The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1415 Clear division of labor

Chapter 1415 Clear division of labor
After making a joke, Hu Rong looked at Li Xiaogang seriously and asked, "Brother Gang, do you think Huang Ziwen will sell Tianma Metallurgy to us for 50 billion as we said?" Nine is inseparable from ten. Huang Ziwen has finally climbed to the current high position, and he will never let himself be destroyed. Therefore, in order to preserve his reputation, he will spare no effort to help us." Hu Rong nodded and said : "I think so too, but now there is another Yelena. I think that beautiful woman is not someone to be messed with. I'm afraid she will block it. At that time, even if Huang Ziwen wants to sell Tianma Metallurgical to us, may not be able to, "

Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Don't worry about that! That Yelena seems very smart and capable, but she is still young after all. She is far behind Huang Ziwen, an old woman who is cunning. Huang Ziwen must have a way to persuade her, and Turn her into a great help for me." "Are you really so sure?" Hu Rong still asked worriedly.Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Of course! I don't even look at who your husband is. You just wait to take over Tianma Metallurgy." Hu Rong could not trust anyone, but she absolutely trusted Li Xiaogang.

Hu Rong smiled and said: "But there is one problem. We don't have enough funds. Even if the deal is finally sold at a price of 50 billion, we still have a gap of [-] billion. Buying Tianma Metallurgical will take up all our circulation. Funds. I am afraid that by then, we will not even have the money to pay wages, and we will inevitably encounter a series of difficulties. I think it is not the time for us to be happy."

Li Xiaogang sighed and said: "Yes! Money is a big problem. The liquidity of Longhao Group must not be occupied. If Longhao Group does not reserve enough liquidity to deal with emergencies, it will be very dangerous Yes." "But if you were alone, would you be able to raise the 50 billion?" Hu Rong looked at Li Xiaogang worriedly and asked.Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said: "Didn't you tell me that Longyu Tourism Group is quite rich now? I think we can find a way from them!" Hu Rong nodded and said: "If you ask Longyu If the tourism group reaches out, it will definitely be able to raise enough funds." Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "I hope so!"

Not long after the two returned to Longhao Group, Zhou Tao and Ma Bing came back.Judging by the faces of the two, it seemed that things were not going well.When Li Xiaogang asked, it was as expected.If you want to find a booth at the Auto Show in G Province, it cannot be said that it is as difficult as climbing the sky, and it is not much different from climbing the Himalayas.Today, Ma Bing personally contacted the organizing committee of the auto show, but they only reported the name of Longhao Group, and before they had time to introduce the strength of Longhao Group in detail, they were flatly rejected by the other party, which made Ma Bing very depressed Full of anger.

Back then, when Ma Bing was in GM's Huaxia branch, he also did work related to consumer auto shows, but he represented GM at that time.As a representative of the General Motors Group, the Ma Bing at that time could be said to be extremely prosperous.When the people from the Auto Show Organizing Committee saw him, they complimented him like bees meet honey, so they almost didn't confess to him.

But now that he has become the representative of the unknown Longhao Group, everything has changed.It is said that the world is hot and cold, but this is too low-minded.An auto show held in its own country does not vigorously promote and support its own national brands, but keeps trying to curry favor with powerful foreign brands.If the Auto Show in Province G continues to develop in accordance with this line of thinking.Then no matter how influential an auto show it becomes in the future, it will only become a tool for those foreign companies to seize the Chinese market and crowd out Chinese companies.

Hearing Ma Bing's words, Li Xiaogang felt aggrieved.It is true that Longhao Group has just completed its transformation and has not yet emerged in the automotive industry.But if because of this, the Provincial G Auto Show ruthlessly deprives Longhao Group of the opportunity to participate in the auto show and make a high-profile appearance in front of the world, that would be too unfair.In order to improve the brand effect of the Auto Show in Province G, it is true that the threshold for entering the auto show should be appropriately raised, but if the only criterion for entering the auto show is based on fame, isn't it too superficial?

Li Xiaogang frowned and asked, "Who is in charge of the organizing committee of the Auto Show in Province G?" Ma Bing replied, "In the past few years, Dai Rulin from Province G has been in charge. This person once studied finance at Harvard University , has some research on the economy." Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, and said, "I think he's just an idiot if he has fart research! Rong'er, don't worry about the auto show. I'll go to Mr. Lin to find a solution. Even It's a hard fight, and we have to grab a booth." "Mr. Lin? Where is Mr. Lin?" Ma Bing asked curiously from the side.

Hu Rong glanced at him, and smiled and said three words, "Lin Chaoran!" "Lin Chaoran!?" Ma Bing and Zhou Tao shouted at the same time, Ma Bing looked at Hu Rong with an expression of disbelief, nah Nakedly asked: "Lin Chaoran, one of the members of the Standing Committee of Shangfeng?" Seeing Ma Bing's surprised expression, Hu Rong giggled and said, "Exactly!" Ma Bing couldn't help but snapped He lowered his thighs and said with a smile: "Mr. Hu, we have such a strong relationship, why didn't you tell us earlier! Lift Mr. Lin out earlier, and Dai Rulin dared not give a shit, obediently give us a booth! Hu Rong glanced at Li Xiaogang, and said with a smile: "It's not that you don't know Brother Gang's temper, but he doesn't want to trouble others if he can handle it by himself. That's fine, you don't have to worry about this matter." Yes. Now we have two things to do."

Ma Bing and Zhou Tao looked serious, and Ma Bing looked at Hu Rong and said, "What's the matter, Mr. Hu, tell me!" Hu Rong said quietly, "Brother Gang and I just came back from Huang Ziwen, and Huang Ziwen has already agreed to pay 50 billion Sell ​​Tianma Metallurgy to us at the same price..." Before Hu Rong finished speaking, Ma Bing and Zhou Tao exclaimed at the same time, and looked at each other in surprise. Looking at Hu Rong, she said blankly: "There is nothing wrong with my ears, right? Huang Ziwen promised to sell Tianma Metallurgy to us, and it was still at such an outrageous price of 50 billion? Is there something wrong with my ears, or Huang Ziwen? He's crazy?"

Zhou Tao's eyes were full of the same doubts as Ma Bing's, and the two of them stared blankly at Hu Rong and asked.Hu Rong giggled a few times, and said quietly: "There is nothing wrong with your ears, and Huang Ziwen is not crazy. In short, after five days, Tianma Metallurgical will be ours. Zhou Tao, I want you to finish it with us. After the acquisition of Tianma Metallurgy, I immediately entered Tianma Metallurgy as the general manager. Within a week, Tianma Metallurgy was on the right track. After half a month, I want to see the first batch of perfect, high-quality 'blood steel' product, can you do it?"

Zhou Tao took a long breath and said confidently: "Mr. Hu, don't worry, if I can't do it, you will dismiss me!" Hu Rong shook her head, and said solemnly: "Zhou Tao, you should know that if you If you can't do it, Longhao Group will suffer a lot, and even if I dismiss you, nothing will be saved. So, I hope you will succeed!" Zhou Tao nodded heavily, with a deep voice He shouted: "It must be successful!"

Hu Rong smiled, turned her head to look at Ma Bing and said, "Mr. Lin came forward to coordinate, and there will definitely be our booth in the Auto Show in Province G. But how to maximize the role of this booth depends on us." Ma Bing, from today onwards, you will concentrate on planning, and all our promotional activities at the auto show must be perfect, so that our booth will become the biggest highlight of the entire auto show!"

Ma Bing frowned slightly, and said, "Mr. Hu, there is a problem now. A clever woman can't cook without rice! Even though I, Ma Bing, are talented, I can't do anything without money. Although Tianma metallurgy only needs 50 billion, but this has already taken up all our working capital, I am afraid we can’t spend a penny to invest in the auto show now. I am really embarrassed!” “There is nothing to embarrass!” At this time, Li Xiaogang said "Doesn't Longhao Group still have one billion yuan in liquidity? It's enough for you to have a good time." Ma Bing said, "But isn't this one billion yuan going to be used to buy Tianma Metallurgy?" Li Xiaogang laughed He laughed and said, "Even if we add the one billion yuan, it's still far from being less than one billion yuan. Don't care about it, you'd better take it to the auto show first. As for the money to buy Tianma Metallurgical, I will think of a way." Yes!" Ma Bing was still a little hesitant, but Hu Rong said: "Ma Bing, just listen to Brother Gang! Just work hard to hold the auto show well." Hearing what Hu Rong said, Ma Bing completely let go of his worries. Zhensheng said: "Mr. Hu, don't worry, I guarantee that our car will shock the entire auto show!"

Hu Rong was about to give a few more words, when her phone rang suddenly, Hu Rong took it out to look, she couldn't help being startled, looked at Li Xiaogang, and said: "It's Mr. Lin!" Li Xiaogang couldn't help laughing and said : "Really, Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there. Why don't you pick him up soon?" Because of the relationship between Hu Rong and Li Xiaogang, Lin Chaoran, Hu Rong, Long Ling'er, and Gao Yuanyuan are already familiar with each other.Because he had no children, Lin Chaoran unconsciously regarded all of them as his own children, and made Hu Rong and the others have a great grandfather out of thin air.

Hu Rong hurriedly connected the phone, and called out sweetly, "Grandpa! Why do you always have time to call me?" Hu Rong's voice was clear and sweet, and the sugar content was quite high. Pay attention to exercise, and he was born in the army, and his body is quite strong, otherwise he would have to be called out for diabetes by Hu Rong's voice.Immediately came Lin Chaoran's incomparably hearty laughter from the other end of the phone, and he said: "Girl Rong'er, your voice is still so nice. Fortunately, I am already a bad old man, otherwise I might be fascinated by you. It looks like, hahaha..."

Hu Rong replied: "Grandpa, you will tease me. Is there anything you want to ask your granddaughter to do when you call today?" Lin Chaoran said: "Then I dare not! You have Xiaogang behind you to support you, look around In the world, who dares to ask you to do something. But then again, Grandpa called you today, and I really need your help." Hu Rongjiao snorted and said: "Look, I know you have something to do You just called me. Tell me, what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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