Chapter 1405
"But...but this is really too much. I can't use 1 yuan for this little loss. I don't dare to accept so much money!" As he said, he pushed back the check that Li Xiaogang handed over.

Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "No matter how much money you have, it will be compensated to you. If you have less, you will suffer a little bit, and if you have more, you will take advantage. Come, take it!" "No, no, no, I...I really can't take it, and it's too much..." The restaurant owner became more and more panicked, and sweat broke out on his brow.The honesty of the owner of the restaurant made Li Xiaogang more aware of his honesty and honesty, and at the same time felt that the windfall was not given to the wrong person.Seeing the owner of the restaurant insisting on refusing to accept it, Li Xiaogang stuffed the check into his fist and said, "Hurry up to find a bank, change the check into cash, and deposit it in your account. Let your wife and children live a prosperous life. This is God’s reward for a kind person like you, don’t let it go for nothing!

"But...but..." the restaurant owner opened his mouth, and wanted to refuse, but Li Xiaogang interrupted him, and said in a deep voice: "Where are there so many buts? Just keep it for you, stop talking! "As soon as Li Xiaogang showed his majesty, even characters like Scar and Lightning couldn't resist him, let alone a small stall owner. The hand holding the check trembled and said, "Then...then I will accept it! I... I represent my family, thank you!"

Hearing what the restaurant owner said, Li Xiaogang's stern face relaxed, and he nodded with a smile: "It's not too bad! Close this food stall immediately, and take your family to leave this city and live in another city." Let’s go. The man we beat up just now is not upright, there’s no guarantee that he won’t seek revenge from you, it’s better to stay away from him.” The restaurant owner nodded repeatedly, thanking him non-stop, with a heart full of love. Delighted to leave.Looking at the happy back of the restaurant owner, Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "I have done some good deeds for Huang Ziwen, and he should thank me." Song Xiaoke giggled, He said crisply: "I think he probably won't thank you, and he will find someone to chop you up!" Li Xiaogang laughed and said, "That's right! I'll help him loosen his muscles and bones again, haha..."

"Brother Gang, you are really courageous! It's 1000 million yuan, and you gave it away without blinking an eye. At that time, I was really afraid that the restaurant owner couldn't bear it, and he fainted from a heart attack." Song Ren was full of admiration Looking at Li Xiaogang with admiration, he said repeatedly.Song Xiaoke did not forget to educate him and said: "Aren, you have to learn a little bit in the future. A man should have the bearing of Brother Gang. A man with a small family will never have a great future! Song Ren smiled He nodded and said, "Of course!I still have a lot to learn from Brother Gang! "

Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, patted Song Ren on the shoulder and said, "You should learn from Scar first! If you can learn half of Scar's skills, I can assure you that the future world will definitely be rich." Your share!" Song Ren said: "Brother Gang and Brother Scar are both great figures, I will definitely learn from you!" Li Xiaogang nodded and said: "It's getting late, you go Lightning help find Scar to report!" "Then what about you and sister?" Song Ren asked Song Xiaoke with a worried look.Song Xiaoke glared at him and said: "I always ask some questions that shouldn't be asked. With Brother Gang here, who can do anything to me? You go, work hard after you get to the Lightning Gang, don't embarrass our parents !" Song Ren gave a great compliment, and after apologizing with Li Xiaogang and Song Xiaoke, they rushed to the Lightning Gang.

After Song Ren left, Song Xiaoke looked at Li Xiaogang full of gratitude and said, "Brother Gang, what happened today, I...I really don't know how to thank you..." Li Xiaogang waved his hand with a smile and said: " It's all a family, and it's a little effort, what can I be grateful for?" "A family?" Song Xiaoke murmured softly, his face flushed slightly.Li Xiaogang smiled when he saw this, and said: "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to take advantage of you. The family I said means that Hu Rong and I have a good relationship, and you are sisters, so it's not a family. It is the same?"

Li Xiaogang's words made Song Xiaoke's face flash a trace of sadness, and he asked quietly: "Sister Hu, will she really treat me as a sister? I think she must hate me now!" Li Xiaogang laughed. He said: "Hate you? Why do you hate you? Now the blueprint is still in your hands, and Huang Ziwen has not taken it away, so Longhao Group has no loss at all. Believe me, Hu Rong will forgive you!" Song Song When Xiao Ke heard this, she looked at Li Xiaogang confidently and asked, "You think Sister Hu will really forgive me?" Li Xiaogang laughed and said, "Isn't there still me! For my sake, Hu Rong, she will never blame you! Let's go, we will go back to Longhao Group!" The smile on Li Xiaogang's face made Hu Rong feel more at ease, and she looked at Li Xiaogang more gratefully, speechless up.

In the Longhao Group, Ma Bing and Zhou Tao were anxious like ants on a hot pot.Although they trust Li Xiaogang very much, the blueprints are the hard work of the two of them after all, and they will never feel at ease if they fall into the hands of others.Compared to them, Hu Rong was much calmer.But she was also very restless at this moment.It kept coming to mind that she had been kind to Song Xiaoke in the past few years.Thinking that she gave her sincerity, but in the end she was betrayed in return, which made Hu Rong burn a bunch of raging anger in her heart.

Just when the three were thinking about each other, the door of the office was pushed open suddenly, and the three of them looked back at the same time, and Li Xiaogang's smiling face appeared in their sights.Seeing Li Xiaogang's smile, Zhou Tao and Ma Bing's hearts fell to the ground at the same time. Ma Bing walked up to Li Xiaogang a few steps, and asked eagerly: "Mr. Li, have you found the blueprint?" Li Xiaogang smiled. He said with a smile: "I, Li Xiaogang, have let you down since I started out." After speaking, as if conjuring, there was an extra file bag in his hand.The horse soldier hurriedly took the bag over, opened it and took out the blueprint from it.Seeing that it was designed jointly by himself and Zhou Tao, Ma Bing and Zhou Tao let out a long breath at the same time, completely at ease.

Zhou Tao wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, stroked his chest exaggeratedly and said repeatedly: "It's so dangerous, it's so dangerous!" Ma Bing looked at Li Xiaogang and said, "Mr. Li, if you weren't here this time , the loss of Longhao Group will be immeasurable!" Hu Rong walked over with a smile, snuggled into Li Xiaogang's arms, looked at Zhou, and Ma and his two said: "I said a long time ago that you are worrying for nothing, brother Gang Here, the drawings will never be lost!" After finishing speaking, Hu Rong turned to look at Li Xiaogang and said, "Brother Gang, have you seen Song Xiaoke? What did you do to her, did you hurt her?"

Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said quietly: "Shouldn't you hate her? Why, now you care about her instead?" Hu Rong raised her crescent eyebrows, and said in a nasty voice: "I don't know What's going on. Originally, I hated her quite a lot in my heart. Thinking that I have treated her as my own sister for so many years, but she betrayed me instead, I wanted to slap her. But now the blueprint is back. , I don’t seem to hate so much in my heart anymore. Hey, I don’t know what’s going on with me!” Li Xiaogang said with a smile: “You don’t know, I’m here to tell you, this is the kindness in your heart and the relationship between you and Xiao Ke for many years. It’s a combination of your feelings.” Then, he turned his head towards the door and said softly, “Xiao Ke, why don’t you come in yet?”

Song Xiaoke had been outside the door the whole time. Hearing what Hu Rong said just now, she was moved to tears, walked in quickly, and shouted to Hu Rong with tears streaming down her face, "Sister Hu! I... I was wrong!" "Xiao Ke!? still dare to come back to see me?" Seeing Song Xiaoke, Hu Rong was overjoyed at first, then quickly straightened her face and shouted angrily.Song Xiaoke ignored Hu Rong's angry face, rushed towards Hu Rong in a few steps, held her hands tightly, and cried, "Sister Hu, it's all because of me being confused, and it's all because of me! You scolded me a lot! Don, slap me a few times! I...I'm sorry for you!"

Seeing Mo Xiaoke bursting into tears, thinking of the relationship between the two of them, Hu Rong's heart softened immediately, she turned her head to look at Song Xiaoke full of blame and intolerance, and said: "Xiao Ke, I trust you so much, you... how could you do such a thing?" Song Xiaoke was full of guilt, covered his face and wept, speechless.Li Xiaogang explained for her from the side: "Actually, Xiao Ke was forced to do this by someone!" "Forced? Who is it?" Hu Rong had long guessed that Song Xiaoke suddenly made such an abnormal behavior. Most of the actions are not for money, but for other secrets.Hearing what Li Xiaogang said at this time, he confirmed the guess in his heart even more, and asked anxiously.

Li Xiaogang sighed and told the ins and outs of the matter.After listening to Li Xiaogang's narration, Hu Rong was trembling with anger, gritted her teeth with infinite hatred and said: "It turns out that the person who instigated all this behind the scenes is Huang Ziwen! It's unreasonable. I, Hu Rong, have no grudges against him. Why did he do this?" Frame me!?" Ma Bing smiled wryly from the side and said, "Mr. Hu, the reason why Huang Ziwen did this is probably aimed at us. It seems that this time, we are actually implicating the Longhao Group..." Hu Rong Before Ma Bing finished speaking, he interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and said softly: "Ma Bing, don't say that! Since I, Hu Rong, had the guts to accept you into our Longhao Group for reuse, I am not afraid of Huang Ziwen. Provocative! I just didn't expect that Huang Ziwen, who can be regarded as a big man with head and face, would do such a thing shamelessly!"

Ma Bing shook his head, and said slowly: "Huang Ziwen looks glamorous on the outside, but his heart is very dark. He is narrow-minded, sick and jealous, and he will pay for it. Anyone who offends him will be punished." Go back to deal with that person at all costs and by all means. What justice and morality are in front of him are bullshit! If a villain like this is really entangled by him, it will not be a happy thing Hu Rong nodded, glanced at Li Xiaogang, and said with a smile: "No matter how insidious Huang Ziwen is, he might not be able to do anything to us! Am I right, Brother Gang?"

Li Xiaogang nodded knowingly, and said: "If it is a legitimate competition in the commercial field, even if we lose all our money, we can only blame ourselves for our incompetence, not others. But if Huang Ziwen plays with us Damn it, I will let the consequences of the evil reap itself!" Li Xiaogang has always been able to say and do it.After listening to Li Xiaogang's words, Hu Rong felt more at ease, and Ma Bing and Zhou Tao also gained the same confidence from Hu Rong.

(End of this chapter)

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