The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1391 Xiao Ke's Difficulties

Chapter 1391 Xiao Ke's Difficulties

This design was made by Ma Bing and Zhou Tao, just like their children.At this time, it suddenly turned into a pile of blank papers. This blow was so heavy that even the strongest people could hardly bear it.

Hu Rong flipped through the white paper in her hand, she was so anxious that she almost cried, and said, "How could this happen? I read it again in the morning, and it was fine then, but it's only been a few hours, why? Suddenly turned into blank paper? This... This is impossible!" Seeing Hu Rong's anxiety about going crazy, Li Xiaogang hugged her distressedly, and comforted her repeatedly: "Rong'er, don't worry. You check the safe again, maybe you took the wrong bag?" Hu Rong hurriedly returned to the safe and searched through it again, but the result was equally cruel. Hu Rong never found the second bag again. Two portfolios.

"Could it be that someone stole our design while we weren't paying attention?" Ma Bing's face suddenly turned pale, his body softened, and he sat back on the chair weakly.If this is the case, it means that their hard work has been wasted.At this juncture, such a thing happened, which undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to the three of them. "It must be like this! Mr. Hu, isn't there a camera installed in your office? Let's watch the video tape!" Zhou Tao said in a deep voice.Hu Rong nodded, and quickly called up a video from the computer.

The camera completely and truly recorded everyone who entered and exited this room this morning.Just as they held their breath and waited for the suspect to appear, the suspect appeared.While Hu Rong was going to the bathroom, a figure flashed into the office briskly.When they first saw this figure, the three of them were not suspicious, because this figure was none other than Hu Rong's secretary Xiao Ke.Xiao Ke has followed Hu Rong for many years. She is smart and well-behaved. Hu Rong has always felt that she is handy, and has never thought about changing the secretary.Seeing Xiao Ke enter the office, the three of Hu Rong thought she was going to help them put away messy things. This is Xiao Ke's part, she often does it, and Hu Rong is used to it.

But soon, the four of them discovered something was wrong. After Xiao Ke flashed into the office, he didn't go to organize things, but went directly to the safe.I don't know how Xiao Ke got the password of the safe from Hu Rong, opened the safe with ease, took out the file bag containing the design drawings, and replaced the design drawings with white paper.It took Xiao Ke less than a minute to complete all of this. Obviously, she planned it in advance, and she came here for the design drawings from the beginning.Seeing this, Hu Rong couldn't help covering her mouth in surprise, she never dreamed that Xiao Ke, whom she had always been familiar with, turned out to be a thief hiding beside her.

Thinking that she trusted Xiao Ke so much, but in exchange for Xiao Ke's betrayal, Hu Rong trembled and couldn't help shouting loudly, "Xiao Ke, Xiao Ke!" silence.Hu Rong's heart sank involuntarily, and she hurried to Xiao Ke's office, only to find that Xiao Ke's office had already been hollowed out.However, it could be seen that Xiao Ke seemed to be leaving in a hurry and didn't have time to collect many things.Hu Rong immediately called the security guard of the office building, who told her that Xiao Ke had left the building half an hour ago, and her whereabouts were unknown.Hu Rong lay down heavily on the sofa, her face was a little frighteningly pale, her eyes were wide open, but she couldn't say a word.

Ma Bing and Zhou Tao also looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling extremely dignified and angry. "I really didn't expect that Xiao Ke, who is cute and cute on weekdays, turned out to be a beautiful snake! So many of us were deceived by her, it's abominable! Ma Bing and Zhou Tao also looked at each other in dismay, feeling extremely solemn and angry.

"I really didn't expect that Xiao Ke, who is cute and cute on weekdays, turned out to be a beautiful snake! So many of us were deceived by her, it's abominable!" Ma Bing cursed bitterly.Zhou Tao said bitterly: "What's the use of talking about it now? Maybe Xiao Ke has our design proposal and is sitting in a coffee shop with her buyer to discuss the price." Hu Rong said sadly: "It's all my fault! It's all my fault for being blind and misjudging people! This time not only hurt you two, but also Longhao Group. I...why am I so stupid!?" Hu Rong couldn't help pulling her hair , cried loudly.

In order for Longhao Group to successfully switch production, it can be said that Hu Rong has devoted herself to it for a period of time.Waking up early and going to bed late every day, all I can think about is changing production.Ever since she was a child, Hu Rong has never been so serious and worked so hard to do something.And seeing that he was about to succeed, but such a thing happened, how could Hu Rong accept it?Seeing Hu Rong's painful appearance, Li Xiaogang hugged her in his arms, smiled You Wei and said, "Don't be sad, Rong'er. It is inevitable to be betrayed if you know your face but not your heart. No matter how painful you are It's a good thing. Besides, isn't it because I'm here? If I'm here, no one can steal your designs.

Li Xiaogang's words lifted Hu Rong's mind, she raised her mother-in-law's teary eyes to look at him, and asked quietly: " have a way?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "You wait for me here, I will soon I will bring back the lost design." After speaking, she wiped away Hu Rong's tears with tenderness, got up and walked out of the office. "Mr. Li, does he really have a solution?" Looking at Li Xiaogang's back, Ma Bing asked worriedly.Hu Rong wiped away her tears, pursed her lips, and said softly: "I believe in my husband! If he says he can, he will!

Xiao Ke was crying while driving the car.Looking at the exquisite folder beside her, Xiao Ke's heart hurts as if being grabbed by an invisible hand.The days spent with Hu Rong in the past few years kept coming to mind. Hu Rong never regarded her as a subordinate, but cared for her as a younger sister.Xiao Ke has always believed that being able to work in Longhao Group is the greatest success in her life, and meeting Hu Rong is the greatest luck in her life.But now everything has changed. She betrayed Hu Rong and became a shameful traitor. Now even she hates and despises herself.Whenever she thinks of Hu Rong's disappointed eyes, Xiao Ke's heart feels as if a knife has been cut through her heart, which makes her almost suffocate.

Of course she didn't want to betray Hu Rong, but there are always so many helpless things in this world.Xiao Ke works very hard and is very well-behaved, but God gave her a younger brother who is not motivated.Eating, drinking, hacking and killing outside all day, there was never a single day that made her feel at ease.Xiao Ke wanted to abandon her younger brother several times, but she couldn't.Her parents died when she was very young and left them.The siblings grew up dependent on each other, and the younger brother is her everything.Xiao Ke poured almost all her love into her younger brother, and she has not even talked about a boyfriend for his younger brother.But God seems to be against her on purpose, the deeper her love for her brother, the more hardships God will give her.

I don't know which bastard taught her brother to gamble. After gambling again and again, Xiao Ke's original generous rewards were not enough to pay off his brother's gambling debts.Gambling debts are like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger until now, even Xiao Ke can't bear it anymore.The creditors blocked the door of the house all day long, demanding that she pay back the money, and if she did not pay back, they would cut off her brother's hands and feet.Xiao Ke was so violent that his younger brother was chopped off his hands and feet almost every day, and he stood in front of him covered in blood.At the beginning, Xiao Ke could find a solution from Hu Rong to temporarily relieve his urgent needs, but as the number of times increased, even if Hu Rong was as generous as ever, Xiao Ke was too embarrassed to speak again.

Xiao Ke also tried to persuade her younger brother to quit gambling with tears in his nose. Seeing her pain, his younger brother also made up his mind to find a job and stop gambling.But it didn't take long for her to discover that her brother was sitting at the gaming table again.

At the beginning, Xiao Ke just thought that his younger brother was not strong-willed and did not live up to expectations.But later, it was discovered that it was not her brother who wanted to gamble, but someone forcing his brother to gamble.This person is known as Brother Cheng, and he is a well-known bully in a radius of ten miles.There are a group of thugs under him, and they do some deeds to bully men and women on weekdays.None of the common people nearby are not afraid of him.Xiao Ke's younger brother got entangled with him, it was like making friends with ghosts and monsters, and there was no way to get rid of him.

Brother Cheng is a vicious person, and the number of people who died at his hands is double digits.How dare such a ferocious person, such a weak woman, dare to challenge him?Whenever Xiao Ke's younger brother doesn't want to gamble, Brother Cheng either lures or threatens, in short, he refuses to let Xiao Ke's younger brother leave the gaming table. With a wave of his hand, a lot of money will be thrown in front of him.Of course, it's not because Brother Cheng is generous and all loans are usury, you have to borrow if you borrow, or you have to borrow if you don't borrow.In the end, everything will fall on Xiao Ke's head.Gambling debts plus usury interest have now reached a figure that makes Xiao Ke collapse. Even if he works in a company with a good salary like Longhao Group, Xiao Ke has to work hard if he wants to pay off this debt One hundred and eighty years, and you have to not eat or drink.

When the gambling debts accumulated to the point where Xiao Ke was in trouble, Brother Cheng finally showed his ferocious face, and stretched out his demonic claws to Xiao Ke.Proposed to let Xiao Ke meat pay off the debt.As long as Xiao Ke gets along with him, he will cancel the gambling debts owed by Xiao Ke's brother, but if Xiao Ke doesn't want to get along with him, he will not only pay back his money immediately, but also cut off Xiao Ke's brother's hand.It wasn't until this time that Xiao Ke realized that Brother Cheng's real goal had always been him, and brother Xiao Ke was just a tool for him to achieve his goal.Thinking of Brother Cheng's hideous face, which surpassed Zhu Bajie's, Xiao Ke couldn't eat for a few days. If she were to marry him, it would be better to die peacefully.

(End of this chapter)

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