The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1417 Dai Rulin

Chapter 1417 Dai Rulin

Although this is Lin Chaoran's consistent attitude, Li Xiaogang also knows that if he speaks, Lin Chaoran will do it no matter what it is.But hearing Lin Chaoran's words with his own ears still made Li Xiaogang feel warm in his heart.After a pause, he said, "Master, Longhao Group is going to participate in the Auto Show in Province G." As soon as Li Xiaogang's words came out, Lin Chaoran praised him and said, "Okay, you have ambition! However, at the Auto Show in Province G , all the car predators who are in charge of the world are present, do you have the confidence to compete with them in your products?"

Li Xiaogang said with a slight smile: "Grandpa, don't you know me yet? Either don't do it, and do it best! I have absolute confidence in the cars produced by Longhao Group!" Lin Chaoran laughed and said: "It seems that I am worried about others. Hehe..." Li Xiaogang said: "I have enough confidence in the cars produced by Longhao Group, but now there is a problem. The G Provincial Auto Show seems to refuse to give us That ticket."

Lin Chaoran became angry when he heard it, and said with a bang on the table: "This is unreasonable! What does the organizing committee of the G Sheng Auto Show do? If national enterprises such as Longhao Group do not issue admission tickets, then they will give admission Who are the tickets issued to? Xiaogang is on my shoulders. I will immediately call the group of people in the organizing committee. I will ask them what is going on in their heads every day! Do you want to Think about this country, think about our own people!" After finishing speaking, Lin Chaoran hung up the phone heavily.

Lin Chaoran has such a temper, Li Xiaogang knows it well and doesn't care.Now that the matter was handed over to Lin Chaoran, there was only one thing left for him to do, which was to wait patiently.After hanging up the phone, Li Xiaogang said to Ma Bing and Zhou Tao: "Leave the matter to Mr. Lin, and we don't have to worry about it anymore. You should hurry up and prepare for the activities at the auto show." After speaking, he looked at Hu Rong and said: "As you heard just now, the matter of Longyu Tourism Group has intensified. Now even the leader and Mr. Lin have been alarmed. I have to go back and investigate. So, I'm leaving now."

Hearing that Li Xiaogang was going to leave, Hu Rong couldn't help but tighten her heart. She looked at Li Xiaogang full of reluctance and asked, "Can't you stay for a few more days?" Big or small, I'm afraid I can't delay. I'd better deal with it early, otherwise, when everything is settled, I can't do anything even if I want to." "But...but I don't want you to go..." Hu Rong Looking at Li Xiaogang sadly, he said quietly.Speaking of which, Li Xiaogang felt very guilty. Every time he came back, he basically had to leave after meeting them in a hurry and rarely stayed with them properly.

Gently pinching Hu Rong's little face, Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Rong'er, don't do this, I will be back soon. Besides, I have to go back to raise money to buy Tianma Metallurgy, right?" Got it Assuring that Li Xiaogang would come back, Hu Rong reluctantly sent Li Xiaogang out.

Province G, China's well-deserved economically strong province, is prosperous everywhere you look.No wonder the leaders of province G are always arrogant in front of the leaders of other provinces, they have the capital of arrogance!The annual auto show is about to kick off again, and Dai Rulin has entered the busiest period of the year as in previous years.Every day, a large number of applications flood into his office from all over the world.Dai Rulin has to organize a team to evaluate the companies that have sent applications one by one, and then allocate the booths in the auto show reasonably.This sounds easy, but it is very difficult to do.

There are so many car manufacturers in the world, and everyone wants to use the platform of G province auto show to promote themselves and greatly improve their status in the car field.Therefore, they have to sharpen their heads and enter the Provincial G Auto Show.And entering the auto show itself is a symbol of strength, so various car manufacturers can be said to be unscrupulous, with endless tricks.It is common to falsely exaggerate the strength of the company.If you don't carefully identify and verify, the consequences will be disastrous.Even so, it is impossible to include all powerful automakers in the provincial G auto show. After all, the booths are limited. What's more, a big brother like GM will occupy multiple booths by one person. , This makes it difficult for many powerful automobile companies to enter the Provincial G Auto Show.

Since the day when the organizing committee was formed, the homes of the organizing committee members became lively.In order to squeeze into the auto show, there are too many bribes in various names.If the members of the organizing committee let go of their courage and stretch out their hands, the benefits they can get in a short period of time will definitely be astronomical.On the one hand, he has to review the qualifications of each applicant unit and allocate booths, and on the other hand, he has to supervise his subordinates, be strict with himself, and not fall into the quagmire of bribery. It can be said that Dai Rulin is so busy that he never touches the ground.

Just when Dai Rulin was a little upset because of his busy work, the application of Longhao Group was handed over to him.Dai Rulin took it over and took a look, then shouted angrily: "What's wrong? Didn't I reject this application before, why did I bring it again? My time is not wasted like this!" "This Minister Wang personally handed over this application."

"What!?" Dai Rulin looked over in astonishment, and asked in a concentrated voice, "You're not mistaken, are you?" The man smiled wryly and said, "Boss, do you think I might have made a mistake in this matter?" Seeing that Dai Rulin fell silent, the man continued: "Boss, I think you should approve Longhao Group's application." "Approval? It's easy to approve, but now all the booths have been allocated. A booth was approved for him? What is the background of this Longhao Group? You can find Minister Wang there!" "No matter what the background is, it must not be shallow, otherwise it is impossible to alarm Minister Wang. You know, Minister Wang is very interested in the auto show. Things are never asked.”

Dai Rulin nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Wait a minute, I'll go to Minister Wang!" Dai Rulin took the application from the Longhao Group from that person, and went straight to Wang Fei's office.Wang Fei was reviewing documents when he saw Dai Rulin coming in led by his secretary, put his pen aside, stood up with a smile, and said to him, "Ru Lin, you must be exhausted from being busy with the auto show for a while. Well, I think you seem to have lost a lot of weight." Dai Rulin said with a wry smile: "It's like this every year, I'm used to it."

Wang Fei said: "You can't do this. If you get used to it, you have to pay attention to your body! You don't have to do everything yourself if you assign it to the subordinates. In general, it's enough to check it out!" Dai Rulin said: "I don't feel relieved that such a big event as the auto show is left to my subordinates." Wang Fei pointed to him and said, "You are born to be Cao Xin's fate!" Dai Rulin smiled and said, "Since Minister Wang knows I have a lot of tricks, so don't embarrass me any more." Dai Rulin's words stunned Wang Fei, and he looked at him puzzled and asked, "What's wrong with me?"

Dai Rulin put the Longhao Group's application in front of Wang Fei, and said, "Isn't that embarrassing for me?" Wang Fei took the application over, glanced at it, and said with a smile, "Oh, so it is This matter. What’s so embarrassing about it, you just give Longhao Group a booth and it’s over?” Dai Rulin cried and said: “There are only a few booths, if you give it to Longhao Group, others will have none. Besides, I have learned about the situation of Longhao Group. Although Longhao Group was a well-known large group in the country before, it produces agricultural materials after all, and has nothing to do with automobiles at all.

Although the production has been changed, so far, there is no car with its own brand. How can I grant limited and precious booths to such a group?Now there are quite a few powerful car companies that have not got a booth, how do you want me to explain to them? "

Wang Fei shook his head and said, "Ru Lin, let me ask you, how many automakers participating in this auto show are from our own country?" Dai Rulin frowned, and replied, "Less than [-]%!" Fei said in a deep voice: "Yes, as the host, in the auto show hosted by our country, our own automakers only account for [-]%. Don't you think this is really too shabby?" He said bitterly: "I know this too! But in terms of facts, our country's auto industry is indeed far inferior to that of foreign countries. It's because they don't live up to their expectations, and I can't help it!"

"Yes, they are not up to date! But is there no reason for us?" Wang Fei said in a deep voice: "Why do we hold an auto show? We just want to promote our China's cars and revitalize our China's auto industry through the auto show. But now, the fact is exactly the opposite. The auto show we hold all our efforts has become a platform for foreign automakers to invade our country's auto market. The more prosperous our auto show is, the more difficult the situation our domestic auto industry will face. Serious. You can go out and listen to it. Our Auto Show in G Province looks good, but it is actually notorious, especially those domestic car manufacturers, pointing at our backbone and calling us traitors!"

"Is there such a thing?" Dai Rulin looked at Wang Fei in amazement and asked.Wang Fei smiled and said: "Ru Lin, you are a high-achieving student who graduated from Harvard. You are indeed good at economics. But you still have a lot to learn in politics. You have time. At this time, you might as well go to those auto companies in our country and ask questions, this will have very important positive significance for you to reposition and develop auto shows.”

Dai Rulin frowned, and said quietly: "Perhaps what you said is reasonable, perhaps the threshold for our auto show in G Province is a bit higher and cruel for some domestic auto industries, but I think that only in this way can we be better." Good to motivate them. In addition, if we want the Provincial Auto Show to exist as the world's top auto show, it must be fair. If we favor the auto industry in our country because we are the organizer, it will undoubtedly be self-sufficient and will only ruin Our auto show! So, you should take back this Longhao Group's application."

(End of this chapter)

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