Chapter 1396
After the elder brother Cheng finished speaking, he turned his head to look at several of Song Ren's men who were guarding Song Ren, and said: "You heard clearly, don't bother me about whether this kid eats or not. He will be given food and water every day. He eats Whether to eat or drink is his own business, understand?"

The brothers answered "Yes!" The eldest brother Cheng smiled sadly, looked at Song Ren quietly and said, "Boy, I will have someone record your hunger strike and show it to your sister. Let your sister understand that your death was not caused by me. I have done my best to you! You should be regarded as a qualified brother-in-law, right? Hahaha..." Song Ren's voice seemed to be on fire, Said: "Don't dream, my sister will not marry a bastard like you!
The eldest brother Cheng Hehe sneered and said: "That's not necessarily true. The relationship between you two is so deep. I believe that, for the sake of your brother, your sister will definitely agree to my marriage proposal. Hehe, I advise you Eat as much as you can, drink as much as you can, save your own life, and become my brother-in-law's brother-in-law in the future, you will be a bully in this land, who dare not buy your face? At that time, the most popular drink Spicy, what a joy! If you become a ghost now, hey, you will only be able to eat incense ash when the time comes!"

Song Ren glared at his elder brother Cheng with eyes splitting, and said through gritted teeth: "Your money is dirty, no matter how much it is, I wouldn't mind it!"

The elder brother Cheng's face was serious, and he said sarcastically: "You are really ignorant, you brat. No matter how dirty the money is, you can still drink and play with women. If you must die, I won't stop you, do as you want Just! All of you, drag this stubborn brat down here, I'll lose my appetite when I see him!" "Brother Cheng, you're going to die, you're not going to end well!"

Song Ren suddenly struggled violently, while struggling, he also shouted like tearing his throat.These yells were curses, and the hairs on the elder brother Cheng's hair stood on end. Perhaps because of a guilty conscience, the eldest brother Cheng roared a little madly: "Come on! Give me one of this kid's teeth." Pull it out one by one, and I'll see if he can still scream.

"Huh heh heh..." At this moment, a burst of cold laughter suddenly filled the air, which made the elder brother Cheng's heart involuntarily feel a chill, and couldn't help shouting, "It's that bastard!" Standing up and showing me!" "Are you the big brother?" Accompanied by a cold voice, Li Xiaogang walked in slowly from the outside with a face shouting.Seeing the strange Li Xiaogang, the eldest brother Cheng shouted in a deep voice: "Who are you? How did you get in?" Li Xiaogang sneered, and said quietly: "You don't need to worry about this, you haven't answered my question yet. .”

Although Li Xiaogang came here strangely, seeing him alone, Brother Hong's heart immediately relaxed a lot, he snorted coldly, and said a little madly: "Yes, grandpa is Big Brother Cheng! What do you want from me!" Li Xiaogang said lightly: "It's nothing, I just pass on a message to you for someone else, he asked me to tell you, you will see him when the time comes!" Li Xiaogang's words made eldest brother Cheng a little puzzled, and murmured: "He? Who is he?" Li Xiaogang narrowed his eyes suddenly, and said three words coldly, "King Yama!"

Li Xiaogang's words made the eldest brother Cheng gasp. From the inside out, he felt a biting chill, looked at Li Xiaogang, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, you dare to come here to find fault! Brothers "Brother Cheng shouted angrily, and a dozen gangsters armed with sticks, knives and guns immediately surrounded Li Xiaogang.All of them had fierce eyes and grinning faces, as if they wanted to eat Li Xiaogang raw.However, Li Xiaogang treated them with a disdainful expression, and he didn't even bother to raise his eyelids when he looked at them more.Just looking at Big Brother Cheng, he said faintly: "Big Brother Cheng, are you relying on these rubbish to dominate?"

The eldest brother Cheng snorted heavily, and said in a gloomy voice: "Trash? Humph! I'll let you see who is the real garbage!" After speaking, he waved his hand and shouted angrily, "Get rid of him!" Big brother As soon as Cheng's words fell, there was a burst of shouting and killing, and a dozen gangsters waved their sticks, knives and guns at Li Xiaogang at the same time.All of a sudden, Li Xiaogang was surrounded by swords, lights and swords.Faced with all this, Li Xiaogang showed a strange smile on the corner of his mouth. With a slight sway of his body, he escaped from the siege like a cloud of smoke.

More than a dozen gangsters rushed to nothing, and almost greeted the guy on his brother, and they were all taken aback.Brother Cheng, as a bystander, has been watching the battle closely.He has been on the road for so many years and led so many subordinates to make a living, which is not something a rookie idiot can do.Seeing Li Xiaogang coming to the door alone with bare hands, he certainly could see that Li Xiaogang was not a fuel-efficient lamp, so he asked his subordinates to test Li Xiaogang's depth.However, this attempt was the same as if he hadn't tried it. His eyeballs were about to fall out, but he still couldn't see Li Xiaogang's movements clearly.He just felt Li Xiaogang's body shake, and then miraculously escaped from the airtight attack.The eldest brother Cheng couldn't help rubbing his eyes, thinking that there was something wrong with his eyes.

After getting rid of the siege of the gangsters, Li Xiaogang sneered a few times, and said contemptuously to his eldest brother Cheng: "Look, I said they are garbage, you still don't believe me! So many people can't hold me alone. "As soon as Li Xiaogang said this, Big Brother Cheng hadn't reacted yet, but those Big Brother Cheng's subordinates lost their temper and shouted angrily, one by one, they all rushed towards Li Xiaogang as if they were dying. come over.This time, Li Xiaogang didn't be polite to them any more, he frowned and rushed into them, turning into a whirlwind that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye, rampaging through the crowd, dancing with fists and feet.With Li Xiaogang behind him, dealing with these ignorant punks is no different than pinching ants.

There was only a sound of inhuman screams rang out non-stop, Big Brother Cheng's subordinates, one by one, seemed to be bewitched by evil spirits, pouring non-stop.But whoever falls, there is no one who can stand up again.

This scene fell into the eyes of the eldest brother Cheng, and it gave birth to an incomparable chill in his heart, making him feel like he was standing naked in a winter snowstorm, and he couldn't feel the slightest warmth all over his body.As the last little gangster was kicked away by Li Xiaogang, only Li Xiaogang and his elder brother Cheng were left standing in the entire space.

From the moment Li Xiaogang appeared, Song Ren turned his attention to Li Xiaogang.When he saw him beating big brother Cheng's subordinates with great power, he was even more excited. He struggled to half sit up from the ground and stared at Li Xiaogang closely, as if seeing a savior . "You... who are you?" Big Brother Cheng looked at Li Xiaogang, with a hint of fear in his eyes.It's no wonder that Big Brother Cheng has seen many masters after wandering in the Tao for so long, but none of them are as strong as Li Xiaogang, so powerful that he is terrifying.

My subordinates know best that these little gangsters are able to follow Big Brother Cheng's side because he has carefully selected them, and each of them has a good ability.Gathering these people together, the combat power is actually quite amazing.But he never expected that his subordinates, who he thought were amazing in combat power, were so useless, they were thrown to the ground without even touching the corner of Li Xiaogang's clothes.Look at these subordinates of mine, they all wailed and fell to the ground. I am afraid that the least one will stay in the hospital for three to five months.The eldest brother Cheng is now full of surprises, but if he knows that Li Xiaogang is actually a demigod, if he just waved his hand, the earth would shrink by half, he probably wouldn't be surprised.

Li Xiaogang didn't respond to the inquiry of eldest brother Cheng. In Li Xiaogang's eyes, he was already equivalent to a dead person. Who would care about the question of a dead person?Ignoring eldest brother Cheng, Li Xiaogang turned his attention to Song Ren.Seeing Li Xiaogang looking at him, Song Ren instinctively puffed up his chest, and bravely met Li Xiaogang's gaze.In fact, Li Xiaogang arrived early in the morning, and he has been observing secretly.All of Song Ren's performance fell into his eyes.From Xiao Ke's mouth, Li Xiaogang knew that Song Ren was an out-and-out prodigal son.But the Song Ren he saw here was completely different from what Xiao Ke described.On the contrary, Li Xiaogang felt that Song Ren was a very proud and rare young man.Just for the energy that he would rather die than surrender just now, Li Xiaogang couldn't help giving him a thumbs up in his heart.

"You are Song Ren?" Looking at Song Ren, Li Xiaogang's eyes softened a lot.Song Ren was obviously taken aback when Li Xiaogang called out his name, but he nodded and said, "I am! Brother, how do you know my name?" Li Xiaogang smiled slightly and said lightly, "It's you My sister entrusted me to save you!" "My sister!?" Song Ren first asked in surprise, and then asked excitedly, "Do you know my sister?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "If I If you don't know her, how could she entrust me to save you?"

When Song Ren heard it, he knew that what he had just asked was a little redundant, and he couldn't help showing a somewhat embarrassed smile on his face.Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said, "You seem to be seriously injured." Song Ren subconsciously took a breath, and suddenly a sharp pain came to his heart, and he subconsciously yelled.After the pain passed, Song Ren thought that all of this was caused by Big Brother Cheng, and Song Ren looked at Big Brother Doupun full of resentment.Song Ren's gaze fell into Li Xiaogang's eyes, Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, pointed at his elder brother Cheng, and said quietly: "Do you really hate him?"

(End of this chapter)

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