The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1392 Huang Ziwen's Conspiracy

Chapter 1392 Huang Ziwen's Conspiracy
And just when Xiao Ke fell into despair, the saying that there is no unparalleled road miraculously came true in her body.During a lunch hour, Xiao Ke was sitting in a snack bar, worrying about Brother Cheng's coming to her house in the evening. Walked down slowly.Instead of sitting elsewhere, she walked straight to Xiao Ke.Xiao Ke, who was worrying, looked up in astonishment, only to see that the other party was looking at him with a smile, his eyes were a little suspicious.

Xiao Ke's heart suddenly became tense, and she was about to ask a question, but the man had already handed her a bronzing business card in front of her.People who can use this kind of business card are either rich or expensive, so Xiao Ke swallowed the words again.He took a look at the business card, and saw that there were two simple but imposing words written on the business card, President of GM China, Huang Ziwen!Longhao Group switched to producing automobiles, and Xiao Ke naturally became more concerned about the automobile field. This Huang Ziwen is the president of GM's Huaxia District, and he is well-known in the automobile field. It is difficult for Xiao Ke to know.

And Xiao Ke also knew that Huang Ziwen, Ma Bing and Zhou Tao had never dealt with each other, and the Longhao Group would not have any good intentions towards them, so after learning the identity of the man in front of him, his whole mind immediately became alert, watching With Xiaoke's guarded expression, Huang Ziwen cried a few times, and said quietly, "Miss Song, don't be nervous. Huang's visit to Miss Song this time is not malicious, but out of kindness." Xiao Ke laughed , Said lightly: "Mr. Huang, a well-known big shot, I didn't expect to know me, I'm really flattered!"

Huang Ziwen said with a chuckle: "Miss Song is a celebrity around Mr. Hu of the Longhao Group, and Mr. Hu is one of the famous financial queens in the country. If I don't even know you, then I am in this circle for nothing." Did you mess around?" Xiao Ke followed Hu Rong's side, he was a slave to his master, and he had a lot of influence himself.Xiao Ke chuckled a few times, and said lightly: "Mr. Huang has a lot of things to do every day, and time is precious. He shouldn't just want to accompany a small person like me and talk about the world, right? Just say what Mr. Huang wants to do!

Huang Ziwen didn't speak, but directly took out the checkbook from his pocket, signed a check and handed it to Xiao Ke.Holding the check, Xiao Ke couldn't help being stunned, looked at Huang Ziwen full of astonishment and asked, "Mr. Huang, what do you mean? Could it be that you have too much money and nowhere to spend it, and want someone to help you spend it?" Huang Ziwen lightly Laughed a few times, and said faintly: "Miss Song, open the skylight and speak brightly. I appreciate it very much. I hope you can work for me." Xiao Ke raised her crescent eyebrows and said, "You know that I am working for Mr. Hu. Work, it is impossible to change jobs.

Huang Ziwen smiled faintly, and said: "If you change jobs, you won't be worth so much money." Huang Ziwen's words made Xiao Ke suddenly stand up from his chair, glaring at Huang Ziwen and shouting coquettishly, "What do you mean?" Huang Ziwen didn't care about Xiao Ke's tone of voice, and said lightly: "I want to place an undercover agent beside Hu Rong, no one is more suitable than you." "Ha! You want me to betray Mr. Hu? I think you are really crazy Don’t you know the relationship between me and Mr. Hu? I love my sisters, let me betray Mr. Hu, I’d rather die!” Xiao Ke shouted angrily, trying to tear up the check, Huang Ziwen suddenly drank "Wait a minute!"

Xiao Ke stared at Huang Ziwen, and said with an unfriendly expression: "What else do you have to say? I will never betray Mr. Hu anyway, you should die!" Huang Ziwen narrowed his eyes and said faintly: "You'd better look at the amount on the check first, maybe it will remind you of something." Huang Ziwen's words made Xiao Ke put on the check thoughtfully, and Xiao Ke's expression suddenly changed when the fat was added .The amount on this check was exactly the same as the gambling debt owed by her brother, not even a fraction.If it was just a coincidence, Xiao Ke herself didn't believe it.

"It's you? You are the mastermind behind all this!" Xiao Ke completely reacted, staring at Huang Ziwen with fiery eyes, wishing to bite him.She and her younger brother could have lived a carefree and happy life, but because of Huang Ziwen's conspiracy, all of this became retribution. How could Xiao Ke not hate him?Huang Ziwen sneered a few times, and said lightly: "Don't get me wrong, Chengzi just happens to be my friend. I heard that he was going to kill your brother. Your brother is still so young. I couldn't bear it, so I found you. Feng on this check.

"Despicable!" Xiao Ke gritted her teeth tightly, her teeth were about to be crushed because of her resentment.Huang Ziwen was not at all annoyed by Xiao Ke's scolding, and said lightly: "The business field is always intriguing! If you can't stand the cruelty in it, don't get involved. And since you get involved, you will lose without a fight. Resentment! You just said that you and Mr. Hu are like sisters, but they are not real sisters after all. But your brother is your own brother, and he is the only one. You have worked so hard to bring him up, can't you bear it Just watch him die like this? Take this check and save your brother, that's the smart choice. Miss Song, do you want me to say more? "

"Brother Cheng, will he really kill my brother?" Xiao Ke murmured with a pale face.Huang Ziwen shook his head, and said slowly: "Don't think that Chengzi is my friend, but to be honest, my friend is even afraid of me. Up to now, there are eight if not a hundred people who died at his hands. Ten, this guy is already obsessed with murder. In his eyes, human life is like a child's play. Not to mention your brother, I'm afraid even I will lose my life if he is provoked. By the way , I heard that Chengzi wants you to be with him, is there such a thing?"

When this matter was mentioned, Xiao Ke shuddered instinctively. Huang Ziwen smiled when he saw this, and then said: "If I were you, I would definitely not agree to him. Let me tell you a secret, Cheng Zi has actually been married three times , that is to say, he used to have three wives, one died, and two went to the madhouse. Do you know why?" Xiao Ke shook his head blankly, Huang Ziwen made a mysterious look, and said: "I Tell you, but you must never tell others. Chengzi was brought up by his stepmother since he was a child, and his stepmother was very fierce to him. He beat and scolded him on weekdays. Over time, Chengzi began to hate all women. His three Wife, one was beaten to death by him. The other two went crazy because they couldn't bear his perverted torment and caused a mental breakdown. If a lovely girl like you falls into Chengzi's clutches Tsk tsk, I can't even imagine the consequences."

Huang Ziwen's words were like throwing Xiao Ke naked into the ice and snow, chilling her from the inside out!She was shaking all over.Thinking of Brother Cheng's ferocious face and stern eyes, the fear in Xiao Ke's heart was like a prairie fire, engulfing him in an instant.Xiao Ke shook his head involuntarily, and murmured: "No, no! Absolutely not!" Looking at the frightened Xiao Ke who was a bit confused, Huang Ziwen couldn't help laughing complacently, and said faintly: "Song Miss, since you also know that if you fall into Brother Cheng's hands, your life will be worse than death, then you know what you should do now, right?" As he said, he glanced at the upcoming card in Xiao Ke's hand with a smile. The check she tore up, but not yet shredded.

Xiao Ke frowned tightly, sighed inwardly, and handed the check to Huang Ziwen again.Huang Ziwen was taken aback, and said angrily, "It seems that you are not afraid of death." Xiao Ke shook his head, and said sadly, "Since you and Brother Cheng are so close, I would like to ask you to return the check to him. At the same time, tell him that you are not allowed to pester me and my younger brother again in the future!" Huang Ziwen felt relieved when he heard this, he laughed haha, and said, "That's smart! keep the check, Chengzi's there I will go to check it out and make sure that he will go around when he sees you in the future. I have always been a person who rewards and punishes clearly, as long as you are willing to serve me faithfully, you will benefit a lot."

Xiao Ke didn't say any more, insisted on putting the check in front of Huang Ziwen, and said: "I said no, I definitely don't want it. Just say what you want me to do!" "Haha... have personality! I I appreciate you more and more. Since you don’t want it, it’s okay, I’ll keep it for you first, and when you’re short of money in the future, it’s not too late to come to me to get it.” As he took the check back, he said: “ I know that Longhao Group is busy changing production and preparing to enter the automobile market. I also know that Longhao Group has taken our two GM traitors Ma Bing and Zhou Tao under its command. In this circle, everyone knows that I am Huang Ziwen. Temper, is the most unbearable to be betrayed, so I have to teach these two people a good lesson. I heard that they just jointly designed a new car, I want you to steal the information to me. This is for you , shouldn't be too difficult, right?"

" want to praise and steal the design drawings of Mr. Ma and Mr. Hu? This is absolutely not allowed! Our Mr. Hu is pointing at this, and hopes that Longhao Group will successfully transfer production. If I steal the blueprints and give them to you, doesn't it mean that I will Mr. Hu's hopes are completely shattered? This is a huge blow to both Mr. Hu and the Longhao Group. I...I can't do this." Huang Ziwen frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Miss Song, I advise you You still need to think clearly. Is Longhao Group important or your brother and your life are more important. Besides, you stole the blueprint, it will indeed be a big blow to Longhao Group, but it is only to formalize Longhao Group. The date of entering the automobile industry is just slightly postponed. It will not hurt the foundation of Longhao Group. I have never thought about putting Longhao Group to death. I just want to teach them a lesson. After this After the bad breath, I promise that I will not hinder the development of Longhao Group. Miss Song, Ma Bing and Zhou Tao betrayed me like this, you have to let me get back some face, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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