The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1401 Negotiations!

Chapter 1401 Negotiations!

Huang Ziwen rushed to nothing, couldn't help but glared at Xiao Ke angrily, and asked coldly: "Miss Song, what do you mean?" Before my brother is safe, will I hand over the blueprint to you? Stop dreaming, I’m not a fool!" Huang Ziwen frowned, with a weird smile on his face, and said, "You have to let me see what the blueprint is. Is it true? If you trick me into lying to me with a fake blueprint, and I let him go for nothing, then who do I ask for reasoning?"

Xiao Ke sneered after hearing this, and said lightly: "Mr. Huang, you are the dignified president of GM Huaxia District. You are powerful. My brother and I have no one to rely on. Do you have the guts to play tricks on you? Besides, my brother is also a In the hands of eldest brother Cheng, I will lose my life at any time. Even if I have the courage, I have to worry about my brother's life, right?" Huang Ziwen snorted coldly and said, "If you really care about you Brother's life, give me the blueprint immediately!" Xiao Ke frowned and said, "What do you mean? I just want to make sure that my brother is still alive. Is this difficult for you? As long as you make a phone call with Big Brother Cheng, I can know my brother's life and death, and you can get these blueprints, why do you push back and forth, do you have no intention of exchanging these blueprints with my brother at all?"

Seeing Xiao Ke hugging the blueprint more and more tightly, Huang Ziwen frowned slightly, laughed haha ​​and said: "Miss Song, why are you so nervous, I was just joking with you just now. You Didn't you want me to make sure your brother is still alive? It's too simple, I'll call eldest brother Cheng right away!" As he said, he took out his mobile phone and called eldest brother Cheng, but what made him wonder was that after a long time on the phone, there was no answer. No one answered for a long time.Huang Ziwen's face became a little ugly, and there was a faint ominous feeling in his heart.

However, seeing Huang Ziwen's expression change, Xiao Ke's heart felt relieved.The call was clearly connected, but no one answered, it must mean that something happened to the eldest brother Cheng.Xiao Ke immediately thought of Li Xiaogang instinctively.Thinking of Li Xiaogang's miraculous means, Xiao Ke's heart is full of confidence. "Mr. Huang, what's going on, are you kidding me?" Huang Ziwen hung up the phone fiercely, and said angrily: "It's unreasonable, I don't know what that guy Big Brother Cheng is doing now, but he just refuses to answer my phone!"

Xiao Ke snickered in his heart, and said to himself: "Where is he not willing to pick it up, most likely he won't be able to pick it up." After a pause, Xiao Ke's beautiful eyebrows were tightly clustered, staring at Huang Ziwen, with a cold and serious voice Said: "Huang Ziwen, I don't care what the hell you and brother Cheng are doing! Anyway, I won't see my brother, and this drawing will not be handed over to you for a day." Huang Ziwen hurriedly said with a smile : "Miss Song, everything is easy to discuss! Brother Cheng Xing may be busy with something, and he didn't hear the phone call. I will call later. Can you show me the blueprint first? You also know my identity, Huang Ziwen. I will not lie to you a little girl!"

Xiao Ke sneered, and said quietly: "Come on! Your status is noble, but your character is really unflattering. Since you can blackmail me with my brother, I can't guarantee that you will You won't lie to me!" Xiao Ke's 'stubbornness' made Huang Ziwen lose his patience. Huang Ziwen slammed the table and said angrily, "Song Xiaoke, don't be too arrogant!What kind of person am I, Huang Ziwen?Being able to sit here and talk to you today is already a great honor to you.Today's drawing, you have to give it, or you have to give it if you don't!Otherwise, neither you nor your damned brother will have a good time! "

After hearing this, Xiao Ke couldn't help but let out a sneer, and said leisurely: "My surname is Huang, you've revealed your true colors in just a few words? Heck, I don't think you're anything special!" Huang Ziwen's face was full at first He stood up angrily, then sat back slowly with a sneering smile, and said in a gloomy voice, "No matter how great I am, I'm a hundred times stronger than you, a traitor who betrays me. Hu Rong usually regards you as a sister, she probably never dreamed that you would stab her hard in the back. I think Hu Rong is crying now! Haha!"

Huang Ziwen said harshly that he was extremely vicious and vicious, and he mercilessly hit Xiao Ke's biggest sad thing at this time.Before Huang Ziwen finished speaking, Xiao Ke's face changed. He stood up full of anger and excitement, and shouted loudly at Huang Ziwen: "You and the big brother are all forced by that bastard!" Huang Ziwen put his hands together He shrugged, his shoulders loosened, and he curled his lips and said, "So what if we forced you? After all, the betrayal is your own choice. Yes, you are for your brother, and you can be forgiven, but the fact that you betrayed Hu Rong is always the same." It cannot be changed. Song Xiaoke, from the moment you stole this blueprint from Longhao Group, you are no longer innocent. When you say that I am despicable and sinister, it is best to see that you are a What a face, traitor!"

"Shut up!" Xiao Ke stood up unbearably, and slapped Huang Ziwen's face hard.Huang Ziwen waved his hand fiercely and grabbed Xiao Ke's wrist. With a little force, Xiao Ke couldn't bear it and began to moan loudly.Seeing Xiao Ke's complexion changed in pain, Huang Ziwen gritted his teeth, and said viciously: "Song Xiaoke, I, Huang Ziwen, will definitely eat you! You'd better be honest with me!" Push Song Xiaoke heavily onto the seat.

Seeing the smug smile on Huang Ziwen's face, the anger in Xiao Ke's heart became more and more intense. She couldn't talk about it, and couldn't win the fight. Xiao Ke felt that she was so useless, and burst into tears I couldn't help but twirl in my eye sockets.Huang Ziwen laughed triumphantly a few times, and said, "Song Xiaoke, just accept your fate!" Song Xiaoke lowered his head, and asked coldly, "Tell me the truth, are you going to put The Longhao Group is on the verge of death?" Huang Ziwen didn't need to hide anymore, he simply opened up and said, "You're right!
You said that there is nothing wrong with Longhao Group switching production, but it just wanted to switch production to cars.Even if it switches to car production, as long as it manages me well, I will turn a blind eye and close one eye. Anyway, China's auto market is so big, it doesn't matter if it has such an extra mouth.But she, Hu Rong, shouldn't be so bold as to challenge me!I kicked Ma Bing and Zhou Tao, two traitors, out of the company on the front foot, and he reused them on the back foot. What does this mean?This is Chiguoguo's challenge!I, Huang Ziwen, have only one principle in my life. When others worship me, I respect him, but if anyone wants to destroy me, I will smash him first! "

Huang Ziwen's words made Xiao Ke's heart feel chilly. Recalling that when Li Xiaogang told her this before, she still didn't take it seriously, but she didn't expect that everything was expected by Li Xiaogang. Huang Ziwen was really a despicable person. villain!If she hadn't met Li Xiaogang at the beginning, then Longhao Group would really be over.Shaking his head, Xiao Ke felt a little more hatred for Huang Ziwen in his heart, and then asked coldly: "What about me and my brother? If I really hand over this blueprint to you, you will let me go With my brother?"

Huang Ziwen chuckled a few times, and said lightly, "Well, it doesn't count if I said it!"The eldest brother Cheng has the final say, he can let it go if he says so, but I can intercede for you. "Song Xiaoke looked up at Huang Ziwen full of shock and anger, staring at a pair of huge eyes, gritted his teeth and asked: "But you didn't say that yesterday! "Huang Ziwen waved his hand and said sarcastically: "Today is today, and yesterday was yesterday.Isn't the world always changing?Hahaha……"

" despicable villain, do you still have a conscience?" Xiao Ke roared angrily.Huang Ziwen snorted coldly, and said with a gloomy face: "Don't talk about your conscience with me. You are in the business circle, and you are playing tricks! Whoever talks about conscience is the biggest fool, and the final outcome can only be a bad death! Song Xiaoke, now that we have spoken, let me tell you, since you are here today, you have to hand in the drawings, or you have to hand them in if you don't!" Song Xiaoke raised his eyebrows and hugged the drawings tightly Before that, he said coldly: "I just won't hand it in, so don't you dare to kill me?"

Huang Ziwen sneered and snapped his fingers twice, and several burly bodyguards in black clothes opened the door and walked out of the car aggressively.Song Xiaoke's face changed in horror, looked at Huang Ziwen, and asked nah: "You...what do you want to do?" Huang Ziwen laughed a few times, and said faintly: "What do you want to do? Hey, I'll tell you Song Xiaoke , There is a thing called privilege in this world. To tell you the truth, I, Huang Ziwen, really don’t care about killing an insignificant person. Give me the blueprint obediently, and you can save your life and become a big brother Cheng My wife, maybe you can keep your brother alive. But if you insist on not handing over, then I can only kill you first, and then take it myself!"

"Hey, what do you want to do? Go now! If you continue to make trouble here, I will call the police!" Song Xiaoke often eats in this small restaurant, and slowly, the owner of the small restaurant is familiar with him At this time, seeing several big men trying to bully Song Xiaoke, he stood up and stood up.However, as soon as his words fell, the two men in black, under Huang Ziwen's signal, violently overturned the owner of the restaurant to the ground, and then punched and kicked his head and face.

Hearing the miserable howl of the restaurant owner, Song Xiaoke shouted anxiously: "Stop! Don't you want the blueprint, I'll give it to you!" Xiaoke's words made Huang Ziwen smirk, waved his hands, and stopped Seeing the two men in black, looking at Song Xiaoke, stretched out his hand, and said with a sneer, "What are you waiting for? Give me the blueprint!" Seeing the bruised and wailing restaurant owner, Song Xiaoke's Out of anger, he threw the file bag in his hand to Huang Ziwen.Huang Ziwen caught it, laughed a few times full of complacency, and said quietly: "I really didn't expect that our Miss Song is still a great kind person, haha... If I had known this, I didn't have to waste so much talking before."

(End of this chapter)

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