The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1412 The Destroyed Table

Chapter 1412 The Destroyed Table
"Big Brother?" Huang Ziwen couldn't help but tremble violently, his face turned slightly pale.Huang Ziwen occupies a high position and has unlimited scenery.People like them cherish two things the most in their life, one is to cherish life, but to love face.But because they are in high positions, they also have much more compulsion than ordinary people.One of them is contact with underworld forces and punks.

People as rich and powerful as Huang Ziwen, wouldn't they be willing to get in touch with a low-ranking gangster like Big Brother Cheng?Naturally they were unwilling, but they had no choice but to settle certain matters for them only by the presence of someone like Big Brother Cheng.It's like dealing with the Song family siblings this time, if Zhang Qiang hadn't been killed halfway, Huang Ziwen might have gotten the blueprint by now, and his merits and virtues have been completed.

Whether they are willing or not, as soon as they come into contact with a person like Big Brother Cheng, the stains will be imprinted on them immediately, and once the stains are formed, he can't get rid of them no matter what!All he can do is cover up, and while covering up these stains, it is inevitable that more stains will fall on them.This vicious cycle continues until finally, even if they jump into the Yellow River, they can't clean up.

As soon as Huang Ziwen heard that Li Xiaogang was going to announce the truth about his collusion with his eldest brother, he felt as if someone was choking him, and a strong sense of fear arose spontaneously.His face was pale and he shouted "Don't!" Seeing that Huang Ziwen's frightened face changed, Li Xiaogang chuckled lightly and said leisurely: "If you don't want the scandal you did, expose it to the world and let yourself live for the rest of your life." Your reputation is ruined, you know what you should do!" Huang Ziwen looked shocked, rolled his eyes several times, and asked in a low voice, "Where is Big Brother Cheng now?"

Li Xiaogang let out a sneer when he heard this, and asked gloomyly: "Why are you asking this? Could it be that you still want to kill people to silence your words!?" Huang Ziwen shook his head hurriedly and said, "No, I didn't mean that!" Li Xiaogang was cold Said in a low voice: "No, it means you are lucky! Let me tell you, it's okay, the eldest brother Cheng is in the hands of Scar now. If you have the ability, you can send an assassin to Lightning to help kill him. However, if you fail, you will be killed by the knife." Scar grabbed it, hey Huang Ziwen, you should know what will happen to you with Scar's means!"

Huang Ziwen nodded in sweat and said, "I understand, I understand, but I still want to ask you... What is the relationship between you and Scar? Why did he help you like this?" After hearing Huang Ziwen's question, Hu Rong sneered a few times in her heart, and thought to herself: "What's the relationship? Xiao Gang is the boss of Scar. If you know, it won't scare you to death!" Li Xiaogang snorted coldly after hearing Huang Ziwen's question , said: "You don't need to worry about this! You just need to be clear, as long as I say a word, Scar will do what I say, that's enough!

Huang Ziwen said with a wry smile on his face: "But selling Tianma Metallurgy to Longhao Group at a price of 50 billion is... really difficult. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the board of directors to approve it." Li Xiaogang sneered , said quietly: "You are the president of GM's Huaxia District, and you are a well-deserved real power figure in GM. The power in your hands is astonishing. Don't tell me that you don't even have the right to execute a small branch. .I’m afraid even ghosts won’t believe it if I tell you this!”

Huang Ziwen said with a wry smile: "You are not in GM, so you don't know the real situation of GM. From the outside, I look like I have a great reputation, but I don't know that I am constrained and restricted everywhere in GM. As for the power in my hands, it is not as powerful as you imagined." Big. Tianma Metallurgical is a very dynamic subsidiary company. It can be sold as I said, and the price is kept so low. If those people in the headquarters find out, they will eat me alive !" Li Xiaogang actually knew in his heart that the acquisition of Tianma Metallurgy for 50 billion was indeed a bit of a bully.However, Li Xiaogang is indeed facing financial difficulties now.Even if it is 50 billion, he still has [-] billion left unaccounted for.

Li Xiaogang frowned, and said coldly: "I don't care about it, it's your problem, you can find a way to solve it yourself." Huang Ziwen was so embarrassed by Li Xiaogang's words that he was about to cry, and his face seemed to be covered with bitter bile Same ugly.It is no exaggeration to say that it is like mourning Yao. "Miss Hu, can we discuss it again..." Huang Ziwen said to Hu Rong with a sad face.Hu Rong chuckled a few times, glanced at him, and said lightly: "It's ok, but you can't discuss it with me, you have to discuss it with him. I've just said it, and now everything is up to him!"

After hearing Hu Rong's words, Huang Ziwen's face became even more bitter, which made Hu Rong see it and be happy in his heart. "Mr. Huang, do you agree or not? Tell me a good word!" Li Xiaogang looked at Huang Ziwen coldly and said.Huang Ziwen gritted his teeth, and was about to come down, when the door of his office was suddenly pushed open from the outside. Huang Ziwen suddenly raised his head, just about to get angry, when he suddenly saw a beautiful, shocking and dazzling face, and the anger instantly Disappeared without a trace.

It's just that the owner of the face seemed a little upset at this time, which made Huang Ziwen's heart skip a beat, and hurriedly stood up, Shanshan said with a smile: "Linna,'re here so soon?" Ye Linna said with a cold face "When you call me, please bring my surname with you. We are not familiar enough to use abbreviations." Ye Linna's rudeness made Huang Ziwen's heart sink, and he said repeatedly: "Miss Ye, I'm really sorry. I was going to pick you up, but it was delayed because of something urgent." He said, pointing at Hu Rong and Li Xiaogang.

Ye Linna subconsciously looked at Huang Ziwen's fingers, and when she saw Hu Rong, Ye Linna's expression changed immediately, and she said in surprise: "Isn't this the famous Hu Rong, Mr. Hu?" Ye Linna's words made Hu Rong Rong felt confused for a while, looking at Yelena and murmured: "Do you know me?" Yelena giggled and said: "Although I am abroad, I am very concerned about the domestic economic circle. Miss Hu leads The Longhao Group is now well-known in China, so how could I not know about it? I have always wanted to meet Ms. Hu, but I did not expect that we would meet here unexpectedly. I think this is probably the legend Fate." After speaking, Yelena looked at Huang Ziwen again, and said with a smile: "It turns out that Huang always didn't pick me up because of the beautiful Miss Hu, and that's forgivable."

Huang Ziwen smiled bitterly and said, "Miss Ye, please don't misunderstand me. Miss Hu is here to discuss business with me..." Ye Linna interrupted Huang Ziwen before he could finish speaking, and said coldly, "What do you use?" You don't need to explain to me, and I won't blame you for not picking up my plane. Mr. Huang, you are busy leading the GM Huaxia Branch, I can understand!" Although Ye Linna said verbally that she was not angry, she His expression and tone were completely opposite.Seeing that Huang Ziwen's anxious forehead was about to sweat, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but chuckled.

Li Xiaogang's laughter drew Yelena's gaze to him.Seeing Li Xiaogang, Yelena was first surprised by Li Xiaogang's handsomeness and demeanor, and after a while, a trace of contempt and contempt appeared in her eyes.This kind of gaze fell into Li Xiaogang's eyes, which caused a trace of anger in Li Xiaogang's heart for no reason.This is completely understandable, after all, no man can bear to see such a contemptuous look from a beautiful woman's eyes.

Li Xiaogang wanted to know very much.Why did this woman named Yelena show such a look after seeing his eyes? Even if she looked down on him, there must be a reason.But soon, Li Xiaogang understood why Yelena looked down on him, and Yelena said to Hu Rong indifferently: "Miss Hu, I'm afraid it will cost you a lot of money to raise such a boyfriend." "Ah?" Hu Rong was stunned for a moment when she heard it, then she couldn't help opening her mouth, and secretly looked at Li Xiaogang.When she saw Li Xiaogang's face turned pale, his brows darkened, staring at Yelena, wishing to bite her, Hu Rong finally couldn't help laughing loudly, and said repeatedly: "That's right, it will cost a lot of money! "

"Ronger!" Li Xiaogang gritted his teeth and glared at Hu Rong when he heard Hu Rong's words, but instead of frightening Hu Rong, it made Hu Rong smile even more happily.Hu Rong's words undoubtedly proved Yelena's guess, which made Yelena look down on Li Xiaogang even more, snorted coldly, and said: "It's not too bad for a big man who looks like a man but needs a woman to support him." Shame!" Li Xiaogang said with an angry smile: "Maybe! But for a woman as rich as Miss Ye, if she wants to find a man to raise her but can't find one, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing?"

"What did you say!? Tell me again!" Yelena was like a bomb that had been detonated, and it exploded at that time.Staring at Li Xiaogang fiercely, he roared.Li Xiaogang shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and said coldly: "Although Ms. Ye has lived abroad for a long time, she is Chinese after all. Why, now she can't even understand Mandarin?" "Miss Hu, I think you should discipline me well." Disciplining your little boy, he is simply too presumptuous, he almost forgot that he is on soft food!" Ye Linna stared at Li Xiaogang and said to Hu Rong.

Seeing that Li Xiaogang was really angry, Hu Rong opened her mouth to explain a few words, but before she opened her mouth, Li Xiaogang lost his temper, and only heard him roar, and slapped Huang Ziwen's desk with his palm.Looking at Yelena, he said coldly, "If you're not a woman, I'll knock out all your teeth for what you said just now!" His teeth were chattering and he said: "Huang Ziwen, I have limited time! If you can't handle that matter within five days, you will be ruined!" After finishing speaking, he pulled Hu Rong and said, "Ronger, let's go !” After finishing speaking, he swaggered out of Huang Ziwen's office.

Yelena, the sweet girl of heaven, is respected as a guest of honor wherever she goes, and she is very protective. When did she suffer from such a useless attitude? As soon as he moved, he heard a loud bang behind him.Yelena was taken aback, and looked back subconsciously, only to see Huang Ziwen's original desk turned into debris all over the floor in an instant, even the utensils on the desk were not spared.Huang Ziwen seemed to have been slapped dozens of times in a row, his face was pale, his eyes were full of panic, he stared blankly at the broken desk, his lips were trembling, and he was speechless for a long time .

Ye Linna couldn't believe that the desk that was still in good condition just now was smashed by Li Xiaogang's palm, and she couldn't help but murmured: "Huang Ziwen, what is your desk made of? It's too weak, isn't it?" Huang Ziwen said with a wry smile: "Miss Ye, you don't know, my desk is made of high-quality pure mahogany."

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(End of this chapter)

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