The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1406 "Blood Steel" Project!

Chapter 1406 "Blood Steel" Project!
The drawings were safe and sound, and Song Xiaoke was coerced by someone's design. Sure enough, as Li Xiaogang said, Hu Rong's anger towards Song Xiaoke disappeared immediately. Instead of scolding her, she held her hand, While wiping her tears, she blamed: "Xiao Ke, we are still sisters for so many years, why didn't you tell me when we encountered such a big problem?" Xiao Ke held Hu Rong's hand gratefully, He said faintly: "Sister Hu, I already owe you enough, how can I bother you again? It's because I'm too confused and naive, I... I'm sorry for you!"

Hu Rong patted Song Xiaoke's back lightly, and said softly: "Silly girl, do we still need to talk about this between us sisters?" Li Xiaogang looked at the side and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, The matter is over, so don't hold on to it anymore. Hu Rong, you and Xiao Ke will continue to be your good sisters, and you are not allowed to have any opinions on Xiao Keke in the future."

Hu Rong rolled his eyes at him, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Could it be that in your eyes, am I a small-hearted person? It's up to you to say, I will naturally continue to treat Xiao Ke's sister well. And this time Xiao Ke My sister has been wronged so much, I want to treat her better!" As he said, he kissed Xiao Ke hard on the cheek, making Xiao Ke's face turn red with shame.

After solving the problem between Hu Rong and Xiao Ke, Hu Rong looked at Li Xiaogang and asked, "Xiao Gang, how did you deal with that Huang Ziwen? Did you break his two hands, two legs, and then dig Cut off his eyeballs, cut off his tongue?" Hu Rong's words made Li Xiaogang tremble uncontrollably, he glanced at Hu Rong in surprise, Hu Rong stuck out his tongue playfully, and said with a smile : "Don't look at me like that! That Huang Ziwen is so despicable and shameless, how can we not teach him a lesson?" Li Xiaogang shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I let him go, nothing happened to him."

"What!? You let him go!? Brother Gang, you can't be so kind, he wants to put our Longhao Group to death!" Hu Rong yelled at Li Xiaogang very excitedly stand up.Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "There are plenty of opportunities to teach Huang Ziwen a lesson, so why worry? People like Huang Ziwen have not achieved enough and failed. Let him continue to sit in the position of president of GM Huaxia District. The group has created many opportunities!"

"Oh! I understand what Mr. Li means. Mr. Li wants to keep Huang Ziwen in this position and cause troubles for GM. When GM has troubles, then our chance will come. Hehe, Mr. Li, you It really is clever!" Ma Bing gave Li Xiaogang a thumbs up and said with admiration.

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "No matter what, it will be of great benefit to us to bear the momentary anger!" Hu Rong nodded after hearing this, and said with a smile: "No matter what, I will listen to you, anyway, you are not It will make me suffer!"

Hu Rong is now more and more attached to Li Xiaogang's embrace, and she rubs against it every now and then.Seeing such a scene, Song Xiaoke finally understood what Li Xiaogang meant when he said that they were all from his own family.

"Okay, let's put the matter of Huang Ziwen aside for now, let's talk about business now!" Li Xiaogang looked at Ma Bing and Zhou Tao, and said: "Ma Bing, Zhou Tao, I have already seen the car designed by you two. , very perfect. It can be said that it is impeccable. If it is put on the market, it will cause a huge sensation after all. But I want to ask you, what materials do you plan to use to build the new car of Longhao Group?"

Ma Bing said: "The quality of the material directly determines the quality of the car. Since Longhao Group intends to take the high-end route from the very beginning, it is natural to use the best steel. We are negotiating with domestic steel groups and preparing to introduce large quantities Top-level steel. It’s just that the price is a bit expensive, and the two sides have not yet reached a consensus.” Li Xiaogang nodded lightly and said, “Is top-level steel the steel with the best performance and the highest specification?” Ma Bing said with a smile: “That’s Of course!" Li Xiaogang smiled mysteriously, took out a piece of A9 printing paper from his pocket, handed it to Ma Bing, and said: "Top-level steel has superior performance, but it may not be insurmountable. Look at this material. Would it be more in line with your requirements?"

For Li Xiaogang's suggestion, Ma Bing didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly accepted it, and looked at it seriously.After a few glances, Ma Bing couldn't help but uttered a strange cry, saying, "My God, does this...does this kind of thing really exist?" Seeing Ma Bing's surprised expression, Hu Rong and Zhou Tao immediately realized I realized that there must be something earth-shattering and extraordinary recorded on that small piece of A4 paper.Immediately, I became interested, and at the same time, I leaned over and looked at the piece of paper together.

"Oh my god! Am I dazzled?" Hu Rong's exaggerated Li Ming opened his mouth and shouted with surprise.

Zhou Tao's face was solemn - his eyes seemed to be attracted by something, and he was fixed on the A4 paper tightly, unable to move away. "Mr. Li Yi, this... this is definitely a great revolution in material science. I want to know, does this kind of 'blood steel' really exist? I'm not dreaming, am I?" Ma Bing said excitedly. Some said it was not easy, and asked Li Xiaogang blankly.

Li Xiaogang nodded, gave him an affirmative smile, and said, "If it didn't exist, how could I show it to you? This kind of 'blood steel' has already been finished and has undergone rigorous testing. The data fully meets the requirements!" "Then...then will its cost be high?" Zhou Tao asked Li Xiaogang nervously, who was more concerned about cost.Li Xiaogang shook his head and said with a smile: "On the contrary! The cost of this kind of 'blood steel' is probably much lower than the cost of the top-grade steel you mentioned. If Longhao Group is going to adopt this kind of 'blood steel', it will soon We will get batches of products, guaranteed to meet all your needs!"

"Adopt! Of course we will adopt! Brother Gang, if you don't use the things you recommended, unless we are fools!" Hu Rong shouted excitedly. "But the question is, if we really use this kind of 'blood steel', who should we place an order with?"Once such an excellent alloy material is launched, it will cause a sensation in the whole world.But I have never heard about the 'blood steel' news.Which steel factory produced it?How much is the price, we don't know anything about it! "Ma Bing asked with doubts on the side.

Hearing Ma Bing's words, Li Xiaogang couldn't help frowning slightly.After the hard work of Shen Qihong and other experts, the sample of this blood steel has finally been trial-produced, but the problem is that the laboratory can only produce samples, and there is nothing that can be done to produce products in large quantities.Now that Li Xiaogang has ordered people to use a large amount of funds to purchase a large number of raw materials for making blood steel, it seems that the establishment of a large-scale blood steel smelting enterprise is imminent.

But the problem is that building a new enterprise, a new company, is not as simple as talking about it.From the recruitment of talents to the handling of formalities, it is really a very cumbersome and energy-consuming thing.As long as Li Xiaogang thinks about it, he will feel that one head is two big, let alone let him take the lead.

Seeing Li Xiaogang's sad face, Ma Bing couldn't help feeling tense, and asked anxiously: "Mr. Li, is there any problem?" Now any problem that prevents Longhao Group from obtaining a large amount of "blood steel" is very important to Longhao Group. The Howe Group will have a huge impact, and Ma Bing cannot help being worried and nervous about it.Li Xiaogang nodded lightly, and said slowly: "Now, the experts under me have only successfully trial-produced and mastered the raw materials and proportions of the 'blood steel' produced, but I don't yet have the skills to put blood steel into large-scale production. conditions. If we start to set up a dedicated enterprise now, it will probably take a long time!"

"Now there are so many metal smelting companies in the world, we can use their production lines and let them produce blood steel!" Zhou Tao immediately suggested.Li Xiaogang shook his head slowly, and said: "No way! 'Blood Steel' is really special. Once its manufacturing method is leaked, I can't imagine what kind of consequences it will cause." Zhou Tao nodded , said quietly: "I was too excited and didn't think it through for a while. The secrecy work of 'Blood Steel' is indeed very necessary. If it is handed over to a smelting company casually, it will inevitably cause the leakage of secrets."

"Hey! What's so difficult about this? Since we don't trust other companies to produce blood steel, and it would be too troublesome and time-consuming to set up a production line by ourselves, why don't we just buy a ready-made production line? "Hu Rong's suggestion to wake up the dreamer with a word. "That's right! Why didn't I think of it, this is such a good idea!" As soon as Hu Rong finished speaking, the horse soldiers shouted excitedly in the Ernu.Li Xiaogang smiled, looked at Hu Rong approvingly, and said, "Rong'er, you are still smart!" After hearing Li Xiaogang's praise, Hu Rong couldn't help laughing a few times proudly, and said, "Of course! Do you think my title of 'financial queen' is fake? Heck..."

Li Xiaogang smiled, and said slowly: "Just a production line may not be able to meet our needs..."

"Mr. Li, with the current production capacity of our Longhao Group, we can produce about [-] vehicles a year. One production line is enough for us." Zhou Tao shook his head and said.Li Xiaogang said: "Longhao Group can only produce [-] vehicles this year, so what about next year? The year after? After all, Longhao Group is growing every day, and its production capacity will inevitably increase year by year. If you are troubled by the shortage of steel production, it is better to do it in one step! What I mean is, choose a medium-sized smelting enterprise, and we will swallow his entire enterprise, no matter how many production lines he has! "

(End of this chapter)

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