The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1393 Kind Xiao Ke

Chapter 1393 Kind Xiao Ke

Xiao Ke is not a fool, Huang Ziwen said it nicely, but she doesn't know what the calculation is in her heart.Xiao Ke looked at Huang Ziwen full of pleading, and said: "Mr. Huang, we, Mr. Hu, have spent so much effort in developing the Tianhao family group to today. I beg you, be merciful. Your Excellency has a lot, let her go." Go ahead. Mr. Huang, I beg you!" Huang Ziwen raised his face impatiently, and said coldly: "Miss Song, I have made my words very clear! You have to do this matter, no You have to do it. I advise you not to be too kind, and think about yourself and your brother." Seeing Huang Ziwen's stern face, it is impossible to change his mind.Xiao Ke covered her face in pain and began to cry.

Huang Ziwen glanced at her without mercy, stuffed the check into her hand, and said coldly: "I will wait for you here at this time tomorrow. I got the blueprint and everyone is happy. But if I don't When you get to the blueprint, I'm afraid you will have to prepare for your brother's funeral while planning your own wedding. Hmph!" After finishing speaking, he turned and left.Xiao Ke sat in the small restaurant for a full afternoon, and then returned to her home with a dejected face.As soon as he got home, Xiao Ke saw a few large characters splashed with red paint on the front door of his house: Debts are paid!Seeing these four big characters, Xiao Ke shuddered violently. He couldn't make up his mind all afternoon, and finally made up his mind.

Recalling what happened in the past few days, Xiao Ke seemed to have had a nightmare, and he was so stunned that he couldn't lift his spirits.I felt that everything around me was gray and lifeless.Thinking that his younger brother is still in Brother Cheng's hands and his life is in danger at any time, Xiao Ke can't wait to step on the gas pedal to the end, and hand over the drawings to Huang Ziwen as quickly as possible to rescue his younger brother.But thinking that at this time, Hu Rong must be crying because she stole the blueprint, Xiao Ke involuntarily let go of the gas pedal again.

Thinking of Hu Rong's kindness to her all these years, Xiao Ke's heart twitched, wishing that she would never drive in front of Huang Ziwen.Xiao Ke's car was running fast and slow on the road like this, which looked weird to others.

Just when Xiao Ke was struggling repeatedly in the violent conflicts in her heart, and she was in a daze for a while, her eyes suddenly blurred, and a figure stood in front of her abruptly.Xiao Ke was shocked, and hurriedly stepped on the brakes hard. After a moment of inertia that made her feel uncomfortable, the car finally did not hit anyone.Xiao Ke let out a long sigh of relief, hurriedly got off the car, looked at the man who appeared suddenly and was almost hit by her with concern, and asked, "Sir, are you okay?" Xiao Ke But I was too worried about the other party, so I ignored it. This is a highway, and there shouldn't be pedestrians.Even if she knocked him down, the opponent couldn't blame her.At this moment, Xiao Ke's kindness in her heart completely prevailed, so she didn't think about other things at all.

The person who appeared suddenly was none other than Li Xiaogang.After learning that the drawings had been stolen by Xiao Ke, Li Xiaogang immediately used his spiritual sense to find Xiao Ke out.A teleportation appeared here.Originally, Li Xiaogang wanted to teach Xiao Ke a lesson, but when he looked up and saw the concern on Xiao Ke's face, Li Xiaogang suddenly realized that Xiao Ke is actually a very kind girl.But if a kind person does something bad, there must be a compelling reason.

Li Xiaogang immediately gave up the idea of ​​teaching Xiao Ke a lesson, and he had another idea in his mind. "Sir, are you alright?" Seeing that Li Xiaogang was just staring at him but not speaking, Xiao Ke couldn't help asking more worriedly.Li Xiaogang just came back to his senses, shook his head lightly, and said with a smile: "I'm fine. I just want to ask Miss for a favor." Hearing Li Xiaogang said that he was fine, Xiao Ke's hanging heart immediately fell to the ground , let out a long breath, and said: "I was distracted just now, and I almost bumped into you. I'm really sorry, if you need my help, just say it." Xiao Ke's words made Li Xiaogang more sure Seeing her kind nature, she chuckled a few times and said, "I would like to trouble you, miss, to give me a ride. My car is broken down, otherwise there is no need to trouble you, miss."

On the expressway, it is common for a car to break down, Xiao Ke didn't become suspicious, and nodded briskly and said, "Anyway, it's on the way, what a joke!" He opened the door next to the co-pilot and signaled Li Xiaogang to go in.Just as Li Xiao was about to get into the car, he saw the file bag containing the design drawings on the passenger seat, and said, "Your things." Xiao Ke let out a panic, and turned the file bag Put it on the back seat.Li Xiaogang smiled, but did not speak.After Li Xiaogang got into the car, Xiao Ke also got into the car and restarted the car.

With Li Xiaogang at the side, Xiao Ke didn't get distracted anymore.But the car didn't drive smoothly.Everyone hates traitors and sympathizes with those who have been betrayed, but I'm afraid no one has ever thought about it. In fact, traitors don't feel good.The huge pressure on conscience makes Xiao Ke unconsciously always in a trance.Li Xiaogang suddenly let out a brisk laugh, drawing Xiao Ke's attention to him.Looking at Li Xiaogang, Xiao Ke asked curiously: "What are you laughing at?" Li Xiaogang said lightly: "You are not laughing at anything. I just think you seem to have something on your mind, Miss."

Xiao Keyuan shook his head in confusion, and said repeatedly: "No, what can I have on my mind..." Li Xiaogang laughed, and said: "Miss's worries are all on her face, and you still say no? In fact, sometimes , pouring out what is on your mind can make people more comfortable." Xiao Ke still shook his head.Li Xiaogang continued: "Look, we just met a few minutes ago. I don't even know your name now. It doesn't matter if you tell me all the secrets. Anyway, to you, I'm just a little girl." It's just a stranger." "Stranger?" Xiao Ke looked at Li Xiaogang in astonishment, and his heart moved.Seeing this, Li Xiaogang continued: "Yes! Why do so many people like to confide in the Internet now? It is because they confide to strangers they have never met. In this way, they can release their inner pressure and at the same time be conservative. Wouldn't it be nice to keep your own secret and not spread it?"

Xiao Ke was moved by Li Xiaogang's words.She has always been carrying so many secrets and grievances by herself. After all, what a weak woman can bear is limited.And by now, she couldn't bear it any longer.

Being able to speak out the pain in her heart and share it with others is really an extremely tempting suggestion for her.Xiao Ke frowned, looked at Li Xiaogang, and said quietly: "You... are you really sure you won't tell my secret?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "Do you need guarantee? We are strangers to each other. After today, we may never see each other again. Even if I fail to keep your secret, what harm can I do to you?"

Li Xiaogang's words finally convinced Xiao Ke, Xiao Ke let out a huff, tears welled up in his eyes, and was about to start the chatterbox and cry, when Li Xiaogang suddenly said: "Wait a minute, stop the car!" Xiao Ke was stunned He was stunned, but stopped the car anyway.Li Xiaogang got out of the car, then went around to Xiao Ke's side, opened the car door for her, and said softly: "I'll drive, you are driving while talking, it's easy to cause accidents. We'd better be careful!" Li Xiaogang's words made Xiao Ke I feel that Li Xiaogang is a careful and gentle man.Any man who is careful and gentle is unlikely to be a bad person.This made Xiao Ke open his heart even more, and handed over the steering wheel to Li Xiaogang without thinking too much.

When Li Xiaogang held the steering wheel, he remembered that he didn't seem to know how to drive.But it doesn't matter that Li Xiaogang replaced the car's engine with Nuwa's divine power, and replaced the steering wheel with his divine sense. In this way, driving became easier.Li Xiaogang put his hands on the steering wheel, just pretending, but in fact it is Li Xiaogang's consciousness that controls the car.The car started moving very smoothly, and Li Xiaogang couldn't help feeling a little proud when he saw the surrounding scenery receding wildly.At the beginning, Long Ling'er laughed at him because he couldn't drive, but now he can even drive a car to participate in F[-] racing.

Xiao Ke is not in the mood to pay attention to these things now, and after sorting out her chaotic thoughts, she narrates her tragic experience during this period of time.Let’s start with her tragic childhood, just talking about the experience of becoming an orphan at a young age, Li Xiaogang couldn’t help feeling a little sympathy in his heart, secretly thinking that his guess was right, the reason why Xiao Ke would steal the blueprint , It really has an inner secret.When Xiao Ke went on to find out that his younger brother was forced to gamble by his elder brother Cheng, and then owed a huge amount of gambling debts, and then stretched out his claws to her, Li Xiaogang couldn't help shouting angrily: "Bastard! I didn't expect that!" , In this Qingming world, there is such a scum, his living in this world is simply an insult to this world!"

Li Xiaogang's fight against injustice made Xiao Ke feel much better. She felt that what Li Xiaogang said was really good. Telling a stranger about her troubles really relieved her pressure, so she no longer had any worries about forcing her under Huang Ziwen's pressure. , and had to betray Hu Rong, who she had always regarded as her sister, and also said it.When preaching about her tragic experience earlier, Xiao Ke's face was at most covered with a layer of deep sadness, but she did not shed tears.However, when she talked about how she had no choice but to betray Hu Rong, she couldn't help but burst into tears. It can be seen that betraying Hu Rong was also an extremely painful thing for Xiao Ke, which made Li Xiaogang feel more and more for her. Sympathy.He took out a handkerchief from his pocket, handed it to Xiao Ke, and said softly, "Don't cry, just wipe away your tears." Xiao Ke nodded and took the handkerchief.After crying for a while, Xiao Sixi seemed to feel a lot more relaxed, and his expression became less melancholy. He let out a long breath and said slowly, "Thank you, I'm much better now."

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Look, I'm right. Speaking out the pain in my heart is equivalent to untying myself." Xiao Ke nodded vigorously, and murmured: "Although I feel more relaxed now, but after all I betrayed my best sister, I think Mrs. Hu will never forgive me again. As long as I think of the disappointment on her face, I feel bad Son..." Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Your President Hu treats you so well on weekdays, she will definitely forgive you this time." Xiao Ke shook her head bitterly, and said: "No! This time I The stolen information is very important to Sister Hu and her company. Without this information, Sister Hu's hard work for so long will be in vain, and she will definitely hate me."

Li Xiaogang frowned slightly, and said quietly: "Since you know that this information is very important to your sister Hu, do you still insist on handing over this information to that Huang Ziwen?" Xiao Ke shook his head, his face full Sad and helpless, he said: "If I don't hand it over to Huang Ziwen, what can I do? My younger brother is still in the hands of my eldest brother Cheng. As long as he says a word, my younger brother's life will be gone. If it's just my life and death, I would never betray Sister Hu. But it concerns my younger brother. Before my parents died, my parents told me that my younger brother is the continuation of our family's incense, so I must take good care of him. I...I can't Let them down."

Li Xiaogang said lightly: "But have you ever thought about it, if Huang Ziwen and that big brother are right and bad, will they keep their promises? If they get the information, but they backtrack, then what about you and your brother?" Isn't the situation more dangerous?" Li Xiaogang's words were something that Xiao Ke had never thought of before, so when she heard Li Xiaogang's words at this time, she trembled involuntarily, and asked in a low voice, "Isn't it possible? How can you say that Huang Ziwen is also a dignified regional president of GM, he has a lot of status and status, he will not commit such a despicable and shameless act, will he?"

Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said faintly: "Miss, you are so naive. Don't even think about it. Since Huang Ziwen can join forces with big brother Cheng to do such a bad thing, what else does he have?" Is it something that can’t be done?” Li Xiaogang’s words were like a heavy hammer, making Xiao Ke’s heart tremble a few times.After much deliberation, she had to admit that what Li Xiaogang said was quite reasonable.I couldn't help panicking in my heart, and murmured: "If this is the case, then...then what should I do?" This kind of thing is really too cruel for a girl like Xiao Ke. Turning pale, Li Xiaogang felt pity for her from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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