Chapter 1397

Looking at the elder brother Cheng, Song Ren gritted his teeth angrily, and said word by word: "Hate! Of course I hate! I can't wait to eat his flesh alive!" Hearing Song Ren's words full of hatred, Li Xiaogang could completely understand him. Mood.No matter who it is, after suffering such a big grievance, they will not be indifferent.Li Xiaogang smiled, and said faintly: "Since you hate him so much, do you want to seek revenge from him yourself?" Song Ren said with a brightened look, "Yes! Of course!" Li Xiaogang said in a deep voice: "Then Just get up, just like you did just now, go up to him, and smash his brains out!
Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Song Ren gritted his teeth fiercely and straightened his body, but before he could sit up straight, the tearing pain in his body made him fall back again with a plop.Song Ren tried a few more times, but still ended in failure.The previous time had exhausted Song Ren's last strength, and now he can sit up by himself, which is already very remarkable.But it is impossible for him to stand up and defeat his elder brother himself to take revenge.Song Ren failed several times in succession, feeling annoyed in his heart, he slammed his fist on the floor, and said with tears like rain: "I'm useless! I'm so useless!" Li Xiaogang shook his head, slowly Said: "No, you are wrong! You let me see your unyielding fighting spirit and iron-like will. With these two, the word 'useless' has absolutely nothing to do with you! You can't stand up It doesn't matter, I'll help you!" After speaking, Li Xiaogang's wrist flicked, and a burst of Nvwa's divine power shining with dazzling purple light suddenly shot out from his palm, sinking into Song Ren's body like a laser.

Song Renzheng was wondering what the purple light was, and suddenly felt that the purple light transformed into a strange heat flow all over his body in an instant.Wherever the heat flow came out, the pain was like snow under the scorching sun, and it disappeared without a trace in an instant, and a wonderful feeling of comfort and tranquility that made Song Ren couldn't help moaning spread out.The power seemed to be like traces of clear springs, reflowing into Song Ren's limbs from all directions.The shriveled muscles seemed to be full of electricity again, and regained their vitality. Song Ren couldn't help but stand up and jump up with that kind of exhilarating feeling.The weakness of the limbs was swept away, replaced by the confidence brought by the abundant strength, fists clenched tightly, Song Ren's heart surged with an indescribably strong fighting spirit.

Song Ren's changes fell into the eyes of eldest brother Cheng from the beginning to the end.Watching Song Ren's scars all over his body quickly healed and repaired under the purple light, his eldest brother Cheng felt as if he was watching a mythical movie, and his heart was full of unbelievable surprise.And at the same time as this kind of astonishment surged, a more intense sense of fear also attacked his heart. This sense of fear undoubtedly originated from Li Xiaogang.Song Ren went from being dying to being alive in a blink of an eye. This incredible change made it difficult for Big Brother Cheng to associate Li Xiaogang with others. Invisibly, Big Brother Cheng couldn't help deifying Li Xiaogang...

From being dying to being alive in the blink of an eye, this incredible transformation made it difficult for Big Brother Cheng to associate Li Xiaogang with other people. Invisibly, Big Brother Cheng involuntarily deified Li Xiaogang.Once you deify your opponent, it actually means your own submission.In front of Li Xiaogang's mysterious and unpredictable means, Big Brother Cheng seems to have no other choice but to surrender.Regaining strength, Song Ren seemed to experience the long stride and joy of the new life, jumping up and down on the ground, venting the excitement in his heart.

Looking at Song Ren's reborn appearance, Li Xiaogang also felt relieved for him.With a few chuckles, he said faintly: "Song Ren, can you walk up to Big Brother Cheng by yourself now?" Li Xiaogang's words made Song Ren wake up from his excitement, and his pair of sharp and cold eyes His eyes instantly covered Big Brother Cheng.Seeing Song Ren's beast-like bloodthirsty gaze, brother Cheng's heart trembled a few times, and he felt an inexplicable chill.Song Ren turned around and walked towards eldest brother Cheng step by step, gnashing his teeth while walking and said, "Brother Cheng, Feng Shui turns around, you never thought you would have today, right?" His sickle seemed to be spinning around his neck.Gritting his teeth fiercely, he pulled out a pistol from his waist and pointed it between Song Ren's eyebrows.

"Stop! Otherwise, don't blame me for killing you!" The elder brother Cheng let out a growl and shook the gun in his hand.No matter how much Song Ren hated him, he didn't reach the level of stupidity.At this moment, he saw his elder brother Cheng pull out his gun, and stopped in his tracks.Looking at the elder brother Cheng coldly, he said quietly: "Do you want to shoot? Yes, you shoot! As long as you shoot, the whole province of S will not let you go. No one dares to shoot you." Province S uses gunfire, don't forget, this is the rule set by the leader of the Lightning Gang, Scar himself. If you have the guts to break this rule!"

Ever since the Lightning Gang dominated Province S, Scar has established this rule on the road.Anyone within the boundaries of Province S who uses a gun to kill will die!Because this rule came from Scar's mouth, it became an unbreakable iron rule of the underworld in Province S.The eldest brother Cheng naturally knows this rule.So for such a long time, Big Brother Cheng's subordinates provoked the flames of war everywhere, but never fired a single shot.Because the eldest brother Cheng knew too well that if he fired a gun today, Scar would kill him and his brothers tomorrow, leaving him with nowhere to go.But now, it's a matter of life and death. Even though Big Brother Cheng knows that this rule cannot be broken, but in order to survive, he has no other choice.

"Don't force me! I'm going to die anyway, why don't I pull you to be my back?" The eldest brother Cheng looked at Song Ren with a ferocious face, and gritted his teeth sullenly.Seeing that his elder brother Cheng was determined to die, Song Ren really had no choice but to take him. "If you put down the gun, I can spare you!" Li Xiaogang suddenly interjected coldly.Li Xiaogang's words immediately attracted the attention of the eldest brother Cheng, who pointed the gun at him fiercely, and said through gritted teeth: "It's you who drove me to where I am today. Believe it or not, I'll pull the trigger now Smash your head!?"

Li Xiaogang sneered, and said lightly: "To this day, you chose the path yourself. If you didn't do those things that hurt nature and reason, there would be no karma today. When karma comes, you blame others, and I I really despise you." "Shut up! If you dare to say one more word, I will shoot right now!" Big brother Cheng roared loudly at Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang's face is getting colder and colder, his voice is even more low and frosty, and he said in a chilly voice: "Then you shoot! Let me see if your bullet can really kill me !” After finishing speaking, he suddenly stepped forward and took a step.

"Stop! I'm going to shoot!" Seeing Li Xiaogang approaching, the elder brother became very nervous, and suddenly opened the safety of the pistol.Seeing Li Xiaogang appearing naked under the gun of Big Brother Cheng, as long as Big Brother Cheng pulls the trigger, Li Xiaogang will be buried under the gun, Song Ren couldn't help shouting anxiously, "Brother, be careful!" Li Xiaogang looked at him With a glance, he showed a relaxed smile at him, and took another step under his feet. "Okay! Since you are looking for death, you can't blame me!" The eldest brother Cheng roared, and pulled the trigger violently, and a clear gunshot resounded throughout the room. "No!" Song Ren's heart tightened, and he couldn't help shouting loudly.

However, when he was full of eagerness to see if Li Xiaogang was injured, he was horrified to see that the place where Li Xiaogang was standing just now was empty, let alone a person, not even a trace of blood.Song Ren was surprised, and his eldest brother Cheng was also surprised.Just as the two were searching for Li Xiaogang's figure together, Li Xiaogang's figure suddenly appeared less than one meter away from Big Brother Cheng. Big Brother Cheng was taken aback, and raised his gun again in a hurry, but this time he didn't pick it up. When the opportunity to pull the trigger came, he only felt that the gun in his hand disappeared and appeared in Li Xiaogang's hand.

The eldest brother Cheng stared blankly at Li Xiaogang, his eyes filled with horror.This time, even if others say that Li Xiaogang is not a god, he will not believe it.Li Xiaogang played with the pistol, and said coldly: "Is that all you have? If that's the case, then you're really done playing this time!" After speaking, he forced the steel pistol in his hand It was squeezed into an iron ball, and then thrown aside.The eldest brother Cheng watched all this dumbfounded. Now, he finally knows what it means to cry without tears.Seeing his elder brother Cheng's pale face, Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said slowly: "Don't worry, I won't kill you! Killing someone like you will dirty my hands!" After speaking, he turned his head and looked at Song Ren said quietly: "Song Ren, now it's your turn!"

Song Ren, like his elder brother Cheng, was taken aback by Li Xiaogang's tricks, and it took him a long time to wake up.He hurriedly responded, and rushed to the big brother Cheng in a few steps.He hooked his fingers at Big Brother Cheng and said with murderous intent: "Brother Cheng, what you have done to me, I will give you back all the principal and interest. You are ready to continue!" With a punch, it hit eldest brother Cheng directly on the bridge of the nose.Song Ren shot out angrily, so naturally he would not be polite to him. He used all his strength in this shot, and the strength was astonishing. There was a slight crisp sound, and the bridge of the eldest brother Cheng's nose seemed to be broken, and his nose stepped halfway. .The nosebleed was spurting wildly, the eldest brother Cheng held his nose, screamed like a pig being slaughtered in his throat, took a few steps back again and again, and finally sat down on the ground with his buttocks slumped.

Song Ren followed closely in disbelief, kicked up, and stomped heavily on Big Brother Cheng's chest. This kick really made Big Brother Cheng so addictive that at least three or five ribs on his chest were broken.The eldest brother Cheng rolled his eyes and almost passed out without pain.Song Ren picked him up from the ground, and roared again and again: "Bastard bastard! Stand up for me, I haven't started yet, don't you think you will die so soon!" On the big brother Cheng's bloated stomach, he punched several times one after another, the big brother Cheng finally couldn't hold on, and he opened his mouth to spit out a large stream of sour and smelly bile gastric juice, his face turned from pale to ashen.His sanity is already a little not sober.Holding his head vigorously and curling up into a ball, he kept wailing for mercy, "Forgive me, I deserve to die, please forgive me..."

Song Ren gritted his teeth and said, "Forgive you? If this elder brother hadn't appeared today, would you have spared me and my sister? By the way, don't you want to marry my sister? Do you still want to marry now? Ah?" Song Ren stomped his leather shoes on eldest brother Cheng's face, and asked through gritted teeth.The eldest brother Cheng's mouth was trampled on the ground by Song Ren, and he couldn't even open it. He could only make a whining sound in his throat, signaling that he didn't dare.

(End of this chapter)

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