The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1408 Amazing Dragon Realm!

Chapter 1408 Amazing Dragon Realm!

"Brother Gang, you... you can't even afford 100 billion, can you?" Hu Rong stared at Li Xiaogang with a pair of big charming eyes, and asked curiously.Li Xiaogang showed a bitter smile at her, and murmured: "Rong'er, you were right, I really can't afford that much money now!" "Why? Guang Linger The money sent to you is more than tens of billions, where did you spend it?" Hu Rong asked in surprise and doubt.Li Xiaogang shook his head, said with a wry smile: "Now I understand that money is really not spent.

"Then how much do you have on you now?" Hu Rong asked with raised eyebrows. "About 30 billion!" Li Xiaogang replied.Hu Rong thought for a while and said: "Now I have about one billion liquid funds in my account..." Li Xiaogang didn't wait for Hu Rong to finish speaking, interrupted her and said: "No! Your money must not be moved! Wait! After Longhao Group's new car is produced, it will need a large-scale publicity, and the cost may not be a small amount, so you have to be prepared!"

Hu Rong shook her head and said: "Brother Gang, when is this now? Where do we still care so much? Let's take down Tianma Metallurgy first! But even if I add my billion, it's only a mere 40 billion. , not even half of them. Otherwise, you are looking for Linger and the others to find a way?"

Li Xiaogang shook his head and said: "I can't reach out to Ling'er anymore, she has already given out enough. If I reach out again, I'm afraid Longquan Group will be forced to collapse by me. I'll think about it myself Find a way."

What can you think of?Are you going to rob a bank?But this is a good idea. With your ability, no one can do anything to you even if you rob the bank!Hehe..." Hu Rong said to Li Xiaogang with a coquettish smile. Li Xiaogang said bitterly: "I feel like crying now, but you still have the heart to joke? Hu Rong stuck out her tongue and said, "Enjoy the bitterness, enjoy the bitterness!"
Li Xiaogang shook his head helplessly against Hu Rong, and murmured: "It would be great if Huang Ziwen would lower the price!" Ma Bing said with a wry smile: "Mr. Li, don't even think about this! Don't talk about Huang Ziwen. It is our enemy, even if it is your own son, if you ask him to sell a company worth tens of billions to you for 40 billions, he may not agree." Li Xiaogang smiled bitterly, and murmured: "Yes , It seems that I am whimsical. This person needs to be more realistic. You don’t have to worry about this matter, I will figure it out myself!”

"Brother Gang, isn't Longyu Tourism Group also under your name?" Hu Rong suddenly asked Li Xiaogang, frowning.Li Xiaogang was stunned for a moment, then murmured: "Yeah, what's the matter?" Hu Rong shook her head and said, "Brother Gang, you are so confused. Then you don't need a golden doll, why are you always thinking about Miss Ling'er? "Golden baby?" Li Xiaogang looked at Hu Rong inexplicably and asked.Hu Rong made an envious look and said: "Brother Gang, don't you even know the operating conditions of your company? Longyu Group is now a big deal, earning a lot more money than Longquan Group every year!"

Hu Rong's words really surprised Li Xiaogang, he really didn't expect Longyu Group to make so much money.Looking at Hu Rong in amazement, she murmured, "Impossible? How much money can a small tourism company make a year?" Seeing Li Xiaogang's expression of disbelief, Hu Rong couldn't help saying : "Brother Gang, what Linger said is right. You are capable of everything, but you only don't understand economics. As a tertiary industry, tourism has already become one of the most profitable industries. There are How many countries, how many people rely on travel for food? Ling'er has complained to me more than once, saying how Longyu Group makes money, but you have never reached out like them, and you just want to force her to go to heaven. land."

Li Xiaogang couldn't help but smiled wryly and said, "Ling'er, has she complained to you like this?" Hu Rong nodded solemnly and said, "Of course! And not once or twice." Li Xiaogang said bitterly: " At that time, I founded Longyu Group, just wanting to find a way to make money for the folks in my hometown, so that they can live better and be richer. But I never thought that Longyu Group could reach the level it is today. The annual income is so I can't believe it above the Longquan Group." As he spoke, he turned his attention to Ma Bing and Zhou Tao for proof.

Ma Bing and Zhou Tao nodded with a smile, and Ma Bing said: "Mr. Li, Mr. Hu is right. Longyu Tourism Group is indeed the best travel company I have seen over the years. Zhou Tao and I have also been to your hometown, Xingfu Village. The bustling scene there can hardly be described in words. The beautiful mountains and rivers, the simple folk customs, and the picturesque scenery, all of these are like a piece of powerful Suction stones have attracted people from all over the world. According to incomplete statistics, Longyu Tourism Group receives hundreds of millions of tourists every year, which is simply a miracle among miracles! Even if each person only spends a few hundred yuan, Adding it up is tens of billions, and it is understandable that Longyu Tourism Group has grown into the world's largest and most profitable tourism group!"

Listening to Ma Bing's description, Li Xiaogang felt as if he was in a dream.I was so shocked that I couldn't say a word for a long time.Hu Rong went on to say: "Moreover, there was a news recently that someone found a wild 'Tiger in the Cloud' in the forests around Xingfu Village." This caused a great sensation all over the world.According to the estimates of relevant departments, "Tiger in the Cloud will at least bring tens of billions of profits to Xingfu Village and Longyu Tourism Group!" "

"Tiger in the cloud? Isn't it said that the tiger in the cloud lives at an altitude of 5000 meters above sea level. That's why it's called the tiger in the cloud? Why did it suddenly appear in Xingfu Village?" Li Xiaogang asked in bewilderment. .The cloud tiger is a very rare tiger species.The whole body is snow white, with a black pattern in the middle, which looks very mighty and extraordinary.In addition, it is huge in size, three points larger than the Siberian tiger, so it is even more burly and fierce.They generally live at an altitude of 5000 meters above sea level, which is covered with ice and snow all the year round and is inaccessible, so there are very few people who have witnessed the tiger in the cloud.Most people only recognize the cloud tiger, which is called a fairy beast, through the images recorded in the lenses of mountaineering enthusiasts.

Because the cloud tiger is very beautiful, and the number is extremely rare, it is more precious than the national treasure giant panda, so the sudden appearance of the cloud tiger has caused such a huge response in the society.And Li Xiaogang has lived in Xingfu Village for decades, so he knows the topography of Xingfu Village very well. In his impression, there are indeed mountains around Xingfu Village, but the highest mountain is only a few hundred meters above sea level, which is not suitable for clouds at all. Survival of the Chinese Tiger.Therefore, Li Xiaogang's reaction was to find Yunzhonghu in Xingfu Village, which was impossible and fake!

Seemingly seeing Li Xiaogang's doubts, Hu Rong said quietly: "When this news came out, it did arouse fierce rebuttals from a large number of experts, who believed that it violated the eating habits of the tiger in the cloud, and it was purely a rumor. However, in the face of strong evidence such as photos, the experts quickly became uncertain. After all, all people have only witnessed the Tiger in the Cloud, but no one has really touched the Tiger in the Cloud, let alone It is said that it has been studied. Regarding the feeding habits of the cloud tiger, what scientists know is only based on speculation. Although people have only seen the cloud tiger at a height above 5000 meters, who can guarantee that the cloud tiger? The Chinese tiger will not be able to survive if it goes down this height? Who can guarantee that the conclusions they have drawn before are all wrong, and the beautiful Xingfu Village is the most ideal habitat for the cloud tiger?

In any case, the more intense the outside debate, the more people pay attention to Xingfu Village, and the stronger their desire to enter Xingfu Village.Long Yu Tourism Group not only did not come forward to prevent the continuation of this discussion, but played a role in fueling the flames.Because the more people argue, the more they want to know the truth.And the more they want to know the truth, the more they want to come to Xingfu Village.And only when they come, can Longyu Tourism Group and Xingfu Village make more money.Both Longyu and Xingfu Village are very clear about this account, so now, the discussion about Xingfu Village's discovery of the tiger in the cloud is intensifying, and it has gradually become a prairie fire. "

Seeing Hu Rong, Ma Bing and Zhou Tao had a heated discussion on this matter, and even two factions arose between them. Hu Rong firmly believed that the tiger in the cloud discovered by Xingfu Village was real, while Zhou Tao and Ma Bing It is strongly opposed.They are still arguing endlessly with each other, let alone how heated the debate outside will be.Maybe this will indeed bring incomparable benefits to Longyu and Xingfu Village, but at the same time, it can't help but cast a shadow in Li Xiaogang's heart, and he has a faint feeling of not being good. "Looks like it's time to go back to Xingfu Village..." Li Xiaogang made a secret decision in his heart.

"Okay, the matter of the tiger in the cloud is not the focus of our discussion now!" The more enthusiastic Hu Rong, Ma Bing and Zhou Tao discussed, the more uneasy Li Xiaogang felt. Please frowned and said in a deep voice said a word.Listening to Li Xiaogang's words, there seemed to be a trace of dissatisfaction, and the three of them, Hu Rong, didn't dare to discuss any more, and hurriedly stopped the topic.Li Xiaogang glanced at the three of them, and said in a deep voice: "The top priority is to start mass production of 'Blood Steel' as soon as possible after the acquisition of 'Tianma Metallurgy' is successful. Try to get Longhao Group's first car on the market as soon as possible!"

Ma Bing nodded with a serious expression, and said slowly: "Mr. Li is right, we really don't have much time. We have to officially launch our new car at the Provincial G Auto Show a month later. With the economic The development of G province has become one of the centers of the world's auto industry. The auto show held in G province, even a super group like GM, attaches great importance to it. Every year, a large number of new models are put on display at the G province auto show. Attract more eyeballs and grab a larger market. If we can seize the opportunity of this auto show and launch our new car under the eyes of the world, it will be more effective than any publicity we do.”

(End of this chapter)

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