The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1410 Negotiations!

Chapter 1410 Negotiations!

As soon as Huang Ziwen heard the name, his whole body trembled like chicken blood, and he jumped up from the chair, looked at the other party with wide eyes and asked, "You... who do you think wants Come?" "Ye Yi, Ye Linna." The staff member didn't know what the situation was, so he repeated it with some trepidation. "Is she really coming!?" Huang Ziwen lost control and snatched the fax from the staff, and read it word by word.When he really saw the three words Yelena, Huang Ziwen, who was in a bad mood just now and violent, jumped up and down as if he had gone crazy, and kept making smirks.

On weekdays, you must know that Huang Ziwen is very serious, not to mention being crazy like this, it is not easy to even see a little smile on his face.Huang Ziwen's performance really made the clerk who sent the fax a little bit unable to help wondering who this Yelena was, and how could Huang Ziwen have such a big reaction.

Yelena is unknown in China, but she is very famous in country M.Needless to say, her talent and wisdom, her beauty is even more fascinating.Yelena can definitely be regarded as a treasure of GM, and she has made a lot of contributions to GM at a young age.Of course, Yelena, who is both internal and external, naturally has many suitors.Not to mention the exterior, but the interior is universal, and the people who pursue her are enough to fill a whole football field.However, Yelena is beautiful and capable, so her eyesight is naturally much higher.There are very few men who can be looked at more by her, let alone get her love.Therefore, even now, Yelena is single.

When Huang Ziwen went to the headquarters for a meeting, he had dealt with Yelena. When he first met, he couldn't help being overwhelmed by Yelena's beauty. Since then, the shadow of the beauty has been branded in his heart. Do not go.It's not that Huang Ziwen hasn't used Yelena's brains, but it's a pity that the two are too far apart, making it beyond his reach.Every time he thinks of those colleagues who work with Yelena at the headquarters, Huang Ziwen gets a little jealous.

If it wasn't for his reluctance to abandon the throne of the local emperor, he still had the urge to apply for a transfer to the headquarters, so that he could see Yelena every day.Under such circumstances, hearing that Yelena will arrive in China soon, how could Huang Ziwen not be overjoyed? "Go and book a presidential suite right away and charge it to my account! By the way, which flight Miss Ye is taking and when it will arrive, I will pick it up in person!" Huang Ziwen jumped up as if his butt was on fire , said repeatedly, full of excitement.The headquarters had sent important personnel to inspect the Huaxia branch before, but Huang Ziwen had never been as excited and enthusiastic as this time. The little employee at Yuji felt that Huang Ziwen had a cramp in his head.However, Huang Ziwen's urging roar made him dare not neglect, and hurriedly replied: "Miss Ye's plane will arrive in an hour."

"What, what, there is only one hour left? It makes no sense. Why did the headquarters send the fax at this time. I didn't have time to prepare. At least give me some time to choose a decent suit!" Huang Ziwen While muttering in his mouth, he hurriedly arranged his suit and hair.

"Mr. Huang, there are two guests looking for you!" Just as Huang Ziwen was busy, the secretary who was scolded by Huang Ziwen just now appeared in Huang Ziwen's office with red eyes, and said faintly.Huang Ziwen didn't even look at her, he waved his hands again and again and said, "See you, see you! I won't see anyone who comes!"

"Mr. Huang, you seem to be very busy!" As soon as Huang Ziwen finished speaking, Hu Rong's clear and sweet voice sounded.Huang Ziwen was stunned for a moment, then looked up and saw that it was Hu Rong, he couldn't help being surprised.He only watched Hu Rong on TV, and thought Hu Rongsheng was beautiful at the time, but he thought it was just TV, even with ghost makeup, he could become a super beauty on TV, so Huang Ziwen didn't pay much attention to it .However, after seeing the real Hu Rong, Huang Ziwen only felt as if his eyes were dazzled by a diamond, and couldn't help holding his breath, and looked at Hu Rong in a daze. When it comes to Yelena, whom he loves, he doesn't give up at all!
"You are Miss Hu Ronghu!?" Huang Ziwen's eyes flashed a few lights, and he said with a smile: "Miss Zhou's real person is more beautiful than TV, it's amazing! Haha..." Hu Rong chuckled Smiling, he said gracefully: "I didn't expect a big man like you, Mr. Huang, to recognize the little girl. The little girl is really flattered!" Huang Ziwen laughed and said, "Where is it! Miss Hu, please sit down!" Pulled out a chair for Hu Rong.

Hu Rong raised her crescent eyebrows lightly, and said quietly: "Just now, Mr. Huang, you seem to have something urgent to deal with. I won't delay you here, right?" Hu Rong said, Huang Ziwen suddenly remembered to Go pick up Yelena's business.Dare to love Hu Rong is so beautiful, Huang Ziwen actually forgot Yelena aside when he saw it at first sight. It can be seen from this that he is completely a scumbag who likes the new and dislikes the old.Huang Ziwen laughed repeatedly: "Hehe, yes, but it's okay, no matter how important it is, it's worth spending a few minutes for a beautiful lady like you."

"Humph Yihuang is indeed a person who has seen big scenes, and he speaks nicely!" Accompanied by a few sneers full of contempt, Li Xiaogang flashed out from behind Hu Rong.From just now to now, Huang Ziwen has put all his attention on the stunningly beautiful Hu Rong, but ignored Li Xiaogang.This made Li Xiaogang very upset. Seeing Huang Ziwen's lustful eyes flicking around Hu Rong's body at this time, it was very dishonest.

When Huang Ziwen heard the voice, he turned his head suddenly, and was shocked to see that it was Li Xiaogang who couldn't get out of his mind just now, and couldn't help shouting, "Why are you!?" Li Xiaogang A little funny and said: "Why can't it be me? It's because we just separated, and now we meet again? Ha ha, don't get me wrong, I don't want to see you so soon, but I can't help it, let's sit down and talk Let's talk." For Li Xiaogang, who has a mysterious identity and a bizarre background, Huang Ziwen instinctively felt a little fear.Facing Li Xiaogang made him feel as if he was facing a wolf, and he felt even more uncomfortable.

"I just had a very important matter to deal with. Let's make an appointment later!" Huang Ziwen said with his tongue tied.Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said lightly: "That's not right! Didn't you say it just now? For my Rong'er, even the most important things can be delayed for a few minutes. Could it be that I remembered wrongly?" Li Xiaogang Although he is already a demigod, after all, there are still ordinary people who are jealous.Hearing him address Hu Rongrong'er directly, and adding the word "my" heavily in front, it's not hard to see this.But this fell into Hu Rong's ears, which made her very happy.After all, this represents how much Li Xiaogang cares about her, Hu Rong.

"Hehe, I..." Li Xiaogang grabbed Huang Ziwen's words, and he was speechless for a while, with an embarrassing smile on his face.Seeing this, Li Xiaogang sneered, and pushed Huang Ziwen back to his seat.Huang Ziwen was startled, looked at Li Xiaogang, and said in a deep voice: "I don't care who you are, don't forget that you are in my company now, so you can't do anything wrong!" Li Xiaogang said lightly: "When will I Hu is here, I just want to talk to Mr. Huang. Even if Mr. Huang doesn't give me face, he has to give my Rong'er face, right?"

Without Li Xiaogang, Hu Rong would have made Huang Ziwen's heart skip a beat, but with Li Xiaogang around, Hu Rong would have made Huang Ziwen's heart skip a beat.Seeing Li Xiaogang's serious face, not as if he was joking, Huang Ziwen smiled wryly, and said to Hu Rong: "Miss Hu, what do you want from me?" Hu Rong smiled faintly, and said faintly: "That's right, I heard that Mr. Huang has taken special care of my secretary Song Xiaoke, Ms. Song, so I would like to come here to thank you." Although Hu Rong's tone was calm, there was a hidden edge in her words, which made Huang Ziwen's heart skip a beat involuntarily.He let out a few laughs, glanced at Li Xiaogang, and murmured: "This... there may be a little misunderstanding, but I..."

Seeing that Huang Ziwen wanted to explain, Hu Rong waved his hand and interrupted him and said, "Okay, you don't need to explain anything to me. The past is over. Anyway, Xiao Ke and Longhao Group did not suffer any losses. On the contrary, I heard that you I lost a lot of money." Hu Rong's words made Huang Ziwen's face blush, and he laughed a few times and said, "Then what do you expect Miss Hu to come to me today?" Hu Rong chuckled A few times, and said: "I came to you today because I have a business and want to cooperate with you." "Oh? Ms. Hu, what can I take care of, please tell me directly!" Huang Ziwen frowned and said.

"That's right! I heard that GM has a subsidiary company, Tianma Metallurgy, which is directly led by you. I want to talk about Tianma Metallurgy." Hu Rong said straight to the point. "Tianma metallurgy? Ms. Hu, do you think..." Huang Ziwen was stunned for a moment, and asked in a nasty voice. "I want to acquire Tianma Metallurgy with all its capital!" Hu Rong said bluntly and sweetly. "What? Longhao Group wants to acquire Tianma Metallurgical? I want to ask, does Longhao Group really have such a big appetite and can spend such a large amount of money to swallow Tianma Metallurgical? You know, you guys Longhao Group has just completed its transformation and introduced a large number of technical equipment and talents, so it must have spent a lot of money, where did you get the funds to buy Tianma Metallurgical?"

Hu Rong smiled, and said lightly: "You don't care about this, I just want to ask you, if we want to acquire Tianma Metallurgical, will you be willing to transfer it?" , In fact, the loss of Tianma Metallurgy has little impact on GM.It's just that Tianma Metallurgical is the most mature and dynamic among the companies of the same type like General Motors.Huang Ziwen frowned slightly, and asked quietly: "I want to know how much Longhao Group plans to spend to acquire Tianma Metallurgical?" Hu Rong smiled lightly, and said lightly: "Then, Mr. Huang, please open a As long as the price is reasonable, our Tianhao Group is very sincere!"

(End of this chapter)

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