Chapter 1398

Just when Song Ren taught his eldest brother a good lesson, Li Xiaogang suddenly said: "Let him rest for a while! Just killing him like this is too cheap for him. A scum like him should be let He can't live, he can't die!" Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Song Renmian suppressed the anger in his heart, kicked his elder brother Cheng aside, and said coldly: "Alright! Let him calm down for a while, Let him try something even better in a while!" Hearing what Song Ren said coldly, the eldest brother Cheng was so frightened that he almost fainted. The antelope took revenge on his eldest brother Cheng Yitong, Song Ren was in a good mood, but he did not forget Li Xiaogang walked up to him full of gratitude, and said, "Brother, thanks to you for saving me today, if it wasn't for you, I would have been tortured to death by this bastard!" Li Xiaogang nodded and said with a smile: " I've already said that I'm your sister's friend, and your sister has already thanked me, so you don't have to." Song Ren said solemnly: "How can I do that? My sister is my sister, and I am me." Li Xiaogang She smiled and said, "Whatever you want. By the way, I heard from your sister that you never let her worry since she was a child, did you?"

Hearing Li Xiaogang mention this, Song Ren seemed a little sad, and said slowly: "I know that my sister has always loved me. Ever since my parents passed away, my sister has always taken me by my side. She cares about me in everything, and she always cares for me. I'm good. I don't know how much I have suffered. I have sworn since I was a child that I must protect my sister, let her live a good life, and never be bullied by others. I also know that in order to fulfill this oath, I should Study hard, but I'm really not made for studying. Later, I felt that reading is not necessary for my sister to live a good life. There are thousands of roads in the world, why do everyone have to squeeze this single-plank bridge? So I just ..."

"So you joined a gang and lived a life in the underworld?" After listening to Song Ren's words, Li Xiaogang finally understood that Song Ren dared to join the underworld because of his sister.Thinking of this, I couldn't help sighing, the relationship between the siblings is really good, nothing to say.Song Ren nodded and said: "I joined the underworld because I wanted to let my sister live a better life earlier with my own ability, but it wasn't all because of my sister. Since I was a child, I have always yearned for those in martial arts. The life of a chivalry. They act chivalrously, eliminate evil and promote good, and dare to do things. What a happy life! I hope I can be like them, so I joined the gang. I only hate that I am too naive, blind In a blink of an eye, I was bewitched by my elder brother being such a scum, so that I caused such a big trouble for my sister. Now that I think about it, I really feel ashamed to see my sister."

Li Xiaogang smiled, and said quietly: "So you joined the underworld because you like the way of life of the underworld. Let me tell you, there is nothing wrong with it. Existence is reasonable. The underworld has existed since the birth of human society." , It is enough to show that it has a certain truth. The key is how you control your mentality when you join the underworld. The so-called thief has a way. This way is the truth, and it is also the principle of your actions. As long as you have the way If you are a gangster, you will also be respected by people. But like Big Brother Cheng, you can only be despised by people."

"It's like Scar? Although he is a gangster, but the province S and even the whole country are black and white. Anyone who mentions him will give a thumbs up!" Song Ren suddenly asked thoughtfully.

Li Xiaogang nodded with a smile, and said, "By the way, didn't you ever think of going to seek refuge with Scar? If that was the case, you and your sister would not be in trouble today. I believe that even if Big Brother Cheng is full of courage , and I don’t see him daring to touch anyone from the Lightning Gang.” Hearing Li Xiaogang’s words, Song Ren couldn’t help but smiled wryly, and said, “Do you think I don’t want to? But you may not know that now that you want to join the Lightning Gang, you will be competing for civil servants. It’s still difficult. For a little Xiami like me, how could the Lightning Gang take a fancy to me?”

Li Xiaogang couldn't help chuckling a few times when he heard this, he hadn't thought of this.Today's Lightning Gang is indeed not so easy to enter.After a pause, Li Xiaogang asked: "Then if there is an opportunity for you to join the Lightning Gang, would you join?" As soon as Li Xiaogang finished speaking, Song Ren couldn't help shouting, and said repeatedly: "Of course Yes! Only fools don’t want to!" Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Okay! If that’s the case, then I will cover this matter with you. Aren’t you going to join the Lightning Gang? I’ll introduce you to Scar !"

What Li Xiaogang said entered Song Ren's ears, making him feel as if he was dreaming, his face was full of disbelief, and he stared blankly at Li Xiaogang, unable to react for a long time.Seeing his expression, Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Why, you don't regret it, and suddenly don't want to join the Lightning Gang?" Song Ren hurriedly shook his head and said anxiously: "Of course not! I...I I just can't believe it's real..."

Li Xiaogang laughed when he heard this, and said, "Don't worry about this, I won't lie to you!" Song Ren nodded, and couldn't help but asked curiously: "By the way, I haven't done it yet. I know your name." Li Xiaogang was about to tell him, when he suddenly heard a rough roar from outside, "Brother Cheng, where did you die? Get out!" A burly figure appeared at the door.

"It's like a scar!" Seeing his idol, Song Ren was very excited, and even his voice trembled a little.Li Xiaogang patted him on the shoulder lightly, signaling him to be calm.Seeing the appearance of Scar, the eldest brother Cheng Cheng seemed to have seen a life-saving straw, he rushed forward despite the severe pain in his body, hugged Scar's thigh, and shouted repeatedly: "Boss Scar, come here!" It's just right, help! They're going to kill me!" The eldest brother Cheng pointed at Song Ren and Li Xiaogang in fear and shouted.

Scar lifted him up from the ground, and asked with a face full of anger: "My brother said, I heard gunshots on your field, what's going on!?" "Gun A gunshot!?" Dao Scar's words caused eldest brother Cheng's complexion to suddenly turn pale.Scar's temper is well-known in the underworld in S Province.If you follow him, everything is easy to discuss, but if you annoy him, there will be ten thousand roads and ten thousand dead ends in front of you! "This..." Big Brother Cheng rolled his eyeballs a few times, and was a little stuttering, unable to speak.Seeing the scar in his eyes, he became angry in his heart, and shouted in a deep voice: "Okay you big brother, I have made it clear in front of all the big brothers, I don't care about other places, the one-acre in this province S On the three-point ground, whoever fires the gun will hit me in the face. You were there at the time, don't tell me you forgot!
How powerful is Scar's momentum!The elder brother Cheng was so frightened that his whole body was trembling like a sieve.However, this elder brother Cheng was a bit quick-witted, and with a thought, he said anxiously: "Boss Scar, you have misunderstood. Even if Cheng Zi had the courage, he would not dare to violate the rules you set. It's just that this gun I really didn't drive it.

Dao Scar frowned, and said coldly: "Who is that!?" The eldest brother Cheng pointed at Song Ren and Li Xiaogang, and shouted angrily: "It's the two of them! These two bastards came out of nowhere. Yes, I started a fight as soon as I came to the door, knocked out all my people, wiped it off, and even fired a gun. Boss Scar, it's because they didn't give you face, you must punish them severely!

From the moment Scar came in, Li Xiaogang turned his back, so Scar didn't see his face.His eyes swept across him, and finally settled on Song Ren.Hearing Big Brother Cheng shamelessly bit back, Song Ren trembled angrily, and roared angrily: "Big Brother Cheng, you despicable villain who dares to do anything! How shameless you are for framing us!" Big Brother Cheng sneered, Said faintly: "Song Ren, if I didn't have a gun, how could so many of me be taken away by the two of you? Hehe, the boss Scar is here now. If I were you, I would just accept Scar Boss's punishment, lest you want to cry but have no tears when you get it!

Song Ren glared at him resentfully, then turned to look at Scar, and said respectfully, "Boss Scar, please trust us! We are definitely not the ones who shot!" Scar frowned slightly, He cast his cold gaze on Song Ren.After all, Song Ren is still a young man who has never experienced any big scenes. Scar's knife-like gaze swept over him, and his heart immediately felt like a sea blown by a strong wind, causing huge waves, and he seemed a little unbearable. A little flustered.The eldest brother Cheng grasped this point, and said with a sneer: "Boy, are you guilty? Hehe, admit your mistake obediently, maybe Boss Scar can spare your life because of your youth and ignorance." Son!

Scar's eyebrows turned cold, and he looked at Song Ren and said gloomyly: "Boy, tell me the truth, did you fire this gun?" Scar's eyes became more and more fierce, which made Song Ren even more surprised In the hospital, he stammered and said: "Boss Scar, please believe me, I really didn't shoot this... this gun, I... I swear!" I think you're lying! Boy, since you're in province S, you should know my scar's temper. I hate others lying to me the most, so you have to think it through before you speak!

Seeing that Song Ren gradually became confused, the eldest brother Cheng became more and more proud, pointed at Li Xiaogang, and said to Scar: "Boss Scar, he is this kid's partner, and he is not a good bird. Collect it together!

(End of this chapter)

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