The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1414 The plan will be counted!

Chapter 1414 The plan will be counted!

Huang Ziwen smiled wryly, and said, "Miss Ye is really amazing! Nothing can escape your eyes.

Yes, as you said, I have some handles in the other party's hands.But so what?I can just take advantage of this opportunity and do my best. In the final analysis, it is still the company that benefits the most.Miss Ye, I know you have always kept a clear distinction between public and private, but sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between public and private! "

Ye Linna said: "But have you ever thought about it? If your plan succeeds and the Longhao Group is in a desperate situation, and the other party uses your excuse to blackmail you in order to protect themselves, what should you do?" Huang Ziwen's eyes widened. He squinted, and said in a cold voice: "No! They will never have such an opportunity again. During this period of time, I will definitely be able to figure out a way so that they can no longer use my handle to blackmail me!" " Are you so confident? Hu Rong is not an ordinary woman. I have heard of her name when I was far away in country M. If you want to deal with her, you have to weigh it!" Yelena asked with a hint of doubt .

Huang Ziwen said in a deep voice: "Don't worry about it! Hu Rong is easy to deal with, but the man next to him is hard to deal with!" "Which boy?" Yelena subconsciously said.Huang Ziwen shook his head, and said slowly: "That man is not a bad boy. Didn't Ms. Ye feel that Hu Rong is very obedient and dependent on that man. And that man does have an extraordinary personality. The ability, not only his martial arts, but also his background is very scary!" Seeing Huang Ziwen's face seemed to be full of lingering fear, Ye Linna couldn't help asking: "Your face is so ugly, could it be that you were once in the Has he suffered a loss in his hand?"

Huang Ziwen glanced at Ye Linna, smiled wryly, and said, "Miss Ye is really astute! Yes, not long ago, I set up a trap to deal with the Longhao Group. Everything was going smoothly, but seeing that the Longhao Group was about to collapse. At this time, this guy appeared. He used extraordinary means to destroy my plan, making me lose a handful of rice instead of stealing the chicken. Thinking about it now, I feel that I was wronged. "After hearing Huang Ziwen's words, Yelena muttered quietly: "In this way, I really underestimate that man. But what is his background?"

Huang Ziwen said in a deep voice: "I'm already sending someone to investigate. But this person's background must not be simple. When we find out, I'm afraid it will surprise us!" "If this is the case, then for the benefit of the company, Long Hao The group can't let it go. With an outstanding manager like Hu Rong, with the help of outstanding talents like Zhou Tao and Ma Bing, and now with such a mysterious and powerful figure as a backer, if we let Longhao Group develop, it will be like As you say, it will certainly be a formidable competitor for us."

"So, Miss Ye, do you agree with my plan?" Huang Ziwen asked.Yelena frowned lightly, and said slowly: "This time, I came to Huaxia to assist you in completing the company's plan to participate in the Auto Show in G Province under the order of the headquarters. I don't care about other things. You can deal with them yourself." " "Don't, Lina! I need your help!" Huang Ziwen said urgently.

"How can I help you?" Yelena looked at Huang Ziwen suspiciously and asked.Huang Ziwen smiled and said: "Of course! I hope that Miss Ye will always be by my side, and I can see your beautiful face every day. This will definitely motivate me greatly, so that I will be able to work together with Longhao Group. Win in the duel!" After understanding Huang Ziwen's words, Ye Linna's eyebrows frowned, and she said coldly: "Huang Ziwen, if you play this kind of joke with me again, don't blame me for being too lazy to talk to you in the future!" Ye Linna's expression and words let Huang Ziwen couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, secretly thinking that it is really not an ordinary difficulty to win Yelena's heart.

Huang Ziwen knew the truth of enough is enough. Seeing Yelena's displeasure, he hurriedly stopped, put away his smile, and said solemnly: "I'm sorry, Miss Ye, I was just joking with you just now. I definitely didn't mean to insult you." I really need your help. If you want to sell Tianma Metallurgy to Longhao Group at an ultra-low price of 50 billion, you must pass the vote of the board of directors. I am afraid that the board of directors will not approve it. After all, there are many people on the board of directors. They are short-sighted, they only focus on vested interests, and never look farther! So I want to ask Ms. Ye to put pressure on them so that this business can be passed on the board of directors as soon as possible. Only with my ability , I'm afraid it's not enough."

Yelena thought for a while and said, "Forget it! In order to contain the Longhao Group and cut off a strong competitor for us in the future, necessary sacrifices are inevitable. I can agree to your request. But I can only do my best to I'm not sure if I'll try it or not." Huang Ziwen said with a chuckle: "Miss Ye has a detached position in the headquarters, and even the chief boss appreciates you very much, and treats you as your own. If you are willing to act , That must be twice the result with half the effort!" Yelena chuckled a few times, and said lightly: "Thank you for your compliment, but I still say that, I will do my best." Huang Ziwen nodded and said: "Please also Miss Ye Can start persuasion immediately, after all, we have limited time!"

Thinking of the threatening words left by Li Xiaogang before leaving, Huang Ziwen couldn't help feeling nervous.He can have today's status, not only because of his tact, but also because of his hard work.After finally climbing to this position, Huang Ziwen naturally didn't want to give up like this.The feeling of being ruined today after being superior yesterday is not so pleasant.

Seeing Huang Ziwen's face full of tension and eagerness, Yelena sneered, and said with a bit of contempt: "You are afraid that it will be too late, and that person will expose your secrets and ruin your reputation?" Huang Ziwen Frowning, he said with a wry smile: "My Miss Ye, what time is this, so stop mocking me. Even if it's for myself, it's of great benefit to the company after all. You should act quickly Yelena snorted and said, "Don't worry, I've always spared no effort for the company. I will do my best to finish this matter as early as possible. Next, let's talk about the Auto Show in Province G. Let's do it."

Huang Ziwen said: "Actually, there is no need to worry too much about the Auto Show in Province G. As the world's largest automaker, it would be unthinkable for the Auto Show in Province G without us. As early as a month ago, the organizer of the Auto Show in Province G had He sent us an invitation, and reserved six booths for us in the original limited booth. You know, our biggest competitor only got four. The six booths were spread out one by one, In the entire auto show, the area is the largest and the location is the most eye-catching. It can be said that it occupies the best location. What we need to do now is to come up with a detailed and exciting publicity plan to maximize the role of these six booths , this has always been your strong point, Miss Ye, so I don't think I need to worry about it."

Ye Linna said solemnly: "This time, the meaning of the headquarters is to take advantage of the opportunity of this auto show to further promote our company's brand, completely defeat our competitors from all levels, and consolidate our dominance in the auto market." Status. Therefore, this time, the headquarters has given a high degree of attention, and we must not take it lightly. These six booths must be used well!" Huang Ziwen nodded and said: "Of course! Since the headquarters sent you Linna Come here, obviously for the purpose of obtaining the greatest results. At the auto show, I will only follow your lead. Just tell me what Ms. Ye needs, and I will make sure that someone prepares it for you and cooperates with all my strength!"

Ye Linna nodded and said, "That's good! Although this is our first cooperation, I hope to achieve the greatest success." Huang Ziwen smiled and said, "That's for sure! Come on, let me introduce to you what I did for this The elite soldiers specially selected for this auto show, with them cooperating with you, Linna, you will definitely feel handy!"


Hu Rong started giggling from the moment she walked out of Huang Ziwen's office.Li Xiaogang turned his head to look at her and asked quietly: "What makes you feel so funny, tell me, let me be happy too." Hu Rong tilted her head to look at him, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "If I say it, you will definitely not be able to laugh." Li Xiaogang frowned suddenly, looked at Hu Rong, and said quietly: "Aren't you still laughing at the fact that that woman treats me as your little boy?" Right?" Seeing Li Xiaogang's depressed expression, Hu Rong laughed uncontrollably and said, "Giggle—you're so smart, you can guess right! Hehe—if I tell my sister about this Once you talk about it, you still don’t know what kind of success they will have!”

Li Xiaogang shook his head gently, and said slowly: "I don't know how happy they will be, but I do know what will happen to you!" Light" Hu Rongjiao said with a smile: "You scare me, hum, I'm not afraid! "

"You're not afraid, are you? Well, don't try to escape tonight! I won't let you stay out of bed for three days, so I'll admit that I'm your little boy!" Li Xiaogang said viciously.As soon as Li Xiaogang became ruthless, Hu Rong softened immediately, came up and hugged Li Xiaogang's arm, and said to Yinqiao with a charming smile on her face: "You won't be so ruthless, right? Look at how weak his body is. , how can I withstand your tossing, you will spare me!"

It's no wonder that Hu Rong withdraws her love for Li Xiaogang in this way. You must know that Li Xiaogang's ability in that aspect can really be described as earth-shattering.If Li Xiaogang was really aggressive, even if Hu Rong threw her life on the bed, she might not be able to satisfy Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang chuckled and said, "Why, are you afraid?" Hu Rong nodded hurriedly and said, "Ling'er and Gao Yuanyuan are not here, I can't stand you alone!" Li Xiaogang snorted and said: " Now that you know that you can’t stand against my supernatural power, forget everything you should forget!” Hu Rong said knowingly: “I know, I will forget everything! This is a secret between us, let’s go!” Li Xiaogang was satisfied He nodded and said, "That's about the same!"

(End of this chapter)

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