The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1411 Li Xiaogang's Threat

Chapter 1411 Li Xiaogang's Threat
Seeing Hu Rong slender hand waving, so magnificent, as if she was sitting on a golden mountain and didn't worry about money at all, Huang Ziwen's heart couldn't help being shocked, and he always had a feeling of inscrutability and wealth for Tianhao Group.Ever since he knew that Ma Bing and Zhou Tao were staying in Tianhao Group, Huang Ziwen had also studied Tianhao Group specifically.The Tianhao Group before the change of production was the leader in the field of agricultural materials in Huaxia, and its influence was indeed strong, but after all, there was too much difference between automobiles and agricultural materials.This is tantamount to destroying all the original stalls of Tianhao Group, and then re-establishing a new and bigger stall.Moreover, the situation faced by Tianhao Group is much more difficult than that faced by ordinary enterprises when they switch production.

In today's world of genetically perfect seeds, agricultural input companies are becoming increasingly redundant.Other companies can resell their equipment and technology to others, so as to get part of the funds to supplement the company's production change.

But Tianhao Group couldn't do it.Their original good assets have become worthless due to the downturn in the agricultural material industry. Instead of being exchanged for funds, they have become a drag.This means that Tianhao Group has to use all of its past profits to fund the establishment of a new car company. This is not only a change of medicine, but also a change of soup.For the huge capital investment required, I am afraid that even GM will have to fight with the entire board of directors before it can be passed.

Today, the Tianhao Group has just completed the transfer of production, has not yet produced a car, and has not yet earned a dime, so it is thinking of buying Tianma Metallurgy.This not only means the need for huge capital investment, but also requires great courage!Huang Ziwen couldn't help but carefully looked at Hu Rong in front of him. At the beginning, Huang Ziwen only paid attention to Hu Rong's beauty.But at this time, Huang Ziwen clearly discovered another thing in Hu Rong, and that was wisdom!
Not at all inferior to Yelena's wisdom!This shocked Huang Ziwen's heart. He realized that he had been wrong all along. Although Tianhao Group had just started, and it was still a novice transferred from an industry that had nothing to do with the automobile industry, But it's not as vulnerable as he thought before. As long as he wants to, he can crush them to pieces like pinching ants whenever he wants.

On the contrary, at this time, Huang Ziwen felt a deep sense of opportunity from the four words Tianhao Group.This sense of crisis has never been felt since Huang Ziwen took the position of president of GM Huaxia Branch.This sense of crisis clearly told him that if he still took Tianhao Group lightly and ignored things as before, Huang Ziwen would be the one who cried in the end.With this sense of crisis in his heart, Huang Ziwen frowned slightly and said slowly, "Tianma Metallurgy has always been one of the most dynamic and profitable subsidiaries among the many subsidiaries of GM. For no reason, we Why did GM sell such a high-quality company to you?"

Hu Rong smiled lightly and said, "Business, it was originally negotiated. Now General Motors can't find a reason to sell Tianma Metallurgical, but after talking, maybe they will find a reason? Mr. Huang, what are you doing? Veteran of Shiyi, you should know that making money is based on buying and selling. There is no company that cannot be sold. Isn't it?"

After Huang Ziwen heard this, he laughed a few times, and gave Hu Rong a thumbs up and said: "Although Miss Zhou is young, she is very clear about these matters in the business field. It is really not easy, hehe one"

"Mr. Huang, Ms. Ye's plane is about to land in half an hour, are you together?" The two sides were talking, when the door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and the secretary from just now leaned half in. , asked.

Huang Ziwen frowned, clicked his tongue, and shouted angrily, "You are blind! Didn't you see that I was discussing business with Ms. Hu? Get out!" The secretary was scolded by Huang Ziwen again for no reason, and concealed his grievance. He retracted his body.Seeing the secretary's aggrieved and crying appearance, Hu Rong understood why Ma Bing and Zhou Tao hated Huang Ziwen so much.

Huang Ziwen showed an apologetic smile at Hu Rong, and said: "Miss Hu, I'm sorry, I made you laugh just now. These subordinates of mine are not smart and have no vision. If you don't scold them, they don't know What should I do." Hu Rong nodded lightly, and said flatly: "Mr. Huang, you haven't bid for Tianma Metallurgy yet."

Huang Ziwen frowned tightly, and said in a deep voice, "Miss Hu, you also know that Tianma metallurgy is very beneficial, and it is a chicken that can lay golden eggs. Anyone who is a little smarter now knows that the stupid thing of killing a chicken to get an egg is self-inflicted. Therefore, to convince those directors, Tianma Metallurgical must offer a good price!" Hu Rong waved her hand lightly and said, "I don't need to say more about this, Mr. Huang, please feel free to bid for how much Tianma Metallurgical is worth. "Huang Ziwen said with a smile, "Since Ms. Hu is so interested in Tianma Metallurgy and is so sincere, then I won't be too wordy. The price is 200 billion yuan. As long as Tianhao Group is willing to pay 200 billion yuan, Tianma Metallurgy will be yours. It's over!"

As soon as Huang Ziwen quoted the price, Hu Rong and Li Xiaogang couldn't help looking at each other and chuckling a few times.Ma Bing and Zhou Tao knew Huang Ziwen very well, and they even predicted the price he would quote so accurately, exactly.Hu Rong raised her crescent eyebrows lightly, and said with a smile: "Mr. Huang, are you kidding me? Is Tianma Metallurgy really worth so much money?" Huang Ziwen smiled and said, "Miss Hu, the price of such things Originally, you made a price and I paid back the price, and then you took a step back and I took a step back, and negotiated with each other. Therefore, the 200 billion I offered is just a preliminary price, which can be negotiated!"

Hu Rong tilted her head and looked at Huang Ziwen, and said, "It's just that the price that Mr. Huang offered is a bit outrageous, right? According to our assessment, even if Tianma Metallurgy is made of gold, it's not worth as much as 200 billion. Mr. Huang, Are you embarrassing me deliberately by doing this?" Huang Ziwen said with a smile, "Miss Hu is joking, how can I be willing to embarrass you for a beautiful lady like you. Besides, the Tianhao Group has a lot of money, and a mere 200 billion seems to be worth it. Don't you think so?" Hu Rong looked at Huang Ziwen for a while, and said in a calm tone: "Tianhao Group's current capital flow is indeed quite sufficient, but Tianhao Group is not a group of money after all. It is not to be taken advantage of. You can buy something for one dollar, but you have to pay two dollars."

Huang Ziwen smiled and said: "That's good, that's good, Miss Hu, you can make a price!" Hu Rong stretched out a finger, shook it, and said, "Up to 100 billion!" "100 billion!? Miss Hu, you are too Are you underestimating Tianma Metallurgy? Although Tianma Metallurgy is not large, its status in the country is quite high!" Huang Ziwen's exaggerated expression made Hu Rong frown.He said lightly, "No matter how much status you have, it's nothing more than a fox pretending to be a tiger! Once Tianma Metallurgical leaves the yellow jacket of General Motors, I'm afraid no one will take a second look."

"Well - of course I have to admit that what you said, Ms. Hu, is indeed the truth. Tianma Metallurgical can have today's status, not because of the backing of GM. After all, GM has paid so much for Tianma, if there is no one who is satisfied I believe it is unconvincing. Miss Hu, you are so beautiful, you must also have a heart as shining as gold, so you shouldn't make it difficult for Huang, right?"

Li Xiaogang said: "Yeah, Rong'er, will 100 billion be too difficult for Mr. Huang? I think we should reconsider." Huang Ziwen was very happy when Li Xiaogang said this, and shouted at Li Xiaogang Thumb said: "This gentleman is too right, Ms. Hu, you should think about it again." Hu Rong was feeling tired after singing for a long time. Seeing that Li Xiaogang was about to take the stage, she sat on the sidelines happily, Yi stretched out his hand and said to Li Xiaogang: "Okay, then how much do you think we should offer?"

Li Xiaogang pretended to ponder for a while, and said quietly: "We can't embarrass Mr. Huang, and at the same time, we can't make Tianhao Group cost too much. I can figure it out after just a look!" Then, Li Xiaogang turned to Huang Ziwen Zhang Opened a slap.Huang Ziwen was surprised when he saw this, and said in amazement, "500 billion!? This... this is really a bit high. Although Tianma Metallurgy is indeed a good company, it is definitely not worth the amount." I didn’t say that Tianma Metallurgy is worth 500 billion, Mr. Huang, you got it wrong. I meant 50 billion!”

"Tithe what!?" Huang Ziwen thought that Li Xiaogang was speaking for him at first, and he was happy in his heart. When he suddenly heard Li Xiaogang's words, he felt as if he had been thrown into an ice cellar, full of uneasy coldness. He snorted, and said in a gloomy voice: "Sir, are you joking? You are way too outrageous, 50 billion, you might as well grab it!" Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said lightly: "If robbing didn't break the law, I would have robbed it a long time ago. How can I be polite to people like you? Huang Ziwen, let me tell you the truth. The purpose of our coming to you today is to buy Tianma Metallurgy, and you have to sell it if you sell it. , if you don’t sell it, you have to sell it!”

Seeing Li Xiaogang's fierce face, Huang Ziwen couldn't help feeling a surge of fear in his heart. He looked at Li Xiaogang and asked blankly, "What do you want to do? China is a country ruled by law, so don't mess around!" As he spoke, Huang Ziwen hurriedly grabbed the phone on the table.Li Xiaogang did not stop him, but looked at him coldly, and said in a low voice: "Why, you want to call someone? Well, you just call! But before you call someone, you'd better think about it. What happened in the restaurant. Evaluate it in your heart and see if your security guards can fight as well as your black bodyguards? If they are not as good as them, then I will advise you to save yourself. In case you start fighting in a short while, with fists and feet without eyes, I will hurt you myself!"

Li Xiaogang's words were like gusts of biting cold wind, blowing straight into Huang Ziwen's heart, making him shiver a few times, and finally put the phone back when he was about to pick it up.Looking at Li Xiaogang, Huang Ziwen tried his best to calm himself down, and said in a deep voice, "I know your identity is not simple, and you can even move a scar. But I want to remind you that I am not only representing myself, but The entire GM Group. You should know that GM Group is the largest group in the world, with strong financial resources and riches. If you act recklessly, no matter how powerful you are, you may not be able to escape cleanliness!" Li Xiaogang sneered, faintly Said: "Stop bluffing me with these words! If I were really afraid of GM, I wouldn't be here today. Tell me about you, a dignified Chinese, but you insist on working for the foreign devils. Do you know , when the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China, they probably dug up your ancestral grave!"

"What did you say!?" Huang Ziwen yelled at Li Xiaogang angrily.Li Xiaogang laughed strangely, and said coldly, "Why, are you angry? But, do you think I will be afraid? I would be ashamed to give you this kind of person, compared to fists. Listen to me, 50 billion, Sell ​​Tianma Metallurgy to Tianhao Group. Otherwise, what you have done with the gangsters will be well-founded on the Internet, newspapers, and TV. In short, thousands of people will use various channels. Understand the dirty and ugly face hidden under your suit and leather shoes!"

(End of this chapter)

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