Aoi was thrown Naiko pushed to Lin Tian's side.Aoi Nako couldn't prevent her mistake, staggered, and fell off balance.Lin Tianxia consciously reached out and grabbed Mikiko's wrist, pulling him into his arms.Aoi Nako was fragrant, and as soon as Lin Tian's warm and soft body was in his arms, Lin Tian's mind was involuntarily stirred, and he even forgot to push Aoi Nako out of his arms, and the two hugged each other in an ambiguous and intimate way. Together.

It wasn't until a long time later that Mikiko's crisp laughter sounded, and the two of them woke up. Nako Aoi hurriedly struggled to stand up from Lin Tian's arms, her face burned like a cloud of fire. through.Lin Tian also had a face full of embarrassment, his eyes wandered, not knowing where to fall.

Sun Xiang on the side sighed pretendingly, patted Lin Tian on the shoulder and said to him: "Hey, I didn't expect that there were three people when we came here, but there were two people when we went back. Hey! It's really heartbreaking. !
Lin Tian's complexion changed, he glared at Sun Xiang fiercely, and scolded loudly: "Stinky boy, what are you talking about? I'm not dead!" Sun Xiang narrowed his eyes with a smile, and said: "Brother, you misunderstood me. I didn't say you would die. What I meant was, with Sister Lin who fell from the sky, are you still willing to go back to China? Don't worry, I will ask the boss for leave for you when I go back." , you can stay here for a few more days, haha..."

Seeing that Lin Tian also has some meaning for Aoi Nako, Li Xiaogang is happy to see it succeed.So he said with a smile: "Lin Tian, ​​the girl has suffered such a big grievance for you, you must make up for it, do you hear me?"

Lin Tian couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Brother Gang, why do you even say that?" Li Xiaogang laughed, and said to Mizuhara Naruhito and Yamamoto Yukio: "Both of them are celebrities from the island country, please invite the two That's the matter!" Yukio Yamamoto eagerly said with a smile: "No problem! It's all on me!
Chang Xuefei, Lin Tian, ​​and Sun Xiang made a big fuss in the island country this time, but it ended in a happy event, which made everyone feel very happy.Yukio Yamamoto glanced at the scene of embarrassment, smiled at Li Xiaogang and said: "Mr. Li, we still need to clean up the mess here, so we will come here first today. At noon tomorrow, I will treat guests. Mr. Li, Miss Chang, and Mr. Lin and Sun Xiang are very appreciative, let's toast together to celebrate this important victory." Mei Jizi blinked at Chang Xuefei and Li Xiaogang and said, "You two must come tomorrow .” Li Xiaogang smiled, and with Chang Xuefei, Sun Xiang turned and left.But Lin Tian stayed, and Li Xiaogang asked him to send Aoi Nako home.Although a little embarrassed, Lin Tian could only bite the bullet and go on.

Yukio Yamamoto and Naruhito Mizuhara were determined to bring down Tojo Shino this time, so they moved quickly and ruthlessly.

After sending Li Xiaogang and the others away, they immediately copied several copies of the incriminating evidence and submitted them to the Congress, Parliament and the Supreme Court of the island country at the same time.At the same time, in order not to leave any possibility of Tojo Shino's rebellion, a copy of it was sent to the largest media in the island country, where it was published in detail on the front page of the newspaper.

As soon as this incriminating evidence was released to the public, one can imagine the influence it caused.Compared with the sensation caused by the atomic bomb dropped by country M on the island country back then, it is even worse.The people of the entire island country and the ruling and opposition parties were in an uproar at the same time.Almost overnight, the Daoguo Qianguotang became a rat crossing the street, and everyone shouted and beat it.A large number of minions of Tojo and Shino were arrested. For a while, the prison and detention center in Dongcheng were overcrowded.Under this mountain of ironclad evidence, these minions of Tojo Siye all obediently confessed their guilt.Not only that, but in order to reduce or get rid of the guilt, many of them frantically started dog-eat-dog, testifying against each other, which made the people in Qiangguo Hall even more uncomfortable, and everyone was in danger.In such an atmosphere, Qiangguotang is like a candle in the wind, which has reached the point where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dying.

Accompanied by the collapse of Qiangguotang, the island country politicians who had a good relationship with Tojo Shino on weekdays, in order to protect themselves, changed their appearance one after another. From flattering Tojo Shino to attacking him, for a while From the ruling and opposition parties of the island country, there was a sound of cursing Tojo Shino.What does it mean to be a hot and cold world, what does it mean to be pushed down by everyone, Dongjo Siye has tasted them all this time.The mountains and rivers that the Tojo family has conquered in several lifetimes collapsed in an instant, which is probably something that Tojo Shino never imagined in his dreams.

Tojo Shino, who was locked up in the detention center and guarded by heavy soldiers, was aging every minute. Almost overnight, half of his hair turned gray.Looking at Shino Tojo, who was unshaven and no longer charming, Yukio Yamamoto felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.Are you happy?Can't talk about it.After all, Tojo Shino was also an islander like him, and if one islander defeated another islander, that was called cannibalism, and there was really nothing to be happy about.

But let’s say he’s not happy, Yukio Yamamoto still has a little bit of joy in his heart. After all, bringing down Tojo Shino is of great benefit to him and to the evidence of the island nation.There is no doubt about it.After much deliberation, Yukio Yamamoto vaguely felt that the reason why his mood was so complicated was all due to the word 'Huaxia'.

No matter what Yukio Yamamoto is, he is also an islander.As an islander, he longed for the island to become stronger and surpass China.But he suddenly found that this wish seemed to be getting further and further away from him.Today's Huaxia is rising like the sun, and it is appearing in front of the world with a new look every day.The words "changing with each passing day" are too appropriate for Huaxia.But compared to China, what about the island country?The economy continues to slump, and political struggles are becoming increasingly brutal. More than four-fifths of the country's leaders focus on fighting political opponents, and pay little attention to national affairs.Bringing down Tojo Shino was apparently a victory for Yukio Yamamoto, but in fact it was a defeat for the entire political circle of the island nation.What's more, the person who defeated Tojo Siye was not actually him, but Li Xiaogang, a Chinese.

Yukio Yamamoto has been thinking, if Tojo Shino hadn't been bold enough to involve the Huaxia people in this matter, if the Huaxia people had helped Tojo Shino instead of him, what would have happened?Glancing at the listless Tojo Shino, Yukio Yamamoto shuddered involuntarily.With a long sigh, Yukio Yamamoto had to admit that today's island country is not as good as it used to be. If you want to continue to develop and progress, what you need to do is to improve the relationship with China.Although some people will accuse him of this, this is to reclassify the island country as a vassal of China, but if the relationship with China is not established, let alone the development of the island country, it may even become a problem whether the island country can continue to survive.Thinking of how Li Xiaogang wiped out hundreds of ninjas in an instant with almost god-like means, how does he know that there is only one Li Xiaogang in Huaxia?Under the strong pressure of domestic public opinion, Tojo Shino and his Tang Yu didn't have time to resist, so they went to jail one after another.As for Kaoru Inoue and Shen Zenono, they were sentenced to death for murder, and they were executed at a later date.

Qiangguotang also had to announce its official dissolution because of the withdrawal of its members.This largest opposition hall composed of right-wing forces in the island country collapsed amidst the angry curses of the island people.With the collapse of the Qiangguotang and the destruction of the Tojo family, the right-wing forces in the island country have suffered heavy losses. Although they have not been completely wiped out, they can no longer make any waves.When Yukio Yamamoto once again proposed to blow up the shrine and build a peace memorial in the Diet, the entire Diet was unanimously in favor, and no one objected, and the vote was passed unanimously.

(End of this chapter)

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