The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1403 Painful Bian Huang Ziwen

Chapter 1403 Painful Bian Huang Ziwen

Song Ren was reborn by Li Xiaogang's Nuwa divine power. At this time, he was no longer comparable to ordinary people. He showed a reassuring smile at Song Xiaoke full of confidence, and said, "Sister, don't worry about me! Deal with this It's okay for me to close my eyes!" Song Xiaoke said bitterly: "Aren, you don't know how powerful he is, he..." Song Ren interrupted Song Xiaoke's words with a wave of his hand, and faced Hu Zi .Huzi is tall and burly, enough to fit Song Ren in. The two of them stand face to face. Anyone who sees him can't help sweating for Song Ren, let alone Song Ren's sister Song Xiaoke. up.

Seeing that Song Ren didn't listen to her, Song Xiaoke was about to cry.Seeing this, Li Xiaogang patted her on the shoulder lightly, and said with a smile: "I have a little confidence in your brother, he is not what he used to be!" Song Xiaoke glanced at Li Xiaogang, and saw a smile on his face , I couldn't help but feel more at ease.

"Huzi, since this kid wants to die by himself, don't be polite to him! Say hello to me, even if you are killed, I can pay you to settle it!" Huang Ziwen shouted from the side.After hearing this, Huzi let out a smirk, nodded, and licked his long teeth at Song Renlong, showing a cruel and ferocious smile, and said coldly: "Boy, come, let the uncle send you to hell!" Song Ren snorted coldly He let out a cry, and said with determination: "One of us will go to hell, but that person will definitely not be me! Stop talking nonsense, let the horse come here!
As soon as Song Ren's words fell, Huzi snorted coldly, and shouted: "Stinky boy, you want to die!" After drinking, Dou Da's fist waved and blasted at Song Ren extremely swiftly.Seeing that Huzi's fist was as big as a bowl, and there was a chilling wind sound, Song Xiaoke couldn't help but stop breathing in fright.I just hope that Song Ren will dodge quickly, and don't be hit by this fist.But the more she was worried about something, the more she came. Facing Huzi's punch, Song Ren not only did not dodge, but followed him with a punch, and slammed into Huzi's fist hard. .

"Aren!" Seeing the situation, Song Xiao was startled and shouted loudly, full of horror.However, Song Ren's fist was like an arrow shot out, and there was no room for recovery. "Boy looking for death!" Seeing this, Huzi roared angrily, and added a little more force to his fist, apparently intending to knock Song Ren down with one blow.Song Renfei didn't mean to be afraid when Huzi hit hard, but instead showed a bright smile. With a violent flick of his wrist, the speed of punching suddenly doubled.Song Ren's quick acceleration surprised Huzi, but when he was about to react, it was too late.There was a bang, and Song Ren's fist hit the front of Huzi's fist like a bullet, and there was a crackling sound, and Huzi's fist immediately changed its shape.

The so-called ten fingers connected to the heart, the sharp pain on the fist was transmitted to Huzi's heart, even if he was as strong as him, the pain was unbearable, so he screamed miserably, and passed out on the spot.And looking at Song Ren, he seemed to be okay, he shook his fist easily, and finally made a victory gesture to Song Xiaoke.Song Xiaoke stared at this scene dumbfounded, unable to react for a long time.Li Xiaogang said with a smile on the side: "I told you a long time ago, you have to have confidence in your brother, look, I didn't lie to you! Hehe, this guy is really crazy, he dared to fight Ah Ren, Does he think his fist is made of iron? Even if it is made of iron, Ren's fist will blow him up!"

"What... what's going on here?" Looking at Song Ren, who was in good condition with a smug smile, and then at the unconscious tiger lying on the ground, Huang Ziwen couldn't believe his eyes. I couldn't react for a long time.Song Ren sneered, as if it wasn't enough, he hooked his fingers lightly at the remaining big men in black, and said, "He's finished, now it's your turn, and you're going to fight one by one. , or go together?" Huang Ziwen looked up at Song Ren, frowned and said, "I really didn't expect that you are still a bit heavy! No wonder you can run away from Big Brother Cheng! However, if you want to fight five against one, you can't help but Some are too arrogant!
Song Ren glanced at the remaining five big men, and said with a sneer, "Is it because I am arrogant? You will let them come over and have a try, will you know?" Huang Ziwen snorted coldly, waved his hand, and looked at The men beside him shouted: "Let's go together! Show this kid some color!" As soon as his voice fell, five big men in black rushed towards Song Ren from all directions fiercely.Before Song Ren was reborn by Li Xiaogang, he had spent a lot of time in Taoism, fighting frequently, and naturally he had no shortage of fighting experience.Seeing the five people attacking together, he jumped up suddenly, dodged the attack of the four people in front, and then waved his fist towards the last big man.Song Ren's body was strong and his movements were swift. This fist hit the big man's heart in an unbiased manner. The powerful force of the punch immediately raged through the big man's body. The big man didn't even have time to react, so he groaned. fell to the ground.

After leveling him, his figure didn't stop at all. He turned around and rolled towards the other four big men in black. He danced his fists and feet in turn, only hearing a few muffled bangs. The four big men in black fell to the cold ground one by one as if they had made an agreement.Settling the five big men in black, Song Ren acted as if he had done nothing, clapped his hands, and continued to be calm, without even taking a breath.Song Xiaoke never dreamed that Song Ren would become so powerful after only seeing him for a few days. He covered his mouth with his hand in surprise, and stared blankly at Song Ren, not saying a single word. Unable to speak.

Song Ren stuck out his tongue mischievously at Song Xiaoke, and said with a smile: "Sister, look, your brother is amazing, right?" His body, after confirming that his body was indeed safe and sound, he let out a long breath, and nodded heavily at Song Ren full of relief.Song Ren hadn't been praised by his sister for a long time. Seeing Song Xiaoke looking at him with pride, Song Ren straightened his waist.He said loudly: "Sister, step aside first, let me meet this guy!" Song Ren cast his cold eyes on Huang Ziwen, and squeezed his fist at him.

Huang Ziwen, who was shocked by Song Ren's strength, suddenly caught a glimpse of Song Ren's cold knife-like gaze, and his body trembled involuntarily. A strong, indescribable fear rose in his heart, and he hurriedly stepped back a few times. Step by step, he asked nervously: "You...what do you want to do?" Song Ren sneered, and said lightly: "What do you want to do? It's very simple, treat the person in the same way! Are you How dare you bully my sister, I will give you back everything with interest!" After speaking, he raised his fist high.

"You... how dare you! Do you know who I am? If you hit me, I will put you in prison for the rest of your life!" Huang Ziwen roared sternly.Naturally, Song Ren wouldn't care whether Huang Ziwen was a human or a dog, but Song Xiaoke was afraid that what would happen to Song Ren and Huang Ziwen would cause him big trouble.He hastily dissuaded him: "Aren, don't mess around! He is the president of GM Huaxia District, and he is very powerful in the country. We can't afford to provoke him!" Hearing Song Xiaoke's words, Huang Ziwen's mouth twitched, revealing a full-faced smile. With a smug smile, he snorted at Song Ren and said, "Young man, your sister is right, don't be impulsive, and be careful that you will end up being overwhelmed!"

"Bastard, death is imminent, you are still so arrogant?" Song Ren snorted angrily when he saw this, and kicked Huang Ziwen a few meters away like a football.Huang Ziwen is pampered and pampered on weekdays, how has he ever suffered such a hardship?He almost passed out from the pain on the spot. "Ah Ren, why are you so impulsive? Now you are in big trouble!" Song Xiaoke couldn't help but blame Song Ren.Before Song Ren could answer, Huang Ziwen gritted his teeth, and said with a ferocious face: "You brat who doesn't know how to live or die! You even dare to beat me! Just wait, if I don't let you have no foothold in China, I Huang Ziwen From now on, write your name upside down!"

"Huh! Huang Ziwen, right? Who do you think you are? Do you think you can run wild in China, and no one can stop you? Are you too crazy? Even if others buy your account, our Lightning Gang I won't take people like you seriously either!" Song Ren scolded coldly. "Lightning Gang?" Huang Ziwen cried out in surprise when he heard this.Song Ren said with a sneer: "That's right! I have officially joined the Lightning Gang. Have you been unable to contact Big Brother Cheng? Hey, let me tell you, Big Brother Cheng was tied up by Scar Boss to accept punishment. I'm afraid it's already Became a ghost!"

"What!? Scar showed up? is this possible?" After hearing Song Ren's words, Huang Ziwen was so surprised that he almost swallowed his tongue, and looked at Song Ren in disbelief. He said: "You must be lying to me! This is impossible! What kind of person is Scar? Does he have time to meddle in your business?" Song Ren sneered, and said faintly: "I am also surprised, you Why is it so unlucky. I wanted to do something bad, but I was bumped into by Brother Scar. However, I want to thank you. If it weren’t for you and Brother, I wouldn’t have had the chance to meet Brother Scar, let alone have the chance Worship under his door. Hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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