The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1390 The Disappearing Design

Chapter 1390 The Disappearing Design
Without Tojo Shino getting in the way, the political circles of the island country are obviously much clearer. Yukio Yamamoto and Naruhito Mizuhara naturally feel very comfortable and happy.In order to thank Li Xiaogang and at the same time appease Chang Xuefei, Yukio Yamamoto arranged the banquet at the most luxurious Ginza Hotel in Dongcheng.Before the banquet started, Yukio Yamamoto and Naruhito Mizuhara waited at the door of the hotel early.Not to mention Mikiko, who was earlier than Yukio Yamamoto, directing the chef to do a lot of work in the kitchen, trying to make the banquet the most perfect.

Lin Tian and Aoi Nako arrived first.After a night of communication, Lin Tian and Aoi Nako's relationship has improved significantly, at least they will no longer be as awkward as they were at the beginning.Nako Aoi was originally an ordinary middle-class family in the island country. Thanks to Lin Tian's blessing this time, she has become an upstart in the island country. She can eat at the same table with big figures like Yukio Yamamoto and Naruhito Mizuhara. She lamented the magic of fate.Participating in such an occasion for the first time, it is inevitable to be a little cautious and nervous, but seeing the calmness and calmness of Lin Tian beside her, Aoi Nako became more and more infatuated with and worshiped Lin Tian.

Then came Sun Xiang and Chang Xuefei.Seeing the two, Mikiko rushed forward to greet them.After exchanging pleasantries with Chang Xuefei, Mikiko looked behind Chang Xuefei again and again.Chang Xuefei patted her and said, "What are you looking at?" Mei Jizi asked in surprise, "Why didn't Li Xiaogang come with you?" Chang Xuefei asked without answering, "Why? Brother Gang hasn’t arrived yet?” Mikiko shook her head and said, “No, I’ve been standing here all the time, if he comes, I can’t miss it.” “What’s going on here?” Chang Xuefei was taken aback for a moment, feeling something faintly in her heart, and her face looked a little bitter.

"Xuefei, do you think Li Xiaogang is lost?" Mikiko asked nervously.Chang Xuefei shook her head with a wry smile, and said quietly: "How could he get lost? Don't forget, Li Xiaogang can find us in the icy and snowy Antarctica, let alone here. The simplest thing, Li Xiaogang He called a taxi and came here." "Then...then why hasn't he come yet?" Mikiko asked full of doubts.Chang Xuefei smiled wryly and said, "I don't think he will come..."

It was at Yukio Yamamoto that Lin Tian and Sun Xiang were entertained.At the time of Chang Xuefei and the others, Li Xiaogang had already returned to China, and he was not interested in meeting the islanders at all, so he might as well go back and do his own business.At this time, the Supreme Confidante produced by Longquan Group has officially been launched in batches.Li Haoran and Li Li have also arrived in Europe. Relying on the orders that Long Linger got from Otama Group, the couple are doing well in Europe, and the branch office is booming.And in the Supreme Red Pok City, after the sales volume boomed, the branch office was filled with customers, and the couple became the hottest figures in Europe within a short period of time.

Orders flew to Longquan Group like snowflakes, and the order date was even taken five years later.With the influx of a large number of orders into the Longquan Group, a large amount of funds also followed. Almost every day, dozens of large sums of money were added to the account of the Longquan Group.Someone once roughly calculated a few accounts, and the deposits given to Longquan Group by the dealers alone were worth tens of billions of dollars.However, what is surprising is that such a large amount of joint ventures often disappears after staying in the account of Longquan Group for less than a day. Many countries in the world have secretly dispatched special agents to investigate the use of so many rare metals, but there is no trace of them.The only thing they can be sure of is that a big operation that may shock the world is being secretly carried out somewhere on this earth.

The leader also received similar information, but compared to the anxiety of other heads of state, the leader was calm.Others don't know, but he knows in his heart that this must be because Li Xiaogang's Star Warship project has entered the trial production stage.The leader guessed right, the huge buyer hidden behind the scenes was indeed Li Xiaogang.And Li Xiaogang bought these rare metals precisely to produce 'blood steel'.After continuous research by Shen Qihong and other experts, according to the information provided by Li Xiaogang, the first batch of experimental blood steel has been successfully released, and its various indicators are exactly as expected.With successful production experience and precise ingredient ratios, mass production of blood steel was quickly put on the agenda.

With the large-scale production of blood steel, Longhao Group's production conversion plan has also entered the final stage.Relying on the abundant funds from Li Xiaogang, and the strong assistance of Ma Bing and Zhou Tao, Longhao Group's self-designed and developed car has begun to take shape.In order not to be completely defeated in the competition with the powerful GM, Ma Bing and Zhou Tao insisted on innovation starting from the design of the car shape, and added many creative new elements to it.Determined to compete with GM.Combining the wisdom of these two car geniuses, the new car of Longhao Group is absolutely impeccable in terms of appearance.Calm and generous, there is style in the simplicity of the contract, but there is no lack of fashion in addition to style.If the president of GM saw the classic design of Ma Bing and Huang Ziwen, he would vomit blood with jealousy.

When Hu Rong saw the new car jointly designed by Ma Bing and Zhou Tao for the first time, his eyes froze for a long time.Without saying a word, they made a decision to make this car the main brand of Longhao Group after it changed production.It's just that until now, the three of them haven't given an appropriate name to the new car. In the end, the three of them kept paying and handed over the power to Li Xiaogang.In this way, the new car of Longhao Group not only possesses a super-class inner charm because it is equipped with a Galaxy smart chip, but now it is paired with this super cool and dazzling appearance, it is even more powerful, and both internal and external are repaired.Based on the experience of Ma Bing and Zhou Tao, they can be almost [-]% sure that once this car comes out, it will definitely cause a huge impact like a tornado on the market.

But when they discussed with Hu Rong to start production immediately, they were rejected by Hu Rong.Looking in front of Hu Rong with a mysterious smile on his face, Ma Bing asked incomprehensibly: "Mr. Hu, I don't understand why you refused to go into production? There are many nights and dreams, and time is money. If the opportunity is delayed, Our losses will be great. I think we should take advantage of the opportunity to enter the market when everyone is motivated. If someone launches the same type of design first, the consequences will be disastrous." Hu Rong chuckled a few times, faintly Said: "The same type of car? Do you think someone has the ability to design the same or similar car as ours? You may not be confident.

Ma Bing shook his head and said: "Yes, we are indeed ahead in many technologies, but don't forget that the current technology is changing with each passing day, so we must not be careless." "Yes, Mr. Hu! I agree safely Ma Bing's opinion!" Zhou Tao also said anxiously from the side.Looking at the anxious two people, Hu Rong laughed and said, "Do you think I don't want to go into production as soon as possible? During this period of time, Longhao Group has only blindly invested, but there is no return at all, and my pressure is not Small. To tell you the truth, it was Li Xiaogang who disagreed with my current mass production.

"Mr. Li? Why did he..." Ma Bing and Zhou Tao looked at each other, their faces full of doubts.Hu Rong chuckled a few times, and said quietly: "Don't look at me with such eyes, I don't know why he did it. But it doesn't matter, he will come here in a while, and then you can ask him personally .”

Ma Bing frowned, and said slowly: "Mr. Li is a legendary figure. If he insists on doing this, there must be his reasons. It seems that we have to wait for him to come before asking." Li Xiaogang The three of them were not kept waiting for too long, they just chatted a few words, and Li Xiaogang walked in under the leadership of the secretary.

Seeing Li Xiaogang, Hu Rong's eyes couldn't help but light up, maybe it's because she loves too deeply, whenever she sees Li Xiaogang, Hu Rong will have a feeling like an electric shock.This kind of feeling makes Hu Rong very obsessed, which may be the reason why she can't leave Li Xiaogang all the time. "Mr. Li, we have been waiting for you for a long time!" Ma Bing and Zhou Tao stood up at the same time, looking at Li Xiaogang and said.Li Xiaogang smiled, motioned to the two to sit down, and said, "You two are welcome! Since you have already known each other and become friends, you should stop calling me Mr. Li and call me Xiaogang." , I sound kind." Ma Bing and Zhou Tao still looked a little embarrassed, but Hu Rong giggled from the side: "I told you a long time ago that you don't have to be cautious in front of him. Look, I You're right!" As he spoke, he hugged Li Xiaogang's arm with a smile, leaned his head on his chest, and said with a smile, "My dear, where have you been running around?"

Li Xiaogang shook his head, pinched Hu Rong's nose full of doting, and said with a smile: "Even if I have that kind of leisure, I have to have that time." Hu Rong kissed Li Xiaogang's face and kissed him. Pulled to the president's seat and sat down, then sat on his lap and said, "Honey, you're just in time! We just want to hear your opinion on something." Saying this, Hu Rong followed her From the safe in the office, he took out a file bag and said, "This is the shape of the car jointly designed by Ma Bing and Zhou Tao. It can be said to be the most beautiful car I have ever seen in my life. You Take a look and give me some advice!" While speaking, Hu Rong reached into the file bag and took out the documents inside.

However, when Hu Rong took out the document, her complexion suddenly changed, and she could hardly believe her eyes.What she held in her hand was not the design of Ma Bing and Zhou Tao, but a stack of white paper.The dazzling white paper made Hu Rong's eyes ache a little. "Mr. Hu, what... what's going on here!?" Ma Bing and Zhou Tao jumped up from their chairs in horror when they saw this, staring blankly at the document in Hu Rong's hand and asked .

(End of this chapter)

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