The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1409 Yelena

Chapter 1409 Yelena

"Hehe, it turns out that you also thought of using this auto show to start a campaign for our Longhao Group!" Zhou Tao said from the side. "Not only did you think of it, I thought of it too! I was about to discuss it with you, but I didn't expect Ma Bing to say it first!" Hu Rong also said with a smile.As a layman, she knows the significance of this auto show to Longhao Group, so it can be seen that this auto show is indeed very important, and it cannot be missed by Longhao Group no matter what.

Province G has always been an important province in China's economic development, playing a leading role like a locomotive to a certain extent.Although in recent years, with the strong rise of several major groups established by Li Xiaogang in Province S, the contribution of Province S to the national economy has gradually surpassed that of Province G. Heavy industry still exerts a major influence throughout the country and the world.In particular, the annual world-scale auto exhibition organized by Province G is a major event in Province G and even the world.

In order to make a splash at the Auto Show in G Province, so as to seize more shares in the auto market, all the famous auto groups that can be counted all over the world will gather here, and put their most cutting-edge auto products here .Of course, with the arrival of automakers from all over the world, buyers and agents from all over the world are also flocking to them. The total amount of orders transacted at the G Auto Show every year is in the trillions. Such a big piece of cake, GM Of course I won't let it go.Huge costs are spared every year.

Logically speaking, Longhao Group is just a novice who has just completed the process of changing production, and is not qualified to participate in such a large-scale auto show. come and see.Up to Hu Rong, Ma Bing, Zhou Tao, down to every employee of Longhao Group, no one feels that they are inferior to GM.Although this may seem a bit arrogant in the eyes of outsiders, this new car launched by Longhao Group is definitely qualified to make a big business like GM bow down to it!Therefore, the three of them, Hu Rong, didn't feel at all that there was anything wrong with Longhao Group participating in the Auto Show in Province G without a single car on the market.If they are like this, let alone Li Xiaogang.His aim has always been to be number one, not number two.If he didn't even dare to go to a small car show, it would be too unlike his style.

Now that they have decided to participate in the Provincial G Auto Show, they only have a few years left to get the car off the production line.This task may seem easy, but it is not.I don't know how long it will take to pass Huang Ziwen's level alone.In addition, it is not easy to apply to participate in the Provincial G Auto Show.With the world-scale auto show held by G Province, it has become more and more authoritative and appealing, and has formed a golden signboard.In order not to smash this signboard, the Provincial Party Committee of G Province naturally raised the threshold for entering the auto show.After all, there are as many automakers in the world as there are stars, but the booths at the Provincial G Auto Show are limited, and it is impossible to accommodate everyone.And with Longhao Group's current qualifications, if they want to pass the review of the Provincial G Auto Show Organizing Committee, a single word hangs in the balance!

"Time is running out, we don't have time to delay any longer, I think it's time to act! Rong'er, you and I will deal with Huang Ziwen together. Ma Bing, Zhou Tao, you go and settle the auto show organizing committee and confirm our qualifications for entering the exhibition!" "

Li Xiaogang arranged.Hu Rong giggled and said, "Brother Gang, are you planning to do it yourself this time?" Li Xiaogang smiled wryly and said, "Of course! It's about my wife's career, so I naturally have to spare no effort."

"Wife? You call me wife?!" Hu Rong's eyes lit up suddenly, and she looked at Li Xiaogang like two small light bulbs. Obviously, she had longed for this title for more than a day or two.

The eagerness shown by Hu Rong caught Li Xiaogang's eyes, and he couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart, and couldn't help feeling a little guilty.He owed Rong'er and them too much.Li Xiaogang nodded heavily, leaned into her ear and whispered: "Wife, give me a little more time, I want you to be my real wife!"

From the time I met Li Xiaogang to the present, so many years have passed in the blink of an eye.In these years, as a woman, every time Hu Rong saw those newcomers entering the church, she couldn't help feeling sour in her heart.Marriage, status, these are things she has longed for for too long.With tears streaming down her face, Hu Rong kept nodding her head, and she began to look forward to the coming of that happy moment in the near future...

the other side.

I thought everything was in my plan, as long as I got the blueprint, I could put Ma Bing and Zhou Tao to death, making Longhao Group beyond redemption.But who knew, Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway, and everything was reversed in an instant.Instead of making Huang Ziwen's plan succeed, it made him spend tens of millions of dollars.Huang Ziwen trembled with anger at the thought of the owner of the restaurant holding the tens of millions of cash check and closing his mouth from ear to ear, wishing he could strangle him to death.After returning, Huang Ziwen was immersed in great anger. It took less than half a minute to smash his office into a mess.Then I called the beautiful and lovely secretary, and I sat on the soft leather chair, watching her laboriously return everything to its original position, and I felt a perverted pleasure in my heart.

While enjoying the pleasure, Huang Ziwen didn't stop thinking in his heart.From time to time, the figure of Li Xiaogang appeared in his mind. Although he and Li Xiaogang only met once, and Li Xiaogang didn't say a few words at that time, let alone did anything, Huang Ziwen was not an ordinary person. He could see that the kind of Detached, out of the mud and refined momentum.This kind of aura is not something that ordinary people can have, it is the sign of the superior.Huang Ziwen searched hard in his mind, wanting to find Li Xiaogang's figure, but he was disappointed. Among the upper-class people he knew, none of them could overlap with Li Xiaogang's image.The reason why a person is afraid of someone or something is because he lacks sufficient understanding of someone or something.

Just because he didn't know Li Xiaogang well, Huang Ziwen's fear of him became more and more intense. In the end, there was a kind of unstoppable panic.Thinking about it again, this incident actually shocked Dao Scar, which made Huang Ziwen have a few suspicions about Li Xiaogang's ability, which made him shudder.Who is Scar?Although he lives in S Province, his wings can completely cover the whole of China.Even down to the Provincial Party Committee and up to the leaders of Shangfeng, they all paid three points of respect to him, which showed how amazing Scar's power in China was.If he, Huang Ziwen, wants to fight Scar, he probably doesn't even have the door.

Huang Ziwen also thought that if he wanted to stand firmly and firmly in S Province, he had to rely on the big tree of Scar.In order to achieve this goal, Huang Ziwen did not hesitate to think of ways.However, Scar was lukewarm and lukewarm towards him, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.Scar's power is so great, it is destined that it is impossible for ordinary people to ask him to touch him.For the sake of a small dispute and Song Xiaoke's sister and brother, Dao Scar actually wiped out the influence of eldest brother Cheng.

Is this because of the face of the two siblings?Huang Ziwen shook his head, he couldn't even believe that the two siblings would have such energy.If they really have this kind of ability, can Song Xiaoke allow her elder brother Cheng to bully her younger brother like this?Since it wasn't the siblings, Huang Ziwen naturally attributed all this to Li Xiaogang.

Thinking that Li Xiaogang can make Scar confront Big Brother Cheng, it undoubtedly shows that Li Xiaogang and Scar are at least equal, and the two have a close relationship.Looking around the world, how many ordinary people can have a close relationship with Scar?The more Huang Ziwen thought about it, the more dignified he became, and he felt that Li Xiaogang was turning into a thick and huge dark cloud, covering his head firmly. If he couldn't find out Li Xiaogang's identity, it would mean disaster. This feeling made Huang Ziwen feel like he was sitting on pins and needles, and his mind was even more difficult to calm down, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat unconsciously.

"Mr. Huang, what's the matter with you?" The secretary who was busy at the side asked subconsciously when he saw Huang Ziwen's expression was wrong.The secretary's inquiry sounded out of good intentions, but Huang Ziwen yelled mercilessly, "Never mind your business! Get out of here!" Huang Ziwen has always been so domineering in the company, scolding his subordinates as soon as he opened his mouth, although as his secretary, he should She was used to it, but she was wronged like this for no reason, and she was another little girl, so she couldn't stand it, so she rushed out the door crying.Looking at the secretary hiding his face away, Huang Ziwen snorted heavily, his eyes filled with disdain and contempt.In his opinion, these people were born to be scolded by him.

"Dong dong dong" there was a knock on the door, and Huang Ziwen roared angrily, "Get out!" The office door was pushed open carefully, and a staff member came in tremblingly with a folder in his hand Half body.Seeing the nervousness and fear on his face, it was obvious that he didn't want to find Huang Ziwen at this moment, but there was nothing he could do.Huang Ziwen saw him cowering, wanting to advance and retreat, couldn't help snorting angrily and said: "If you want to go in, go in or go away, you are here to play for me!?" The clerk didn't dare to delay any longer , walked in hurriedly, handed a document to Huang Ziwen, and said, "President Huang, this is the fax just sent by the headquarters, please have a look!"

"Fuck off! Do you think I'm in the mood now? Read it to me!" Huang Ziwen roared loudly with warmth and anger before the other party's voice fell to the ground.The clerk shivered and read out the contents of the fax helplessly.It turns out that in order to expand GM's global market share at the Auto Show in Province G that will be held a month later, GM's headquarters attaches great importance to it and ordered Huang Ziwen to start preparations from now on to ensure that he will win a big prize at this auto show. success.At the same time, in order to supervise and cooperate with Huang Ziwen's work, the headquarters also sent an elite, Ye Linna, the marketing director of GM headquarters. "

(End of this chapter)

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