The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1395 Miserable Song Ren

Chapter 1395 Miserable Song Ren

Looking at this handsome man with a charming smile on his face, Xiao Ke couldn't help feeling dizzy, and was full of curiosity about Li Xiaogang.However, Li Xiaogang just waved at her, and without allowing her to speak, he left gracefully and disappeared among the crowd.Looking at the direction where Li Xiaogang disappeared, Xiao Ke couldn't wake up for a long time, until finally, she let out a long sigh, shook her head, and walked into the small restaurant alone.

The owner of the restaurant obviously knew Xiao Ke, and regarded her as a returning customer. When he saw her coming to the door, he hurriedly greeted her with a very enthusiastic smile on his face, but Xiao Ke could not feel the slightest emotion from his smile. sincere.Randomly looking for a fairly clean seat, Xiao Ke sat down, tightly hugged the file bag that Li Xiaogang handed her last, and waited quietly for Huang Ziwen.

Sure enough, just as Li Xiaogang said, she hadn't been sitting for long, a luxury car slowly stopped in front of the small restaurant, Huang Ziwen got out of the car, the eldest brother Cheng is indeed quite powerful in S province, S Since the rise of Lightning in the province, some small gangs have all been wiped out, and the only ones that survived are very few. Big brother Cheng and his forces are one of them. It can be seen from this that under the background that Scar dominates the province of S, big brother The fact that Cheng survived already shows that he still has some skills.Of course, the reason why Big Brother Cheng exists is not because he has the strength to compete with Lightning.In China now, if Scar is willing, he can completely dominate the underworld in the whole country.Not to mention the little big brother has become.

It's just that Scar knows well that if a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it. If Lightning is the only one in the country, it will not only be jealous and hated by others.There will be no other meaning.Leaving big brother Cheng such a small shrimp is just to distract some people's attention.However, if Dao Scar knew that leaving eldest brother Cheng behind would cause such a mess, he might have wiped out eldest brother Cheng's power long ago.

Beicheng District, the provincial capital of Province S, has always been known for being dirty and messy.Most of the people living here are hooligans, poor people in the city, and some migrant workers.To put it bluntly, Beicheng District is the biggest stain on the provincial capital of Province S.The eldest brother Cheng and his subordinates are entrenched here, using this as a base to collect money, commit crimes, and do not know how many evil things have been done.People in other districts also know that there is a big brother Cheng here, so if there is no business, they rarely come here.As for the residents of Beicheng District, they have been ravaged and bullied by Big Brother Cheng, and their lives are miserable. The nobleman opened a dilapidated warehouse in Beicheng District, which is the base camp of Big Brother Cheng.Although the warehouse looks dilapidated and old from the outside, the inside of the warehouse is unique, and the decoration is extremely luxurious, and it is not in the slightest compared to the mansions of the rich and powerful.But don't look at the luxurious and rich decoration here, but this place is a typical dirty place.Under the cover of this exquisite decoration, I don't know how much ugliness is hidden.The blood and tears of countless people are hidden on the luxurious furniture.

At this time, the eldest brother Cheng Gao was sitting on the sofa, with a naked woman sitting on each of his two thighs. The two women were all top-notch beauties with towering breasts, snow-like skin, and top-notch beauties.God gave them an appearance that surpassed the gods, and at the same time gave them ugly souls that are idle and lazy. They struggled in the sinking of money and flesh. Maybe they all had a sad experience behind them, but at this time they Not worthy of sympathy.The reason why the eldest brother Cheng can command so many younger brothers and make them willingly fight for him is because he can share the difficulties and share the blessings.Now there is a woman sitting on his lap, and his little brother's arms are not empty either.A room full of male and female thieves rendered this place into a fallen paradise.

The eldest brother Cheng is over forty this year, and on his not-so-good-looking face, there is a slanted scar, which makes his whole person look like an explosive visual impact. No wonder Xiao Ke Seeing him, she would cry in fright.Marrying such a man is really every girl's nightmare.Just when the eldest brother Cheng was having fun, hugging left and right, and enjoying himself, a younger brother hurried in from the outside and said to the eldest brother Cheng: "Brother Cheng, that kid still refuses to eat. I don't think it will go on like this." , he will starve to death!"

When the eldest brother Cheng heard this, he couldn't help frowning, and said in a cold voice: "Go, bring that kid here!" As soon as the eldest brother Cheng finished speaking, two younger brothers with strange hairstyles took Xiao Ke's younger brother Song Jen was dragged in.It was indeed dragged in. At this time, Song Ren was tortured beyond human form.Having not eaten for three days in a row, plus being beaten and kicked like a storm at every turn, Song Ping is only a child in his twenties. It is a strange thing to be able to stand up after such inhuman torture.However, Song Ren was also stubborn. Even if his elder brother Cheng brought the dinner to him, he would not even look at it.His swollen eyes were squinted, unable to open them.But Song Ren was still staring hard, staring at Big Brother Cheng, as if he was going to swallow Big Brother Cheng alive.

The eldest brother Cheng snorted coldly, and kicked Song Ren's head vigorously. Song Ren's throat suddenly let out a low whine, and his face was full of pain.Eldest brother Cheng scolded in a deep voice: "Damn it, is it your personality to play with me? Believe it or not, I will kill you!?" Song Ren shook his head, gave eldest brother Cheng a cold look, and hoarse voice He said: "Brother Cheng, kill me if you have the guts, don't provoke my sister!" When the eldest brother Cheng heard this, he couldn't help but sneered, and said faintly: "Okay, so you still remember that you have a sister, Hahaha..." Song Ren tried hard to stand up from the ground again, but failed, and fell heavily on the ground halfway up the climb, but the anger in Hu Liang's eyes not only did not go out, but instead Even more vigorous.Staring at Big Brother Cheng, he said hoarsely, "Big Brother Cheng, I told you, don't touch my sister!" "My Cao! Are you talking to Brother Cheng?" With a sound, he stepped hard on Song Ren's body. "Okay, okay, look at him, he has become like this bear, if you hit him again, he will die! If I accidentally kill him, won't his sister hate me forever? Damn, I Still waiting for her to warm the bed for me!

Brother Cheng's words and laughter reached Song Ren's ears, it was so piercing, as if a pot of heat had been poured on the fire in his chest, making Song Ren always feel that he was about to explode, and he didn't want to. Knowing where the strength came from, he suddenly stood up from the ground.Seeing Song Ren standing up, the eldest brother Cheng was obviously taken aback. He looked at Song Ren in amazement, and said quietly: "Boy, I really can't tell. You have grown a few bones. Look at your It looks like you're going to beat me up. Come on, don't say I won't give you a chance, as long as you can walk in front of me, if you want to beat me or scold me, I will do whatever you want, and I will never fight back! Come on, come here!" , Brother Cheng let out a few grim smiles, and his face was full of playful booing.

Song Ren's nose let out a cold snort, and he dragged his bruised body to take a step forward, shaking his body a few times before he stood still and did not fall.Song Ren looked at his elder brother Cheng with a murderous look, and said darkly: "You said this. When I get in front of you, I will bite your throat!" Song Ren's voice was as low as a beast, full of The cold murderous intent made the eldest brother Chengdu shiver uncontrollably, his brows furrowed.Song Ren's eyes have been fixed on his eldest brother Cheng, although his footsteps are sloppy, but his will is very firm, although there are constant tearing pains in his body, but Song Ren doesn't seem to feel it at all. , there was no expression on his face, except for the chilling murderous intent.

Seeing this situation, even the eldest brother Cheng couldn't help but feel terrified, and his expression changed several times.The distance between eldest brother Cheng and Song Ren was not short, at least ten steps. However, Song Ren, who could not even stand up, insisted on relying on his steel-like will, and approached his eldest brother Cheng step by step.Although Song Ren's speed is very slow, every step he takes seems to be stepping on the heart of Big Brother Cheng, making Big Brother Cheng's brows become tighter and tighter, he curled his lips and said in a dark voice: "Okay, Brat, it seems that I underestimated you before." Song Ren snorted coldly and said coldly: "Brother Cheng, you always have to pay back when you come out to hang out. Don't forget your promise, I will go to Oh, in front of you. Hehe..."

"Crazy!" Big brother Cheng's mind was moved, and he couldn't help shouting.Song Ren took another step forward, and said coldly: "There are still three more steps, I will reach you, don't try to run, I will bite your neck off, look at your neck Whether the blood is red or black, whether it is warm or cold, whether it is salty or smelly..."

Every time Song Ren said a word, eldest brother Cheng Cheng couldn't help shivering. Although eldest brother Cheng was extremely unwilling to admit it, facing Song Ren at this time, he really had an indelible fear in his heart.

Song Ren moved while talking, and finally he was one last step away from Big Brother Cheng. As long as he took another step forward, he could bite off Big Brother Cheng's neck with his own mouth. Song Ren couldn't help showing a hideous look on his face ghost laugh.This ghostly laughter finally made the eldest brother Cheng unbearable, he kicked up suddenly, and gasped fiercely on Song Ren's chest. Song Ren couldn't stop, and fell to the ground on his back with a thump.The eldest brother Cheng let out a wild laugh that didn't sound like a human voice, and said loudly: "Fool! Do you think I'm an idiot? I will let you bite my neck off if I don't fight back? You are so naive, and your sister Same stupid! Hahaha..."

"Brother Cheng, are not a man!" Song Ren no longer had the strength to stand up again, lying on the ground with his head held high, and growled while looking at Brother Cheng, gnashing his teeth.The eldest brother Cheng Yin laughed a few times, and said faintly: "Whether I am a man or not is up to you to decide. Then your sister has the final say! Hehe, let your sister tell you what a man I am!"

Song Ren roared angrily, "Brother Cheng, you bastard, if you dare to touch my sister, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!" Big brother Cheng snorted coldly, and said, "Then Let’s talk after you become a ghost! Boy, listen to me clearly, I don’t care at all whether you live or die, if it’s not for your sister’s sake, I will personally send you on the road!” Big brother Cheng hum He let out a sigh and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't eat! But, before you starve to death, you'd better tell me that it's not whether my elder brother will give you food or not, but you are looking for death yourself! Don't let your sister blame me, I still want her to accompany you." Let me live the rest of my life!"

(End of this chapter)

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