The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1402 Food stall!

Chapter 1402 Food stall!
Song Xiaoke snorted heavily and did not speak. Huang Ziwen took the file bag in his hand, weighed it first, and then muttered to himself with a sneer: "Zhou Tao, Ma Bing, now this blueprint is in my hands." Come on, let me see how you two traitors die!" As he spoke, he tore open the file bag and took out the documents inside.After Li Xiaogang repackaged the document and returned it to Song Xiaoke, Song Xiaoke never had the opportunity to reopen it, so she was also a little curious, wondering what was written in the document that Li Xiaogang stuffed in later, Can't help but look at Huang Ziwen.

As a result, she glanced over and saw that after reading the document, Huang Ziwen's face suddenly swelled into a sweet and sour color, which made Song Xiaoke even more curious about the contents of the new document. "Song Xiaoke! Are you teasing me!?" Huang Ziwen seemed to be a little bit unbearable and yelled at Song Xiaoke loudly. The extremely angry roar was probably heard by everyone in a radius of ten miles.Song Xiaoke caught the document that Huang Ziwen threw over angrily, looked down, and saw two lines of big characters written on a blank A4 paper, which read: despicable and shameless Huang Ziwen, who gave birth to a child without an ass hole !After reading these two sentences, Song Xiaoke couldn't help laughing out loud.

Seeing these two extremely vicious words, it's no wonder Huang Ziwen's face changed suddenly.Seeing Song Xiaoke laughing out loud, Huang Ziwen jumped up angrily, and roared angrily: "Song Xiaoke, you really have the guts! You wait for me to call Big Brother Cheng and let him Chop your brother into meat paste and feed it to the dogs!" Song Xiaoke heard this, his face didn't change color, and his heartbeat said with a calm expression: "Then you can call, as long as you can get through, and someone picks up, you can call me whatever you want. !" Huang Ziwen snorted, and said coldly: "Do you think you are so lucky that no one answered the phone all the time? I'll call you now!" Then he dialed the number of eldest brother Cheng again.Huang Ziwen was originally full of confidence, but after the phone rang five times, there was still no answer, and his heart sank with a thud.

Seeing that the phone was delayed, Song Xiaoke's heart became more at ease, and the smile on his face became wider. Looking at Huang Ziwen, he looked like he was looking at a clown.After the phone rang ten times in a row, the other end of the phone finally turned into a sweet synthetic voice. "Asshole!" Huang Ziwen threw the phone out angrily.It's really a pity that a mobile phone worth tens of thousands was thrown into pieces by him.The angrier he was, the happier Song Xiaoke was, and the brighter the smile on his face.And the brighter Song Xiaoke's smile was, the more glaring it was in Huang Ziwen's eyes.Huang Ziwen gritted his teeth and stared at Song Xiaoke, and said gloomyly, "Aren't you very proud!?" Facing Huang Ziwen's beast-like anger, Song Xiaoke remained calm, chuckled a few times, and said lightly: "A little bit!

"You!..." Huang Ziwen paused angrily, and said with a cold expression: "Don't think that I can't control you without my elder brother. Come here, and arrest her!" The two big men in black were at the same time Hugged up and tightly twisted Song Xiaoke's two arms.Song Xiaoke, a weak girl, how could she be the opponent of two tiger-shaped men? Tears of pain and sweat flowed out, screaming and shouting: "Let go of me, you bastards!"

"Let go of him!" The restaurant owner struggled to get up from the ground, yelling at Huang Ziwen without fear of death.I really can't see that there is such a man of steel in this small roadside restaurant, which is beyond Huang Ziwen's expectations.

Huang Ziwen turned his head and looked at him coldly, snorted softly, and said, "Sir, isn't the lesson I taught you just now not enough, and you still want to ask for another beating? To set up a roadside stall, just do it honestly." Your roadside stall, don’t worry about so much nonsense, be careful not to put your life on it!” The owner of the restaurant puffed out his chest vigorously, and shouted through clenched teeth: “It’s the age of the rule of law, where is it? Ba Kui is up to you? Since I am here, I can't just watch you hurt this girl. Come at me if you have the ability!
"Boss Huang, you don't need to talk nonsense with him, I'll destroy him right away!" A black-clothed subordinate said to Huang Ziwen, and then greeted the restaurant owner aggressively.Huang Ziwen frowned, and shouted, "Stick, don't do it. He is already like this, and if he is really killed, it will be troublesome!" He said, giving a thumbs up to the owner of the restaurant, Huang Ziwen sneered and said, "Brother, you are such a man, you are not afraid of death, and you are bloody! But, everyone is doing it to make a living, so why bother to make trouble? Well, I have thousands of dollars in change here. Think of it as my compensation for what you broke here!" Huang Ziwen took out a brand-new banknote from his pocket while talking, waved it in front of the restaurant owner, and then threw it in front of him.

For such a small stall run by a restaurant owner, all the things may not be able to make up thousands of dollars.With this money, the restaurant owner can completely open another restaurant. It stands to reason that this should be quite more attractive than putting money in front of the restaurant owner.But the restaurant owner didn't even look at it, so he kicked Cao Ziqian back in front of Huang Ziwen, snorted coldly and said: "Take back your stinky money! Although I only opened this big stall for money, But I don't live for money. I don't care for your dirty money!

Huang Ziwen frowned lightly, sneered, and said, "What are you doing? Making a movie is so impassioned! You can see clearly, this is real money!" The restaurant owner snorted, with the same expression on his face as before. firm.Huang Ziwen couldn't help laughing helplessly, and said quietly: "Today is really fucking unlucky, tsk melon seeds tsk tsk out a bug. Since you want to die, then I'll make you happy!" After finishing speaking, he turned his head Looking at the subordinate in black who spoke just now, he said coldly: "If you kill him, the money on the ground will be yours!"

When the tiger heard it, it seemed like a clockwork monster. After snarling, it rushed towards the owner of the restaurant like a wild beast.While resisting Huzi's attack hard, the restaurant owner yelled at Song Xiaoke: "Miss, leave me alone, go! Go to the police!" Howling and wailing with fists and feet, how could Song Xiaoke harden his heart and run away.She kept yelling, "Stop beating, please stop beating..." But the more eagerly she yelled, the more cruel Huang Ziwen's face became.

"It's so lively here, is there a party?" Accompanied by a slightly playful voice, Li Xiaogang and Song Ren slowly appeared in the sight of everyone.As soon as he saw his sister, Song Ren immediately shouted with joy and then ran towards Song Xiaoke, before Song Xiaoke could react, he hugged her and shouted: "Sister! "Song Xiaoke was worried about the owner of the restaurant. He didn't pay attention to Li Xiaogang and Song Ren who suddenly appeared. Song Ren's shout made him startled involuntarily. "Sister, it's me, don't you recognize me?" Seeing that Song Xiaoke was in a daze, Song Ren couldn't help asking nervously.

After a short period of sluggishness, Song Xiaoke suddenly woke up, hugged Song Ren, and cried loudly, "Brother! Brother! Is it really you?..." The siblings The two had just experienced parting from life and death, and now they were finally reunited, hugging and hugging excitedly, like two lunatics.

"Sister. Thanks to Brother Gang for saving me, otherwise I would have been beaten to death by that bastard!" "Brother Gang?" When I saw Li Xiaogang, I realized it. I looked at Li Xiaogang gratefully and said, "Thank you, thank you! I..." Li Xiaogang smiled lightly, waved his hands and said, "Don't be in a hurry to thank me until I finish taking care of things here. Besides."...Everything was under Huang Ziwen's control, the appearance of Li Xiaogang and Song Ren undoubtedly caused Huang Ziwen's situation to be in chaos, especially when he saw Song Ren appearing in front of him safe and sound, Huang Ziwen was even more worried. For a moment, I was at a loss, not knowing what to do.However, Huang Ziwen is a person who has experienced wind and rain after all, he quickly calmed down, looked at Song Ren, and said quietly: "Why, brother Cheng let you go so soon?"

"Sister, who is he?" Song Ren didn't answer, but squinted at Huang Ziwen and asked coldly.

"He is the one who wants to threaten your sister!" Li Xiaogang answered from the side.Song Ren was young and energetic, and his face changed when he heard it. He looked at Huang Ziwen with a sharp knife-like gaze. Even Huang Ziwen couldn't help being startled by *Song Ren's sharp aura, and couldn't help frowning head. "So it was you bastard who threatened my sister and made her suffer so much. I'll kill you!" After speaking, he took a step forward.

Huang Ziwen was forced by Song Ren's aura, and subconsciously took a step back. The black-clothed man named Hu Zi was also dedicated to his duty. Seeing this scene, he snorted coldly, and stepped in front of Huang Ziwen, glaring at him. Song Ren said coldly: "Boy, what do you want to do? I don't want to see if you can withstand the uncle's fist." Song Xiaoke has seen the viciousness of the tiger before. When he saw him, he lit up with Song Ren. After clenching his fist, his heart tightened, and he hastily stretched out his hand to pull Song Ren out, fearing that he would suffer, and said, "Song Ren, don't fight him!"

(End of this chapter)

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