Chapter 1416
Lin Chaoran laughed a few times and said, "Have you seen Xiao Gang recently? I have something to look for him, but since this kid left the island country, it seems that the world has evaporated. I can't find him no matter what." When I see him next time, I have to install a GPS on him so that I won't find him again!" Hearing Lin Chaoran's annoyed words, Hu Rong couldn't help but giggled and said: " Why is it so troublesome to use? I think you can just find a dog leash and tie him to you! Hehe..."

Hu Rong's words made Li Xiaogang go crazy for a while, and he gave her a hard look.Li Xiaogang was mad at this one, but Lin Chaoran was happy at that one, smiling and praising Hu Rong for a good idea, which made Li Xiaogang gnash his teeth angrily.

After laughing enough, Hu Rong said into the microphone: "Grandpa Lin, Xiao Gang is right next to me, so don't worry. Actually, if you didn't call first, we will call you!" Is Xiao Gang really by your side? Quick! Let that brat answer the phone!" Lin Chaoran's voice on the phone suddenly became urgent, obviously he wanted to find Li Xiaogang urgently.

Li Xiaogang frowned slightly, took the phone from Hu Rong's hand and said in a low voice, "Mr. Lin, I'm Xiaogang." Hearing Li Xiaogang's voice, Lin Chaoran immediately let out a long sigh of relief, and said : "Xiao Gang, I finally found you!"

Li Xiaogang asked worriedly: "Why, what happened?" Lin Chaoran didn't answer and asked instead: "Let me ask you first, Yukio Yamamoto set up such a grand occasion to entertain you, why did you Do you want to leave without saying goodbye?"

When Lin Chaoran asked about this, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but smiled wryly. Yukio Yamamoto had put on a big scene, but Li Xiaogang didn't dare to go.A Chang Xuefei, plus Mei Jizi, I am afraid that no matter how delicious Zhenrong is, Li Xiaogang will not be able to eat it.After coughing, Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, it's not that you don't know my temper, I don't like that kind of occasion..."

"Come on! In front of me, you still do this? Xiaogang, let me tell you, some things cannot be avoided. In a few days, Yukio Yamamoto will pay a state visit to our country. At that time, Mikiko will also We will come together. They want to see you by name, I don’t think you can run away!”

Li Xiaogang couldn't help frowning and said: "He came to visit his state affairs, why did he see me? I don't know why!" Come forward!" Lin Chaoran said firmly, leaving no room for Li Xiaogang to refuse at all.Li Xiaogang was about to go crazy, and couldn't help saying anxiously: "The old man is clearly an unreasonable request. Why did the leader agree to them? Whether they want to come or not, it's as if someone begged them to come. Anyway, when the time comes, I will Not going!"

Lin Chaoran's voice also raised an octave, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Why, you want? The leader has already promised others, if you don't come when the time comes, where will the leader's face be put? Do you want our leader to change? Become an unbeliever?" Li Xiaogang said frantically, "But...but this has nothing to do with me!"

Lin Chaoran said in a deep voice: "How do you know it has nothing to do with you if you don't come? Let me tell you, the purpose of Yukio Yamamoto's visit to our country this time is mainly to promote cooperation between the two sides in the military field. In other words, this will surely It will have an immeasurable impact on your plan for the Great Aviation Age. Didn’t you say that in order to resist the attacks of aliens with highly advanced civilization and technology, countries all over the world must unite tightly, eliminate differences, and broaden the Cooperation. And our military alliance with the island country is likely to be the first step you want to take, do you think it has anything to do with you?"

Although the island country has no army and only a few self-defense forces, the island country has technological advantages that are incomparable to most countries in the world. If it can cooperate with the island country, it will indeed have an immeasurable impact on Li Xiaogang's plan.From this perspective, Li Xiaogang will not only participate in Yukio Yamamoto's visit to China, but also actively participate in it.But when he thought of Mikiko who was like a nympho, Li Xiaogang hesitated.

"Hey, Xiaogang, what do you think, come or not?" Hearing Li Xiaogang's silence for a long time, Lin Chaoran couldn't bear to urge him.Li Xiaogang said vaguely: "Let's talk about it when the time comes. I have something to do now and I can't get away." Lin Chaoran curled his lips and said: "Don't be perfunctory here, don't I know what you are thinking? I won't I understand, since you already have Rong'er, Ling'er and Gao Yuanyuan so many good daughters, why do you care about having one or two more? In fact, Mei Jizi is also pretty good, she is beautiful and smart..."

Listening to Lin Chaoran's nagging seems to be endless, Li Xiaogang couldn't help interrupting him, and said: "Master, when did you change your career as a matchmaker? It's easy to say, don't forget, our country is monogamous now, You won't let me know the law and break the law, will you?" Lin Chaoran couldn't help but cut his throat and said: "I see that you are very shrewd, but I didn't expect to be so corrupt sometimes. The law stipulates that, yes, But everything can be changed!"

Hearing Lin Chaoran's words, Li Xiaogang's eyes lit up suddenly, and he said anxiously: "Master, what do you mean by that..." Lin Chaoran said with a chuckle: "Boy, don't think that the leader and I will only squeeze you We are also very concerned about your affairs. Ronger, Linger, Gao Yuanyuan and Song Shuang are all good girls, and we don't want any of them to be sad in the future Heartbroken, so I have been trying to figure out a solution for you. Although the solution can't be figured out in a day or two, the leader and I assure you that it will end successfully for you in the end!"

This has always been one of Li Xiaogang's most worrying problems, but he did not expect that there would be a turning point so soon.Since the leader is trying to figure out a way for him, why is he worried?Li Xiaogang was a little excited for a moment, and couldn't help but said in a trembling voice: "Master, I...I really don't know how to thank you and the leader..." Lin Chaoran smiled and said: "What is our relationship? Are you talking about this? However, if you really want to do something to repay me and the leader, I hope you will be present when Yukio Yamamoto visits China!" Li Xiaogang gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I will show up at that time." Lin Chaoran's comfortable laughter came from the other end of the phone.

However, the laughter didn't last long before it stopped, and Lin Chaoran's voice suddenly became serious again, asking: "Xiao Gang, Longyu Tourism Group is your business, right?" Hearing Lin Chaoran mention Longyu, Li Xiaogang frowned involuntarily, and with a grunt, said: "That's right, it's my company!" Lin Chaoran asked in a deep voice: "Then you should also know about the tiger in the cloud found in Xingfu Village?" Li Xiaogang He replied: "I know, but I just found out."

Lin Chaoran said kindly, "I knew you were still kept in the dark. Xiaogang, in your opinion, is it credible that the rare cloud tiger was found in the mountains around Xingfu Village?" Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, Said: "I'm afraid the old man has come to a conclusion, right?" Lin Chaoran gave a sigh of relief, and said: "Now this matter is getting bigger and bigger, and the major media are discussing it hotly. The leader and I don't care if we want to. Let's consult According to relevant experts, more than 80.00% of the experts believe that in an environment like Xingfu Village, the probability of tigers in the cloud surviving is infinitely close to zero. In other words, this is likely to be a rumor! It is someone trying to attract a large number of tourists A deception created by going to Happy Village. What do you think?"

Li Xiaogang shook his head, let out a sigh, and said slowly: "My point of view is consistent with your experts! It is indeed impossible to find a tiger in the cloud in a place like Xingfu Village."

Lin Chaoran said in a deep voice: "Xiaogang's incident is quite bad. If it is found to be a scam, it will be the biggest scam in our country in recent years. Longyu Tourism Group and Xingfu Village are likely to suffer a heavy blow because of this. , never recovered. All the hard work that people have put in for so many years has been in vain."

"I know the seriousness of this matter. But now I don't understand. He Sheng, the president of Longyu Tourism Group, is a very outstanding and intelligent person. I can't think of him using such a There are a lot of doubts about it. Now I don’t want to make judgments!” Lin Chaoran said: “I also know this, but at present, more and more evidences are beginning to point to the discovery of cloud in Xingfu Village. Zhonghu is a scam. Once the masses find out that they have been deceived, the consequences will be quite serious. Xiao Gang, we must find a way to remedy it as soon as possible, and strive to minimize the impact before the truth of the matter surfaced! "

After several years of development, Longyu Tourism Group and Xingfu Village have become the leading industries in the national tourism industry, and the tax revenue they bring to the country every year is frighteningly high.The country naturally does not want such a gold-absorbing stone-like enterprise to collapse.Li Xiaogang said in a gloomy voice: "I know what you said, but the problem is that I know too little about this matter. I don't know the root cause of the disease, and I don't want to prescribe medicine indiscriminately!" Lin Chaoran said: " Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you go back to Xingfu Village immediately and investigate?"

Li Xiaogang said with a wry smile: "I also want to go back as soon as possible, but it just happens that there is a difficult thing that trips me up and I can't get away from it!" Lin Chaoran said quietly: "You are with Rong'er now, That must be the Longhao Group encountering a problem?" Li Xiaogang nodded and said with a smile: "Mr. Lin is really shrewd, no matter what he guesses right, we were about to call you just now, and there is just one thing that needs you s help."

Lin Chaoran said loudly: "If you have anything to say, just say it! The Longhao Group switched to producing cars. The leader and I are very strong. Now, foreign car manufacturers wantonly snatch our domestic car market, while our domestic car industry is I can only watch helplessly, unable to resist at all. I can see a lot of money flowing into foreigners’ wallets. Revitalizing our domestic automobile industry" "Resisting the invasion of foreign automobile manufacturers is of great benefit. No matter what difficulties Longhao Group has, the leader and I will do our best! Xiaogang, if you need my help, just say yes! "

(End of this chapter)

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